So Fresh, So Clean

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Bambie's is hiring. And she has the perfect job for you.
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This story is the fourth part of my series, "Eat At Bambie's", all of which are inspired by the amazing 'Bambie Brainwasher', an incredibly talent content creator. If you like this story or hypnotic/mind control/brainwashing, check her out!


You stand outside the door, unsure of what to do.

It's early- the morning sun beating down on you, and there's only one car in the otherwise deserted parking lot besides yours.

Even so, the sign says 'Open', and you've come this far. May as well step inside.

The diner is a little out of your way, but when looking for work, beggars can't exactly be choosers. Besides, other than being out in the middle of nowhere, the place seems pretty nice, at least from the outside, and that includes the name.


So you open the door and you step inside, and the moment you do you stop dead in your tracks. You barely notice the bell on the door ring as it shuts behind you, so shocked at what greets you. For the briefest moment, you almost turn around and leave, but instead, you remain frozen where you stand, eyes locked on the sight before you.

A woman's incredible ass sticking right up in the air for all to see.

The thick, juicy cheeks are moving all around, the strong thighs attached to them jiggling as well, and the pair of bare feet at the end of those are practically dancing in midair as the woman they all belong to remains on her hands and knees, scrubbing away at the floor without a care.

Though a part of you knows it's quite rude to stare, you can't help yourself. The bouncing of her bottom up and down in front of you is so mesmerizing, you find it nearly impossible to look anywhere else but directly at it. Your mind reels with dirty thoughts, thinking of having that ass on your face, your cock, and you shiver with desire.

After a moment or two, you remember why you're there, and manage to get a hold of yourself long enough to let out a small cough to let her know she's not alone, even as the rest of you wants nothing more than to keep watching her pretty feet and gorgeous ass move about.

You shake your head, trying to free it from those thoughts, but they don't leave right away.

The woman turns around and spots you, then rises from the floor with a smile. She doesn't seem the least bit shocked to see you there, nor seemingly surprised at all by your obvious staring. "Oh, didn't see you there," she begins, her voice husky and inviting. "Don't usually get customers this early, so I thought I'd get some extra cleaning done.."

"Actually," you say, still taken aback by the sight of her bottom- one you only realize now is bare save for a pair of black panties. "I'm looking for a job...."

Her smile grows, and she takes a step toward you, not seeming to care that she's practically half-naked while doing so. Almost immediately, you notice her top- or rather, the massive breasts barely contained by the fabric. Trying your best to look away, you see the name tag beside them- the one that bears the same name as the diner.

Suddenly, you realize you're speaking to the owner of this establishment, and your entire face goes red with embarrassment. Luckily, Bambie doesn't seem to notice or care. Instead, she offers you a hand- one clad in a light green rubber glove, and one which you take, ignoring the dampness so as not to make yourself look any worse than you likely already have.

"Well, we're always on the hunt for fresh meat here," she continues with a smirk. "Why don't you take a seat over by the counter and I'll be right with you."

With a nod, as well as one last look at her bottom once she turns around, you do just that, sitting down on one of the red and white stools in front of the red and white painted countertop.

Looking around- trying not to stare at Bambie again, you realize the entire diner has a red and white motif, with the two colours rolled together all over the place in circular spirals. They cover nearly every inch of the restaurant, from the chairs and tables to the walls and doors. The more of them you notice, the more you find yourself trying to focus on them while you wait.

Rather than on the stunning, voluptuous owner who has returned to the floor, and whose magnificent ass is once more up in the air.

You fight the urge to look over at her just once more and instead allow your eyes to wander over the spiral-covered walls of the diner as you struggle to get your head on straight. You need this job desperately, and you can't jeopardize the opportunity by lusting over the owner, or her big, juicy behind...

Shutting your eyes for a moment, you notice the red and white spirals remain, as if seeing them once was enough to burn them into your retinas... Strange as that seems, you try to ignore it and take several deep breaths while listening to the sounds filling the air.

Not those of Bambie scrubbing the floor and humming to herself- sexy as those are, but rather the music that's spilling out from the unseen speakers around you.

You've never heard anything like it before, but find that the longer you listen, the more relaxed you feel. You barely even notice the red and white spirals spinning around in your mind's eye, simply sit there, relax, and take more deep, calming breaths to steady yourself.

As you do, a strange scent begins to crawl into your nostrils. It's sweet but rather strong as well, and you find yourself growing light-headed with every breath you take. The entire experience certainly has you more relaxed than you expected, but you aren't going to complain.

Seconds turn to minutes, time passing slowly and quickly at the same time, and soon enough, Bambie has left the floor behind and made her way to the other side of the counter, her husky voice pulling you out from the near-trance the music and smells and spirals have seemingly put you in.

"Sorry about that. I hope you don't mind if I keep on cleaning while I interview you... I like to multitask."

You nod, your eyes a little droopier and your head far lighter than it had been when you first walked in. "Sure..." you manage to slur, much to Bambie's delight, and she offers you a sweet smile before beginning to wipe down the counter with a rag held tightly in her wet, rubber-gloved hand.

"Cleanliness is very important to me," she continues, almost absent-mindedly, her glove scrubbing at the red and white spiral-covered counter in a circular motion. "I expect all my employees to be prepared to clean nice and deep for me..."

Her tone seems to change for the briefest of moments upon uttering the word deep but dazed as you are, you barely seem to notice it. Your eyes are so focused on the movement of her gloved hand as it scrubs the counter with vigour. "I understand," is all you manage to say, your mouth practically hanging open when you finish.

"People don't realize just how filthy things can get around here," Bambie adds, the rag moving back and forth across the counter, the movement making her breasts jiggle in her job and capture your attention just as her ass did on the floor. "That's why we need to clean everything so often, and so deep.."

Once again the word seems to carry with it something else, something important, and you'd swear you can hear it echo out in your mind even as Bambie's smile fades for a moment and her gloved hand ceases its cleaning. "Are you alright?"

You blink a few times, nearly forgetting where you are and why you're here, your head so light and your mind so fuzzy. "I..." you begin, trying in vain to regain some sense of yourself even as, much to your chagrin and embarrassment, you realize that the blood that'd normally be going to your brain to keep it running has instead taken a detour south towards you now rather hard cock.

Bambie stares at you for a second before bringing a gloved hand to her face in shock. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry... I use a very special cleaning formula, and it's a little strong... I'm used to it, but I always seem to forget that other people aren't..."

"It's... okay..." you reply, although your voice barely sounds like you anymore, the light-headedness you feel making itself known in your low, almost sleepy tone.

"If you say so," Bambie says with a smirk, then gets right back to her cleaning. "Now, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?"

Your mouth seems to open of its own accord and spill out nearly every relevant piece of information about yourself it can think of. Your name, your address, your desperate need for employment. It all flows out so easily, you'd swear you would tell her your bank account number if she asked.

And maybe she does. You aren't sure.

The combined assault of the scent of her cleaning solution, the sounds coming out of the speakers, Bambie's jiggling breasts and wet rubber-gloved hands and the red and white spirals- which seem to be spinning slowly everywhere you look, has rendered you barely coherent. And still, you keep talking.

Time passes, and though you are well aware you have spoken and Bambie has as well, nearly the entirety of the 'interview' is a blur. No matter what is said by either of you, the world around you seems to wash it away just as quickly as it comes about. You simply nod and answer every question Bambie asks you, then forget it was ever asked.

"That's about it," she says, and you stare dumbly at her, barely even aware of what she's talking about anymore. "Oh, and meals are on the house... If you'd like, you can start right away."

You nod dumbly, and the next thing you know, you're staring at the floor, eyes glazed over as Bambie approaches you with a rag and bucket.

"Better take those pants off before you do anything," she says matter-of-factly. "Wouldn't want them to get dirty now would we?"

Odd as that sounds, it explains why her bottom half is nearly naked, and you find yourself agreeing, slipping off your pants and handing them to Bambie, who takes them into the back of the diner without another word before returning and pointing at the floor with a rubber-gloved finger.

Taking hold of the rag, you drop to your hands and knees and begin to scrub, only for Bambie to stop you almost immediately. "No no, not like that. Here, watch me first."

Pulling her soaked rag out of the bucket, she squeezes it, and you watch the drops of water and cleaning solution drip onto the floor, the rag joining it a second later and starting to gently scrub. "Back and forth..."

Like Bambie's big tits.

You shake your head for a second, unsure where that came from, then your eyes return to her gloved hand and the rag as they pass over the red and white spiral-covered floor tiles. "Up and down."

Like Bambie's juicy ass.

Again, you blink in surprise, then focus once more on Bambie's movements. All of them. "Around and around.."

Like the pretty red and white spirals...

For the briefest of moments, you wonder if somewhere inside you're thinking those thoughts. But you quickly realize the voice whispering them is not your own- it's Bambie's. And though her mouth isn't moving, you know they are coming from somewhere and slithering into your head.

"Now you try..."

Taking hold of the rag, you submerge it in the bucket, the scent of the cleaning solution rising and burrowing deeper into you, then squeeze the liquid out and begin to scrub. Back and forth, up and down, around and around.

And with each movement, the same phrases seem to echo out.

"Back and forth, like Bambie's big tits."

"Up and down, like her juicy ass."

"Around and around, like the pretty red and white spirals."

"Very good," Bambie says with a smile. "Just like that. Nice and deep."

That word practically fills your mind, and along with the sentences that seem to repeat themselves with every motion, push everything else out. You're feeling so light-headed now, so dazed, so sleepy, yet you dare not stop. You need this job, and if you're going to keep it, you need to do as Bambie says.

With every new pass of the wet rag along the floor, your eyes focus more and more on the shimmering red and white spirals, and in the florescent lights of the diner, you'd almost sweat they were beginning to spin around.

The scent of Bambie's special cleaning solution rises from the rag, the bucket and the floor, washing over you again and again, the light-headedness you felt nearly tippling.

"Doesn't it look good?" Bambie asks, her voice sounding far away even though she's right in front of you. "So nice, so fresh, so clean..."

"Yes..." You whisper, your head both light and heavy at the same time. You just want to lie down, to rest, to sleep, but you can't. Not yet.

"You're doing such a good job," she continues. "Cleaning so well, so deep. You like going deep for Bambie, don't you?"

You nod as best as you can, although her eyes have moved from your face down to your straining erection. Your cock is practically suffocating in your boxers, and she's noticed.

"Oh my... You better not make a mess with that thing," Bambie adds with a smile, her gloved hand reaching over and tapping the tent that's been pitched in your underpants.

Though a part of you knows you should be embarrassed, you can't find the energy to think of such a thing. In fact, you can barely think at all. Your hands are moving of their own accord, back and forth, up and down, around and around, the spirals on the floor now spinning faster and drawing you deeper... Deeper for


"That's it, nice and deep sweetie... Nice and deep for Bambie..."

"Nice... and deep.." you mutter, your head so light now you'd swear you are going to float away, yet so heavy at the same time... You just want to close your eyes, to sleep. To go deep for Bambie.

The rag keeps scrubbing at the floor, time passing in a blur as you focus on your work and the spirals and the scent of the cleaning solution and the sounds and the words echoing out in your mind over and over again that you barely notice Bambie stand up until her bare feet are right in front of you.

"Very good sweetie, you've done such a good job... I think this floor is good enough to eat off of..."

With the slightest bit of effort, she flicks at your head with a rubber-gloved fingers, and you're so dazed, so weak, that you fall back onto the floor, Bambie's other hand gently guiding you until you're lying on the cool, damp tile of the diner. The scent of the cleaning solution floods your mind, and you can only stare as Bambie stands over you, her juicy ass filling your view.

"I told you meals are on the house," she says, her ass slowly lowering down onto your face. Your eyes widen even as your mind fills with the sweet scent and the subliminal sounds that have been bombarding you ever since you first stepped inside. Even if part of you were still coherent, still aware of what is happening to you, there's nothing it could do about the situation.

And then Bambie's big, bouncing bottom covers your face, and your fate is sealed.

"Come on baby," she says, her voice so seductive, "Dig in... Clean my ass as deep as you can...."

Without question, your mouth begins to explore Bambie's ass, your tongue slithering out and licking her cheeks, her hole, every inch of her that it can reach. The whole time, the red and white spirals which have permanently embedded themselves in your mind spin and the scent and sounds of the restaurant completely and utterly overtake you.

Your entire world is Bambie's ass.

Your sole purpose is to clean for Bambie.

To serve Bambie.

And she reminds you of this as her gloved hands push down your boxers and take hold of your hard, aching cock.

"That's a good boy, get nice and deep in there. Clean for Bambie... Serve Bambie... Become Bambies...."

The damp, slick, cleaning solution-covered rubber-gloved hands slowly stroke your shaft as your tongue laps at Bambie's ass, licking and probing and cleaning every little bit of it. Each pass of the gloves cleans your cock, washing away every trace of whoever you were when you first walked in. That person is gone. All that's left is a new, obedient employee.

A slave for Bambie.

"You're going to make sure everything is nice and clean for me, aren't you? The tables, the chairs, the floor... My ass, my feet, anything and everything... Nice and clean for Bambie..."

"Nice and clean..." you moan, but your words are smothered by Bambie's ass even as her gloved hands stroke you faster. You can feel your body start to shake, your empty mind blissfully aware of what that means. Your mouth and tongue lick and suck her ass with vigour, driven with desire and submission to do as you are told.

And then, just when you feel it coming, when every remaining bit of blood left in your body has made its way down to your desperate, aching cock, when Bambie's slick, damp gloved hands have slid from the base of your shaft to the tip and back over and over, she stops.

You groan in despair as Bambie rises off your face, then looks down at you with a wicked smile. "Ah ah ah... Not yet sweetie... You need to earn that. Now get back to work. I want this place spotless before customers start to show up."

Then she winks and heads towards the back of the restaurant, her ass jiggling the entire way. Your eyes never leave it until she's out of sight, then you sit up, get back on your hands and knees, and start scrubbing the floor again.

And though a part of you is still horny and desperate, it is silenced by a single, solitary thought which overtakes everything else in your otherwise empty and brainwashed mind.

You got the job.

As well as a taste of the benefits that come with it.

You can't wait to see what else Bambie has in store.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
KijahahahaKijahahaha28 days ago

Master Bambie is always great, and this is pretty awesome

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