Snowed in, Get Plowed


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I braced as the wind blew snow into my face and I tried to shuffle my feet carefully, so I did not slip and fall on my ass. Luckily room 107 wasn't far at all from the lobby.

We got to the door and Lonna stopped. She held out her hand. "$60. We had a deal." Lonna said. I put my hand in my coat pocket and pulled out my phone. I fished the cash I had stashed in my phone case out and handed it to her. She quickly counted it and then put it in her pocket and her hand came back out with the room key in it.

Lonna got the key in the door quickly and we ducked inside to get out of the wind. As I looked around the room, I tried to take it all in quickly and was immediately relieved no one was waiting in the room. I was still uncertain as to how far I could trust Lonna and had my taser at the ready in my coat pocket and was very glad I did not have to use it. I could see where Lonna had her suitcases in the corner, and she immediately headed towards them to close them so I could not see what was in them. The heat had been turned up for a while and it was almost too hot. I looked at the recliner in the corner next to the table and while it did not look special by normal standards, I was so glad to see it. It might be uncomfortable by the morning, but it was going to be 100 times better than what I had been looking at.

Lonna turned to me and gestured to the bathroom. "If you want, you can shower or clean up first, then I'll shower. You can see the recliner and it's all yours. I've got some frozen microwaveable stuff and I'll give you the pick. Like I said, it's not the Ritz, but it's better than the lobby."

"That it is." I replied while shaking off the cold. I glanced around the room as Lonna turned and started closing her suitcases that were lined up against the wall. I saw a couple of lacy nighties and it may have been my imagination, but I swear I saw a dildo and a harness right before the top of the suitcase closed.

I moved towards the recliner with my suitcase and bag. "What did you say you did for work? Stay here every couple of weeks for it?" I asked.

Lonna looked at me with a bit of a snarl. "I didn't say. And I work for the bureau of Nunya." She said with a smirk.

I shook my head up and down. "Fair enough. I'll mind mine."

"You want that shower?" Lonna asked, clearly perturbed at my question.

"I'll take a clean wash rag and a small towel please. I'll just clean up some and change real quick, if that's ok." I replied.

"It's your call, all good by me." She said. "The towels are the rack, folded and clean, help yourself."

I pulled my suitcase behind me, entered the bathroom, and closed and locked the door. I still did not trust this woman, although my first thought that she might be some kind of drug dealer was being replaced by the thought that she might be an escort. She certainly did not give that vibe off at first glance but if I saw what I think I saw in her suitcases, I doubt she had packed for a romantic getaway. This little roadside motel did not seem like the most logical place to find clients, but I guess with the local miners, construction workers, and truckers, it might be lucrative.

I opened my suitcase, got out my sweats, a pair of wool socks and a baggy sweatshirt, striped down and got a couple of wash rags soaked with hot water and cleaned up, trying to wash off the road and freshen up as best I could without getting in the shower. I just felt like getting in the shower would have put me in a naked, wet, and vulnerable position. I got the main spots, face, pits, tits (under them, us busty ladies know how sweaty it gets below the girls), puss and ass (in that order, of course). I dried off and got my sleep clothes on as fast as possible. Less than 5 minutes later, I was back out in the room.

I walked out to Lonna sitting on the bed cross legged, sipping an energy drink and watching one of the Bourne movies on a cable channel. I walked back to my recliner in my corner of the room. Lonna stood up, drained her can of caffeine, dropped it in the trash, and said "I'm showering." and walked into the bathroom.

The door closed and I sat down and watched Matt Damon exhibit his martial arts skills. I heard the water start in the shower and I kept glancing over at the suitcases on the opposite side of the bed. The temptation was killing me, so I stood up quickly and tried to tiptoe as quietly as I could to peek in her bags. She had not zipped them up, so I just pulled the edge of the top as lightly as I could. I saw a few lacy panties and 3 or 4 vibes/dildos and yes indeed, I confirmed a harness. I dropped the lid back down and scurried back to my chair. I was satisfied that my suspicions were confirmed. I began to break down the situation and speculate what may have led this young woman to be selling her body in a hotel room. I was not judging her, or at least trying not to, and really trying to understand her situation.

I heard the water shut off and my phone dinged. A text from Jack. "How's it going baby?" he asked. I replied I was good, just relaxing and watching a movie. He texted he was taking his Niece and her kids out for pizza and would be heading back to Reno tomorrow. I replied I couldn't wait to see him and sent a kiss emoji. He told me to stay warm and I told him I'd call him before I got on the road tomorrow. I missed him, but what I really missed was how we used to be. The last 3 years had been tough. Not horrible but just a steady stream of challenges that were starting to take their toll. Some of it was aging, some of it felt, I don't know, like we were giving up. I tried not to dwell on it and let it get me upset, so I went back to watching Mr. Damon fight some other brainwashed government operative and tried to let that keep my attention.

A few minutes later Lonna walked out wearing a sports bra and leggings. Wow. She really did have a nice body. She was very athletic, and the leggings really showed off her ass. Her breasts were small but not tiny, and her nipples were visible through the sports bra. I suddenly felt like the trucker in the lobby, leering at her. I forced myself to avert my eyes back to the spy movie shenanigans on the TV. She walked over to a cooler that was on the floor next to dresser, opened it up and began to rummage through it. I could not help but look at her ass as she bent over. It was a sexy ass and I found myself jealous, yearning for the days when gravity had not yet taken its toll on me. For the record, I never had a cute, sexy, tight little ass like that, but my ample ass was a good deal firmer back in the day. I don't spend a ton of time wishing for days gone by, but I had to admit looking at that tight, tasty ass wrapped so nicely in her leggings had me nostalgic for my ass that you could bounce a quarter off of and maybe a little horny. I could even see the outline of her labia as she bent over, a slight camel toe peeking at me as she was bent over getting in the cooler. Damn if I wasn't getting turned on by this young hustler.

Lonna stood and turned around with two frozen entrees dripping from the melting ice in the cooler. I moved my gaze up to her face a tad too slow and Lonna paused just a moment before a grin spread across her face. She held out the entrées and asked "Want something".

I noted that pregnant pause and knew I had been busted checking her ass out. I leaned up and looked at the offerings and chose a frozen lasagna dish. Lonna unceremoniously tossed the box to me and dropped the other back in the cooler and grabbed a wrapped container of the top of the microwave, glancing back over her shoulder at me as she did. She knew she had caught me, and I knew she was going to try and exploit that fact.

She heated up her dinner, which appeared to be ramen noodles in a cup, and I rose and walked over to the microwave to heat up my dinner. As I waited for my 3 minutes to be up, I thanked Lonna for the food.

Lonna shrugged as she ate. "Welcome to the Snowstorm bed and breakfast." She said with a mouthful of noodles. "Or I guess, Recliner and TV Dinner, not really Bed and Breakfast. There's some water in the ice chest too." I thanked her and grabbed a bottle of water from its icy home among some energy drinks and White Claws as my food cooked.

The microwave dinged and I took out my steaming box of preservatives. I sat down at my table with my plastic fork and waited for my food to cool. Lonna munched her noodles and stared at the TV and did not seem interested in chatting, so I took the hint and watched the action movie and ate my dinner and drank my water in silence.

We both finished our meals and as I tossed my empty box in the trash, Lonna's phone rang. Lonna looked at me and put her finger to her lips, the universal "be quiet" gesture. I nodded and went back towards my chair. She put the phone to her ear as she answered. "Hey bae. How you doing?"

I could hear a woman on the other end of the conversation and Lonna glanced at me as she got up and walked in the bathroom and closed the door. I could her the muffled conversation but didn't make out anything specific. I sat there, imagining what it would be like to have to make money by selling sex while in a relationship, how the dynamics and politics of all that would have to be dealt with and I just couldn't imagine how difficult it would be.

I heard Lonna raise her voice slightly, then the volume lowered once more before the bathroom door opened back up and I heard an "Ok, I love you too Steph, bye."

Lonna shot me quick look as she exited and then went and plopped down on her bed, dropping the phone next to her.

"Everything ok?" I asked.

Lonna looked at me and it seemed like she couldn't decide if she was going to tell to fuck off or tell me everything was ok or not. She finally exhaled and said with resignation "Yeah, everything's fine."

I felt compelled to open up to her for some reason, maybe being in the range of 20-25 years older than her I felt like I should offer some kind of advice, although it'd be foolish to think I really knew what she was going through. So, I said as much.

"Hey, listen, I know I started off things kind of rough by being distrustful and all, but I'm sure you can understand why. There's always a hustler around the next corner, right? I also know I don't know you or your life, but I just wanted to say thanks for the offer of a warmer, more comfortable place to ride out this storm and while I don't know what you're dealing with, I do know that hard times pass eventually."

I tried to smile the comforting smile of an older mentor.

Lonna laughed out loud. "Wow, thanks for the pep talk coach. Look, I get it, you're trying to be all supportive of a younger woman in a tough spot, but you were right, you don't know me or what I'm dealing with, at all. You're some 40 something suburban bitch who lives in a goddamned track home and worries about the neighborhood watch judging your yard or what is on sale at Pottery Barn or some shit. You don't know shit about me."

She was right, and somewhat justified in her response, but it still pissed me off. I was trying to be nice and just offer a little support. I reacted to her statement with some venom of my own.

"Really? I know you're here for work but it's not any legit work. You're not a construction worker or miner. No safety vest, hard hat or work boots to be seen. I know I caught a glimpse of dildos in your bag as we walked in and that you're out here selling ass to truckers. I know your girlfriend on the phone wishes you weren't and disapproves. I'm not judging you, shit we all to have make a living with what we bring ourselves to sell. You want to come off as the toughest cunt in the county to put people on edge and that makes you safer because it keeps them away. I know you've had some hard knocks and you think that anyone who has it better than you had it handed to them or some stupid shit, but you don't know near as much about me as you think you do."

As I spoke, I had stood up in between the bed and the recliner and table and Lonna had moved across the bed and was standing right next it, less than a foot from me. I was aware of how close she had gotten and knew I would have to be quick to get spun around and get my travel taser out of my coat before she got her hands on me if things got violent. By the time I was done with my diatribe, my heart was racing, and my chest was heaving. Lonna stood in front of me, her eyes narrowed, and her face flushed. Things were 'real' now, for sure. My hands were shaking, with excitement or fear or both. I felt the stress of the last few months building up and realized it wasn't just Lonna that had me on edge, it was this entire last year.

As we stood staring at each other and I waited for her response, Lonna smirked, and it caught me off guard. In the moment I was confused, Lonna reached out and grabbed me by the shoulders. I had a good 30 lbs. on her and could handle myself but she was young and strong and fit. Just when I thought she was going to attack me, she pulled me in and kissed me instead.

I was shocked, but I must admit, I did not resist for more than a second. The tension had been building between is and it had taken on a sexual dynamic and with her bold move I was ready to submit to the moment. I opened my mouth and let her tongue invade it. She moved her hands from my shoulders to my tits and let one drift to my ass and she squeezed. I had my hands on her hips and moaned into her mouth.

Lonna suddenly and harshly broke off our kiss and stepped back, full on smiling now. She was playing me.

"Ha! I know you're a horny bitch. I know that about you." She turned and walked away, around the end of the bed. "Probably ate some sorority pussy back as a Phi cumma bitchy in college and think you know what it's all about, that you're 'woke' cause you've fucked around with a lipstick lez at some point. Shit, you're just a tourist."

She stood across the bed from me, and I stood there dumbfounded. Man, did she sucker me, and I fell in right into it. She turned and popped her hip at me, her ass cheek pointed at me.

"I saw you eyeballing my tight ass, wishing you were back in your dorm room with Cindy. Wishing you could taste my fine pussy." She said as she rubbed her toned buttock. "Well, too fucking bad baby. You can't afford me plus; I don't fuck women for money. I just fuck these desperate bastards who get a paycheck every couple of weeks and want some strange. And yeah, you saw my dildos. Some pervs pay me to fuck myself in front of them or more than that want me to fuck their repressed asses cause their uptight wives won't. I can make as much on a good payday weekend out here as I do in a week at my regular job, so fuck yes, I come out here and work and for all your bullshit, right now you're feeling just the same as that dirty horny trucker in the lobby who would've fucked me or you or that old granny in there if he could've. Just a horny animal who'd like me to make them cum."

She had said cum like "CUM" and rubbed her tits as she did. She had a satisfied and triumphant look on her face as she stood there. Her nipples were practically tearing through her sports bra and her camel toe was even more pronounced. She was victorious and indignant, but I could see she was also turned on by feeling like she had won.

My head was liquid, and my knees were too. She was right. At that moment, I truly was just a needful creature, who just wanted to be ravished by this young woman. I could feel everything about to overwhelm me. My life, the responsibility for my widowed mother, the loss of the father I had never truly understood or knew if I wanted to, the fact that I had really begun to hate my job, hate how old I felt, how bitter I was becoming at Jack for getting older and not seeming to desire me as much I he used to, at least as much as I thought he should, and the resulting drop off in our sex life.

I stood there and battled with all my might to keep my composure. I didn't so much feel as if I would start crying as I would just break down and collapse on the floor. I closed my eyes, tilted my head back and took as deep of breaths as I could muster, exhaling slowly. The breaths were still very jagged, and I was trying to smooth them out, but my chest was catching them. I had my hands clenched into fists and could feel all the muscles in my neck, shoulders, back and arms tightened to the point they were almost cramping. I truly felt as if I might be right at the cusp of a total breakdown.

I sat back in the recliner and put my head in my hands. I wasn't crying but I was still locked up. I was broken. I couldn't leave, not in this weather. I didn't want to stay, being so thoroughly scorched by my host. I had not felt so small and weak since I was a child and being berated and humiliated by my recently deceased father. I pressed my hands to my eyes so hard I saw stars.

Suddenly, I could feel Lonna standing in front of me again. I managed to lift my head, remove my hands, and look at her. She stood in front of me and looked down at me with a stoic expression. Not smug, not smiling, not angry, just, well, stone-faced, I guess. She took my face in her hands and leaned down to me. She looked me in the eyes and said, "Please me."

She stood and peeled her leggings down to her ankles and stepped out of them. I saw her clean-shaven pussy right at my eye level when she stood. She placed one foot on the arm of the chair I was sitting in and placed a hand on the back of head and slowly but firmly pulled my face towards her.

I did not blink. I did not hesitate. With as far as I had been pushed today and for the last few weeks, I just submitted and let everything else go. I opened my mouth and extended my tongue and let it slip inside her labia as I was pulled into her. She held my face to her, and I lapped and tongued at her pussy. She tasted better and better with each lash of my tongue, and I moaned again, this time into her pussy. It had been ages since I had been with another woman. I had missed the taste of a female, so long since I had tasted someone, I had almost forgotten how much I missed it and how intoxicating the taste and smell of an aroused woman could be.

Soon she had both hands on my head, one on my head and one cupping my chin. She rocked her hips, and I held my face still, letting her grind her sweet lips into my mouth.

"Suck" she commanded "Suck on my clit, suck it hard."

The order was plain and firm and given like there was no doubt in the world that, well of course, it would be followed completely.

I wrapped my lips around her engorged clit. It was not the most pronounced clitoris I had ever encountered but it was bigger than average. I sucked as hard as I could, trying to create a seal around it and get her off, make her come, be her servant. Lonna ground your pussy against me, so hard it nearly hurt but I was determined to do as I had been told. I had to please her. I wanted the world to melt away and to exist in no other way than to please this woman in front of me.

"Finger me. Finger me and suck on my clit." Lonna commanded in her steady firm tone.

I raised my left hand up and immediately slid two fingers into her. She was hot and wet, and she dripped down my hand, her wetness coating my hand.

She put both hands on the back of my head now and rocked her hips. I held my hand still and she worked her pelvis against my face and her pussy around my fingers, clenching it with her Kegel muscles. I moaned against her, not removing my lips the entire time. Getting enough breath through my nose was difficult but I was set in not releasing my seal on her clit.

Lonna let a low groan and a whispered "yessss" as she increased her intensity in her grinding against my mouth. She had handfuls of my hair in each of her hands and her grinding turned into short, controlled pumps and the mantra of 'yes, yes, yes" followed at a low volume. I moaned some more, I so craved Lonna's release, I wanted her to come, I needed to feel her pleasure soak my face.