Sister's Roommate


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The kiss started to have our tongues move back and forth into each other's mouths.

It was a hard kiss. It wasn't romantic or soft or girly at all. I thought my mouth would start bleeding we were pressed together so tight.

Then I felt her grab my dick. It didn't take much effort to get my cock free and it was hanging down between her legs. I had guessed before that she'd had no panties on but I had been wrong. This time, I was right. My cock was right there at the opening of her pussy. The tip of my dick was actually touching her. For just a second we slowed down.

Was I going to fuck her? FUCK HER! NO.

What were we going to do? Surely we weren't going to do that. Even if she was kissing me, it didn't mean we were going to do that.

I got my mouth away from her and she was looking up at me with intensity. She pulled at my hair and she bore her teeth to me. She forced my head back down so she could kiss me some more. It took all my might, all my self control to pull away from her. I sat back on my knees and I looked at her, with her shirt pushed up above her tits and her pussy spread open to me.

We looked at each other. We couldn't do this. We couldn't let ourselves continue this. She got up and came to me. She started to try and kiss me but I was holding her back.

"We can't." I said.

I held her at a distance and then I got off her bed. I was doing the right thing. This was the right thing. I got my jeans back on and while she was still just looking at me from her bed I left the room.

Shit. What was I going to do? It was hard enough not fucking her when I thought she'd never give in. If she was going to let me do it there was no way I could stop myself. That one time for me to do the right thing would only be one time. The next time she offered herself to me I was going to fuck her. I was already so close.

Fuck. I was so close. I could have done it. She wanted me to do it. I felt like an idiot for not doing it. I stopped in the hall. I could go back there and fuck her nice and good right now and leave a nice sticky package in her vagina.

I eventually found myself in a dark, secluded part of the campus near that back door that went to the stairwell. Why had Elana done that? Was it a joke? Or did she feel like I felt? Or was she just trying to be a good big sister and help me with a problem that was mine alone? Crap, now I had to go ask her. Now we needed to talk about it.

Luckily for me, someone had propped open the back door and I could just go in. I made my way up and then down the stairs to my room. I was glad I could use the lobby most of the time cause that sucked.

I got back into my room and my sister appeared to be sleeping. Cool. I could talk to her in the morning.

Then I realized that with her already asleep I could go to my own bed and this would be the first night in something like a week that I could be by myself.

I got out of my clothes, save for my undershirt and my boxers. I got in bed and started to think up words to say as an apology. Elana would demand an apology for me kissing her even if she'd asked me to do it. She used to always make me apologize for everything that went wrong whether it was my fault or not.

In the darkness I walked over to her bed. I looked down at her as she slept. I watched her breathing.

"I'm sorry. I love you. And I'm sorry that I'm in love with you."

I started shifting my weight so that I could walk back to my bed but she reached for my hand and got hold of me. I turned back to her and saw her eyelids slowly open to reveal her eyes looking at me.

Something in me overcame my resistance. I got into bed with her. Her hands went to my hair and in one fluid movement I was between her legs while my lips came to hers. There was less force in it than before.

My dick and her pussy needed no further introduction. Without guidance my cock found its mark. I was in her. I was home. Once I felt the head of my cock enter her pussy I knew I was not going to stop. Even if she asked me, I was not going to stop.

She was tight and my dick couldn't go all the way in. A little bit at a time I moved in and out of her.

Could I let myself be happy about this? I mean, I was happy about this and she was inviting me in so why couldn't I be happy about this? If I were to take the brakes off I would be jumping for joy at this turn of events. But this is exactly what I was trying to avoid. Well, I hadn't been trying very hard. I secretly really wanted this to happen. If I were really honest with myself, I was loving this moment because I loved her. I felt like she loved me. We belonged together.

But what did this mean? Did this mean we were were together? Did this mean she was my girlfriend? Or were we just going to fuck? We were going to have to talk about this.

Talking was going to have to wait because at that moment I was stuffing my dick as far into her as it would go. She'd let my mouth free and she was gasping for air. She was hitting her climax and we'd only been doing this for a few minutes. Of course I had no room to talk since I felt my own orgasm building up, too.

I heard her say something into my ear.

"I love you, too."

That was too much. I was going to cum. There was no way to stop it.

I pulled out of her. I did that just in time because a huge rope of cum burst from my cock and landed on her. Then another. Then another.

I was about to tell her I was sorry. I knew she didn't like my stuff on her. But she put her finger to my lips to tell me to be quiet. She pointed to the towel. I helped her get cleaned up and every time I tried to say something she just got me to be silent.

Once she was satisfied that she was clean she pulled me to the bed with her. We both had tshirts on with no underwear below the waist. So this was us. We'd done it. Were we going to do it again? How did she feel about this? I wanted answers but they'd have to wait until the morning.

Saturday morning I woke up first again. It took a moment for the memory of the night before to come to me. I'd fucked my sister. I'd really fucked my sister. I was in a sexual relationship with my sister. And here I was, with my dick out and her ass exposed to me. Sure, she was sleeping but after the night before I felt I had a little bit of room to go ahead and feel her body. It was so nice to just do this without feeling like I was going to get in trouble. She was so fine.

I felt her side and moved down to her hips and then down her leg. I felt her abdomen and then brought my hand up to her breasts. Those were really nice breasts and I could squeeze them now if I wanted. I wasn't scared anymore. Even when my sister started moving and then she turned to me with her eyes opening, I wasn't scared and I didn't pull my hand away. I was feeling her breasts and she was going to have to accept it.

"Good morning." she said to me. My response was to pull her shirt off of her. Now she was naked. I brought my mouth to her nippled and I started to suck on it. Such nice nipples. She grabbed at my hair and pressed my face into her chest. Her breathing changed and she started to move her body in some kind of rhythm.

I pulled my mouth from her and then she got up and pushed me down to the bed. She kissed me on the lips and then she grabbed my cock, which was pointing directly up into the air. My eyes became saucers as I watched her put the head of my dick into her mouth and she sucked on it for a bit.

How did I not cum in her mouth? It was far better than any fantasy. Thank you, Elana. Thank you for being the greatest sister in the world. Thank you.

She released my dick from her mouth and then she got on top of me. Down she went onto my cock. In the morning light her body was so beautiful. She was so beautiful. I was so happy we were doing this. I felt whole. I felt at ease. I felt like a complete person. She was the only woman I ever wanted. I took back ever wanting to avoid this. If fucking my sister was wrong then I didn't want to be right.

She brought her body all the way down to mine and I felt her tis on my chest. I loved her tits so much. Her ass as going up and down on my dick. So nice.

We were lasting a lot longer now than the night before. Believe me, I didn't mind. The light was perfect. The bed was perfect. She was perfect. I could fuck her all day. Damn. I just realized, I was never going to be able to get my school work done. I was going to want to fuck my sister everyday for as long as she'd let me.

Oh, here she goes. She was hitting her climax. She seemed dazed for a bit.

When she was finished she started moving again, slow at first but then she picked up speed.

I had my hands on her hips as she fucked me. I had permission to cum I felt. I was working to build up to it. When I was there I slapped her twice on the ass to hopefully signal to her to get up. Bright girl that she was, she got the hint and got off of me just in time for my cum to shoot into the air and land back down on me.

Without a word, she got the face towel and gave it to me.

That was the best morning of my life. Living with my sister was going to be heaven. Pussy heaven. Sister pussy heaven.

In silence we both got dressed and ready for the day. Ok, it wasn't completely silent. We spoke a bit but just mentioning our plans for the day and whatnot.

Before we left to go get breakfast together I stopped her at the door.

"So, I guess we should talk about what happened."

She looked at me but didn't respond with words. She just shook her head.

"So I was thinking ..."

She didn't let me finish. She put both of her hands on my mouth to prevent me from speaking. I gave her a questioning look and she very sternly shook her head no.

I got her hands away. "But don't you think ..."

Again, she covered my mouth and with a flash of anger she shook her head no. I was starting to catch on. She didn't want to talk about it. I guess she wanted me to read her mind instead. If we didn't talk about it I had no idea what this was. What was our status with each other? Were we just fucking or was this something more? I guess I was just going to assume it was something more. By not wanting to talk about it she was giving me permission to think that.

I let her know I wasn't going to mention anything and then we were able to go eat.

One thing that I could say was that I was feeling free. I was feeling more normal than ever. I wasn't walking around with a hard on. I wasn't feeling like I was on the edge. I felt safe and secure. Eventually I was going to have to figure out what to do about Kim and I'd have to find a way to let the women on the hall know I was completely off the market.

I drank some of my orange juice while I looked across the table at the cafeteria to Elana. What were we going to do after breakfast was over? I knew what I wanted to do.

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Nato_Nato_over 1 year ago

Could have used more closure but still well written and enjoyable. 5/5


mrdata9770mrdata9770almost 2 years ago

(8/14/2022) I could not agree with you more. But I need to say that it goes beyond gender Identity. If you’re not in sync with any part of their group mind you are labeled a racist, a homophobe, or a climate change denier. They’re quick to be offended for whatever reason and they use the power of the mob to silence you. I call them the WOKE fascists. They weren’t on the campuses in the eighties when I went to college. My kids went to state schools in upstate NY and it didn’t seem to be a problem then. But these groups seem to run the campuses now. But back to the Narrative. I’m a romantic at heart so I’m into happily ever afters. The story seemed unfinished to me. But of course, real life is mostly cruel and poignant. I’d like to believe they worked their feelings out and stayed together in some way. I enjoyed the read and gave it five stars.

GrillytillyGrillytillyabout 2 years agoAuthor

So this story has been out there for about 5 years now. It is interesting to read the various comments. I guess I knew people would be upset if I put gender identity stuff in there but that's the story that I got and that was the way I could make it work. Ultimately the story is about the story and everything that goes into the story is there to serve that and make the story work. Still it is interesting that writing from a different point of view from the accepted mainstream norm would cause so much ire in people. The story is about a teenager who doesn't know or care about the politics of gender identity. He's faced with a challenge and he has to deal with it. Now as a writer I don't like to pull back the curtain and reveal the magician's secrets but when I crafted the characters of the young women who live on the hall my research for them brought me to a university where I worked with university staff to nail down some of this behavior. There exist people who actually are dealing with gender identity issues and those people are pretty rare. And then there is this subculture of people (much bigger) who attach themselves to gender identity issues as a fad or cultural tribe. That second group is actually a real problem for universities and it's one that they're trying to learn how to deal with. They form a kind of tribe together even if none of the actual individual members has any gender identity issues at all and then they use that to exclude people. They create a wall and they try to assert dominance over others. I thought it was pretty obvious that the way I wrote the girls on the hall would clearly show that none of them were actually dealing with gender identity issues at all not even the girl who explicitly says she's going trans to a man. I wrote, I'm her creator, and I'm telling you that the real deal is that she's not. She's dishonest to others and she's dishonest to herself. I know real life people who have to legitimately deal with gender identity issues and they tell me that this kind of toxic cliq who take over the gender identity message actually harms people who really have to live with that condition. I wrote the girls on the hall as all being girls and none of them actually dealing with gender identity issues. They formed a kind of cultural bond and then tried to use their strength in numbers to abuse others. People who actually deal with gender identity issues don't behave like the girls I wrote.

You know this kind of reminds me of how when I talk to other engineers and someone brings up this or that game which runs or such and such engine and then as a joke I put out there "But were is the Linux port" and then I get subjected to a hour of two of someone being legitimately offended that I would mention something that is not used by the majority of people.

Look, if everyone else has no problem with these kinds of toxic exclusionary groups exiting then that's you. I will always opposes that kind of thing. We have to always take people as they are, not force them to change to what we want, and if they're struggling with something we help them. I completely reject any concept that an aspect of someone identity would cause them to be excluded or made into a pariah as was done to the male character in this story. No one is allowed to do that not even if it is a group you think you agree with or belong to. You have to self police the groups you are a member of to keep that kind of thinking out. That's where racism comes from. We have to shut that down. You can't just hide behind 'well that person isn't pure enough in their beliefs' and then side load racism into our system that way. No, we have to shut it down. Offer people peace even if they don't agree with you.

Oh, and yeah, probably this comment is going to piss off a lot of people. But hey, if you're reading this and you're surprised about the true nature of the story, maybe go back and read it again with new insight.

MfkndragonMfkndragonabout 2 years ago

Just have to ask where in your mind or should I say world does a brother and sister have to share a dorm room shit colleges don't let women share dorm rooms that is against all universities policy but good try on trying to make us believe that

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