Skinny Dips on a Remote Beach

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Skinny dipping on a beach leads to sex with two women.
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As a young bachelor of 25, I stayed in a building in the suburbs of Mumbai. It was a carefree time, a time before there was internet, mobiles etc. Things were much slower, but we enjoyed doing a lot of things that one does not see today.

We were a group of friends in the building, a few bachelors and about 3 couples. The wives were not working those days. One of the couples had a small child.

Before the child was born, we would meet up every Friday or Saturday night for a party, mostly at my place as it was a little bigger with less furniture, so we could all pile up on mattresses on the floor. There would be music, booze and good food and the few women to liven it up.

While we guys did not dream of hitting on any of the wives, nevertheless we were all quite free with each other. It was not unusual for the wives to hug us or pull us up for a dance. As the youngest, I was pretty fair game for this, the oldest of the wives must have been in her mid thirties and she would do a close dance with me till I got an embarrassing erection! Then she would let go of me with a wink!

This went on for a couple of years. Then one of the couples bought a beach house on a beach about an hour's drive from our place. It was in a little remote place, basically a small house with one large living room on the ground and a bedroom with attached toilet and bath on the 1st floor. There was a toilet in the hall too but was used only at night as it was not ventilated properly.

The house had a back garden and in one corner of the garden was a bathhouse with partitions for a bath, a toilet and a stone table for washing clothes or utensils.  The bathroom did not have a door, it was just a partition wall and anyone using the washing area could look into the bath and see anyone taking a bath.

A gate at the back led to the beach which was about 10 minutes away. It was a long beach and mostly deserted. The fishing village was about a km away and all the activity was focused there. Bombay was not known for beach sports and the only visitors were couples or guys on bikes who came there to drink.

We too would do the same, we would load up on booze and some food in our two cars and a bike and head over on Friday night.  Fresh food was either sourced from a lady in the nearby village and we would heat it up or we would cook eggs in the house.

Most of the time was spent lazing around on the beach or in a small natural pool fed by a stream nearby the house.  The beach was too hot during the day, so the pool which was shaded with trees was more popular.

The women would be in swimsuits most of the time and the men bare chested and in swim shorts or briefs. This is when we really lost our inhibitions.  Although we never tried skinny dipping, taking a bath in the bathhouse was a risky venture with the potential for any one to wander at any time.

The couple who owned the house also had a kid, so they got the use of the bedroom and toilet on the 1st floor. The rest of us would sleep in the large hall on mattresses and use the toilet and bathroom in the garden. Needless to say, there was very little privacy, but the women were quite sporting about it.

The norm was someone going for a bath would announce it and it was expected that the others would stay out, especially if it was the women going. However in practice that was not as simple as it sounded.  Sometimes people would forget to announce or someone would not be around and would end up in the back room to wash some plates or just use the loo without knowing someone was inside or maybe did not care!

I don't know whether it happened to the women, but on several occasions, one of the women would barge in and giggle when whoever was inside would scramble to cover up essentials. But it was all taken sportingly and we shed our inhibitions after the first few stays.

As the youngest, I was fair game for a lot of ribbing from the women walking in with offers to "scrub" my whatever, to the men who commented on the women heading to the loo whenever I was inside taking a shower. But despite all that, it was all in fun and we stayed within the boundaries.

Two of the couples then moved to another building and although they would still occasionally join us, it became less as they had their own circle of friends in their new building.  Finally the couple with kids and I were the ones going over regularly with others joining in occasionally.

The husband - Shekhar, was a tanker sailor and he would be 3 months away each time he was on duty.

Anita had a young live-in maid to help her with the kids and when he was away, just the 3 of us with the kids would head over on Fridays. The maid, her name was Sunita and she was about 18 or 19 years old. She was quite pretty with small breasts and a nice figure.

Sunita was basically responsible for taking care of the kid. The two would wander around, the house, the beach or the pool.  Occasionally Anita would ask me to go with them to keep an eye on things.

Sometimes all of us would be in the pool, Anita in her two piece swimsuit. Sunita would be in shorts and T-shirt, but eventually with just the three of us, Anita persuaded her to get into one of her older bikini sets. Initially she was shy with me around and would not get out of the water when I was around. Then it so happened, one afternoon, Anita was sleeping, she had a bad headache and asked us to go out and laze around so it would be quiet at home.

I picked up my swim briefs and we three then headed to the pool.  I excused myself and went behind a tree to change into my briefs.  Sunita blushed but I noticed she did not turn away. Anyway, nothing could be seen, so I changed and then I got into the pool and fooled around for some time.

Sunita looked like she wanted to join, so I told her to go and change into her swimsuit. She was reluctant at first but after some persuasion, then she went back to the house and returned a few minutes later, a large towel wrapped around her. I assumed she was still shy, so I looked the other way while she removed the towel and got into the water.

After a few minutes, she lost her shyness and the three of us started to play around in the water with a ball which was kept there. She was wearing a red bikini and. Her breasts were small, but seemed quite perky. I had to control myself not to keep looking at her.

We played a game of catch, one had to throw the ball to someone else before he or she was caught by the one without a ball. I was in the middle and Sunita kept throwing the ball to the kid. I knew he did not like to lose, so I targeted Sunita. I dived for her and eventually ended up getting her out.

In the next round, she was in the middle and she too lunged towards me, but I stepped back and she ended up falling on me. My arms went around her to stop her falling and suddenly my body told me I was holding a scantily clad and pretty girl. Of course there was a reaction and she could feel my erection through the suit. She must have been puzzled for a second and she looked down. Then she realized what was happening and moved away.

We played for some more time and then came out of the water. She offered to dry me off, of course I gladly said yes! She rubbed me down thoroughly, when it came to my briefs, I thought for a moment she was going to pull it down, but she stopped short.

After she finished, I offered to dry her off and gently rubbed her down, including gently parting her legs and rubbing her thighs all the way up to her mound. It felt very sexy, a young girl, in scanty briefs, her pubic mound was visible through the panty and I could see a little pubic hair sticking out. I took my time rubbing her back, her bum and the back of her thighs. She stood quietly while I enjoyed myself.

Finally I finished. We went back to the house and I went to the bathroom to take a shower. This time, I had to take off my trunks. While I was enjoying the cool shower, I heard a giggle and turned around and behind was Sunita giggling, and uninhibitedly staring at my cock. It was still a little turgid, so I turned around.

"Get lost Sunita." I said and threw some water at her. She escaped giggling.

I finished my shower, got dressed and came back to the house. Anita was on the sofa. Sunita was nowhere to be seen.

"What happened, I heard you shout and then Sunita came running and red faced." Anita asked.

"Someone walked in on me in the bathhouse," I said.

"Oh, it was a special sex education class for my virgin maid?" Anita asked.

She was still smiling her head off. I was relieved she took it sportingly.

"I hadn't planned for it. I hope she is ok?" I said.

"Don't worry, she is fine, she has gone up to change. There are no men or boys in her house, so yours is probably the first naked male body she would have seen. She is almost 20 now and entitled to some entertainment after all." Anita laughed.

"Hey, I don't want to get accused of anything here." I protested.

"Chill, no big deal. I trust you. Let her have some fun. And don't tell me you did not enjoy looking at her in that bikini, she looked good to eat. So go ahead, have some fun, just be careful not to hurt her." said Anita.

I did not say anything, best to keep quiet, I thought.

Sunita came down the stairs, dressed in a skirt and top. She looked a little flushed. Anita wisely changed the topic. We spent the rest of the evening playing games on the carrom board. Finally we had dinner and Anita went up with the kids. Sunita and I were alone in the hall, I went to sit out in the portico while she did some cleaning up in the kitchen. She slept on a mattress in the kitchen, so she would first clean it every night before she went to sleep.

After some time, I went in, it was dark, so I supposed she had gone to bed. It was quite hot, so I tossed around on my bed for some time. I was not getting sleep, so finally I thought I would go out for a walk. I got up and went to the back door,  To my surprise, it was open and Sunita was sitting outside on the steps.

"Not getting sleep?" I asked.

"Yes, it is too hot." she said.

"I am thinking of going for a walk on the beach." I said.

"Oh, can I also come?" she asked

I was uncertain about that. Although Anita had made it clear she was ok, I was not sure if I should encourage Sunita any more. Anyway, I could not refuse her. So I nodded.

We went out the back gate and in a few minutes we were on the beach. It was a little muggy weather and no breeze, so we continued to sweat. There was some moonlight, but otherwise the beach was dark and completely deserted. Soon we reached our regular spot, this was a set of rocks on which one could sit. We sat on the rocks and looked out to sea. I thought it was getting hotter and sweatier. At least in the house we had the fan for some breeze.

"I think we should go back, this is worse, I am sweating all over." I said.

"Yes, but the water looks cool." she said.

"You want to get into the water?" I asked

"I don't mind, but we should have got the swimsuits. Also we did not get towels. I don't want to get my clothes wet." she said.

There was silence for some time while I wondered what next, was I supposed to give an idea to her?

"Well, we could just go in just like that without anything, then we can go back and take a shower." I ventured.

"What if someone comes? she asked

"No one is coming at this hour, anyway, even if someone comes, we lie down till they go away." I said.

She was silent for some time. I realized I would have to take the first move on this.

"I am going in, just close your eyes or something for a minute." I said.

I stood up and turned the other way.  I pulled off my T-shirt and then pulled down my shorts and briefs and let them drop to the rocks. The rocks were above the high tide, so it would be safe.  I looked back and she was staring at my bum. I ran into the water and it was blissfully cold. I was finally skinny dipping, something I had been meaning to do one day on this beach.

"It is very cool, come on." I shouted.

I went further into the water and turned the other way. I thought I would give her some privacy. Sure enough, I heard footsteps and suddenly she was in the water. I turned around to look at her, she was sitting down and the water was up to her neck, but I could see bare shoulders, so I guessed she had removed some clothes.

Amidst this, I forgot I was nude and realized it when I caught her staring at my cock. As usual, it was enough to excite me and my cock started to stand up.

 "Stop staring at me." I said, splashing water on her face. She turned around and I caught a glimpse of the top of her breast for a brief moment.

" Have you never seen men naked before?" I asked.

"No, there were no men in our house. Is it so big for all men?" She asked.

"Yes, this is quite normal. Did you never see Shekhar in his underwear at home?" I asked.

"Yes, a few times, but it was not so big." she said.

I plopped next to her in the water and tried to float in the water. My cock was now standing up out of the water and I could not care less. As Anita said, let the poor girl enjoy herself.

A large wave suddenly came in and pushed us back onto the beach. I ended up rolling over her and we both were gasping while the water receded. Suddenly I was on top of what seemed to be a nude girl.

Her breasts were against my chest and my cock was in between her legs. We stared at each other in silence, both of us were enjoying the sensation. I put my legs under hers and locked it down. My cock seemed pressed against her stomach.  

I bent down and kissed her lips, she tasted of salt. She kept quiet and closed her eyes. I continued to kiss her lips and face. The water had receded now. I tried to slide down a little till I came to her beautiful breasts.

As I thought, they were small but perfect. I kissed her nipples which were erect and rubbed my face in her breasts. She moaned and tried to push me off. My hand went down her sides and I came to her hips. I realized she was still wearing her panties.

"Oh, you did not take off your panties, these will take time to dry." I said.

She did not say anything. Her eyes were closed and her hands over her face.

Suddenly there was another large wave which came in. I turned over and managed to get her upright before the wave hit with a crash. Now she was sitting on my crotch and finally I got to see her breasts. Although it was dark, still she felt shy enough to cover her chest with her arms.

I did not stop her. I just pulled her down onto me. We hugged for some time in the water. My hands went down to her bum and I caressed her gently. Slowly I eased my hands inside her panties and gently massaged her bums. She did not protest, so I got a little bolder.

When the next large wave came in, we rolled again and this time the panties slid down, thanks to my hands, and suddenly my face was in her stomach. She did not realize her panties were down and I took advantage to squeeze her breasts and kiss her stomach.

Slowly I slid down further till I came to her bush. She had a lot of hair down there and as I sunk my face into her bush, she finally realized she was naked without her panties. She cried out loud and tried to push me off. I stuck on though and my face was deep in her crotch. Finally she surrendered and locked her legs around my face. I licked her pussy lips and my tongue went inside her. She moaned once again, her hands on my hair and her legs tightly locked around my face and she came with a shudder and moan.

The next wave hit us at that moment and I had to slip free to avoid drowning. I got up to see her panties float away. I managed to grab them just in time. She was still lying on the beach with her legs locked. Slowly I held her and finally she got up.

She was a mess, covered in sand, hair wet. But she was smiling. She let me kiss her and we hugged.

"Did you enjoy that?" I asked.

"Yes, what happened though?" she asked.

"You had an orgasm. Was this the first time you experienced this?" I asked curiously.

"Hmm, sometimes I felt like that but this was like a big thing." she said.

"Good, it means you are a healthy girl and can enjoy sex."

We got up and then walked back naked to the house, she was reluctant but I pointed out that our clothes would get all sandy and there was no meaning in that. In any case, the beach was deserted.

"I hope Anita madam is not awake." she said.

"I doubt, but even if she is, she will not mind, I think." I said.

We went to the bathhouse and took a shower together to remove the same. I did not switch on the lights to avoid waking up Anita. It was heavenly to stand under the cold shower, my cock still sticking up into her bum and my hands on her breasts.

Slowly I rubbed her down. When I came to her crotch, I moved through the hairy field.

"Why don't you remove the hair here?" I asked.

"What, women do that?" she asked.

"Of course, touch my cock and balls, I keep it clean, it makes it very comfortable." I said.

Some time was spent in examination of my clean shaven balls and cock which was now at full attention.

"Nice, but how to, I don't know." She said.

"Give me a minute," I said and reached up for my razor which I kept in the bathroom itself.

I used the shower head on her pussy and quickly shaved her pubic area. It was dark, so I had to keep feeling and that just seemed to increase her enjoyment. I thought she was going to come again. And sure enough, when I finished and leant forward to kiss her pussy, she started to shudder and would have fallen if she had not held on to my hair.

We finished the shower and dried ourselves. Finally we got in and collapsed into bed. We must have dozed off instantly as it was morning when I woke up to hear sounds coming from the kitchen and the smell of coffee..

"Wake up sleepy head!" Anita shouted.

"It is almost 9 AM, what were you doing all night? I could hear some sounds from the bathroom in the middle of the night." Anita sai.

"Uhmm, nothing, it was too hot, so I went to the beach and took a shower when I got back." I said.

"You went alone to the beach at night, aah, skinny dipping?" she said.

"I was not alone, your darling girl tagged along." I said.

"You went skinny with my girl...seriously!  And she joined you in the water?"

I nodded.

"She was au naturelle too?" Anita asked with her eyes wide open.

I nodded again, with a big grin on my face.

Now we were both talking in English, Sunita could not speak it, she spoke Hindi and some other rural language. Nevertheless, she would be able to hear  us and probably guess, so I gestured to Anita to take it easy.

"Tell me all about it." Anita said and plopped on the sofa next to me.

"Nothing much to tell, I was going  out, she was sitting outside and asked if she could join. I could hardly refuse. I did not plan to go skinny, but the beach was so warm that when I suggested it, she was all too ready." I said.

"Wow, so how far did you go, you rascal." she slapped me on the shoulder.

"I did not do anything to her, don't worry, we just rolled around on the beach, had some safe fun and came back, took a shower together." I said.

"Oh, and I gave her a bikini wax, or rather a bikini shave." I added.

"You did all that and you are telling me you did not have sex with her?" Anita asked.

"Seriously, I did not enter her, she came twice though." I grinned.

"Oh wow, no wonder she is looking so dreamy today, I thought something was wrong with her. And what about you, don't tell me you went to sleep like an angel, with a hard on!" Anita said.

"Actually I fell asleep, I was exhausted, in any case, I could hardly ask her for some help there, she would have probably run off!" I said.

"Gosh, and to think I missed it all, I thought I heard some noise from the bathhouse in the night, then I dozed off again." she said.