Small Town Secrets


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"Certainly. It's actually quite pleasant, if it isn't all dried up," Emily responded, grateful that not only hadn't the girl commented on why she was topless, she seemed eager to give a real massage.

"Already checked. It's good to go," Donna replied as she shook the bottle, but then set it down and added, "These will only get it the way."

In a matter of seconds Donna had whisked Emily's pajama bottoms down and off so fast that even if the store owner had wanted to stop her she wouldn't have been able to. The aroma of the lavender body lotion filled the air as the girl opened the bottle, and then Donna climbed onto the bed.

"This might be cold at first," Donna warned her just before her lotion covered hands hit her right foot, and after the initial shock Emily sighed as the girl's soothing touch eased the ache in her feet.

"You have no idea how good this feels," Emily said as the hands went up to her ankles, the skinny limbs smooth thanks to a doctor's appointment she had gone to early in the month got her to shave whatever down still grew there. "YOu must have done this before."

"Never. Rubbed my Mom's shoulders but that's it," Donna related, and after a pause continued. "I have to say this. I can't believe how beautiful your body is. You're like a precious little doll."

"I think you're being overly kind," Emily suggested. "Maybe at one time but..."

"Ssh," Donna said. "Just relax and listen to the fire crackling and watch the flames flickering all over us. If I rub too hard tell me."

"Mmm," was Emily's reply as Donna kneaded the backs of her legs, and the older woman felt her nipples swell as the hands went higher, even working the insides of her thighs.

"Dimples," Donna giggled as she poked her employer's butt, even kneading the cheeks briefly before moving up to the base of the older woman's spine and digging in.

"How am I doing?" Donna asked as her massaged the skinny woman's back.

"No words," Emily said, not willing to tell the girl that not only was she making her nipples hard but she was getting wet down below.

"Because you're so petite, this isn't taking that long," Donna said. "What does that guy who runs the blacktop company call you? Katherine Hepburn?'

"Audrey Hepburn," Emily mumbled. "Matt's goofy. The only way I would look like her is if you dug her up. She wasn't a blonde either and she was gorgeous. Other than that we're like twins."

"Silly," Donna giggled as she worked Emily's bony shoulders and then drew her arms up to the headboard, running her slick hands up and down the pale limbs before sliding them up the insides of her arms.

"This has been great honey. Just what I needed," Emily told Donna as she rubbed her neck, and after taking a deep breath took a chance. "It would be rude for me not to offer to repay you in kind."

"Really? Sure, I'd love that Em," Donna chirped happily. "As soon as I'm done."

"Oh, I thought..."

"You have to turn over," Donna told her, sending a chill down the older woman's spine.

"Turn over?" Emily squeaked.

"Of course. Can't just toast one side of bread, can you?" the teen replied as she climbed off so Emily could turn over.

"You just butter one side though," Emily countered, the idea she should have to show her other side, her likely far inferior side, never occurring to her, but Donna insisted so with her eyes screwed shut Emily turned over, trying not to imagine what she must look like to a girl barely more than a third her age.

"Just as I thought. You are a real blonde," Donna noted, referring to the sparse wisp of gold that grew around Emily's puffy labia before starting down at her ankles and moving up.

Emily did open her eyes after a minute or so, peeking down at Donna massaging her calves with an intense look, and it wasn't difficult to see because the tiny mounds on her chest didn't block much. Donna worked upwards, avoiding her sex and rubbing Emily's flat stomach before climbing onto the bed and straddling the older woman's hips, working around Emily's breasts as she continued.

"That fireplace throws off a lot of heat," Donna mentioned as she brought Emily's arms up over her head, gently rubbing the fronts of her employer's shoulders and then casually letting her thumbs stroke the deep hollows of Emily's armpits, causing her to shiver in response.

"You're sweating a little too," Emily said as Donna's thumbs slid over the faint patches of peach fuzz in the center of the craters.

"I guess I am," Donna replied as she tossed her head back to get her hair off the front of her face so she could use the back of her hand to wipe her brow, and then asked, "Do you mind?"

Emily said nothing as Donna undid the buttons of her pajamas and then shrugged the garment off, exposing an amazingly full pair of breasts capped with crimson nipples.

"You okay?" Donna asked as she resumed the massage.

"Yes," Emily responded as she tried not to look at the swaying breasts in front of her. "It's just that, I mean I've watched you grow up all these years, but I had no idea - I mean you dress so..."

"Frumpy?" Donna answered. "Yeah. As I lost weight everything looks like crap on me and we never had money for clothes. Still chubby."

"Still, I had no idea you were so well developed Donna," Emily finished. "I feel like a boy compared to you."

"You aren't a boy Emily," Donna responded as she re-oiled her hands before bringing them down again. "You're beautiful."

The older woman gasped when the girl's hands came down right on what she had been avoiding, Emily's breasts barely filling her palms and as she kneaded the tiny orbs, nipples burning into her hands until Emily grabbed her wrists.

"Honey. I have to tell you something."


"Something you should know. I mean, you aren't just an employee to me. You're a part of this store. A part of me."

"I'm glad," Donna responded as her eyes welled up.

"But what you need to know - deserve to know - is that Brenna and I..."

"Weren't sisters," Donna replied calmly, still holding her breasts. "I know."

"How?" Emily finally managed to say.

"Not exactly knew, but there was a rumor going around for quite a while until it sort of became common knowledge." Donna suggested.

"Nobody ever said anything."

"I know this area has a reputation of being like a Redneck Valley - true in many cases - but most people, by the time they heard the rumor, didn't care," Donna explained. "All they knew was that you seemed like nice people. The ones that didn't approve, and they're out there alright, you don't see them because they won't shop here."

"All these years," Emily sighed, thinking of how she and Brenna made sure to act like they weren't lovers because most of all they just wanted to live happily here.

"That's another thing. You two were together for what? 30 years? You don't see much of that in these parts," Donna scoffed. "Hell, my father didn't last 30 weeks. Takes special people."

"So as I got older," Donna related as she continue to gently massage Emily's chest. "You were like my heroes. Not just because you were women running a business on their own, but that the way you felt about each other? It wasn't evil. It was beautiful. Made me feel less ashamed about how I felt about girls."


"Yeah, not that it mattered because nobody was interested in me. I was fat, unattractive and even worse I lived on Damnation Alley. That's what the locals call my dead end street. Nobody, boys or girls, wanted anything to do with me or the couple of other kids that live up there," Donna explained. "So I figured that once I could go to college and get away from here, things would be different. Then my mother got sick, and there I was, stuck in Damnation Alley with the junkies and the whores. Doesn't matter if you are or not, that's how they see you."

"But you aren't like that. You're smart and witty and a gorgeous woman. You can get out of here. I can help. I don't have much but I can give you some money to use for college. Help you get out of here. Not charity either. You can work here in the summers to pay it back," Emily insisted.

"That's the problem Emily. When you hired me and things worked out for both of us, I started to pay attention to what was around me. I don't think I want to leave. Maybe this is where I belong," Donna suggested. "Working around you all day like I do, it started to hit me that not only did I like you and respect you, I started to feel something else. I like the Two Sisters Grocery but I think I love you."

"Your turn," Emily whispered, reluctantly getting Donna's hands off her breasts, and the girl climbed off the bed and dropped her pajama bottoms, Emily admiring the teen's body from behind as she got on the bed.

Without words Emily used her oiled hands to rub Donna's feet before working up to knead the girl's smooth calves, which were slightly full but also muscular, likely due to the years of bicycling and walking to and from the store. Moving up, Emily's hands glided up the backs of the teen's equally powerful thighs which had a light coating of down on them.

"Still awake?" Emily asked as she moved up to briefly massage Donna's full firm buttocks.

"Absolutely. This is totally new to me," Donna admitted as Emily's hands went up the girl's back, and after a pause added, "What I said before? Hope I wasn't out of line. I sense an awkward silence, and with you and me that's not something that happens much."

"No honey," Emily replied as she dug into the girl's round shoulders and neck, and just before asking her assistant manager to roll over, said, "just trying not to cry."

"Didn't mean to upset you," Donna responded as she turned over, watching the petite woman climb back onto the bed and straddle her knees.

"You didn't," Emily said as she rubbed Donna' thighs, the sight of the wild untrimmed triangle of rich black pubic hair between them distracting her for a moment before she slipped upwards so their pussies were against each other, the feel of Donna's thick thatch against Emily's sparsely furred sex making the older woman shiver.

"It's just that, well," Emily paused, pouring lotion into her palms and then reaching down to the teen's breasts, which even with her on her back were still prominent, kneaded the twin mountains passionately. "Sometimes you hear people say something and you aren't sure you really heard it or whether your mind was playing tricks on you. What we're doing now is something I imagined many times while looking at you in the store."

Donna said nothing but just looked up at the tiny blonde whose hands were massaging the softness of her breasts, and when she took her wrists from the sides and brought her arms up towards the headboard she let her do so with obvious trepidation.

"Except even in my fantasy it wasn't that good. I had imagined you being beautiful, but nothing like this," Emily whispered, a little smile appearing when she saw the nests of curly black hair that was revealed with the raising of the teen's arms. "As for what you said, that was something that even my most outrageous fantasies didn't allow."

"I always looked at you growing up loving your visits and felt as if you were the daughter I never had," Emily confessed as her hands slid up and down the girl's arms before letting her fingers rake delicately through the tufts of hair under Donna's arms, an action that seemed to being a sense of relief and pleasure to the girl. "Being with you every day though, well, to be honest I would never have had the nerve to say what you did even though I've felt it for quite a while. Why would a virtual child be interested in someone my age?"

"Now you know," Donna replied, leaning up and kissing the tiny hanger that was swaying near her face, and after that the massage was, for all intents and purposes, over.

Emily let herself go, easing her waif-ish body into the fleshy teen's lush form while they kissed passionately, and then Emily began nibbling her way downward. The older woman kissed her way around Donna's neck, down her round shoulder and under her arm before suckling on her breasts. From there Emily ventured down, kissing her navel and letting her tongue follow the treasure trail that began underneath her belly button into the amazingly dense jungle that filled the delta between her solid thighs.

Finding the opening was not a challenge though, because Donna was wet before her mouth got there. The scent - the taste of only the second woman Emily had savored in the last 30 years - was different yet the same, and the store keeper savored the womanly aroma as she caressed Donna's clitoris. Donna came almost right away, so charged up that the teen seemed ready to explode from the start, and even though the girl's fleshy thighs were clamped around her ears Emily had no problem hearing Donna's howls of delight as she came.

Emily could have stayed there all night, with her face buffeted by the soft hair pillow it rested in, but the teen had other ideas, rolling out from under her and putting Emily on her back, paring her thighs and letting her fingers stroke the older woman's sex. Emily looked for the girl's reaction at seeing her over-sized labia, something she was always self-conscious about and because Emily had so little hair down there, the puffy lips were very obvious, but Donna said nothing and simply lowered her face.

Later, Donna would apologize because this was something she had only done to one other girl and knew she wasn't any good at it, but Emily wouldn't have known it because she was enjoying it too much to grade her performance. Emily looked down as her orgasm neared, her hands mauling her tiny buds as she saw the top of Donna's head between her legs, her nose and mouth deep into the fold and her tongue working furiously, and that vision was enough to make her orgasm like she hadn't in years.

Emily had to pull the girl up because there was no quit in the tenacious teen, and after they kissed the two woman hugged until sleep overtook them. It was hours before Emily woke up, feeling a little chill because the fire was dying, and after extracting herself reluctantly from Donna's embrace to tinkle, tossed a couple chunks of woods onto the dying fire.

As the wood caught fire immediately after being tossed on the glowing embers, Emily looked over and saw that Donna was watching her, smiling as she reclined with her hand behind her head.

"Oops. Didn't mean to wake you," Emily said.

"I'm glad you did," Donna explained. "I would have missed you walking around naked. God, you're so graceful. Like a ballerina, or Peter Pan. Never saw anything so beautiful."

"In that case, I guess I should only use the fire as lighting because I'm afraid in the light of day I'm no Peter Pan anymore," Emily tittered as she came over and sat on the bed at Donna's side, her tiny hand sliding lightly over Donna's breasts. "You on the other hand..."

"Mmm... that feels so nice," Donna sighed, and when the older woman let her fingers glide into the dense thicket in the teen's exposed armpit she blushed and said, "I can shave if you want."

"No honey," Emily said as she did what Brenna had always enjoyed her doing. "I like you like this."

"I don't want this night to end," Donna told her boss as she pulled Emily to her. "Not ever."


The roof on Donna's place on Desolation Road collapsed the next winter, a victim of a record snowfall, but nobody knew it because Donna and her things were long gone, settled into the place Emily lived in that was once again a home, and while Emily always said they made a unlikely couple, a couple was what they were.

"You two don't look much like sisters," a person who had recently moved into the area commented one day at the store.

"Looks are deceiving," Donna told him, giving her sister Emily a wink as she rang up his groceries. "Right sis?"

"Right," Emily agreed.

"You two do own the place though, right?" The man asked, and after Emily nodded he continued. "It's a cute little store. My wife and I are semi-retired and are looking at our options. Ever think of selling?"

"Thought about it from time to time, but right now we're happy. Right Donna?"

"Couldn't be happier. This is where I belong," Donna said before looking over at her partner and amending her remark. "Where we belong."


Thank you for reading.

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42154215almost 7 years ago

A story which brought back memories of post war ' brothers or sisters ' sharing a house or the lodger ' renting ' a spare room in a widows home when men were in short supply. Sympathetically written , well done !!

Randee2058Randee2058almost 7 years ago

Firstly. I loved the story. And I am not known to participate in criticizing grammar. And yet I'm not sure you realized the difference referred to. As Donnas street. Donna said that the street or alley was called DAMNATION ALLEY. You later refer to it as DESOLATION ROAD. After that's said I was disappointed that it ended because it definitely was a feel good story. THANK YOU.


dirtyricekingdirtyricekingalmost 7 years ago
Great story

Please right a sequel

me_ronme_ronalmost 7 years ago
lovely story

Can't wait to read part 2 ... (

jenorma2012jenorma2012almost 7 years ago
5 stars

This is a very good love story, I hated to see it end with only 2 pages but it was short and very sweet

EclecticReaderEclecticReaderalmost 7 years ago

The previous comments say everything I intended to say. Thanks for sharing..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Thanks for sharing

MaonaighMaonaighalmost 7 years ago
A delight

An enjoyable, unpretentious story with a completely plausible May/September romance. An absolute delight.

ausfetausfetalmost 7 years ago

Sweet, sensual, perfect.

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