Six Times a Day Pt. 27


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Susan was momentarily speechless. On one hand, she loved being ordered around like this, but on the other hand helping Brenda or even just being civil to her was the last thing she wanted to do.

Alan prodded her, rather nonsensically, "Do I own your tits or not?" To help make up her mind, he started fondling and hefting up her boobs.

"You do! You do! Okay, I'll do it. Not happily, mind you, but obviously I need to do more to help drain your balls of all that wicked sperm."

Alan began pulling on her nipples to further bamboozle her. "That's better. Sex cows don't say no, do they?"

Susan groaned in erotic delight. "Tiger, please! Not the nipples! I can't take any more. This morning I had so many problems running through my mind. But you know what happened? You touched my tits. That's when Mommy turns into a horny sex cow. Now you know why Mommy has to see a psychologist, because she gets far too easily aroused. I never knew complete pleasure until you fucked my tits this evening, right in front of everybody. I could almost imagine the pints of milk inside them sloshing around. I want you to fuck me right now. Fuck your Mommy's udders!"

Alan had the wind sucked out of him when he heard her say, "I want you to fuck me right now," though he was immediately disappointed by her clarification in the next sentence. He still hadn't paused very long for his penis to fully recover, but he was too turned on by those words to wait any more.

He threw himself onto his mother. He pushed her down into his bed as he crawled up her until he straddled himself over her chest. With great vigor he shouted, "Mom, I'm going to fuck your chest like it's your cunt! How do you like that?"

She swooned with delight. That was exactly what she was already thinking, that her tits could be like a second cunt. "Oh Tiger! I love it! Fuck Mommy's tit-cunt!" She pressed her tits together to give him an even more cavernous tunnel to plow through.

Her tits were wet with sweat and his penis drooled with pre-cum, but he had to pause in his ardor to spit in her cleavage for more lubrication. Then, from the very first stroke, he slammed into her chest with brute force. He made long but quick strokes.

She grasped her tits ever tighter, creating a tighter and tighter "pussy" for him.

"That's it! Fuck Mommy! Moo! Moo! Sex cow mommy! Milk me! Fuck my udders! Fuck me! FUCK YOUR MOMMY!"

Unfortunately the titfuck didn't last long, because hearing her cry "FUCK YOUR MOMMY!" so completely wantonly and desperately caused him to lose all control. He yelled, "I'm losing it!"

She immediately let go of her tits, grabbed his penis, and stuffed it in her mouth.

His semen flew onto the back of her throat with great force and covered it thoroughly with a white coating. But to his surprise, she pulled him out half way through. Using a hand as a guide, she directed his spray all over her face, as if a bucket of paint was being thrown at it. Her one problem when Alan climaxed was where to put the cum because she wanted it everywhere. In this case, she was glad to get both a good amount in her mouth and a good amount on her skin. She fantasized about getting marked by his cum in the same way a cow is marked by a brand.

They both fell back onto the floor again because of complete exhaustion.

Alan rolled off of her and lay next to her. He was so overwhelmed that he fell asleep instantly.


Alan woke up a few minutes later. Susan tried to get him from the floor to his bed without waking him, but she accidentally woke him up before she placed him down.

When she saw that his eyes were open, she dropped her tits down into his face. She playfully and gently slapped him around in the face with her tits, but then pulled away. "I'm sorry, Son. I'm still randy. I could keep going for hours! But you must be dead tired. I'll leave you alone."

"Mom, you know I love it, but do you realize how exhausted I am? I mean, the whole Brenda thing, the assfuck with Suzanne, then another great titfuck with my favorite sex cow - and that's just the last couple of hours! What a day."

She lovingly swept his hair out of his face, then continued to gently stroke his hair. "I know. This is the problem. I could keep going and going. I swear, I could cum one hundred times a day, until my pussy was so sore that I couldn't walk. But the male has certain natural limits, and even you can't completely escape them. That's one reason I have to see the doctor, because I'm turning into a nymphomaniac and I have to at least tone my sex drive down to a level you can handle. It's just too much fun! I'll never forget this night, the night you first properly dominated Mommy's tits."

She continued reassuringly, "Don't worry. This kind of fun won't end with the psychologist visit. But I have to resolve some other issues. And not just with you." Her eyes unfocused and she gazed off, as she momentarily thought of her recent lesbian urges.

Then she snapped to, and smiled lovingly at him. "Son, you're the best, most loving son any mother ever had. Thanks for putting up with my sex cow fantasy. I know it's strange, but I just love it." She bent over and kissed him on the forehead, then the nose, then a prolonged kiss on the mouth.

As she pulled away, she giggled and said, "Oh yeah. That's the kiss part of our goodnight kiss."

"Mom, you're the one who's the best. I don't deserve you. There's no way I deserve any of this attention."

"Now, Tiger, let's not get all modest and shy again. I want the aggressive Alan who threw me to the floor and fucked my tits like the lord of this house that you naturally are. Don't say that respectful stuff. Don't even think it. My son deserves nothing less than the finest harem of big-titted nymphos Southern California can offer. I only hope that, as your mother, I'll always remain number one in your heart and that you'll give me at least one filling of tasty sperm every day."

Alan reminded her, "Mom, you know I can't love you any more than I already do. But remember what you promised about Brenda just now. No more jealousy. And who knows, maybe she'll want to be a sex cow, too. Before long I might even have a whole herd of sex cows. Then I'll have to get a stable."

"Good God! Don't say that! So hot!" Susan had a flash vision of herself in a horse stall type space inside a stable, on all fours. Brenda was in the stall next to her on one side and Suzanne was in the one on the other side. All of them had milking machines attached to their nipples, constantly sucking up milk as fast as they could lactate it.

She had to take some deep breaths to steady herself and calm down from that disturbing yet exciting daydream.

She was still bent over him like the prototypical mother tucking a child in, except for the fact that she was still naked and had his cum caked all over her face. Her tits scraped against his chest as she bent over. She momentarily squished them around and moaned with delight. "Son, you're so creatively naughty. You make me so happy. Not to mention juicy!" She rubbed her wet thighs together.

He said, contemplatively, "We've sure come a long way since August, haven't we?"

She was silent, also contemplating, and finally answered, "We sure have." She slowly rocked his face with her chest for a while, thinking about the prudish woman she used to be. She thought about it like remembering a movie she once saw - that life seemed completely unreal now.

Then he asked, "Mom, if you like drinking my cum so much, why did you pull it from your mouth and aim a bunch of it at your face instead?"

The contemplation didn't slow her down one iota. She eagerly answered, "Because you have to brand me, Son. If you won't let me have a tattoo, you have to repeatedly brand me with your sperm. Plus, I can savor it better that way. I get to drink some now and then gobble up a little more later. My late night snack is already waiting on my face."

Alan wondered how it was possible for any male to have a flaccid penis around Susan for any period of time, thanks to comments like that. Her tone of voice made her words that much more arousing because she came across as so honest and heartfelt. It was clear she wasn't just saying something to be sexy, she really was counting on eating a late night cum snack right off of her face.

She paused, and then like a little child impulsively asking a parent for a present, she nearly begged, "Can I at least have a temporary tattoo?"

"Mom, I said before, I don't want you to disfigure your perfect skin in any way, so that would certainly include tattoos. But if you did, what would it be?"

She heaved a fond sigh as she closed her eyes and fantasized. "I'm thinking a big 'A' right on my ass cheek. Just like a cow. 'A' for Alan, of course. I think I've told you that before, but that's not all. All the females in your herd would have big A's on their butts, showing everyone that they're your exclusive property."

Alan was disturbed, yet aroused. He knew there was no way in hell he could possibly grow erect again, though.

She went on, "I have this vision of all your classmates hanging out at the local beach. The girls would all be wearing the skimpiest bikinis, showing off the fullness of their lovely asses. So the boys checking out the girls would see an 'A' on the butt cheeks of the dozen or two most gorgeous girls out of the thousands on the busy beach. 'Oh look,' the boys would say. 'That one is an 'Alan girl' as well. Damn. That Plummer kid took all the best ones and didn't leave any for us.'"

She continued breathlessly, "Then Suzanne, Amy, Katherine, and I would go to the beach too, with you arm in arm between all of us. Everyone would gasp. The guys would all say, 'Look! He's even trained his mother and sister to be his sex pets.' But they'd accept that as the natural thing, since it's so obvious you're such a good son and richly deserve such love and pleasure. Plus, you just naturally give off the aura of an alpha male. When you steal their best women away from them, they have to accept that as just and right."

"Wait a minute. I do not. I'm no alpha male."

"Tiger, is this my fantasy or not? As I was saying, then we'd sit down on the sand and everyone would stop and admire the beauty of Alan's closest, most favorite family cocksuckers. But no one would bother us, because they'd know from our brands that we belong to you. Some of your other Alan girls would come up though, and beg to suck your cock, or even beg to be fucked. Like that bitchy but quite stunning Heather girl. She'd want it real bad and throw her microscopic bikini off to tempt you. She'd assume the position: naked, on her heels, arms behind her back, chest thrust out. Everyone on the beach would stare in disbelief. But you'd say, 'Thanks, but no thanks. I have my mommy here with me today. There's nothing I'd rather do than have Mommy suck me off. She's the best cocksucker in town, and in fact she's going to suck it right now. If you want some of this at school, watch and learn how it's done.'"

Alan found his flaccid penis was already twitching with signs of life. He made a mental note never to ask Susan about her fantasies right after a powerful climax. He actually hoped his penis could stay down, since the rest of his body was completely wiped out.

She continued, "Suzanne and the others would gasp with amazement at how many hours I could suck and titfuck your cock right there on the beach. The others, including the dozen or two Alan girls from your school with big A brands on them, would gather all around and stare excitedly. A hot Asian reporter from the local TV news would be there to film this spectacle, but she also would be unable to resist. With the camera rolling, she'd shuck off her clothes and crawl across the sand, begging to be honored with a few licks from the most perfect cock she'd ever seen."

"Mom, you're getting carried away."

"Hush! I'm having fun with this. I'd let her suck and lick a little, but just a little! Just enough to let her know what she's missing! Heh-heh!"

"Mom, that's mean."

"Sorry. Okay, I'd let her take the balls and lick them, but only if her crew films the whole thing. Hands would fly into tiny bikinis and each girl would cream her juices all over the place, but that's all they'd be able to do. They would look on in jealousy, because you would only want to be with me. Even Suzanne could only bite her lip in frustration while you fuck my lactating tits, oozing with the fresh milk you'd lick straight off of my swollen nipples..."

Susan was so lost in her fantasy by now that she was hardly even aware Alan was there. While she gazed off into space, she had an arm under her boobs to clutch them together, and her other hand simulated his penis as it slid in and out of her cleavage and she reveled in the new feeling of Alan titfucking her.

She returned to reality as she realized her fantasy was beginning to sound too possessive, and turned to Alan to check his reaction to that. She was surprised to see him laugh quietly.

Blushing now, she asked defensively, "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing. I just find it amusing that that's YOUR fantasy and not mine. I could hardly come up with a better one for myself. Except all these dozens of women in the 'herd' is too much. I have no need for anyone else now. I keep turning down girls asking me out on dates. Another one just asked me yesterday, but I don't give that kind of thing any thought. I can't handle all the women I'm with as it is. Brenda has to be the last new one. I just can't take any more."

He mused with amazement that just weeks ago he'd never kissed a girl and couldn't even get up the courage to ask a girl out.

"Okay, Tiger. That's fine for now, even though you deserve more. But can you see why I need help? My mind is so messed up! All I can think about is cocksucking for you!" Then she added with a more somber voice, "For starters."

He leaned up and kissed her on the cheek. He pondered how her fantasy paradoxically involved both sharing him with dozens of others and also possessively keeping him all for her own. But he decided to think about that later. "Let's hope you're never totally cured of that cocksucking urge. Now I really need to get some sleep."

She cooed, "You know I'll never be 'cured.' I'm not going to the psychologist to be cured, I'm going to find balance." She kissed him back, picked up her T-shirt from the floor, and left the room.

After she left Alan moaned out loud, "Ugh. If there's a higher power, please give me more strength so I can fully enjoy these best days of my life." He noted that he hadn't gotten hard again - his body was completely destroyed. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

Just as Alan and Suzanne had been spied on by Susan earlier, now Katherine spied on Alan and Susan. With the way Susan had yelled "FUCK YOUR MOMMY!" there was no way Katherine could have remained where she was, as those words carried into her room despite the very solid walls between them. As it was, she already had her ear up against his door long before then, pretty much ever since she noticed by peeking through her cracked open door that Susan had vacated the spot.

Katherine also wanted to start her own goodnight kiss tradition with Alan, but one thing after another had stopped her. This night she was foiled again. She didn't just want a goodnight peck on the cheek; she wanted a vigorous all over groping and necking, hopefully ending in a blowjob or more.

She seriously considered waking him up. But knowing everything Alan had been through, she took mercy on his weakened state and dejectedly returned to her room.

Suzanne tried hard to believe that she was now back on top of things with Alan and back in control generally, partly thanks to her new, and at least temporarily exclusive, anal sex connection, and partly thanks to her new psychologist visit manipulation. But she was wrong.

As much as Alan enjoyed the anal sex with Suzanne, he enjoyed the "goodnight kiss" afterwards with his mother more. It wasn't necessarily any more sexually pleasurable, but it was more emotionally intense. Susan let herself go in these kinds of situations; she completely surrendered to lust and loved Alan with all her heart and soul. The strength of her passions filled the room like a thick fog. Alan couldn't get enough of it.

Suzanne, while having better sexual technique, still held back mentally as much as she could, even though that was turning into something of a losing battle. Ironically, she wasn't following her advice to Alan, to surrender fully to the moment. This restraint manifested itself in many ways. She tried to always guard her speech and actions to make sure they matched her dignity and pride.

For instance, Suzanne might have told Alan a story similar to Susan's branding beach fantasy if it was in the context of a made up role play. But she would never have admitted to honestly having such thoughts (and in fact she censored her fantasies to prevent herself from having those kinds of nonpolitically correct thoughts).

Yet more and more, she did have similar thoughts, though they were buried deep down. While she didn't care about branding, per se, she had strange ideas that she couldn't comprehend. They often appeared in her dreams. Things she wanted to do with Amy. Things she wanted Alan to do to her. Demeaning things she wanted to do to Brenda. Perhaps most disturbingly, she felt increasing resentment and jealousy toward Susan.

She tried to bury these feelings even further down, especially these negative emotions toward her best friend. But living in denial dulled her usual cleverness. Behind her mask, she wasn't fully alert to her feelings or the feelings of others.

In particular, Suzanne avoided thinking about her over-reaction to anal sex with Alan. She had been lonely for almost ten years and only her close friendship with Susan saved her from complete isolation from the emotional intimacy she craved. Suzanne's constant affairs were her coping mechanism, but those affairs, and her stunning looks, made her a threat to other females and further increased her isolation, especially from other women her age.

Suzanne's affairs ceased to be a sufficient distraction just as Alan reached his full growth. She had told the truth in saying he had become the focus of her fantasies - that was in fact much truer than she admitted to herself. Her six times a day scheme was devised to realize those fantasies.

And then Alan started to make them come true in ways that Suzanne never, ever expected, such as him taking ALL the high school's cheerleaders, and then Brenda. He'd soared far, far above Suzanne's expectations in sheer sexual desirability, and that turned her on to a phenomenal degree. So she lost it riding cowgirl with Alan in her ass. Then he said he loved her - her subconscious caught it even if her mind didn't - and that coupled with happy accident robbed her of her self-possession such that her desperate need for love surfaced and she writhed like a love-sick girl rubbing herself against her first man.

But Suzanne's pride and dignity would let her admit any of this to herself, at least not yet.


NOTE: Thanks to the suggestions and corrections of OmegaZone, EBC, DD, Lucky KM, Davy Jones, Gnome, WD40, and NightShadow. A special thanks to WD40 for helping to flesh out chapters 7 through 11.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Where are the other stories in series ? I read them years ago ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Seems to me you missed something Alan's character would certainly have done

between Suzanne taking his anal cherry and tit-fucking his mom, and that is a quick trip to the bathroom for some cock hygiene.

Certainly this story is a fantasy, but it is a reality-based fantasy, so overlooking things such as lube, of some kind, even saliva, before jamming a finger in an ass hole and/or cleaning the main character's cock after his first anal sex wastes the extensive character development work you have done on this story. The ground work is laid, use it. The story becomes richer, the fantasies more believable.

I'm not just talking about these two examples, though they are glaring oversights of this character's psyche and viewpoint. Use it at every chance, like you have with Suzanne's internal struggles.

Good job overall, just details, like that final polish on a fine finish.

Thanks for all your hard work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Fucking pussy main character

Ok look, all that needs to happen for Alan to finally fuck the ALL the older women in this story (what's up with that, anyway? Whiny, jealous Katherine getting first fuck totally wrecks the early part of the story), is for him to tell his mother: "YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT DOWN UNTIL I'M READY, YOU'RE CONFUSED AND NEED MEDS"; to Katherine: "YOU SHUT YOUR WHINY FUCKING MOUTH BECAUSE YOU'RE GOING LAST"; and to Suzanne: "I'M FUCKING READY, FUCK THE OTHER TWO THEY'RE COCKBLOCKERS". Seriously why has this taken 27 fucking chapters??? Are you TRYING to give me an aneurism?

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 10 years ago

SOOOOOO out there...!! Yummmm!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
let have some fun

get heather and alan on the video and let the family watch.let alan take control of the girl at the sex shop ginger,she many plots to pick from.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
six times a day is good,but a sequel i got time

if you write a sequel i will read it.this story can go on to alan become a old man.what stopping brenda from coming by the plummers house every day. when is the divorce over.when is suzanne and amy moving in with the plummers.i know there a lot of questions,the shadow wants to know.(old radio program).

spacer xspacer xabout 19 years agoAuthor
20 times a day?!

Wow, 15 to 20 times a day is a lot of times. I seriously hope you're female, otherwise you're making Alan look bad! :) I might just have to do a sequel and call it 22 Times a Day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

please make Amy the winner.. i love this story....hell i got off 15 or 20 times a day readung it and it took me a week to read it! Damn that's a good story. KUDOS!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
it was as good as it gets

susan is his now totally and so is the rest of them.he needs to have a body orgasm with the rest of the women in the home.if he takes suzanne to the top of the body orgasm she is going to go nuts.suzanne is on the edge,where a good fucking would make her a complete slave just like brenda and susan.amy and suzanne are going to stay over some night next door with alan.he going to fuck brenda and amy in the ass the same time.susan was almost a vigin if so fanasy land saids there is a baby there to with all the cum in her womb now.

spacer xspacer xabout 19 years agoAuthor
Part 29 is now ready!

Part 29 has now been posted. You can find it here:

A few unfortunate things held it up, but the final result is the longest, most illustrated part yet. To give you some idea of the subject matter, Susan is prominently featured in about 25 pictures. :) Hope you enjoy it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
we being waiting for this 05/05/04

alan and susan the show stopper in chapter29,what is next.they catch up for lost time or free for all.when will chapter 29 be ready.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
monday 04/04/05 htt;// is

off the internet for some reason,can't get it up on the sreen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
you say 29 is coming is there a date

the date for 29 will be mark on my calender,the wait has being long.i hope susan pass out off and on all night from orgasms from all her have done a outstanding job with this story.a lot of us thanks you for your time and work for we know it isn't brother peace be with you and your family.that not a lot of pay,but thanks anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
good work

It's a good idea to dedicate a whole part for the long awaited fuck between Susan and Alan. It definitely deserves it. Although I know, it won't take the whole part 29...

Concerning your pregnancy worries: All involved families seem to be quite rich, so there wouldn't be any contradiction between Alan (or Adrian) as a young father - whoever may become mother - and living the life he and the mother-to-be want to live as young people. They easily could afford a nanny to continue school... (just by the way).

But nevertheless your work so far is really remarkable!


spacer xspacer xabout 19 years agoAuthor
Author note: part 28 now ready

Part 28 is now on line. You can find it at:

I originally had Alan and Susan in part 28, but the part got too long, so that's been pushed off to part 29. Part 28 focuses just on events with the women while he's off hiking. But the good news is, I've been working on 28 and 29 as one piece and only recently split them up, which means the release of 29 should follow very quickly.

Ginger will be back before the story ends. The parts are taking longer for a variety of reasons. One is that I had texts and pictures from earlier drafts that I could add to, but now I have to do everything from scratch, so it takes a lot longer.

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