Sisters in Sorcery

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A sorceress learns the hard way how fragile her reality is.
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Sophia Lorelei x Izaria Caedys

First through F-chat, then through Discord

Edited by neuroparenthetical

"Good day, Sophia!" "It's so nice to see you!" "How's your noble father?"

"Oh, you're too kind; and he's doing just fine, as long as I keep him in check!" she quipped, earning a few knowing chuckles.

Goodness, but the townsfolk were so easy to please. Of course, Sophia had worked hard for that. Her 'father' wasn't really noble, nor was the town he served as mayor of. Blythe simply hosted a thriving middle-class community, and served as a popular address for traders, scholars, and adventurers. That was a blessing in itself, for otherwise, she'd find herself terribly bored.

Sophia would admit some bias, but ever since she'd come to town, the market alone had become a lively place. That had started with her buying her absolutely gorgeous black satin-and-silk one-piece dress from a fine clothier, and making regular visits to shops and businesses like a true mayor's daughter, just wanting to see how the town was getting along. Her regular presence and occasional patronage had led to her affectionate nickname: "The Black Pearl of Blythe."

She was after something else today, though. A little bird—more like a few girls gossiping by the manor—had told her there was a sorceress in town. A full-blooded one, supposedly, who wore the proper clothes to go along with it.

That got Sophia's heart racing! Magic always excited her, especially the prospect of learning more from anyone who also practiced the art. Sophia knew plenty for herself, of course—not that anyone had to know about that. Certainly no one in this blissfully ignorant little town.

Sophia walked among the streets and stalls, occasionally dropping hints; people knew she had an innocent fascination with adventure, and was, obviously, just too frail to seek it on her own. With her luck, some charming lad might think to get in her good graces by volunteering that information to the newcomer. But she was just as happy to find her on her own.

'Hmm... where would a sorceress go?' she wondered. 'The alchemists, staff poleturners, bookstores? Or maybe at the clothier's herself?'

Another couple, another big, happy smile. Izaria painted a smile on her face, and mumbled back her third platitude of the day. "I'm getting on well, thank you."

At least they took that as good enough. Though she'd hoped that keeping her face buried in the map that'd brought her here would keep these... cloyingly friendly townsfolk away. It had not, and many had attempted to start a great deal of idle chatter. Izaria did her best to extricate herself from all attempts at striking up conversation as politely as possible.

Of course, she was tired from the road, and that definitely made it worse. She was nearing the bottom of her coin purse, too, so she had opted to skip the carriage ride into town, and her aching feet so reflected her frustration. She was not in shape by any means, usually relying on her magic to carry everything. Oh, the road was well-traveled and well-patrolled, so she had little to worry about, but that did nothing for her mood or her bunions.

The only reason she was even here was to pursue the rumor that the quaint country town seemingly carried a large body of scholars and free thinkers. She was unsure as to what had drawn them, but for Izaria, picking up an interesting tome could mean adding another tool in her arsenal. All told, despite her short temper, she remained optimistic.

So, on she went, deeper into the town, eyeing the passersby and the inviting stalls.

Sophia's walk was quite pleasant, especially since plenty of people had already seen the sorceress and were keen to give little bits of description. Where she was exactly eluded her for only slightly longer, and she discovered it thanks to several strange stares from people in the market. In fact, she nearly passed right through the center before she caught the more pointed looks not directed at her.

One quick heel-turn, and there she was. All the descriptions matched: youthful complexion, snow-white hair, and a topheavy peaked cap above her lacy blouse, without much except a skirt covering her slender legs.

Oh, Sophia was exciiited! But still, she steadied herself, prim and poised like a proper lady. Then she took a deep breath...

"Excuse me, miss!" Sophia chirped, politely waving one hand above her head.

The stranger peeked up, eyebrows cocked above the edge of their map.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but word travels fast in this town. Are you really a sorceress? An adventurer?" Her voice tingled with barely-suppressed glee. "I just find that so exciting! And, um, if you'd like, I could help you find something here, perhaps?"

She paused for etiquette's sake; after all, she'd just approached out of nowhere. But she recovered well, managing to still her excited features, clear her throat, and take up the sides of her skirt in a simple curtsy. "My manners... I'm Sophia Blackwell. My father's the mayor here."

Izaria valiantly fought down the urge to sigh. Yet another townsperson with a giddy smile... although this one at least seemed interesting.

"It's nice to meet you, Sophia." She returned the smile with a polite turn of her own lips. "My name is Izaria. I am indeed a sorceress. I suppose some may call me an adventurer, but that only really fits me incidentally."

She glanced at her map. It was effectively useless, now, so she folded it up and stuffed it into her breast pocket.

Then she looked back, thoughtfully, to Sophia's pleasant smile. 'The mayor's daughter, huh? If anyone would know about this, it's her.'

"Yes... yes, actually, I could in fact use some help," she continued, briefly looking around them both in a pointed manner. "I've heard it mentioned that there is a rather large congregation of scholars and free thinkers in Blythe? That usually attracts merchants of a certain variety... peddlers of scrolls and trinkets, for instance. There should be a place where they amass their collection together. Do you perhaps know where these fellows meet?"

Sophia's eyes shot wide open. Despite her prior demonstration of grace, she clasped her palms together by her chest and trembled, holding back a squeal.

"Why, yes!" she managed without embarrassing herself. "I'm not surprised, there; they do come to Blythe, but typically not to trade in the market. I invite them to the manor, see?"

She pivoted on her heel like a dancer, and lifted a hand from her clutch to point up above the buildings, towards a three-story structure made of cut stone and thick wooden beams. There were glass windows, to boot—a fair extravagance when some shops and houses still used wicker slats and cloth sheets.

"The way it works," she continued happily, "is that they come there to copy down their work, and oftentimes to read what's already there. We've got quite a collection by now, I think! I mean, if it's attracting people like you."

Sophia chortled musically at that, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "There's lore, and magic, and charts, and maps." She counted them off on her fingers one by one. "I keep a little library of it out of habit; I mean, because it's the most interesting thing to do out here, really. If you want to see it, I'd like to invite you in, Miss Izaria!"

Sophia finished with a proud smile, and slowly extended forth an elegant hand.

Izaria blinked, taken aback by her earnestness. "W-well, yes, if that's not an imposition. If there is such a collection, it only makes sense they'd come here, and I'd love to see it, too."

All that was true enough, although there was one other thing she wanted to ask. "Are you a sorceress, as well, Miss Blackwell?"

"Me?" Sophia parroted, touching a finger to her chin. "Well... sort of? I know enough. I can read magic texts, detect spells, make lights, y'know... basic stuff. Father used to think maybe I should join a larger academy someday, buuut..." She trailed off with a shrug, sweeping her arms lazily about for good measure. "I dunno, I kind of like it here!"

Izaria normally wasn't one to stare, but she just couldn't help it. Sophia was just so... normal; open and honest, wanting to share for its own sake? And so vibrant, unlike many scholars who stiffly shuffled from one task to another.

She hadn't expected things to be handed to her on an almost literal silver platter, with the mayor's daughter, of all people, extending a welcoming hand like she was some dignitary. She glanced up to the manor, and then back, feeling a genuine smile coming on. Eventually, she reached up with a hand to accept Sophia's.

Then, she quickly and half-heartedly dusted off some dirt from her robes in embarrassment, as she hiked up the satchel she had carried at her side. "And what does your father think of all these strangers being invited to his home? I'm not exactly suited for, well, refined company."

"Oh, that's not a problem at all!" Sophia trilled, and gave Izaria's hand a graceful shake. "Father doesn't mind. He's happy I'm essentially getting an education anyway, from the tutors and scholars who come in now and then."

"Well, not to sell them short, but larger academies are only what you make of them. I've done some of my best learning only once I left." Izaria smiled back at an unseen memory before shrugging. "It's not for everyone, and amassing your own collection is reason enough not to go when most of the standard texts are copied so often and readily accessible."

"I thought much the same," agreed Sophia. "Oh, and I still get to make plenty of friends this way! I know just about everyone in town by now, and I write to a few beyond it. I don't care about a little dust! I know a spell to clean all of this off, anyway!"

A bemused sense of pity tingled on Izaria's lips. Of course. Lights, cleaning; common cantrips, really. She'd long since moved past all of that by now. "Well, if you do want to learn something more advanced," Izaria puffed up her chest just slightly, "I could probably put together some sort of program. But, I'm getting ahead of myself."

Sophia's hand swept back, picking aside a few of her deep black locks that'd gotten astray and tucking them back behind her neck. Not an adventurer? Sophia could believe it. She definitely seemed more the studious sort, without much use for harder work, and her soft, callous-free hands matched that so...


Sophia gently released her hand. Then she did a little twirl, sending her satin skirt swishing sideways like a billowing fog.

"Heh... If you're ready, I can take you there now!" she offered swiftly.

All of this, of course, carefully hid the fact that from the moment Izaria showed real interest in Sophia, her subtle charm had already begun to work its way into her mind. Unnoticeable at first, it hardly manifested aside from a gentle nudge towards trust, to believing the built-up facade around Sophia. She knew when to hold back... and the time to push would come soon enough.

Izaria looked around, then shrugged bemusedly, and gestured forward for Sophia to pass ahead of her.

"Lead the way," she said with a nod and a smile.

It was but a trifle for Sophia to notice the pulse of positive emotion rolling off of Izaria. A more disciplined mind might've held back, guarded their thoughts. Her defenses seemed almost non-existent.

She beamed right back, grinning happily and doing a little bounce on her heels. "Happy to!" she cheered, and just like that, she pivoted again and began to walk off, right back the way she came.

The few gawkers who'd amassed gradually began to recede. The sight of Sophia would normally be something on its own, but it was also well-known that she liked to have her privacy with people who interested her. In fact, she'd wormed her way into their hearts deeply enough that hardly anyone would care or raise a murmur if Izaria didn't visit the market again.

She kept such thoughts to herself all the way through the streets, and up the causeway leading straight to the manor's front door. It was bent like an 'L' with the long end facing the town, with room for a wide carriage driveway and a garden between the outside fence and the main wall. The fence was, per tradition, unlocked and wide open except at night. Along the way, she paused only a moment here and there to smile and wave to someone, but her passive, gently hypnotic aura kept them from finding her too interesting at the moment; she really didn't want to be interrupted.

"Oh, and don't worry too much about me right now; I don't want you to think you owe me or anything!" Sophia said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "The library's open, as long as it's to people who'll really appreciate it. You're even welcome to take a room here for a little while, if you want! Father doesn't mind, so long as I take responsibility for them."

"You are kind to the point of recklessness, if you don't mind me saying," Izaria noted wryly. "I have done nothing to earn this trust, but I thank you all the same! Luckily, I'm not one to discard such generous offers. As for debts, I would never have it be said I take advantage of kindness, either. I'm sure I have something that can fill a gap in the collection, at the very least."

As Izaria followed along, she glanced once more at Sophia, chuckling under her breath at the endearing and animated display. The girl was like a storybook princess come to life. Sophia's every motion was sweeping and graceful, and she displayed all her emotions on her sleeve, no worry in the world to drag her down.

Meanwhile, Izaria did a mental tally of her collection. She had the base texts for spellcraft in excess, as she generally used a collection of encompassing building-block texts to barter for more advanced work. Oftentimes collectors or scholars simply went for quantity, and would leave a far more advanced text with her if it meant learning a large body of elementary sorcery as parlor tricks.

She followed on, looking about the causeway towards the manor with a vague sense of trepidation, straightening her robes and trying to settle into a look that did not shout "vagabond." Not that she particularly minded, but she hadn't been invited to a mayor's manor just hours after arriving in a town before.

She admired the garden and exterior as they approached. Bright gold and violet flowers bloomed around the few carefully-trimmed topiary shrubs, too few to form a proper fence, but enough to make a tasteful display. The porch was a half-circle of brick hosting four thick wooden columns, holding up the balcony above it, and framing the rather simple but heavy door leading inside.

As usual, Sophia had to put her shoulder into the door to get the blasted thing open, and didn't quite manage to hide the grunt of effort that escaped her lips.

"Hoh... Welcome! Come on in," she beckoned, waving her soon-to-be friend inside. She watched Izaria walk in, and as soon as she was clear, pushed the door shut with a loud clunk.

The breeze and the sound of birdsong both were hushed within the walls; after all, they were easily thick enough to withstand a very cold winter. The foyer was a slender room reaching to the back of the building, marked with side doors in four places, like some long hallway of polished stone and slotted wood. A single stairwell leading up from the middle split into two in the opposite direction, leading to higher floors.

"Father! I'm hooome!" she called out.

No response came to her faintly-echoing voice. Not even a footstep. Sophia tilted her head to listen for a few seconds. Then she made a noncommittal hum, and shrugged.

"He must be out," she reasoned. "Here, the library's just upstairs."

Sophia smiled angelically to Izaria, then beckoned with her hand again, and quietly started the walk to the second floor landing.

Izaria looked around the hall. Her boots thudded gently on seasoned hardwood. A receiving cabinet with spaces for shoes next to a coat rack sat by the stairs upwards, but she didn't pause, instead heading up after Sophia.

The upstairs landing was clearly designed for guests; a tasteful set of receiving couches trimmed with red velvet rested just off to the side, next to a table set with a decanter of water and several glasses. The space extended into a cozy living area with windows looking outwards, letting in sunlight upon the broad red carpet and its golden tassels. Through a doorless frame near them, the outline of half-empty bookshelves could be seen.

"Phew..." Sophia breathed heavily.

Izaria blinked, turned around, and caught the girl's apologetic look. Something clicked in her mind, then; she looked so darn weak! She'd almost insisted on helping Sophia open that heavy door earlier, but she seemed used to handling things with a frail body; something Izaria could very much relate to.

Then, Sophia glanced aside, and idly twirled two fingers into her shiny black hair. "Can we... rest for a second?" she murmured. "I'm not used to walking so much."

Izaria favored her with a pitying frown. "Poor constitution?"

Sophia's wan, knowing smile said it all. Izaria smiled back, hoping she at least looked encouraging; but she wanted to walk right up and just hug her! Despite being taller than herself, and looking fairly healthy, she had to be cursed like that? No fair. At least Izaria's excuse could be her overreliance on magic, some might say to excess.

"Of course. Far be it from a guest to push their gracious host," Izaria answered as kindly as she could.

Besides, she wouldn't admit it, barely to herself, even, but her own legs were burning. And her feet were crying for a warm bath right now. Yes, taking a load off was so welcome, she almost wondered if Sophia had read her mind! But that was just silly.

Izaria moved to the couches, and the second she sat down, she let out a heavy sigh. They were almost sinfully comfortable, and she would have to be careful; otherwise, she just might fall asleep.

Sophia could have stomached simple reticence or reservation, but that her greatest hopes were realized made her deep violet eyes gleam with mirth. And oh, she liked what they saw. A giggle like the tinkling of a bell flitted from her throat, which she loosely covered with her fingers just to feel the vibration. Her voice was a gentle, velveteen alto, fragile but beautiful, like her pure smile. Her lips opened like twin lotus petals, and she eagerly responded...

"Izaria... I lied."

Those matching purple eyes blinked almost audibly loud.

The sorceress' head swiveled over. "W... What?" she asked dumbly.

A faint hint of longing, near to a croon, trilled through Sophia's voice. She took a seat right across from the young sorceress, fixing her with a cool, angelic smile.

Izaria's brow furrowed. "Sophia, wh—"