Some CFNM during My X-Rays Pt. 03

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My adventure continues as I decide to get a massage.
5.7k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/27/2020
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This is a continuation of a previous story about my experience injuring my hip and needing to get some scans done to diagnose the problem. I recommend reading the previous chapters first.


Over the last week I'd been reflecting on my visits to the imaging clinic. I'd met three gorgeous women: Lisa the sultry mature brunette receptionist who worked nights as a massage therapist and had all but invited me to visit her for a session; Doctor Jennings the gorgeous, more dominant blonde bombshell who had seemingly taken pleasure in watching me squirm during an injection she gave me; and last but not least, Sandie the young redhead nurse who taken my initial exams and shocked us both by giving me a sensual cleaning up after the last procedure I had with her.

To be clear, she effectively bathed my cock in warm soapy water using a pair of her underwear like it was a washcloth. I came to orgasm and she did too - without me even needing to touch her. My monstrous 9 inch dick still flinched when I thought about the encounter.

I was still waiting to hear back from my regular doctor who referred me to the clinic. He was a nice guy who clearly had no idea what had happened to me during these scans. I wondered if I'd need another scan or not. Would I have an excuse to go back there?

Technically though, I didn't need an excuse to see Lisa - the receptionist - again. She had given me a card for her massage business. It wasn't necessarily an invitation to anything more than a massage, but it was tempting to see what might happen if she was running her hands all over my body. The last time I was at the clinic she briefly saw me nude and the stunned look on her face told me that she'd definitely be interested in seeing more of my enormous package.

All of this was running through my head as I laid back on my couch. I'd just gotten back from the gym after a hard workout and taken a shower so I was just in my sweatpants cooling down. The combination of testosterone, fantasies of what might happen with Lisa and my sore muscles pushed me over the edge. I picked up Lisa's business card and dialled the number.

"Hello?" spoke that familiar voice over the phone.

"Hey... Is that Lisa? From Hand Over Heart massage?" I queried.

"Yes it is. Are you interested in making an appointment?" she replied.

"Yeah I would like to. When are you free?"

"I usually offer massages in the afternoon or evening. I have some spots free tonight and Wednesday, if that works?" she said.

"Tonight would be great. It's Sam by the way. Sam Douglas." I said, wondering if she needed more to jog her memory.

There was a pause. "Oh Sam! Of course. Why didn't you say so earlier?" she giggled. "Of course, I remember you. How is your... hip feeling?"

"It's ok. I'm waiting to hear back about the scans actually but I'm still going to the gym though and working through it." I explained.

She responded "Yes, well, last time I saw you I could tell you were taking good care of yourself... your muscles are very... developed, let's say."

"Haha, thanks." I chuckled. Clearly she remembered my well-toned physique and other attributes well. "So tonight works well?" I said.

"Hmm? Oh. Well actually..." she paused for a moment. "Actually... maybe Wednesday would be better. Can you do 7pm on Wednesday?" she asked huskily.

Slightly confused as to why she preferred to see me later rather than tonight I decided to just go with it. "Sure thing" I said.

"Great. And do you know what kind of massage you would like? Did you read about them on the website?" she asked.

"Hmm. Not really actually... I'm not very experienced in massage." I said. This wasn't a lie, I'd barely had any massages in my life. "What would you recommend?"

"Oh it depends really. I know you have an injury so I'd normally recommend a pure Sports massage." she said, again pausing for a brief moment. "But if you'd like I could combine a few techniques? Sometimes the key to fixing the body is to also treat the mind a little too, y'know?"

"Okay well. I'm happy to leave it up to you. Teacher knows best." I said.

She laughed and finished by saying "Well I hope so. I'll send you the address for Wednesday and I look forward to seeing you again Sam."

"Thanks Lisa. See you on Wednesday." and I hung up.

Over the next couple of days I trained extra hard at the gym after work so my body was at its peak before the massage. Finally Wednesday evening rolled around and I showered after work before getting dressed. I went with a more rough look this time: a black t-shirt, white sneakers and some grey sweatpants. When picking the underwear I hesitated - what would be best for a massage? Normally I wear trunks but that might mean she'd massage less of my upper legs? In the end I decided not to overthink it and just grabbed a pair of black briefs that fit snug around my meaty cock.

I hopped in my car and drove to Lisa's studio. I wasn't super familiar with the neighbourhood and I soon realised that it was a bit of a mix of suburbia and smaller shops. Finally I arrived at the address and found the entrance. It seemed her studio was just above a jewellery shop. I found a door with a buzzer and her business name. I pressed the bell and waited.

After a few seconds, the magnetic lock on the door clicked. Obviously she knew I was coming and she was comfortable assuming who it was. It seemed like a very quiet and safe neighbourhood.

While walking up the stairs I heard some soft yoga music playing and I could start to smell some kind of scented oils or candles as well. Finally I reached the top of the stairs and there were two doors, one on the right and another at the back. The latter of which was slightly ajar and I could see flickering light coming from it. There was also a small bench in this corridor which I realised probably acted as a small waiting area for clients. No one was waiting before me though it seemed.

As I approached, the door started to open and Lisa appeared. "Hello Sam" she said with a very gentle and warmful tone. She wasn't wearing glasses this time and her dark brunette hair was tied back in a relaxed ponytail.

At the clinic she had normally worn casual but still relatively reserved clothes. However, tonight was a different story. My eyes started at her face and slowly travelled down her body. She wore a very loose, semi-transparent beige top that left her midriff visible, under it was a black sports bra that was very clearly visible. There was a yoga symbol of some kind on the blouse as well. Then for her legs she simply wore black yoga tights that ended at her calves. Finally she was barefoot which made my height even more prominent over her.

Even though I guessed she was in her mid forties, her body was stunning. She was an absolute voluptuous beauty - her tights showed off a perfectly rounded ass that just begged to be fucked and equally well proportioned breasts that I could only dream of coating in my cum. While walking up the stairs my dick had started to fill out in anticipation of what I would find, now I could feel blood rushing into it with lust for this mature goddess.

I stood there, slightly in awe, trying to think of a clever thing to say. She seemed to realise she'd made an impression and so she just smiled even more warmly and simply beckoned me inside by saying "Come". My mouth felt parched but I didn't need a second invitation. I walked through the door.

The room was dark with faint sources of light coming from various locations. Candles flickering and that smell of aromas I couldn't put my finger on. Whatever it was, the combination was intoxicating. On one side of the room was a large antique wooden chest with various hindu looking carvings, a couple of cushions and meditation beads. In the corners were little tables and various items - hot stones, incense holders and so on. I noticed one of those Japanese folding screens as well, presumably for privacy when changing and behind it I noticed the entrance to what looked like a very basic but clean bathroom. At the center of the room was a large massage table with a dark towel draped over the top. I felt transported into another world and could tell she took great care in the decor.

She gestured for me to sit down on a small bench to one side as she sat up on the large antique chest, it put her above me as the chest was as tall as the table itself. She bent one near and comfortable propped herself up.

"I'm glad you decided to see me Sam." she spoke softly.

"Your studio looks amazing." I said, genuinely impressed.

"Thank you. I really try to create a little sanctuary here. Even though I live right next to it, I try to make sure it holds its own unique power." she explained.

"Oh you live here too?" I said.

"That's right. Just a studio apartment and this back room. It's all I need really." she smiled calmly. She added "So Sam, before we begin the massage I feel it's important to start by looking inside ourselves first. What has brought you here this evening? Is your hip in pain? Are you stressed from work? Were you feeling curious about massage? ...did you want to see me again?" she asked the last question with a playfulness.

It was obvious to her that I was attracted to her. Hell, my cock was already straining against my sweat pants and begging to be unleashed. I decided to remain somewhat coy though "Can I go with... all of the above?" I joked.

She laughed "Yes. Of course. In today's world, it's normal to feel pressures from various parts of our lives. Even though you injured your hip doing sport, it's possible your body was vulnerable to injury because your mind was elsewhere. Do you see?"

"That's true." I said. She was right in fact, my work had stressed me. I worked at an architecture firm and things were tough at the moment. We'd just missed an opportunity at a big contract and it frustrated me. Meanwhile my injury was manageable, it was also a burden I now felt I carried. And why was I here? Did I really need a massage or was it more animalistic? Did I want to know what might happen with this voluptuous woman who had briefly seen me naked a week ago? Deep down I knew that I wanted to fuck her brains out and feel every inch of my cock that I could inside her pussy. I wanted to watch her back arch as I pounded into her from behind and pull back on her hair while I-

"Sam?" she interrupted my thoughts.

"I'm sorry?" I said. I don't even know how long I was distracted by my thoughts.

"I asked if you had given any more thoughts to the type of massage you'd like?" she asked innocently.

"Oh. I don't know really. I know so little about massage." I responded honestly.

"Well, in that case, I can create something more custom for you. We have just over an hour together." she explained "Perhaps we can combine some deep tissue work from sport therapy with a few holistic and spiritual elements from Hawaiin and Japanese modalities. How does that sound?"

I had no clue what she was saying so I went with my gut and agreed.

"Great." she said with a smile. "Now, I will step out while you get undressed. Once you're ready, lie down on your belly with your head at this end of the table okay? And you can cover yourself with this."

She presented me with a colourful piece of fabric. It wasn't a towel actually, it felt very soft and light - 'a sarong' I thought. In the dark of the room I couldn't tell exactly but it seemed semi-transparent. I simply nodded to her and she stepped out into the corridor. She closed the door almost all the way. I started to wonder if maybe I had read things wrong, she seemed more professional than I expected considering our encounter last week.

I took a deep breath and undressed myself. I stood there in my briefs and looked at the fabric she had given me. It was clearly semi-transparent and wouldn't leave much to the imagination.

It occurred to me that I didn't really know how nudity and massage worked actually. Of course people talked about happy endings and being naked with a masseuse but this was actually a legitimate business she operated. For a brief second I considered clarifying with her but then realised that might be even more awkward. Ultimately, while I knew there was an attraction between us, I decided it could be pretty disrespectful to simply assume I should be nude. I kept my briefs on and laid down on my front while pulling the fabric over me. I shuffled myself to get comfortable and used one hand to push my - now very thick and practically erect - cock to point down between my legs.

After a few more seconds there was a soft knock and Lisa asked if I was ready. I half-grunted an affirmation and heard the door creak open and then shut again.

She walked around the room, dimmed the lighting further and increased the volume of the music slightly.

Her hands started to run over various parts of me. Starting with the back of my heart, my shoulders and arms, running up to my neck, she clenched the skin around the back of my neck and it already felt like a weight was being lifted. Her fingers entered my hair and scratched my scalp lightly which felt surprisingly good as well.

Then she worked her fingers down my other shoulders and arms, down my lower back. She then jumped down to my heel and worked up my calves to my thighs, squeezing the muscles individually as she went. I could already tell she was extremely good at this and my brain was swimming in the mixture of senses of the environment.

Her hands reached my hips and the top of my glutes when she paused briefly. She massaged my lower back with her thumbs slightly. Then she bent her body down and I felt her hair fall down onto the top of my back - did she undo her ponytail? I wondered. Her mouth came close to my ear and then spoke to me very softly "Sam, normally for a Sport massage it's common to keep your underwear on. But for some of the other modalities, it's best to have complete access to the whole body."

I didn't need to be a rocket scientist to guess where this subject was leading...

"Would it be better if I removed them?" I said. And then added "Sorry I'm so new to massage."

"Oh don't be sorry" she cooed. "But yes I think it'll be better if I can apply long strokes across your hips and glutes" she calmly explained.

"Sure" I simply replied.

"Can you lift your hips for me?" she said while tucking the sarong under my chest slightly to keep it in place. I obliged her and then felt her hands go under the sarong and her thumbs found the elastic of my briefs, she peeled them down slowly to ensure the fabric covering didn't fall away. Finally I felt my underwear reach my ankles and I lifted my feet for her.

I felt totally exposed and my cock was already at 90% length. At least over 8 inches at this point, pointing directly down the center of the table to my feet and my heavy clean shaven balls sat on top of them. I knew the sarong was still hiding most of this but it was clear to me that wherever this massage was going, she was going to get an absolute eyeful.

I heard her walk around the room and the sound of a fluid squirting. I presumed it was the oil for the massage and then I felt her hands come down around my shoulders and neck. She began to work her magic and it was absolutely exquisite. She knew every muscle and knot in my back and slowly unlocked areas of tightness I didn't even know existed. Upper back, lower back, biceps, forearms and neck. Everything loosened and I entered a state of bliss. It was so genuinely relaxing that I started to drift off and I was surprised to feel that my erection was actually becoming more relaxed. I felt very calm in her presence.

My thoughts were scattered when I then felt her start to fold back the fabric further, both from the top area that covered my back but also from the direction of my feet. Finally the fabric formed more of a triangle that only served to cover my butt crack, testicles and possibly most of my enormous cock - although I could not tell at this point.

The change in privacy brought me back to my senses and I then felt her hands begin to work their way up my legs individually. She worked the soles of my feet, the ankles, the calves, the tight area just behind the knees. Finally her thumbs kneaded into the back of my thighs and her fingers squeezed around the sides as well. I felt the sarong shift around as she did so and I was sure that my thick rod was visible to her at this point.

By now, I was soaked in oil and it was intoxicating. My manhood reacted once more and I could feel it lengthen out, this time bending slightly to the left - away from the side she was presently massaging. As her fingers moved I felt a slight flick of some oil land on the tip of my penis and I almost shivered. She paused for a microsecond and then continued her assault up to my glutes and sides of my hip. As promised, she made some long strokes up my right thigh and over my glute. Finally she massaged into my sacrum and I could feel my cock practically pouring precum out of it. This was one of the most erotic moments of my life and I genuinely wondered what she was thinking at this moment.

Then she lifted her hands and lightly ran her fingers back down the same leg, right back to my heels before her hands jumped to the other side. Presumably to restart the sequence.

I shuffled my body ever so slightly. Wondering what would happen this time as I felt my rock hard cock pressing against my inner left thigh and into the table. It was obvious that she could see it but I didn't know what her intention was. Even if she was attracted to me, this was still her job and it was literally my first massage with her.

The process began again, her hands worked my feet, ankles and calves. The backs of my knees were squeezed and pressured by her thumbs. Next I felt her press into the back of my lower thigh and her fingers slinked around the sides.

Her rhythm began and it felt even more strong than the other side. Her fingers extended back and forth, over and over again, creeping ever so slightly higher up my thighs.

Finally I felt a brief brush of her nail against my cock. Just the lightest of grazings. But it was enough to cause my cock to swell and pulse even more. It was practically begging for her to do more. However, she pulled back and continued the rhythm but kept some distance as she worked her way further. Nonetheless, twice more I felt her fingers lightly make contact with my manhood again. Each time it was innocently brief. Practically an accident. On the last contact, as her finger pulled away her nail dragged itself across my left testicle as well, and I could feel the skin contract. My glutes squeezed together as I reacted to this brutal sexual torture.

Finally her hands continued up my glutes and the side of my left hip. She massaged my sacrum again and I almost lost control. The pleasure was so intense I couldn't believe it.

At last, she stopped and proceeded to unfold the fabric sarong across my whole body to cover me again. I imagined that this meant she would ask me to flip over soon. My cock was pressing so hard against the table that I didn't know what to do but I recognised that she clearly knew what she was doing to me so there was no need to be concerned.

"Ok Sam. Just flip over your right-hand side for me ok?" she said gently. As she pulled the fabric up.

I gingerly rolled myself over onto my back and felt her flick the sarong out to fall back down over me. My cock had sprung loose and the fabric looked comical as it could barely do anything to hold back the intensity of my erection. My penis had flopped out across my left abdomen and combined with the fabric it looked like a small mountain range had formed across my body. Only this mountain ranged breathed and pulsed as blood pumped in and out of my inhuman appendage.

I felt Lisa's hands on my right abdomen and my right thigh as she breathed and seemed to compose herself for the next stage.