Sister's Magical Whoopsie

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A gag birthday gift changes Nina and her twin brother.
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Sister's Magical Whoopsie.

"Oh no, this is bad. This is really, really, bad!" Nina whimpered, crouching beside the window and flipping desperately through her spellbook. "C'mon, there has to be a way to fix this!"

The old tome in her trembling hands was meant to be a joke--a gag gift from her twin brother Trevor to liven up their shared birthday. He'd said he bought it from a new second-hand bookstore across town.

A new store selling used goods had sounded odd but ultimately harmless in the greater scheme.

Except now, Trevor was next door plowing their neighbor, Mrs. Hatcher, over her kitchen island. Nina could see them clearly from her position, straight through the floor-to-ceiling French windows the middle-aged woman had installed last summer.

She'd said they provided more natural light. Today, they gave Nina an unfettered view of her brother hammering the mature beauty's well-padded rump from behind--her pastel sweatpants and boring panties ripped to tatters by Trevor's bigger, stronger hands--as she wailed out raptures of pleasure.

"Oh fuck! That's it, hunk! Smash my married pussy with that amazing dick!"

Mrs. Hatcher's dark hair was a touseled mess, fanned out in silky mahogany strands over the marble countertop, and her large, springy breasts were squashed flat against the surface in the solid black sports bra. Each rampant thrust from Trevor rocketed her entire body forward as if she would go flying were it not for her white-knuckled grip on the opposite edge.

"Yeah, take it, you MILF whore. Take my hard cock and tell me how much better I fuck than your dweeb husband!"

"Sooo~ much better... Oh god!" She cried, quaking with her fourth orgasm since he had barged into her suburban home twenty minutes earlier. "That shrimp-dicked wimp never had the balls to pound me like this!"

Trevor barely resembled the newly eighteen-year-old boy he had been that morning.

The thoughtful, contemplative youth with a lean runner's physique had... swollen--no other word for it--before Nina's eyes into a muscle-bound monster that had burst from his flannel pajamas like something from a cheesy horror flick.

Oh sure, the coppery hair they shared was still the same, and his sage green eyes were unmistakable, but otherwise, Nina's twin was a very changed man.

Trevor's back was an avalanche of rock-hard muscles, broad as a barrel and rippling with inhuman strength as he ravished their ecstatic neighbor with pummeling stabs of his enormous manhood. His glutes flexed most distractingly, and dimples formed above each hemispheric cheek.

Wide shoulders that could lift the heavens and heavily shredded limbs to match rounded out a chiseled appearance that would spark envy in world-class bodybuilders or the actors in those gladiator shows he watched.

Even his weak jawline had morphed into an anvil coated in ginger stubble that was fast becoming a proper beard.

And it was all because of that awful book and the stupid spell Nina had cast as a joke.

It was a dusty grimoire, so ancient the title was worn off the leather cover and spine. It contained some odd illustrations and decorative borders--Trevor had called them illuminations--and the language was foreign, with squiggly lines, dots, and circles above many letters.

"Ha, found you." She gasped in relief, finding the page that had kicked off the madness. It was yellowed with age, and the ink faded in parts, but the heading was still legible.

Blezun Hildisvíni

A picture in the top corner showed a blonde goddess bedecked in a cloak of flacon feathers, resting a glowing palm on the snout of a car-sized boar. It had seemed innocent enough at the time, and Nina had giggled through the incantation, doubtlessly mangling the pronunciation and pressing a finger to Trevor's nose in a similar fashion.

She wasn't laughing anymore.

Trying to block out the sound of her twin railing Mrs. Hatcher to fresh heights of carnal depravity, Nina studied the spell. Looking for any clue to undo the chaos she had wrought. The recent memory of watching them rutting like beasts didn't help her concentration; the slapping of their firm flesh colliding was like a thumping bass line in her skull.

"Here it comes, you horny skank!" Trevor's deep, masculine roar rattled the window panes. "Gonna stuff that fertile womb with a gallon of my goddess-blessed seed!"

"YEEESSSS~!! Do it, you incredible hunk! Knock me up!"

The alien words swam on the page, and the image of the goddess turned to grace Nina with a beatific smile...


Clothing was strewn across Nina's bedroom like shrapnel after a bombing.

Skirts, dresses, tops, and underwear lay in crumpled heaps on her bed and floor. She had plundered her wardrobe, drawers, and hangers in a feverish fit, not knowing what she sought but searching regardless.

The final verdict had been her high school uniform for some unknown reason.

It shouldn't have fit. By all accounts, Nina was a late bloomer, rake-thin and boyish in figure, growing marginally in her chest and lower half after graduation.

The sized-for-teen white schoolgirl blouse and red tartan necktie buttoned tight across her meager handfuls, exposing a swath of her featureless tummy. A dismally short pleated skirt hung from a nearly non-existent waist, barely covering her trim upper thighs. White knee-high socks and tennis shoes adorned Nina's pale legs and dainty feet.

As for underwear...

Underwear was proving to be a dilemma.

Every sensible pair of briefs or boyshorts Nina had so much as touched made her skin itch like the devil. Only the teensiest crismon thong she didn't remember owning was tolerable as a minor footnote concealing her nethers.

Bras were equally troublesome, to the point she had gone without and let her small beesting breasts rub against the starchy cotton top. Her nipples were two pink diamonds poking through the taut fabric.

Nina couldn't rightly fathom why the outfit change was important, that it had felt crucial at the time. The powerful compulsion to appear, if not exactly sexy--she had never been that--but more... available for a big, strong man's viewing pleasure was irresistible.

Now that it had passed, she could return to the tricky task of deciphering the spiraling words of the spell, smiling at the winking goddess, and occasionally stealing peeks of Trevor destroying their smoking hot neighbor's pussy.

Except he wasn't balls deep in Mrs. Hatcher's gushing cooch anymore. He had flipped her over with effortless ease, then climbed onto the countertop to straddle her fat mommy titties and jam his gigantic, cum-slathered cock between them.

The first plunge of his mighty hips obliterated the sturdy black sports bra like it was nothing.

Nina was struggling to focus on the spellbook resting in her lap.

"Oooh... Urk! Yaasss... Oomf! Aaah... Glurp!"

The older brunette shuddered in pleasure each time his bulbous tip emerged from her cushiony cleavage to slam into her gaping lips. Great wads of gooey precum jettisoned from Trevor's swollen balls with every boob-bouncing pump, drowning the matronly Belle's gargling mouth and painting her pretty face.

They drooled in white sheets down her cheeks and chin, clingy clumps stuck in the glossy hair pillowing her bobbing skull and pooled on the marble around her ears. There was already an unreasonable amount of the sticky seed, yet Trevor didn't show a hint of tiring.

"Yeah, drink my load, slut! I've wanted to fuck you for so long. Watched you prance about in yoga gear for years, showing off your killer knockers and bootie." He growled, and Mrs. Hatcher spasmed through another climax at his commanding tone. Nina felt a slight shiver too. "You're mine now, understand? My anytime, anywhere cumdumpster neighbor! MINE!!"

"Mhmm... Glooomph~!"

Her eyes were glued shut, jism sparkled like pearls on her lashes, but the affirmative moans and choked gurgles sent a clear message. As did the puddle of flowing pussy juices forming under her round bubble butt.

Nina couldn't be certain--her attention kept drifting to Trevor's gob-smacking slab of girthy manmeat--but through the haze of their riotous rutting, she thought Mrs. Hatcher was changing.

Just minor details at first. Crow's feet and frown lines vanished beneath voluminous spurts of spunk as though it were a miracle skin treatment. Stretch marks faded, and sagging flesh firmed up like a timelapse in reverse.

Every swallowed throatful was seemingly redirected to her ballooning bosom, inflating and pumping them up into supersized funbags topped with raspberry nips. Cellulite and fat evaporated, her waistline shrank, and everything about her mature figure seemed to subtly tighten, fine-tuning the curvy housewife into a breathtaking bombshell.

Nina hadn't realized she was touching herself through the pleated skirt until the initial thigh-clenching warnings reached her befuddled brain. She was fucking soaked, and a wet patch had formed under the press of her fingertips.

"Wha-what? Oh... oh god!" She simpered, jerking her treacherous digits away. The dusty tome had fallen to the carpet face-up, still open to the page of twisting text with the image of the laughing goddess in her feather cloak. "I--I shouldn't... we couldn't..."

Nina's pussy burnt with unfulfilled desire, riding the razor edge. The slightest strum of her little pink clit would get Nina there, but Trevor was her brother.

Her uber-hung, totally jacked, sex-god twin brother, who handed out bone-melting orgasms like candy canes on Christmas day to lucky bimbo MILFs and blasted them full of his hunky babies.

Wait, was that right?

She scrubbed frustrated fingers through her copper curls, long and burnished brilliant as rose gold, while the tight schoolgirl uniform pinched her burgeoning breasts and spreading hips as though the clothes were shrinking. Buttons were on the verge of popping across the increasing swell of her perky chest, and girlish nectar slicked her thicker, more shapely thighs.

It was tough to form cohesive thoughts with such a massive breeding fuck-stud, a short fence hop away. Nina's core roiled with taboo passion. Her toned four-pack belly felt vacuously empty--a void desperate to be filled by something huge, stiff, and virile, no matter the source.

"Yeah, hell yeah! Keep sucking it like that, whore. I've got another creamy load for you!"

Trevor was cumming again. Blowing more of his bottomless supply of yummy bro-batter straight down Mrs Hatcher's throat and into... her tits? The same expanding sweater-wreckers that were secured around his mountainous manhood.

Was that right? It had to be. They were enlarging even as she gulped and mashed them around his surging enormity, jolting and straightening in an electrifying climax of her own.

That seemed correct. A loyal, loving fuckslut should cum when her Man did. Nina knew that somehow. It was obvious to her now. Part of the natural order of how things went being ravished by a monster-cocked, beefcake megastud like her twin.

Jesus, she was wet for him.

The tiny red thong was practically sagging like drenched paper towel under the constant deluge of her honey. Just one flick of her thrumming bean would be enough. Just a brush of her thumb and the sight of her brother's snatch-splitting fuckstaff...

"Mom, is that you? I'm home!" Called a voice from next door, shocking Nina back to reality like a bucket of cold water. "Are you okay? I thought I heard yelling."

"Oh no... Oh no, no, no!" Nina scrambled in panic, craning her head in the window to spot their neighbor's daughter, Jessa, entering the home. "This is sooo~ not good!"

Jessa was a year older than her and a star cheerleader at the local college. Precisely the last person Trevor should meet in his magically altered state.

The blonde goddess blew Nina a kiss from the forgotten book at her feet.


"Gu-gudenes... um, torden I-I dine... shit, what is that circle thingy over the letter A mean?" Nina was butchering the words as she tried rereading the spell.

It wasn't her fault!

The words twisted and blended together in winding patterns that drew the eye and dazzled the mind. The picture of the pretty blonde lady kept shifting, too. She was smiling at one moment, then laughing or frolicking with her giant pet pig in the next.

Oh, and don't forget the ultra-distracting sounds of loud, unhinged sex blaring from next door.

How was a girl supposed to focus with all that noise?!

It had been so easy the first time, but she hadn't been drooling everywhere like a horny bloodhound back then.

Jessa hadn't lasted five seconds in Trevor's utterly dominating presence. The athletically honed, gorgeously blonde, tight-bodied yet busty cheerleader walked in on him, hosing down her dramatically transformed fuckdoll mother with his plentiful spunk and instantly folded like a bad hand in poker.

How could she not?

Nina's studmuffin Big Bro (big in monolithic stature and cunt-pulverizing cock size, to be clear) commanded a lot of attention.

He was a true Man. Proud and unapologetic of his all-encompassing machismo. A walking, talking, totally hard-fucking paragon of masculinity who overshadowed all lesser males like a solar eclipse.

Jessa was in the living room, dressed in form-fitting orange leggings that showcased a spectacular thigh gap and nautical leagues of muscular legs. She tore off her loose tank top, revealing a surprisingly lacy yellow bra, before dropping to her knees in supplication as though Trevor were a rain god in the desert.

At that very moment, the glamorous young blonde was hyperventilating as her naked, megastacked mother melted against Trevor's side, stroking his mouthwatering immensity an inch from the cheerleader's enchanting face. Her tongue kept flicking out, tasting his intoxicating funk in the air.

"Is my daughter attractive enough for you, sir? Is she young and fuckable enough?" Mrs Hatcher cooed, grinding her sodden snatch on his corded thigh. "She usually plays the tease for boys her age, but look how quickly she kneels for a powerful Man. But if you don't want her, I will send her away and find a more beautiful, more worthy cocksleeve to service your superior magnificence."

A dense spurt of jism, merely a half cup, splattered across Jessa's high cheekbones, causing her to quiver and mewl like a hungry kitten.

"Please... please don't." She simpered, hands clasped beneath her ample breasts as though in prayer. "Mommy, who is this Adonis... where's Dad?"

"Tell her." Trevor rumbled, crossing treetrunk arms over his slab-like pecs.

"That worthless worm? Don't mention him again, brat." Her mother spat, slapping his leaking knob across Jessa's reddening cheek with an audible smack! It left a glistening splotch. "There's a new Man of the house. We sorely lacked a strong and authoritative presence before today. He will teach you some respect."

She smeared Trevor's angry tip over her daughter's blemishless complexion, drawing a gooey line from chin to temple until his veiny pole stood flat against her blushing face, obscuring it with his righteous girth and dribbling precum into her golden hair.

"Oh god... ye-yes, Mommy." Jessa groaned, going cross-eyed and taking a tentative lick of the base. An instantaneous spasm racked her gym-fit body, and a darker patch of orange bloomed over her conspicuous camel toe. "Mmmm, I've never done more than kiss a boy, but promise to do my best for my delicious new Daddy."

"I always knew you were a premium piece of pussy, Jessa." Trevor grunted, seizing his clingy cock-addicted neighbor by the neck and shoving her to the floor. Mrs Hatcher practically whinnied in delight at the rough handling. "Instruct her. Show the little skank how to handle a real Man's dick."

"Oh, oh yes, sir! Leave it entirely to me." She chirped excitedly, crouching beside her moaning daughter and gathering a handful of blonde hair in a ponytail grip. "I'll make certain she doesn't disappoint her hunky new Daddy."

Nina whimpered when a voyeuristic thrill stirred her core. Lengthening spools of bright, brassy curls coiled onto the carpet as she peered over her windowsill.

Saliva hung in sparkling ribbons, bridging her delicate jawline and blouse-busting chest. They added a healthy sheen to the steep slopes of her ivory cleavage, where it exploded from the inadequate confines of her scant schoolgirl uniform.

Agile fingers parted her puffy pink folds, sinking between soaked thighs and achieving lightning-quick, tongue-biting gratification.

She buried an ecstatic wail in the spellbook, shaking through the tempest of toe-curling euphoria, hiding her face and shame between its dry pages.

"Aah! Big Bro... I-I need you--hmmmph~!"

The aged parchment accepted the offering, absorbing Nina's profuse spittle and sweat, thrumming with mystical energy as cracks in the ancient leather cover knitted shut.

Once the sinful paroxysms ebbed to dull, distant thunder, she sagged like a sail on a windless day. The golden goddess grinned up at Nina, having discarded the feathery cloak to reveal her naked form in all its divine radiance. A busy hand delved into the celestial slit below her flat navel.

Next door, Trevor was vigorously fucking Jessa's pretty mouth and visibly distending her slender throat with piledriving thrusts. All while his devoted MILF fuckpuppet shoved the cheerleader's slobbering skull deeper down his shaft until a bulge formed between her sharp clavicles.

Pride swelled in Nina's blouse-busting bosom, popping several overtaxed buttons. Her handsome, donkey-cocked Bro was really giving that snobby bitch Jessa the business and the stuck-up cunt was gushing like a cheap tramp.

Gosh, but Nina's cunt was cumming again already too. Riding the back of the first incestuous orgasm straight onto the next. Slick fingers blurred on her clitty, firing hedonistic mortar rounds to blitz her silly girl brain with pyrotechnic pleasure.

Was it because Trevor was blowing another truckload of scrummy bro-sperm down the snooty slut's gagging esophagus?

That had to be it!

Mrs Hatcher was writhing and humping her daughter's firm backside, lost in a nirvana of convulsive climax while the younger blonde's tits billowed outward, overflowing the now-useless bra.

All three of them were in sync with Nina's Bro-Master's unquenchable desires. Linked by the unbreakable bond of reverent worship of his dreamboat baby-maker.

She spied in awe as Jessa's already gorgeous, prize-winning form gained an almost ethereal sexual appeal.

Muscles tightened and elongated in her arms, legs, and back. Her waist and torso were trimmed to runway model measurements, while her pert breasts, hips, and rounded posterior plumped like ripening fruit. Blindingly golden locks extended in length and volume, sweeping the back of her perfect knees (Nina didn't know how knees could be perfect, but somehow Jessa's were just that), and her skin took on a flawless, poreless shine.

All with Trevor's superduper uber-cock lodge deep and choking off her oxygen supply.

Jessa didn't seem to mind. She was smokily eyefucking him from under ludicrously long lashes, moaning around his awesome throat-clogging length, and Nina had to stop diddling herself before she short-circuited completely.

"Big Bro... Hyaa! Bro-Master... Mmmnph~! Bro-Daddy!" She babbled, dropping the spellbook into a spreading wet stain on the bedroom carpet to tug a fat nipple. "Oh god. Bro-God! I need to feel you inside me so badly!"

"Never gonna get tired of that." Trevor chuckled, withdrawing his stupifying length with a shlorp! "Now get on the floor and lift those ankles, whore. I'm gonna plant a few rugrats in your belly."