Si's Solar Salvage Ch. 04


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They boys had to drop in and unload their bits & pieces (and a few stray bodies) a couple times as Shiva moved in and out of the crash site but - by the time she had the ships moved - they were wrapping up with their work.

Shiva contacted the two cruisers to tell them the lane was clear. The Federation commander replied back to say that - if he hadn't watched the whole thing happen - he would never believe they had cleared everything off that quickly. He confirmed that Shiva had everything far enough off of the lane to reopen it - and then the two cruisers disappeared.

Out of the eight ships, four were freighters, three were transports, and one was a pirate ship - who had probably been the cause of the whole mess.

Shiva let the boys take a nap while she, Si, and the twins suited up to go check the ships.

One of the personal ships was in good enough condition - and nice enough - that Si & Shiva decided they were keeping it. Shiva sent Ruth to get the back-up drive so she could start installing herself on the ship. She put the construction drones to work and, soon, the ship was online and being loaded with a new & improved AI.

Two of the freighters were salvageable. The drones went to work getting them ready for the trip home. One of the other shuttles - as well as the pirate ship (a modified freighter) - fell into that category as well.

Once the remaining three ships had been cleared of bodies and loot, the droids went to work, turning them into scrap. The construction droids finished their work a half-hour later and - once the four ships were online - the drones went to help the droids clear the wrecks.

As they worked, Shiva sent a request to Virgil asking where they could park their extra ships. He replied that Seb was renting Ruger's old space to Si - at the usual discounted-rate - since the retired operator wouldn't need it anymore. Shiva calculated that there *just* might be enough space to get everything to fit.

The sex-bot sent Ruth and Leslie to pilot the freighters. Shiva's cloned AI would be flying the ship they were keeping. Shiva was at the helm of the pirate ship, and Si had the other shuttlecraft. One by one, the ships jumped to hyperspace - the shuttles going first - then the freighters - then the Old Timer.

Once they were coasting into the station, Shiva called out their ship-IDs and gave their destination. The guy in the tower laughed as he cleared them to proceed.

When they landed, Shiva ducked out of the pirate ship to grab the cart so she could go pick up the twins. She waved at Virgil as he pulled up.

"Selling the smaller shuttle and the modified freighter," Si explained. "Both of the freighters at Ruger's docking-bay are for sale as well. We haven't cleared them out yet but the only damage, by the time you get to them, should be the safes."

Virgil laughed and said, "You have almost as many ships as I do."

"Not for long," Si said, laughing as well.

"I can see why you'd keep the larger shuttle," Virgil said. "Let me know if you want to shop for upgrades."

"I'll leave that to Shiva," Si said, "I can't even keep track anymore. She doesn't sleep."

Virgil laughed and nodded.

Shiva put the boys to moving all of the resources out as Si, Staci, and Mary worked their way through the pirate ship and the smaller shuttle, taking anything of value.

By the time they finished, Shiva had returned with the twins. Si was ready to head for Ruger's dock. Somehow, they fit four droids and all of the bipeds onto the cart before heading back there. They arrived to find that Shiva already had two cargo droids working to clear the cargo-crates from the freighters. She sent the other four to help.

The twins guarded the door, waiting for Virgil to arrive, while the rest of the crew went to ransack the two freighters. Between the droids and the crew, both freighters were cleared out and ready for Virgil's walk-through by the time he arrived.

"Hello, ladies," he said to the twins.

"Hello, Virgil. They're ready for you," the androids said, simultaneously.

The ship-buyer shook his head, laughing, as he headed to meet the salvage-operator-turned-used-ship-salesman.

"New additions?" he asked, pointing a thumb back to the twins.

"Shiva's trying to beef up security to make sure I don't revolt," Si reported.

Virgil laughed.

"The freighters should be clear. Like the other two, they had to be patched before we could fly them," Si said.

"The fact that you came back with five working ships - in addition to your tug - has the entire station buzzing," Virgil admitted. He looked at Shiva and said, "You could be running this place in another month."

She said, "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm having the time of my life."

"I can tell," Virgil said. "If you decide to dump your boyfriend, give me a call."

The sex-bot, raised an eyebrow - looked him over - from head-to-toe - like she was shopping for meat and said, "I'll keep that in mind."

"Damn!" he said, glancing at Si.

"Don't look at me," the salvage operator said. "That was 100% her."

A half-hour later, Virgil sent an offer to Si's datapad. He signed it and tapped the "accept" button.

"Did you even read it?" the ship buyer asked him.

"No," he replied without blushing.

"Fuck, dude!" the businessman exclaimed.

"It was a fair offer," Shiva told Virgil. "Si doesn't like to worry about finances. He'd rather clear wrecks."

Virgil shook his head and turned towards the exit.

He stopped and turned back to Shiva. "How much to rent the twins for the night?"

"They're not really made for .."

"Dinner and conversation ... maybe a little kissing and hand-holding."

He jumped just a little as the androids stepped up beside him and looped their arms through his.

Shiva smiled and said, "Be good, girls. Don't break the poor man."

Virgil raised an eyebrow at Shiva - right before the twins spun him around and escorted him to his hover-cart.

Mary was carrying a large bag full of loot. They made their way to the cart. After a stop at Wedge's - where they dropped off everything except the credit sticks & chits - they pulled up to Rita's and collapsed into the booth.

As Rita arrived with the drinks, each of the crew members pulled out a bar of metal - one copper, one silver, one gold, and one platinum. They stacked them on the table, like firewood.

"What in the hell is that?" Rita asked.

"Karl's tip," Shiva said, laughing, "since you always refuse."




"What the hell do you ... What the hell is that?!"

"Sweet-cheeks, here, says this is your tip, you big oaf. Tell the nice people thank you."

"Holy shit, Si!"

The girls giggled.

"It was Mary's idea," Si admitted. "She said we needed to clean out the junk drawer because the tater-masher was getting wedged sideways and we couldn't get the damned drawer open anymore."

Rita snort-laughed.

"You're shitting me?" Karl said.

"He wouldn't shit a shitter," Staci said, winking at the astonished cook.

"I'll help you carry them," Shiva offered. "The gold one's a little heavy."

She and the cook carried the ingots in and set them to the side of Karl's work area. She returned, grinning ear-to-ear.

"Sorry your food's taking so long," Rita hollered, dramatically, over her shoulder, back to the kitchen, "the cook's a little distracted today."

Karl roared in laughter and yelled back, "Hope you like your egg hard-fried, Si. I forgot they were still on the griddle."


After breakfast - and pie - Si, Mary, and Staci sat and chatted while Rita and Shiva cleared off the credit-sticks. Shiva shoved a handful of chits at James and then they counted out the rest of them to add them to the account. Rita chucked them into a bank-bag and slid them back under the register.

Mary's foot was massaging Si's growing bump beneath the tabletop.

"Why do you all do that?" Si asked.

"Because it gets you going," Staci answered.

"And we like it when you get going," Mary purred.

"We like it more when you get cumming," Shiva said, returning to the table.

"How many sectors do we want?" Shiva asked, as she slid into the seat.

"Can we hold off?" Staci asked.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"I think we need to go to Genia," she whispered.

"Why?" Shiva whispered back.

"I think I'm pregnant."

Si got to his feet, gave Rita a hug, and said, "I promised the girls a little vacation. We're gonna take a couple days off."

"Vacation?!" she hollered loudly, cupping her hands so Karl could hear her clearly, "I've never had a VACATION!"

"Every day with me is a vacation, toots!" he hollered back.

The girls laughed as they gave Rita hugs.


Nobody said a word until they were inside of the bay and the doors were closed.

"Pregnant?!" Shiva asked, "I didn't think humans could breed Genians."

"I didn't think they could either. That's why I think we need to go - well - that and - after our incident the other day - I don't know who else I would have examine me."

Si hugged & kissed her and said, "We'll go. We've been working hard. The only planet I've ever been to is New Terra IV."

"They're going to poke you and prod you," Staci said, worriedly.

"... and - if you really are pregnant - it will totally be worth it. I'm trying not to pass out from the idea that I might be a daddy."

Mary hugged & kissed him and said, "You'll be great - and I get to be an auntie!" Blushing, she asked, "Can I be a mother next?"

Si hugged her and said, "Whenever you think you're ready."

"You'll give me a baby?" Mary asked.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. Because .. Well. I don't know. Oh! I'm not sure I'm ready."

"Then we'll just fuck around and have fun til you are. Babies are a lot of work. Why don't you wait until Staci's baby gets here and then you can decide."

"I love you," she said, kissing him.

"I love you, too, sugar-butt."

Mary giggled and hugged him tightly.

"I want a baby, too," Shiva told him.

He looked at her. She was serious.

"If there's a way to make it happen, I have no doubt that you'll be the one to figure it out. I would be happy to make you a mother."

Shiva wrapped both Si and Mary in a hug and kissed Si hard.

Staci threw her arms around them as well, getting teary-eyed.

"Well, there's a few upgrades I'd like to make to the shuttle before we take it anywhere - so I guess we're taking the Old Timer."

"We'll need to wait until morning," Shiva said.

"Why?" Si asked.

"The twins are heading home with Virgil for the night. They are a little excited."

"Oh, shit!" Mary gasped, "Virgil's getting' LUCKY!"

"You're a bad influence," Si accused the sex-bot.

"Who? Me?!" Shiva replied, laughing.

Si took the cart to Ruger's bay - where they gathered up the converted droids - before they headed home. Shiva decided to leave the two new cargo-droids there. Si laughed when she complained that they were running out of space to install charging-cradles on the Old Timer.

Once everyone had showered, it was Shiva's turn to be the center of attention. Her body thrummed with excitement as the other three overwhelmed her data-circuits. She pulled Mary and Si close - her fingers interlocked with the blue alien's behind Si's back - and they fell asleep. Shiva was the last to drift off. She silently checked on the twins and shut down for the night with a big smile on her face.


Si and his family were finishing up their pies when Virgil finally appeared with Ruth and Leslie. He kissed them each on the mouth, waved at Rita, and then headed back out the door.

Mary asked how it went and Si shushed them, saying that they would have to wait until they were home. Shiva had a knowing smile on her face but Staci and Mary were suddenly in a big hurry to get back to the Old Timer.

They gave Rita hugs and cheek-kisses. Si told her that he wasn't sure how long they were going to be away but assured her that they'd be back to see her as soon as they could. James came out with a box. Rita took it and handed it off to Si.

"What's this?"

"I don't want you to suffer from withdrawals while you're away," she said.

Si raised the lid and they all peeked inside to find a whole coconut cream pie. Mary squealed and ran around to squeeze the waitress one more time.


Nobody said a word as Si drove them back to the docking-bay. As soon as the door was closed, however, it seemed like everybody was talking at once. Si held up his hand to quiet them all.

"So?" he said, looking at the twins.

"His data-probe and seminal output were both in the 95th percentile," one of the girls remarked. "My body trembled from the intensity of the data-surge when he came inside me," the other added. "It was electrifying!" the first said, agreeing with her sister.

"How many times did you guys fuck?" Staci asked.

"A few," Shiva said, snickering. "It seems that it's been a while since our friend found someone who caught his eye - and the girls quickly overcame any hesitancy he had about ... uh ... data-sharing."

Mary laughed and hugged one of the twins; Staci hugged the other. The androids reciprocated enthusiastically.

"Alright, we can unravel those mysteries as we head to Genia," Si said. "What needs tidied up, here, before we leave?"

"My pussy needs tidied-up," Shiva reported, reaching over to rub Si's groin.

He gave her a kiss and said, "We'll take care of that on the way. If there's nothing else ..."

As they sealed everything up and moved into the living-quarters of the Old Timer, Mary asked, "How long until we get there?"

"Just over two weeks," Shiva reported.

Once they were on their way, Si tidied up Shiva's pussy - with a little help from the others - before they convened in the kitchen to chat over drinks.

"Ruth, Leslie, and I will be giving you three some hand-to-hand training as we travel," Shiva told the group. "I have some plastic practice blades for you to use when we get to training with knives. From now on, I want each of you to keep a tactical knife on you at all times. I have no clue what we may run into on the way to Genia. I want each of you to be able to defend yourselves. We'll work with the stun-sticks until you're capable. Maybe I'll have you go a couple rounds with the boys," she said with a wicked smile.

"No thanks," Si said, "I prefer my testicles the way they are."

The girls laughed.

"I wasn't planning to have them turn the sticks on," Shiva admitted, "but that's actually not a bad idea. It would motivate you to keep your defenses up."

Staci shuddered.

"I also have some laser pistols. We'll work on target-shooting until you're proficient with those as well. I don't expect you to be marksmen but you should be able to take out an opponent without having to use the sights. Most ship battles are over pretty quickly. Grab a snack and we'll get started."


The next two weeks evaporated as Shiva and the twins pushed the two humans and the pregnant alien all day long until they were tired and sore. Night time was spent with the three androids bringing their students to release - before everyone collapsed from exhaustion.

With Shiva's specially-blended AI - which was part pilot, part traveling-companion, part pleasure-bot, and part security-enforcer - the twins were proficient at manual, oral, and vaginal sex-play. None of the students were interested in anal - so those proficiencies were unexplored. Shiva assured the three students that she and the girls could handle all of their needs, if they changed their minds.


With a day left before they arrived at Genia, Shiva finally agreed to let them rest - but only, she insisted, because they had surpassed the skills-goals that she had established for each of them.

Each crew-member now wore a holstered laser-pistol and two thigh sheaths, no matter where they went. The only time Shiva would allow them to move around unarmed was when they were in the bedroom.

She had changed her mind on the metal tactical knives. She had designed and fabricated ceramic blades with wooden handles. Each of the students (and teachers) were proficient at throwing the blades - as well as using them in hand-to-hand combat.

Shiva had also taken a stun-stick apart and adapted it. Each person wore vambraces on both arms that, when turned on, would stun anything they touched - block a blow from an opponent and they would instantly lose the ability to use that arm - or hold a weapon with that hand. She set the devices to automatically turn on if the wearer took a defensive fighting stance. She was currently working on toe-guards that could be strapped to their shoes or boots that would turn those appendages into stun-sticks as well.


Their final night together, the crew decided to see if they could overload the twins.

Shiva and Staci took Ruth to the spare bed - while Si and Mary kept Leslie on Si's bed. Staci cloned Si's form once more and the two copies of the salvage operator glanced back and forth as they first attacked the guard-droid's vulva with their mouths and then their cocks. Meanwhile, Shiva and Mary orally assaulted their androids' mouths, breasts, and clits.

The two teams worked together to bring the twins to simultaneous climax. Shiva shared the data back and forth between the three of them as the sex-bot segments of the girls' AIs set their bodies to trembling - as their processors tried to cope with the spiking data-flows. As the twins cried out, Shiva shunted every digital emotion she had ever experienced directly into their cores. The girls' tremors turned to writhing as Si's team continued their assault. Suddenly the girls gasped, and then stilled. Their eyes opened, and they stared straight at the ceiling - their dark eyes sparkling as they discovered themselves.

Shiva doused the lights and the crew-members snuggled in around their two newest teammates. The ships-computer-turned-family-matron smiled as she listened to the girls sharing data back and forth about everything they had discovered - and their dreams for the future. She stifled a laugh when both of them thought of Virgil and how much they were looking forward to seeing him again.


<"Unidentified ship. You are approaching a Genian-controlled sector. Turn back now or state your business here."> the Comm announced.

<"We are bringing a Genian for medical examination. She believes she is pregnant."> Shiva replied.

<"Stop where you are and power down. We will send over a squad to confirm what you say. Any attempt to continue towards Genia or to resist our efforts will be met with deadly force. Confirm that you understand.">

<"Confirmed. We'll put on a pot of tea.">

If the speaker thought Shiva's response was humorous, he didn't act like it. She announced to the group that they were about to have visitors. Staci was the most nervous. Mary and Si took her hands as the group waited with her in the middle of the cargo-bay.

A swarm of rifle-toting soldiers floated outside of the tug. A captain and two others eased through the atmospheric barrier and stepped onto the decking of the salvage ship as the artificial gravity took hold on their bodies. They did not remove their helmets. The commander looked around the group. When he spoke, the external speaker made him audible to the Old Timer's crew.

<"Are you being held captive?"> the man asked Staci.

<"No. This is my family."> she replied.

Shiva translated their words into the earpieces she had given to Mary and Si.

<"Family?"> the man asked.

<"They rescued me from death. They are my companions and my friends. We live in community, sharing everything.">

He nodded and asked, <"You need medical attention?">

<"I believe I am with child."> she replied, turning to kiss Si on the lips.