Simply Irresistible


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"They're having so much fun they decided to stay around a little longer..."

She paused and her voice had a hint of amusement to it as she continued.

"A lot longer, in fact. Insatiable little cuties, aren't they?"

Briana's chest heaved at her words. Her breath quickened. It was impossible to prevent a hand from caressing a nipple.

"I asked them about you," Olivia went on. "You disappeared quickly at the club. We were hoping to find you, take you with us."

They had been looking for her, too? Briana had never thought of that. Before she knew it, her legs were edging apart and her fingers were slowly brushing their way towards her sweet spot.

"Your two friends were more obvious," the husky voice continued. "But you didn't fool me. I could see that look in your eyes."

She could? What look? Briana's fingertips paused on her clit, her bottom lip trembling in a whole mixture of emotions.

"You've thought about us, haven't you?"

Darn it, how did she know? She couldn't have been aware that Briana had hidden in the stall, listening to and watching what was going on. Her fingers began to tease her clit again as those illicit images formed vividly in her head again. They were way too sexy to resist. She gasped as her clit throbbed in response to her teasing fingers.

"So, I was thinking..." Olivia continued, not waiting for a reply.

The sound of heavy breathing at the other end of the line told the older woman all she needed to know.

"Why don't you come over, see what we're up to..."

The suggestion shocked Briana and she apprehensively switched ears with the phone. She felt her fingers pause. She couldn't. It wasn't possible. She wasn't that kind of girl. Besides, who knows what would she be walking into?

And yet...

Images of the older woman fingering her friend to an orgasm appeared infront of her eyes again. They'd never been far away from her thoughts during the last twenty-four hours. She'd masturbated so many times to the recollection of Olivia pushing Leah down between her thighs, making her lick her. Except in her masturbatory fantasies, she was the one that Olivia was so brazenly taking charge of.

She began to breathe more heavily. Her fingers had a mind of their own and had resumed their dance over her sensitive body. With each soft caress, it was becoming more and more difficult to think clearly. A fog of arousal was swirling round her head.

"I've sent a taxi for you," the husky voice told her. "It'll be there shortly. And I know you'll want to wear something sexy for Olivia..."


As she stepped out of the taxi, Briana's heart was beating so fast she thought it might explode. When Olivia opened the door to her, it threatened to burst through her chest.

She had dressed sexily as this woman had requested. The tight, brown tee-shirt displayed some midriff and a vast amount of her cleavage. Her jeans, accompanied by a large turquoise belt, clung tightly to her ass. Olivia's watchful eyes took their time looking up and down her lithe young body and then she nodded her approval.

When she silently turned and headed for the stairs, she knew the girl would obediently follow. She was here, after all, wasn't she?

Briana hesitated for only a brief second before following her upwards, wondering whether that sexy swing of her bubble butt was natural or for effect. Olivia must know that she was helplessly staring at her ass.

It continued to sway as they headed along a hallway and stopped outside the second door. Olivia stood to one side, smiling confidently at her as she nodded at the door. Briana felt as if it were a challenge, as if she was being invited to enter of her own free will and that by doing so there would be no turning back.

Her hands shook as she turned the handle and pushed the door open. She almost fainted at the sight confronting her. Neither of the two older black women was familiar, but even in such a carnal pose it was clear that the white girl was Leah.

They were all naked.

Leah was stretched out on the bed, her head between the plumper woman's legs, lapping at her pussy. She looked so happy, so eager, but somehow so different. As if something had changed inside of her.

The other woman was half-sitting, half-kneeling behind Leah, gently fucking her with a huge strap-on.

Briana had heard of such things, but she had never seen one. She took an involuntary step backwards, her hands reaching out for something to stop her from falling. Olivia's curvy body pressing into hers kept her upright.

"Watch," she whispered.

Her hot breath against Briana's neck added to the arousal flowing through the younger girl's body. She didn't need the encouragement. Her eyes had been drawn to the bed like a moth to a flame. Even if she wanted to, Briana doubted she could look away.

Leah's hands held the women's legs apart by her ankles as she lapped at her. She was almost methodical, licking from bottom to top as the woman with the strappy took her from behind. The woman fucked her with a rhythmic ease, pushing Leah's body forward with each pump of her hips so that each lap of her tongue burrowed deeper.

Briana felt like she was watching her own porn movie.

The woman with the strap-on turned her head to look across the room at her. Her tongue ran across her full lips at the same time as her wide eyes devoured every inch of Briana's tight body. She felt herself shudder at the predatory look.

The woman slowed her pace slightly, giving Briana a clearer view of the black phallus as it pushed into her friend and then partially withdrew. Had Briana ever seen a sexier sight?

"Leah is making great progress," Olivia whispered in her ear. "We'll have her fully trained in no time."

"Trained?" Briana just about managed to croak.

She wanted to turn to look at Olivia but it was impossible to take her eyes away from the sight confronting her. The woman was still watching her as she fucked Leah. Her eyes were talking to her, sending her a message. She'd be next?

"Yes, trained," Olivia murmured.

Her firm, knowing tone suggested that there was little choice. This was the way things were going to be.

"I have a number of clients, older black women who are willing to pay to have cute little white girls to play with. Isn't that such a lovely thought for your pretty little head?"

She should have been disgusted. Briana knew she should. But the arousal flowing through her body made it difficult to form a cohesive thought in her mind.

Trained to service black women? Was that what Olivia was telling her? No, she must have misheard. It sounded almost like slavery. Sexual slavery. Such a thing wasn't possible. Was it?

"Let's find Aimee," Olivia suddenly whispered. "Check on her progress, too..."

Without giving her a moment to think—even if she were capable of such a thing right now—Olivia guided her away, back along the hallway towards another room. This time it was the older woman who opened the door and instructed Briana to enter.

She did so slowly, tentatively, one small step at a time.

It was impossible to tell for sure that it was Aimee on the bed. But her instincts told her it was. She was lying on her back, her white hands curled around black thighs as an older woman straddled her face and rubbed her pussy back and forwards across her mouth.

The colour contrast was amazing.

A second black woman was between Aimee's thighs, her full-figured body stretched out across the mattress as she slowly licked the girl's smooth pussy. Aimee's body flinched with each sexy lap of her tongue.

Briana felt Olivia's mouth on the back of her neck again. Only this time, it was more possessive and insistent. She melted back into the older woman's body just as one of Olivia's hands found her left breast through her thin brown tee-shirt. Her nipple burned into the woman's caressing palm as the touch became more insistent.

Olivia's other hand was sliding down her stomach as she held Briana close to her body. She should have objected. She should have told her to stop. But she knew she couldn't. They both knew she couldn't.

The tantalising fingers undid the zip of her blue jeans and then slithered into the gap. They easily found their way inside her thong. When the fingers rubbed across her labia, the sudden touch made Briana flinch in pleasure and she gave a long, whimpering groan.

"So wet and so needy," Olivia whispered seductively into her ear. "I knew you would be...."

When she tweaked Briana's nipple through her top and worked a single finger inside her, the girl groaned out loud again. Olivia smiled to herself as she fell back against her. The time was right.

"You'll get used to that soon enough," she told her. Her voice was low and persuasive. "I just know my friends and clients are going to adore that hot lil white body of yours. Why don't you and I go next door? You'd like that, yes? You need it, baby. It's your turn to become like your friends now."


The room was similar to the others. A large bed lay against the far wall and some solid oak furniture was haphazardly scattered around the room. A large mirror was set against the nearest wall and Olivia turned the girl to face it. Briana barely recognised herself.

Her normally sparkling brown eyes were clouded with lust. Her rosy cheeks were even more flushed than usual. Her long dark hair was unkempt, falling over one eye. But most of all, it was the distant, aroused expression staring back at her that was so unfamiliar.

This was surreal, like a dream.

They were being trained? That's what Olivia had told her, wasn't it? She had a number of clients—older black women—who were willing to pay to play with 'cute little white girls'.

The thought bounced around her cloudy brain. Something was very wrong. It should have sent alarm bells off in her head. But instead, the thought was sending pinpricks of arousal through her hot tight body and all she could do was squirm against Olivia in anticipation.

Her gaze returned to their reflections in the mirror. They were both naked. How had that happened? She couldn't remember undressing.

Olivia's tits were fabulous for her age, large and pendulous with dark chocolate nipples. They were thick and erect. When she took a step behind Briana and pressed them into her back, the girl moaned. It was a long, throaty sound that Briana hardly recognised it as her own.

Another followed when Olivia slowly trailed her fingers along her young asscheeks. The touch felt soft, cool. She gasped when Olivia's hands cupped both cheeks, squeezing like she would with a ripe peach.

"Dayum, girl, that ass," Olivia huskily murmured into her ear. "My clit so wants to fuck that ass..."

When she felt the woman's groin press into her, Briana bit her lip and found herself pushing backwards. One of Olivia's arms went around her body, covering her breasts. She held Briana close as she began to gently hump her groin against her ass.

Briana's moan turned into a growl. She half turned her head to look at the woman and suddenly Olivia's half-open mouth found hers. The over-the-shoulder kiss was wet, wild and passionate.

As one sloppy kiss turned into a second, Olivia's free hand slid down her stomach. This time she worked two fingers inside her, making the teenager gasp out loud.

Suddenly, everything was closing in and the heat was intensifying inside Briana's helpless body.

Olivia was sucking on her tongue. Her sloshing fingers were pumping machine-like inside her. Her groin was humping faster. Briana could actually feel the woman's clit scraping across her asscheeks.

Why did that feel so good?

The sound of their heavy breathing filled the room. Someone was moaning out loud. It sounded like her. She was giving herself and she didn't care where it would take her. The feeling was intoxicating. Her narrowed eyes glanced at their reflections in the mirror. The sight was captivating. This woman was in control, taking her.

Oh fuck ... she was going to cum...

Olivia's arm tightened around her breasts. It was as if she felt her imminent surrender. There was no escape. She didn't want to escape. The woman's black groin was fucking her white ass. She began to hump back on the plunging fingers and all of a sudden she was there.

"Cum, girl," the husky voice growled in her ear. "Let yourself go ... give yourself over to Olivia...."

Briana didn't just cum. She gushed.


Olivia stood in front of the trembling girl, with Brianna's thick turquoise belt dangling between her fingers.

She might be in her fifties, but that wonderfully naked black body made Briana drool. She didn't know when it had begun, but the growing feeling of submissiveness was exhilarating.

She didn't object when the woman reached out to wrap the belt around her waiting neck and then followed, as if on a leash, when she led her across to the bed. Olivia sat her on the edge of the mattress and then leant forward to brush her nipple across Briana's lips.

The dark-chocolate coloured bud was begging to be sucked.

Briana wasn't bi, she reminded herself, but like most girls she had always wondered what it would feel like to suckle another woman.

With a whimper, she tentatively licked around the nipple, taking her time to savour the taste and texture. She used the tip of her tongue to flick it, loving the firmness. When Olivia moaned softly, she greedily closed her lips around it and sucked it deep inside her needy mouth.

Olivia let her find her own way, curling her fingers in Briana's dark hair and stroking encouragingly as the girl pleasured her. After a while, she used the belt to lift her head and move her to her other breast.

Briana sucked on the left nipple with the same eagerness with which she'd attacked the right. Occasionally, Olivia lifted her head so that she could rub each thick bud across the whole of her face. Briana growled out her need, saliva dripping from her mouth onto the nipples as she went after them like a dog with a bone.

"You have a real talent for this, girl," Olivia encouraged.

Her voice was thick and husky and she smiled down at Briana like a cat that had got the cream.

"Why don't we found out what other talents you have?"

She tightened the belt around the girl's neck and used it as leverage as she twisted on the bed. Before she knew it, Briana's face was between her spread legs. Her pussy was right in front of her eyes.

Her thick labia were glistening, staring at her, calling her, needing her. It was impossible to draw her gaze away from that juicy sex.

Brianna's already hazy pupils dilated even more

Olivia held her there, allowing her to breathe in her musky aroma. Then, with a sudden upward push of her hips, she smeared herself across the girl's partly open mouth.

The move took Briana by surprise. Her eyes widened. Her gaze shifted upwards, into Olivia's smiling face. The woman raised an eyebrow and gratuitously smeared her sex across that perfect mouth again.

"The best taste in the world..." she whispered downwards, her eyes locked onto the obedient white girl's.

Briana licked her lips. She couldn't help herself. She licked them again, relishing the taste. This is what Leah and Aimee had done in the club's restrooms. It was only right that she should have her turn.

Olivia raised her hips again but this time she kept her sex a fraction away from Briana's face. The message was clear. Come and get it.

Briana dipped her head and licked along her labia. Oh My God. Was she really doing this? The texture felt amazing under her tongue. The taste was contagious. She lapped for a second time, then a third and a fourth, each time less hesitant.

It felt so right to be here.

Her eyes darted upwards and found the Olivia's gaze again. She nodded encouragingly, silently telling her how well she was doing. Encouraged, she licked and lapped again, tracing her tongue between her labia. Olivia was so fucking wet. Had she done that?

The woman's hand found her long hair, holding her tightly in place as her hips began to move in time with Briana's eager tongue. She rotated them in slow circles on her mouth, occasionally pushing upwards so that she left a wet trail across the whole of the girl's face.

"Take your time," she softly murmured. "Olivia takes a whole lot of pleasing..."


It was morning now. The night had passed so quickly. Sun was streaming in through a gap in the curtained windows and a woman was growling out her pleasure.

Briana lapped again at the juicy sex. Her dreamy eyes stared upwards to enjoy the ecstatic expression on the woman's face. The black woman caught her gaze and lewdly waggled her tongue into the air.

"You lick that pussy so damn good, lil white girl," she grinned.

Her clutching hand found Briana's hair, wrapping a few strands around her fingers and tugging her head into her sex as she thrust her hips upwards. All of the black women she'd been with so far had done that, as if they were reminding her just who was in control.

Briana loved the submissive feeling that was beginning to overwhelm her. Her whole body was tingling and she never wanted this to end.

She couldn't recall what time Olivia had left her, but she remembered enough to know that she had been immediately replaced by Precious. Then another woman ... and then this one...

Each of them had used her to get off. They had all told her that every white girls secretly craved pussy. They drummed into her that a white girl had never tasted pussy until she had experienced a black woman. They had told her how good she was at this, that she belonged here, that this was to be her new role in life.

Then they'd positioned her between their thighs again and given her another taste of what she wanted—needed—more than anything else.

"Dayum, girl, that feels so good..." The woman's fingers tightened further in her hair. It was damp and sweaty. She held Briana tight as she began to thrust her hips upwards.

This was the part Briana loved the most, when she had used her tongue to work them up so much that they practically lost control and used her face to get themselves off. The woman humped faster—spreading her juices across Brianna's forehead, nose, cheeks, mouth and chin—and then she was cursing out loud as her orgasm exploded.

"You're going to be the best yet..."

The voice was different. And it came from the side.

Briana's head jerked around towards the chair in the corner of the room. A woman was sitting there, staring into her eyes. She must have observed every second of the action. Briana found the thought was unbelievably sexy. If only she'd known...

When the woman stood, recognition dawned. A surge of electricity prickled through Briana's naked body. It was the woman with the strap-on, the one who had sent her the wanton grin while she had fucked Leah last night. She was still wearing the strappy.

She began to stroke the huge black phallus as she crossed the room towards Briana. My God, that thing was so big.

"I love the way you suck pussy," she murmured, as she approached. "Now let's see how good you are at sucking dick. Then I'm gonna fuck ya like you've never been fucked before..."


Copyright 2012 by deliciousthoughts

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gcjones112gcjones112about 2 months ago

This story is so hot, it needs a sequel. Like what to the girls afterwards. Did they go out to be used by various black women? Did their mothers come to find them? Were the mothers seduced? That kind of follow up would be welcome.

GayKatGayKat4 months ago

Delicious Thoughts Indeed, 😍.


Hallo Sexy Author!


Your story "Simply Irresistible" is hot, sexy and well, it's simply irresistible, we loved it,,, yes!


Last year for my 43rd birthday, Queen Jackie invited 7 of her older black female friends between 40 and 66, to a white slave party... that was my wife's gift to me!


Thank you for sharing your hot sexy stories, 5-Stars and 5-Orgasms, Yummy!


From two of your new kinky dike friends,


The Black Queen 👩🏿 and Gay kat 👩🏼‍!

🌹❤️ 👅 ❤️🌹👅👅 🌹💋 💋 💋

liz33ndliz33nd5 months ago

this is like the 10 time i read this, its so hot, and gets better with each time i read it. i wish there were more like this. exhibition/voyour girls getting felt up, that was the best part for me. so spicy

FantasizeAndRealizeFantasizeAndRealize6 months ago

This is one of my favorite stories. Thanks for writing it. So well written!

ClaudiaNClaudiaN8 months ago

OMG. The club washroom scene is probably the hottest thing I ever read.

IntoblackIntoblackalmost 3 years ago

I love submissive white girls serving mature black women and this story really is good! Thank you.

SissywithabeardSissywithabeardalmost 3 years ago

Wow thats hot, oh to be seduced like that and then used and dominated

NicoDevianteNicoDeviantealmost 5 years ago

Great story! I'd love to be any of those girls, sexually servicing black women in any way they want!

lezdomloverlezdomloverabout 6 years ago
great IR lezdom story...

The bathroom scene seemed a lot like the scene from “Staying in the Closet” by lightswitch on asstr

Roja55Roja55over 7 years ago

Please come back, your stories are "Simply Irresistible". This and French Connections are the best stories that I have read on Literotica.

bihelenabihelenaover 7 years ago
Blew my mind


The fist sex scene in the toilet is the hottest scene I ever read

hr6183hr6183about 8 years ago
Great Story!

That was a fantastic story! Loved it! I'd love to see more of this storyline. Loved the fact that it was interracial and intergenerational! Great combination. In any case, keep on writing! :-)

writerOmniwriterOmniabout 8 years ago

I dont know what to say. Amazinggggg ! Gave you 5 stars for this.

It's well deserved. Love the way u finished your story: " "I love the way you suck pussy," she murmured, as she approached. "Now let's see how good you are at sucking dick. Then I'm gonna fuck ya like you've never been fucked before..." .

The END :)

liz33ndliz33ndover 8 years ago
very good story

I love wheni get wet just from reading a good story.. this one did it to me.. I love the submission.

Volume33Volume33over 9 years ago
Beautifully structured

This story has the optimum pace for the type of story which it is - innocence being led astray. It is one of the best stories on this site.

StryWrter7StryWrter7almost 11 years ago
Just found you!

Hello, I just found your story about Simply Irresistible -- and I loved it. Obviously, I want what other readers want - to know how these young impressionable white teens fare as the next few days progress. How often were they 'used'? What sort of 'excuse' could they give to their parents and loved ones on the change in their lives? Did they recruit a few more of their friends to serve?

I look forward to checking out some more of your stories today!

ozcindy69ozcindy69over 11 years ago

That was so awesome. Is it wrong to have masterbated to it? Well, I did ... I had to stop midway to enjoy my body. It was 3 orgasms later before i finished the story. To be honest, it made me wish I could find all those women and have the same experience happen to me.

euronicholaseuronicholasover 11 years ago

Loved the story and writing style... Briana reminded me of a friend who would love what happens to her... very hot!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Excellent Story

Loved it, your writing style is so accessible and makes you want to read more, plus your characters all seem so human. I love how Briana tries to resist what she has seen but cant help herself from falling deeper too. Beth xox

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

really turned me on ur good.

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