The Stronger Girl 06


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"My brother David is gay," Michele announced.

Annie turned to look at Michele, who was staring forward. The Stronger Girl looked angry; enraged.

"I had known. I think my mother suspected, but he came out to us all during a family vacation a few years ago. Charlie; his fiancé. His husband-" her rage was crashing into sadness, the kind of sadness she'd seen on Michele's face the night she'd cried inconsolably, not allowing Annie to comfort her. "It was awful Annie; it is awful."

She had squeezed her fists, Annie had heard the skin of her fingers creaking audibly against each other.

"I am the only fucking one who went to the wedding," she told her, tears sliding down her cheeks. "I love him so much Annie, he's so good, has always been so good, and they cut him off like it was nothing."

The shock of it chilled Annie, her stomach dropping. She felt like the train was sliding back into the cold darkness of the tunnel. She reached for Michele's hands, but The Stronger Girl lifted them away; took angry swipes at her tears with her knuckles.

"They seem like they are nice, but they're not nice," Michele spat. "I didn't want to tell you before because I didn't want you to hate them... I didn't want you to have to pretend to not hate them. And I really wanted you to come, Annie. I was afraid you wouldn't come if you knew."

The Stronger Girl turned to look at her, took Annie's small hands in hers; tried to smile. "I asked you to come because I wanted you with me and because I wanted to introduce you to David. I want you to meet him, to know him, but also for him to know you."

David was waiting for them on the platform when they got off the train. Michele saw him and waved excitedly and he called out to her. "Mic!"

He was enormously tall, as much taller than Michele as Michele was taller than Annie. And he was just as beautiful as Michele. He had wide square shoulders, was beautifully long and lean and fit, and looked like his father, but had an open happy expression.

"David, this is my girlfriend Annie," Michele told him.

Annie's eyes had jerked to Michele, wondered at what she had said, wondering if she meant it like Annie wanted her to mean it.

"Annie, I have heard so much about you," David told her, wrapping her in his arms, "I am so happy to finally meet you."

Michele was wrapped in the arms of another man that Annie assumed was David's husband Charlie.

They had walked from the train, Charlie and David carried their bags, Michele, with her arm around Annie's shoulders, warming her. David and Charlie and Michele had all been talking at once, laughing and interrupting one another in an attempt to tell Annie stories, about the wedding, about the summer, about each other.

They stopped at a long narrow tapas bar, filled with sunlight from big windows all along one side. It was empty. ("Too late for brunch too early for supper," the host explained with a wan smile.) The staff was all happy to see them, and all seemed to know David and Charlie, but also Michele. The four of them took over a large booth in the back. David ordered a bottle of red wine and small plates from a lovely young server.

Annie had watched the other three, how happy they all were, how warm. In contrast to his father, David was a relaxed, physically affectionate man like Annie's uncle. He couldn't stop touching Michele and Charlie, or even Annie for that matter.

The men were architects and worked as partners, but Charlie had explained to Annie that he had never gotten his license, but that it didn't matter. He focused on interiors and detail work, while David dealt with structural issues and utilities and zoning and all the other things that bored Charlie. They were both attractive and smart and fun. Annie had liked them immediately but found herself drawn to Charlie. He moved purposefully, and with a kind of grace, that reminded Annie of Nancy.

No one mentioned Michele's parents, which made Annie a little sad when it occurred to her. But she realized she wasn't sad for David and Michele, or not entirely, she was sad for their father and mother, that they were missing this.

Annie had spent so much time in public, careful not to look at Michele, careful not to touch her, especially over the past day with her parents. But now, with David and Charlie, away from school, she was freer to watch and touch Michele than she had ever felt before. As The Stronger Girl told stories and argued her points she held Annie's hand. Annie was free, not just to watch and touch Michele, but to adore her - and she did. From time to time David or Charlie would catch Annie's eye, and share their pleasure with her.

But as Annie ate and drank and listened and watched she had mostly been thinking about what Michele had said to David - that Annie was her girlfriend. Annie had rolled that around in her mind, tried to imagine what it might mean to The Stronger Girl; wondered when exactly she had decided it. She thought of the kind words Michele had spoken to her the night before, and at other times. That she was Michele's "precious girl". Thought of how Michele had held her in her arms and told her that she had wanted Annie from the first moment she first saw her; how she had struggled not to touch Annie. That she had dreamed of touching Annie.

Annie tried to remember that very first moment. She had been picked up at the International Terminal with two other new students, both freshmen. They had waited an hour in a big white van for five more new students flying domestically, before driving an hour to the campus where they had been greeted by returning students, all wearing name tags on yellow t-shirts with "ORIENTATION" printed across the fronts. A junior named Bobbie had taken Annie under her wing, separated her from the throng of freshmen, gotten her signed in, and then helped her with her bags, and walked Annie to the sophomore dorms.

"It's going to be a little lonely up here this weekend," Bobbie told Annie as they pulled the two large bags up the stairs. The two of them seemingly the only ones in the building. "Returning students all come Monday, so, besides RAs, I think you're the only one in the sophomore dorms till then - but orientation is fun, you'll like it."

She and Bobbie had gotten the bags up the three flights stairs, and then Annie had followed her down the silent hall as she searched out Annie's room. The door was open and a tall woman dressed all in black was standing in the window. For a moment Annie thought there must have been a mistake, that they were in the wrong room.

"Ohh heyyy," Bobbie had said, sounding confused as well, looking at her paperwork.

The woman had turned to look at them. She had long dark brown hair and large very dark brown eyes, almost black. Annie remembered being struck by how glamorous the woman was. Her expression had been very smooth and mild, her figure was statuesque - she had radiated calm authority and confidence. Annie had assumed the woman must be on faculty or administrative staff - wondered if there was a problem; if she was in trouble. She had felt a stab of apprehension.

"Umm... oh wait. Are you Michele?" Bobbie had asked.

"Yes?" the woman answered. Her voice was deep and smooth, but she was breathing deeply, almost out of breath. Annie, who had almost no breasts at all, found herself watching the woman's breasts rise and fall. They were large and shapely; standing out almost magically under the tight fabric of her shirt. With a jolt, Annie had realized she was staring, had looked up nervously to see the woman was staring back at her. She blushed and dropped her eyes to the floor.

"Oh right on." Bobbie laughed.

The woman hadn't said anything, and Bobbie had laughed nervously, Annie had studied the linoleum floor, wishing she could slip through the cracks. But something niggled at Annie, she looked up, studying the space. There had been bags next to bed, and the woman's clothes weren't business attire - a tight black pullover and low cut black capris with black tennis socks and white sneakers. The woman had probably climbed the steps with her things just ahead of Bobbie and her, that's why she was breathing hard. She had looked so strong. Even though her bags were larger and looked much heavier than Annie's, she had imagined Michele carrying her bags easily up the stairs, while she and Bobbie together had struggled with hers. Abruptly everything had snapped into place in Annie's mind.

Michele was the name Student Housing had sent. She wasn't a woman. She was a girl, a stronger girl, but a girl. Annie forced herself to look back at Michele. Forced herself to smile at her.

"I didn't know you were here this weekend too, sorry," Bobbie told her. "But of course, you're a transfer student as well - I'm such a dum-dum!"

Michele was still looking back at Annie however, the ghost of a smile on her lips.

"Anyhoo... I'm Bobbie," she had told Michele, coughing nervously and pointing at her name tag, "and this is your roommate, Annie."

"Ahh!" The girl exclaimed, finally acknowledging Bobbie, but quickly looking back to Annie, her expression bright with understanding. Michele had smiled more openly then and moved towards Annie, hands outstretched. "It's so nice to meet you, Annie."

Michele had taken Annie's hand in hers, looked down at her. "You're coming from Portland, right?" She'd asked. "That's a long trip. You must be beat?"

Michele was lean and athletic, her arms had looked so marvelously long and muscular compared to Annie's thin little arms. Her skin was tan and smooth, compared to Annie's pasty white complexion. Annie had known her blush was deepening; had felt ashamed.

'Silly stupid girl," she had thought.

"I came from my grandmother's actually," Annie had explained without explaining. Not wanting to admit how jet-lagged she was to the stronger girl. "I'm ok."

Annie lay alone in the pullout bed; her hair damp from the shower, her head spinning from the wine and cocktails. Michele was wrapped in a towel whispering with David at the kitchen island.

It had been a long fun day but Annie's mind couldn't stop returning to the moment they stepped off the train, the moment Michele introduced her as her "girlfriend".

She heard the bathroom door open, Charlie walked by in nothing but a pair of tiny striped boy-shorts.

"Good night Annie," he sing-songed. "Sweet dreams!"

"Thank you, Charlie," she laughed. "You too!"

They had stayed at the tapas bar till ten when David had announced he wanted to go dancing. He had settled their bill, and the four of them had come back to the loft to drop the bags and clean up a little.

Annie and Michele had been in their street clothes, but Charlie, who had asked Annie about the ballet earlier, and heard about their outfits, insisted the girls change into their dresses. Michele had resisted, but Charlie had been relentless and she gave in. While they changed David had made them all espressos.

Annie's teeth had chattered loudly as they walked to the bar. Michele and Charlie had flanked her, working to keep her warm, but no amount of hugs or back rubbing would stop the wind from blowing up the gaping hole in the crotch of her tights.

The bar was full and gloriously warm. Michele and Annie were two of the only girls, but the men were friendly and welcoming. David and Charlie were clearly regulars, but the novelty of the girls in their evening wear put their little foursome in the limelight.

Annie had seen Michele dance in heels before but was still impressed to watch The Stronger Girl grind and twist in the stilettos. Annie had said something to David to that effect, who told her Michele had beat Charlie at table tennis after the rehearsal dinner while wearing them.

David had to bend almost double to tell Annie the story, yelling in her ear over the music. Even in the four-inch heels, Michele was still a good bit shorter than her brother, who, Annie guessed, was the tallest man in the bar. The siblings were amazing to watch. Annie had never been able to imagine Michele fucking a boy, but as she'd watched him dance with The Stronger Girl she thought she could; it would be a man like David. Until that morning Annie was sure Michele had fucked a man, but no longer was. When she had pushed her hand deep into Michele the night before, the resistance she'd felt, and the sharp cry she made as that resistance abruptly gave way to the warm feeling of being enveloped in The Stronger Girl's body. She thought of the spots of blood on the sheets of their bed she had seen that morning.

Her attention had shifted abruptly as Charlie had spun her into his arms so fast she'd felt airborne. He was so excited to know Annie knew how to swing dance and the two of them had laughed as they'd goofed moves in the crowded bar to the thumping dance music.

"I'm going to throw you!" He'd warned, as he tossed her high in the air by the waist, catching her by her wrists so she swung and shot between his legs and back into the air again, both of them laughing.

He was just as beautiful as David, if not more so, but he was much shorter - shorter than Michele in her heels for that matter. He was, Annie thought, still tall for a man, and powerfully built. Almost a bodybuilder, but leaner, like a gymnast.

David was a good dancer, and very sexy to watch, but not like Charlie, who moved like a trained dancer. If he had taken himself more seriously, Annie thought it would be embarrassing to watch him (much less dance with him), but because he was so self-effacing, so ready to laugh at himself, it made him sexier to her somehow.

Watching David and Charlie dance together was a case of the whole being greater than the sum. Annie had never seen two men dance much less kiss, and found it wildly arousing. The two men moved with a charged intensity that Annie found explosive. It had clearly affected Michele as well, who watched them with black eyes. As the men's dance grew more explicit, The Stronger Girl's hands became more insistent, squeezing and pulling at Annie. As the evening went on, her affections built on theirs became bolder, more aggressive, more demonstrative, and demanding.

At one point Michele had slipped her thigh between Annie's legs and pulled Annie forward to grind against it. She had clearly meant to kiss Annie, but stopped, a look of confusion had clouded her face momentarily, replaced quickly by realization as The Stronger Girl felt Annie's bare pussy through the gaping hole in her tights. The feeling of Annie soaking her thigh highs ignited Michele, who pushed her great tongue into Annie's mouth. They all but made love on the dance floor - drawing cheers from David and Charlie and the men around them. Cheers, that the two girls ignored, were oblivious to. After what felt like hours of dancing with The Stronger Girl, Annie felt bruised and chafed and in a near frenzy of desire.

"I have to pee!" she'd yelled over the music.

Holding her by the arm, Michele had guided Annie through the press of sweating writhing men, to the back of the bar where there were two small unoccupied bathrooms. She pushed Annie into one and locked the two of them in. Annie's ears rang in the little space, the music thumped distantly beyond the locked door. Again, like the hotel bar, there was no stall, just a toilet, and a sink, but this one was poorly lit - a flickering fluorescent tube barely illuminating what was clearly a much smaller and much filthier bathroom than the night before. Annie looked down at the muddy wet floor, certain The Stronger Girl would make her kneel there soon.

Turning to face Michele, she saw that The Stronger girl was still breathing hard from the dance floor, her cheeks were ruddy, locks of hair plastered to the sides of her face with sweat. Annie was panting and overheated as well; could feel sweat trickling down her spine, between the cheeks of her ass, burning her eyes. She lifted her skirt as high above her waist as she could.

Annie stood and proudly displayed her torn hose and the ragged ends of her panties that Michele had torn in half the night before. The stronger Girl had smiled at the sight.

"Funny girl," she cooed.

Michele had then looked, saw that there was a hook on the door, and she'd lifted her own hem right over her head and hung her dress on the hook. She was naked except for her thigh-high hose and stiletto heels; her powerful body flush and glistening with sweat. Her breasts heaved, the domes of her normally pink nipples so swollen they were wine red. The lips of her sex were engorged as well, thickly divided by the usually delicate petals of her labia.

Annie had pushed her finger in Michele's navel. It was like a little bowl filled with sweat. Taking hold of Annie's 'Peter Pan" collar The Stronger Girl began to unbutton the front of Annie's dress, turning her around to peel it off her sweat-wet shoulders and hanging it on the hook with her own inside-out dress when she was done. Turning back to face each other, Michele put her hands on Annie's waistband and dropped to a crouch directly in front of Annie with her knees spread wide. Michele pushed the debris of Annie's tights and underpants down to her ankles, her lips less than an inch from her shaved little pussy. Annie squirmed.

"How bad do you have to pee?" She asked, her hot breath cool against Annie's overheated skin.

"Bad," Annie told her.

"Only after you cum Little One," Michele breathed. "Spread your legs now Annie."

Annie did as she was told and Michele took her in her mouth. Annie groaned. She had wanted to Michel Michele's lips on her own for so long, at times it had felt unbearable. But the pressure on her bladder had been painful, she could think of almost nothing else. She rolled her hips obediently, however, and The Stronger Girl's great tongue pushed inside her. Michele's hands slid around Annie's waist and took hold of her little "bubble butt", which clenched with the attention. Michele's tongue began to work inside Annie, causing her to thrust and twitch, but after a minute of crashing pleasure crowding out the ache of her bladder, The Stronger Girl took her mouth away.

"Take hold of my hair Little One." Annie, who had been holding onto the walls, slid her fingers into Michele's thick hair, her scalp was hot and soaked with sweat. "Grip it tight Annie; all your strength. I want you to fuck my face."

Annie did as she was told.

"May I?" Annie begged as she tried to move down the bed.

"No," Michele whispered to her, holding her, forcing her back up. "I want you here, I want to see your face."

Annie lowered herself onto The Stronger Girl, pressing into her bare bosom. The two of them had stripped naked after Michele had climbed into bed and David had turned off the lights, wishing them both a good night.

The wine and cocktails had caught up with Annie. At Michele's instruction, Annie had forced herself to drink as much water as she could while she was showering. But Annie felt more drunk laying naked on top of Michele than when she had climbed into bed still damp, with a spinning head, a half-hour before.

"Please," Annie begged, as quiet as she could. After everything that had happened at the bar, she wanted so desperately to please Michele, to display her devotion. "Please let me lick your ass, let me lick it please Michele."

Her voice was hardly a whisper, her lips pressed directly against The Stronger Girl's ear as she begged. Besides the enclosed bathroom, the loft was a single L-shaped room with high ceilings and tall casement windows all along the outside edges of the L. The long stem of the L, where Michele and Annie were sleeping, was about forty or fifty feet long, and the shorter arm of the L, where David and Charlie were sleeping, was about twenty or thirty feet deep. Although they couldn't see the men's bed, and vice versa, all that separated them was the outside corner of the bathroom (built into the inside corner of the L). They were essentially sleeping in the same room as the men, just twenty or thirty feet apart.