Slaves to Their Desires

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Slaves revolt during Civil War, ravage mom and two daughters
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The Roebuck plantation was one of the largest in West Georgia. It was isolated by its size; the closest plantation house was 10 miles away.

After Fort Sumter, John Ed Roebuck left his wife and two daughters to join his Confederate regiment. His older brother Lucas, who had lost his hand in a threshing accident and thus couldn't serve, brought his wife to live with Jane Roebuck so there would be a male presence at the sprawling estate.

However, in the spring of 1862, Lucas and his wife had to leave for Atlanta; Lucas' mother-in-law was ill and near death. The absence of a male presence lit the fuse on explosive events.

Jack Carpenter, the white overseer at the Roebuck plantation, had increased the level of his cruelty since John Ed's departure. Without proper supervision, unwarranted whippings increased, the quantity and quality of food provided for the slaves was reduced (with Carpenter skimming profits). But what angered the male slaves the most was how Carpenter, on a nearly daily basis, sexually availed himself of their wives and teenaged daughters.

Jane Roebuck was 34. She had married John Ed, who was eight years her elder, when she was 16. A year later she gave birth to Rose and two years after that, Rebecca. Jane Roebuck was of Irish descent; she had flame-red hair and aqua eyes. After two pregnancies, she was a bit on the plump side, but she was still the type of woman any many would lust after. She was 5-foot-5 with creamy skin. Her breasts were melon-sized and had started to sag.

Rose, who had just turned 20, took after her mother but she was more lean. She, too, had red hair but unlike her mother's often unruly locks, Rose's hair was luxurious, full and smooth. Her skin also was creamy, and her breasts were full, firm and rode high and proud on her chest.

Rebecca took after her father, who had darker features. Her hair was brownish-red and she often wore it in pig tails to keep it under control. Despite being two years younger than her sister, she already was an inch taller than her mother and sister. She had coltish, long slender legs and breasts were apple sized.

On this particular day, around late morning, Jane was reading in the mansion's upstairs study. Her daughters were sewing in a sitting room on the other end of the upstairs floor. It was mid-May, and the weather was heating up. The windows in the mansion were open to allow cross breezes. Jane looked up from her book when she heard shouts in the distance.

She went to the window and saw several house slaves heading for the storehouse. "That's strange," she thought. She called out to Tildie, the old slave mama who ran the house, but got no answer.

Jane was about to turn from the window to see where the house help was when some movement caught her eye. Running through the nearest field and toward the mansion, she saw about a dozen field workers. A cold fear started to grip her spine. The workers never came back from the field until the day was done. Here it was, just before noon, and they were not at work.

Jane was a Southern woman, and she was strong and confident. Still, she realized that other than the overseer, she and her daughters were the only whites -- the only real authority -- on the huge plantation. Her heart started to pound in her chest as she walked to the master bedroom. In a drawer in her dresser was the long-barreled Colt .45 that her husband had left for her "Just in case." She dragged the heavy revolver from the drawer and checked to see that it was loaded.

Carrying the gun in her right hand and hiding it in the folds of her floor-length dress, she started slowly walking toward the stairs. She was trying not to panic, and she deliberately slowed her pace as she tried to calm her nerves.

As Jane stepped off the last step and into the first-floor foyer, the large oak door flew open and six field hands rushed in, single file.

She recognized Buck, one of the hardest working and most reliable field workers.

"B-b-buck," she stammered as she tried to control her breathing, "uh, what are you boys doing here in the middle of the day? Shouldn't you be in the fields? Where's Mr. Carpenter?"

The six men had formed a semi-circle in front of Jane, blocking any exit she had other than back up the steps. She still had the heavy revolver hidden in her skirt but it was starting to feel like she was trying to hold a bale of cotton.

Buck grinned. "That mistah Carpenter? We done took care of that rat bastard sonovabitch. He tied up out in da field. He probly not gonna last to sundown."

The men could hear Jane's gasp. With the overseer -- what, dead? dying? -- there was no one to control the slaves. What she had witnessed from the window indicated that even the house servants were in on the uprising. Jane and her daughters were in grave danger.

Her protective, motherly instincts took over. She pulled the revolver from its hiding place and brought it in front of her. With both hands, she lifted it level and her thumb struggled to pull back the hammer.

"N-n-n-ow, y-y-you boys need to leave the house," Jane said, her voice quaking with fear as she struggled to keep breathing.

Buck grinned again but said nothing. She wasn't really aiming the gun at any of them, but it was clear that she was armed and perhaps dangerous.

Jane's knees were shaking. Feeling pressed by the six men, she started to take a step back. But her foot caught on the bottom of her dress against the first stair step. She lost her balance and started to fall back. One hand came off the pistol to try to brace her fall. The barrel raised and her panicked finger squeezed off a wild shot that put a hole in the wall just above the door.

In seconds, the men were on her. One of them easily wrestled the gun from her hand. He looked on the weapon as though he had just been granted his freedom. The other men grabbed their master's wife and yanked her to her feet, spinning her around to face the staircase. Buck had her right wrist, and he twisted her arm painfully behind her back.

"MAMA," Rose screamed from the top of the stairs. Summoned by the gun shot, Rose and Rebecca had come running. They saw the six black slaves and her mother being manhandled. Nothing in their existence prepared them for the sight of a white woman, their mother, being held roughly by a ... Negro.

Jane struggled in Buck's grip. "For God's sake, let me go, pleeeeease," she wailed. "You can take all the jewelry, all the gold and silver. Let me and my daughters go. We'll ride over to the Bentley plantation. By the time we get there, and anybody comes after you and the others, you'll be long gone."

It sounded like a perfectly reasonable request. But Buck and his five companions weren't after a reasonable settlement.

"Nah, don't think so," he whispered with his mouth close and blowing hot breath on her ear. "We gotta lotta cocks need some cunt."

Jane shivered at the sound of those coarse words.

Buck let Jane go, pushing her up the first two steps. She gathered her dress and petticoats and ran up the stairs to her daughters. Maybe they could somehow escape.

The men, though, were right behind her. When Jane and her daughters embraced in a tight, fearful hug, the men were surrounding them.

The men paired off and each pair grabbed a Roebuck and led/pushed them toward the master bedroom. Rose and Rebecca were crying and moaning, scared out of their minds and unable to speak.

"We gonna start wit' mama," Buck said, a smile that was part satisfaction, part lust and part evil. "Tie those girls up."

The men grabbed sashes from the curtains and forced the girls to sit in two chairs about 10 feet from the foot of the bed. They tied them to the chairs.

Two other men grabbed Jane and dragged her to the large four-poster bed. Using sashes, they tied her arms to two of the posts and her ankles to the foot of the bed at the floor. She was standing helpless, facing her daughters.

Buck stepped in front of the master's wife. He was about a foot taller, especially since her height was slightly reduced with her legs spread and tied. Like the other men, he was shirtless. His dark skin glistened with sweat and his muscles rippled and bulged. The other five men were similar in size and build.

Jane's dress had a patch of lace that covered her upper shoulders to her neck and a few inches down her bodice. The sleeves of her dress reached just below her elbows. She had pinned her long red hair up to keep cool.

Buck reached his hands into Jane's hair and patiently found and pulled out the hairpins. Her red mane tumbled free, reaching her shoulders. She closed her eyes. She knew the hairpins were just the beginning.

Buck cradled her face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs over her cheeks. His fingers were still dirty from the work he had done earlier in the day and his thumbs left light smudge marks on her porcelain skin. Her nostrils picked up the smell of fresh earth.

His index finger traced over her lips, then pushed its way between them to rub over her clenched teeth.

Rose and Rebecca were still sobbing, and they had closed their eyes so they couldn't see their mother and her predicament.

Buck dropped his hands and took a step back to appraise his prey. Jane's ragged breathing was causing her heavy breasts to rise and fall in the bodice of her dress. With her hair down, she looked even younger and prettier. Buck's cock was tenting the front of his pants and his breathing and heart rate were also climbing.

His hands reached out and he felt the lace that made up the top part of Jane's dress. Buck slipped his index fingers inside the thin cloth on each side of her neck and gave a quick yank toward her shoulders. It ripped easily and the sound of the tearing fabric filled the room.

Jane gasped and her eyes popped open. Suddenly, reality crashed upon her and she fully understood what Buck and his partners had in mind. "NOOOOOAAAHHHHH, PLEeeAAAASSEEEE, STTTTOOOPPPP," she screeched.

Buck just smiled. He grabbed the torn lace and ripped it away from the dress, exposing the top part of Jane's torso.

"Hey, Mose, you got that knife we took off that Carpenter bastard?"

He stepped forward and handed Buck the shiny, four-inch knife with a carved, ivory handle.

"Just you hold still, Miz Jane," Buck said, waving the blade in front of her face.

Jane's eyes were mesmerized by the gleaming knife blade. Her eyes followed the knife as he moved it to the cuff of her left sleeve. He slipped the tip of the blade under the fabric and pulled it up. The sharp edge sliced through the cloth, making a cut about three inches in length. Buck moved over to the other sleeve and performed a similar procedure.

He laid the knife on the bend and his strong hands moved to the torn cloth on Jane's right sleeve. He ripped the sleeve all the way to the shoulder, then dropped the tattered material. He moved to the other sleeve and repeated the task.

Rose opened her eyes and shivered at what was being done to her mother's dress. "Ohhhhh, maaammma," she moaned.

Jane's arms were bare from her shoulders down, the tattered remnants of her sleeves hanging at her sides. The other five slaves watched Buck's handiwork and their breathing got faster. One stood behind Rebecca's chair and was running his hands through her hair. She whimpered at his touch.

Buck was enjoying the power and control he had over his master's wife. He placed the tip of the knife in the hollow of her neck and lightly traced it over her skin to the top of her dress where he had ripped away the lace. Jane held her breath as the knife point safely made its way over her skin.

He slipped the knife into the cloth of Jane's bodice and again it sliced through the material, opening her dress all the way to its waist. All that was keeping the top part of her dress together was a few stray wisps of cloth at her shoulders. The blade made quick work of that resistance and what remained of the top of her dress now hung where it was gathered at her waist.

Buck tried to continue tearing her dress off but the material at the waist was thicker and sewn stronger. The knife again did its work and Buck bent at the waist, using the blade to cut Jane's dress all the way to the hem. He grabbed the sides and pulled until the tattered rags were completely free of her body.

Jane was wearing a corset that plumped up her sizable tits. Under that she had a chemise that covered the top part of her body. She wore one petticoat, stiff and white. Under that were pantaloons and stockings that came to her knees.

Buck didn't have any experience with corsets. He tried to yank it away from her body but it was tightly laced. He moved close to Jane, and she could feel his thick, sweaty chest pressing against her bosom as he leaned over to have a look at her back. Seeing the corset laces, he used the knife to slice through the laces. It took him several passes, but he finally loosened the contraption enough where he could pull it free.

Without the support of the constraints, Jane's ample bosom bounced before it settled into the thin chemise. The room was growing hot as the outside temperature rose and there was no breeze. Jane had been sweating and the thin cotton stuck to her mounds, allowing the men a chance to get a good idea of their shape.

Buck cut through one shoulder strap and then the other. Jane's body trembled as Buck used the tip of the knife to slowly pull the chemise down and expose her heaving jugs.

There was an intake of breath by the six men. Her breasts sagged on her chest, but their overall size and fullness offset any unattractiveness. The large areolas were brown and perched on her breast tips, which were upturned. Her nipples were dark brown from having nursed her two daughters and they were as round and thick as a man's thumb.

His rough, calloused hands moved to her breasts. His palms circled over the tit tips, teasing her nipples into hardness that she couldn't control. Buck plucked the hard pleasure nubs between his thumb and index fingers, lightly squeezing her nips, then rolling them, flicking them. Jane closed her eyes and shuddered as his large hands played and stimulated her sweat-slickened globes.

The other men were becoming more excited. The one fondling Rebecca's hair was rubbing his crotch against the back of her head. Another man was rubbing his hands over Rose's face as she moaned in protest.

The men quickly undid the rope and draw strings and let their pants drop to the floor. The man standing behind Rose simply started rubbing his cock in her thick red hair. The other four stepped in front of the two girls.

Rose and Rebecca shrieked in unison and their mother moaned, "Ooooh, GAAAAWD, NOOOOO" as the four slaves displayed their naked bodies. Their cocks, all uncircumcised, stood out like four black tubes. All were impressive in length, but the sizes and girths were varied enough to be distinguishable.

Mose spit in his hand and fisted his cock and pulled the foreskin back on the shaft. His plum-like cock head appeared, shiny with precum and sweat. They all followed suit, using saliva to lube up their cocks and skinning the foreskins back and forth to expose the bulbous heads.

Ike, the one who had taken a liking to Rose, was the only one making physical contact and his self-pleasuring interlude was the quickest. The feel of the girl's smooth, luxuriant hair on his throbbing dick plus his own jacking motion was enough to tip his lust bucket. His ball sack constricted and his hot jizz poured from his cock in streams as he came in and on the girl's hair.

"EWWWWAAA, GAAAAAWD, what IS THAT?" Rose screamed as the thick man cream spurted into her hair and on her scalp. She could feel rivulets of the liquid running down her neck.

Their friend's success helped the other four. Jane's stripping, the presence of two young fresh cunts and the anticipation of what was to come was enough. In rapid succession, all four cocks fired off their loads, their first strongest spurts reaching the two girls. Joseph, the one nearest Rebecca landed his first shot in the middle of her forehead, and she gasped as the hot jizz slowly ran down her nose. Mose's spurts found their mark on the bodice of Rose's green dress and left dark splotches there. Sam and Henry also managed to land some of their cream on the captive girls.

Jane hung her head in shame at the degradation inflicted upon her daughters. In the deep recesses of her mind, she knew it would and could get worse.

Buck's thick fingers worked loose the bow that cinched Jane's petticoat around her waist. The starched cotton slipped down her hips, exposing the pantaloons underneath. With her legs tied at the ankles, Buck's only option for removing the petticoat completely involved more cutting. The knife tore through the frilly garment and he finished by ripping it the rest of the way; the tattered remnants fell to the floor.

Buck's cock was aching for the release that his friends had achieved. The pantaloons were gauzy and light; his hands reached for the sash that held them up, ripped it free and then tore the pantaloons down and off Jane's legs with several violent yanks. Her useless camisole was bunched around her waist, and she was naked but for her knee-high stockings and shoes.

Jane tangled reddish brown pubic hair topped off her prominent mound. Her pussy lips were tightly bunched together and emphasized the slit that ran from her hair and disappeared between her legs.

Buck ran his thick, rough middle finger down that slit, splitting apart the lips and probing Jane's opening. It was slightly moist, and his finger had difficulty gaining much depth.

He knelt down, and untied her ankles, picked her up and propped her knees on the end of the four-poster bed. Her arms were still tied to the posts. Buck walked around and crawled on the bed behind the kneeling woman.

Jane moaned and craned her head back over her shoulder. "NOOOOO, what are you doing?"

The only love making Jane had experienced with her husband had been missionary style. Having a man behind her made her feel even more exposed and vulnerable.

Buck looked at her wide, womanly hips and her plump ass cheeks and decided there was plenty of meat there for him to plow. His lust had reached the point where all he cared about was burying his cock in a pussy. Buck yanked free his belt and pushed his pants down. He 9-incher resembled a wagon tongue as it protruded from his muscular middle.

Buck instructed his companions to untie the girls so they could have a better view of their mother's defilement. The men pulled the teens to their feet. They were pushed to the end of the bed and held there, each by two of the slaves.

Rose and Rebecca stared at their mother. Her large breasts were hanging and swaying, the nipples hard like thimbles. They could see Buck behind her, his hands roaming over Jane's hips and ass.

He slapped her ass cheeks. Thwack, thwack, thwack. The flesh jiggled and Jane moaned in pain. Buck fisted his erection and rubbed the swollen head up and down Jane's gash, leaving a snail-like trail of precum as his spear tip made its way from the top of her slit to her asshole.

After a few passes up and down, Buck could no longer hold back. He leaned forward and lodged his swollen prick bulb between Jane's pussy lips. She shuddered as she felt the size of the intruder; it felt twice as big as her husband's erect penis and the fact that it was trying to penetrate her from a new angle added to her apprehension.

Satisfied that his phallus had secured an opening in her gash, Buck grabbed Jane's hips and yanked her ass toward his groin as he thrust forward. With one bold stroke, he buried his bone to the hilt in Jane's fuck tunnel.

"IEEEAAAHHHHAAAANNGNGGGAAA," Jane gurgled a scream, and her body went rigid. Her ponderous breasts flopped up and then bounced back to her chest as she tried to pull away from the thick staff of flesh that had invaded her most private area.