Soothe and Seduce Ch. 01


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It was in the wee hours of the morning; sunlight was just poking out of the horizon. I checked the clock. 6:42 AM. My first appointment was at 10. I woke up with only a small headache, but I was worried about what Sam would soon go through. I felt so sorry for him; he really was a lightweight—two bottles, and he was out.

"Holymoly," I heard him grunt. It seemed we had woken up at the same time. "Jeez louise... Duh... Danicka...?"

"I'm here, Sammy," I said quietly. "I'm here."

"Thank God..." he said as he struggled to roll onto his back. His speech was still slurred, but his thoughts seemed mostly more coherent. "I... I was scared that you were a dream, Danicka... I was scared you weren't real."

I couldn't help but smile. "I'm here and I'm real."

"Are we still at... Grace's house?"

"Gracie. Yeah, we are. How are you feeling, Sammy?"

Sam blinked a few times, then swallowed. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling. "I, uh... My head hurts. ...My stomach feels like it turned itself inside-out. And... I'm really,reallythirsty. And my head hurts."

I managed to sit up, rubbing my temples as I did, trying to get rid of my small headache.

"Do I have alcohol poisoning, Danicka?"

I gently touched his forehead with the back of my hand. "You don't have a fever, so no. You're definitely hungover, though."

Sam kept blinking and blinking. It was like he was trying to look directly into the sun. "Wh... what do I do?" he asked softly.

"You don't have agigantichangover," I said as I lay back down next to him, "so that's good. But here's what I need you to do for today..."


"One, you need to drink plenty of water, maybe sip some Ginger Ale, if you have it. Two, try eating food that's really easy to digest, like crackers or yogurt."

"Okay," he said, "I have crackers and yogurt."

"All right. And three, get lots of rest. And that's it."

"That's it?"

"That's it. That's all you have to do. And hey."


"If you want, I can drive you back to your dorm. Would you like that?"

He finally looked at me. His eyes were still a little clouded. "Y-yeah... Yeah, that'd be nice. Th-thank you. Yeah, that sounds great."



It was almost 8:15 when we got to his dorm. We would've gotten there sooner, but Sam wanted to wait for fear that he would puke in my car once we got moving. On our way out of Gracie's, we saw his roommate Cameron passed out in the middle of the floor.

I drove as slow as I could. His eyes were squinted shut the whole way there, as the morning sun was directly hitting our faces.

The dorm building looked really nice. It was three stories high, and it almost looked like a hotel. We pulled into the parking lot.

"Do you... need help getting to your room?" I asked.

"No, thanks. I think I can get there." His speech was noticeably less slurred than a while ago.

"Okay, then.... Hey, Sammy?"


I took a short yet deep breath. I was ready to recite the same speech I had given to plenty of guys before Sam: "I... I had a great time last night, Sammy. You're a really sweet guy. If... If you wanna hang out sometime, just text me or ca—"

"Yeah, I'll definitely do that," he said, stopping me in my tracks. I had two sentences left in my little speech. "Danicka, I... I'm kind of mad. At myself."

"Why, sweetie?" I asked. "You didn't do anythingwrong."

"No, it's just—" He took a moment to swallow. His less-than-sober mind struggled to sort out his thoughts. "I almost didn't go to the party. I wouldn't have met you if I'd just stayed here. That kinda makes me... mad. I'm mad that I almost missed the opportunity to meet you."

"But you should begladyou took it, honey. Don't stress about it, all right? You came, you met me. Just stay focused on the positives.... What's your least busy day?"

"Theleast?Uh... Mondays and Fridays are my easy days. I only have three classes those days. Why do you ask?"

"I have an opening in my schedule on Monday."

Sam looked at me quizzically. "For... For a massage?"

"Mm-hm. Monday at 4. It's a bit short-notice, but I could fit you in. Would that work?"

I had definitely caught Sam off-guard, which made me feel a little guilty. Plus, scheduling an appointment with a hungover person probably wasn't the best of ideas.

"Uhhhhhhh... Y-yeah, that— That'll work," Sam said, forcing himself to smile. "That sounds great, Danicka. My last class ends at 3, so that works perfectly."

"Okay. I'll see you then, all right? Um, are you sure you don't want help getting back to your room?"

"Yep. I'm actually feeling a little better."

He got out of the car. He didn't even take three steps before he fell flat on the pavement.

"Oh my god! Are you okay, Sam?"

"I'm good! I'm good. I'll see ya later."

As I watched him stumble into the building, I couldn't help but feel like I'd just made an amazing friend.

The workday went by quickly, since my mind was always occupied with my appointment with Sam on Monday. The next day, Sam texted me, telling he was feeling much better, then asking for the address of the clinic, so he would know where to go. Sunday went by ever quicker. I had butterflies in my stomach, something I wouldneverget. This was the first time in a while that I was actuallylooking forwardto an appointment. I asked myself, why was I feeling that way? What was it about Sam that made me feel so... giddy?


Monday was finally here.

I remembered college as being one of the most stressful times of my life, since I spent most of it chasing boys and going to parties, and then I would end up scrambling to get a paper done or to finish my math assignment. I wondered if it was stressful for Sam, too. By having an appointment with me, he would finally get a break from all the pressure of tests and homework. I made it my mission that he would get the most soothing and relaxing massage possible. He deserved a beautiful rubdown, and it was up to me to give it to him.

He came in around 3:50 in the afternoon. He walked in slowly and awkwardly, as if he was unsure he was in the right place.


My clinic was a small building with only two rooms—one was a waiting area for anyone that came early, and the other was where I did the massages. After getting the massage room ready, I greeted him at the waiting area.

"Hi, Sammy!" I said, a little too enthusiastically.

"H-hi, Danicka," he said.

I walked up to him and gave him a hug, for no apparent reason at all. I was once again surprised how close we were in height, our foreheads could'vetouched.

"Mmm... It's good to see you again," I said as I broke away from him. He looked dazed, like he'd been kissed by an angel. "How are you?"

"I— I'm good," he said, giving me a little, friendly smile. "I, uh... I'm a little nervous, though..."

"Don't be," I told him. "You'll love what I have planned for you. So... Why don't you step into the massage room and undress to a level you're comfortable with, then lie down on the table, and I'll be in there shortly, okay?"

"O-okay," he said. "Thank you."

He went into the massage room and closed the door behind him. I couldn't believe it; it was finally happening! I still couldn't figure out why I was so excited for this. What was it that made Sam so special?

Do I have a... crush on him?I asked myself.

I felt like a little girl. I had been over crushes for years, ever since I graduated college and went to work. My love life had certainly dipped since then, but that was to be expected. I thought I wasn't ready for love yet. I only had three years left until I was thirty, and I thoughtthatwas when I could start looking for something serious. My longest relationship ever was three months long, and that was pushing it for me.

These thoughts hit me like a freight train. I almost didn't hear Sam's soft voice calling for me in the other room.

"I— I'm coming!" I called back.

I took a deep breath, pushing those thoughts away. It had been awhile since I last masturbated; I figured that was where the thoughts were coming from. I had one more appointment after Sam, then I would be able to go home and let myself go for a while.

I walked into the room. Sam was laying stomach first on the massage table, his butt and thighs covered with one of my white towels. His clothes were neatly folded in the corner. I couldn't tell if he'd taken his underwear off or not.

Stop thinking like that, Dani!I said to myself.He's just another patient. That's all he is. Treat him like one.

But I didn't want to. I wanted to pour all my heart into the massage.

I wanted toimpressSam.

"Are you ready, honey?" I asked as I approached his side

"Mm-hm," was his response.

"Okay. I'm gonna start off slow and gentle so that you can get used to my touch. You like back tickles, don't you?"

"Oh, definitely," he said. "Ilovethose."

"Iknow, right? Aren't they the best?"


"Yeahhh... Just relax for me now, okay, sweetie?"


I began stroking his back with my fingernails and fingertips. Normally, I would've just started rubbing his shoulders, but Sam was a...specialcase.

He turned his head in my direction and looked at me through the side of his eyes. "Are you glad I shaved my back?" he joked.

I turned away from him and held in an explosion of laughter.He remembered my story, I thought.How sweet...

"Yes, Sammy, I— Heh... I'm glad you shaved your back. Heh heh... Let me tell you, sweetheart—once you've seen something likethat, nothing scares you anymore."

We shared a good laugh, then it was back to the session. Up and down my fingers went, my nails along his skin. It wasn't long before Sam's breathing grew slower and slower.

I bent down and whispered into his ear, "Does that feel good, Sammy?"

"No," he whispered back. "That feelsperfect. Do you... Do you think you canendthe massage with this, too, Danicka?"

"Of course, honey," I replied earnestly. "Anything you want. Nowrelax...I'm gonna take good care of you. All I wantyouto do isrelax..."

I intensified making stroking, giving him a combination between strokes and rubs. I looked down at his face. Sam was in absoluteheaven. Never had I seen someone so content. He looked utterlyadorable.

As my strokes turned into full-on rubs, I clearly felt the muscles in his back.

"Awww,sweetheart," I said, "you're sotense...Was today a stressful day?"

Sam nodded, using slow, minimal movements.

"You poor baby," I cooed. "You don't have anything to worry about right now. You're with me. Whenever you're with me, all of that stress and anxiety justfades away...Whenever you're with me, you cantrulyrelax."

As I pumped sublime messages into his head, my kneading hands got steadily more acquainted with his body. I discovered that Sam was actually muscular here and there. I began squeezing and massaging his shoulders, all ten of my fingers working with tender and loving care.

"Shhh... Relax..."

This must've been the most beautiful moment in Sam's life. He was on the line between sleep and consciousness, so I had to be careful not to make him doze off.

"I'll be right back, sweetheart," I told him. "I'm just gonna grabthe oil..."

Goosebumps erupted from Sam's skin. I smiled to myself; I had put Sam in a land of eternal bliss. I could've stroked him off or given him a blowjob, and he wouldn't have objected.

While stepping away and grabbing the oil, I realized just howhornyI was. The inside of my panties were damp. An intense heat was coursing through my body. My heart was pounding in my chest. Chills were running down my spine.

I was hot for Sam.

Iwantedhim so much... Looking over at him, I saw just howsexyhe was. The aura of innocence that surrounded him was driving meinsane!He was a virgin—he had to be. My legs shook as I pictured myself riding him...

Get it together, Dani!I thought.You always get this way when you go without cock for a while. This guy is six years younger than you. You were in kindergarten when he was born!

No matter how much I berated myself, I still couldn't stop the dirty thoughts about Sam.

You don't even know his last name, or what his favorite color is! And it's not fair to him that you want to fuck him silly.

But I could move slowly. I didn't want to have sex with him off the bat. I also wanted to give him more massages, cuddle with him, call him endearing names, watch movies with him, help him with homework, and make himhappy...

For years, I had wondered what the perfect man for me was. Sam was that man.

Little did I know that, very soon, I would question if he reallywasthe perfect man for me...

"Are you okay, Danicka?" Sam asked softly, waking me up from my daze.

"O-of course, Sammy," I said. I grabbed the bottle of oil and went back to his side. "And please, call me Dani. That's what my best friends call me."

I finished the massage without a hitch, and I ended it with more back tickles, just like Sam wanted. I dried off his back and walked out so he could change. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to calm myself down it had been ages since I last felt this horny, and it seemed as if my legs would give out any moment.

Sam finally walked out, fully clothed. He moved sluggishly and drowsily, clearly still in the blissful state I'd put him in.

"That was amazing Danicka. Er...Dani. Thank you so much."

"My pleasure, Sammy. Thank you for coming in."

Sam started rummaging through the pockets in his pants. "Okay, so... How much do I owe you?"

"Not a thing," I said, in spite of myself. "I just wanted to give you a break from your day and prepare you for the week."

"Come on, I need to give yousomething," Sam protested. "Thatreally wasa great massage."

I took a few seconds to think. Then, I immediately knew what I wanted. "I know how you can pay me," I told him.


"You can let me... dothis..."

I closed the distance between us and cupped my hands over his neck. I pulled him over to me...

...and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

After about five seconds, I broke away from him, taking a step back. A faint, pink lipstick stain clung to his cheek, and it grew more noticeable as his face became red. He looked down at the floor, smiling like a little boy. More hormones surged through me, causing my entire body to quiver.

"You better get going, you cutie," I said. I walked with to the door and opened it for him.

"Th-th-thanks again, Dani," he said, his eyes still averting my gaze. "You're a really good person. I, uh... I'll see you later."

"See ya."

He got in his car and drove away. Immediately after he left, I packed up my stuff and headed home, completely forgetting that I still had one more appointment left.


I desperately needed to give myself a little body worship. By doing nothing at all, Sam had somehow rekindled the sexual fires within me, and they needed to be doused. After I got to my house, I headed straight for the bedroom. I grabbed my two most favorite toys in the whole world: my skin-colored dildo and my pink vibrator. I had never used them both at the same time, but I wasn't thinking straight, and I was hornier than a dolphin by that point.

By the time I had my clothes off, my mind was already flooded with images of Sam. I turned the vibrator on and pressed it against my vagina, causing me to yelp and giggle like a schoolgirl. I collapsed onto the bed, lost in my own little world of ecstasy.

"Oh, God... Sammy..." I moaned.

I took the dildo and shoved it into my mouth, pretending it was Sam's cock. I slowly, sensuously encircled it with my tongue, and I imagined his moans of bliss—so soft, yet sopowerful...

I pushed the vibrator in deeper, causing me to nearly choke on the dildo. The sensation was so foreign to me... It felt like I was using the vibrator for the first time. It nearly slipped out of my hand a couple times.

With my lips and tongue firmly wrapped around the dildo, I let go of it and used my free hand to fondle and massage one of my D-sized breasts. The dildo safe in my mouth, like a tree in the ground.

Jesus, I was close already? I had only been masturbating for a couple minutes... I didn't want the fantasy to end yet. It was so vivid and colorful... I was worshiping Sam's cock, giving the greatest blowjob he could ever receive. I tickled and teased my nipple, coaxing it into stiffness. I moaned again as I pushed the vibrator in even deeper.

I remembered before then, when I woke up to Sam in my arms. I wanted it to happenagain...I realized just how soothing and sexy it was to hold him. My fantasies went from sucking his cock to holding him close to me like an infant. I threw my head backwards as I imagined myself stroking his hair and kissing his cheeks. ...What? Why was this turning me on?

I wanted Sam... Ineededhim.

The crazy thoughts were too much for me, and I unleashed a powerful orgasm. The dildo popped out of my mouth as I let out a breathy scream.

"Sammy! Oh my god... Sam!"

I rolled over on my side as the waves of pleasure bombarded me.

"Sam... Sammy..."

Curse him for making me feel this way,I thought.

I remembered the kiss I'd given him at the clinic. It was such an over-the-line thing to do. A guy like him was most likely protective of his personal space, and I invaded it like a fucking burglar.

Why did I have to do that? Why couldn't I let him pay like everyone else? ...Did I still have another session in my schedule? ...Shit!

Waves of pleasure were quickly replaced by waves of sorrow. Sam could never be with me... In what ways were we even compatible? He was shy, quiet, and polite, and I was loud, crazy, and talkative. There was no way we could ever be together.

Why do you do this to yourself, Danicka? Why do you want things that you can't have?

Suddenly, I heard my phone buzzing in my pants on the floor. It was probably the patient I'd abandoned, I wasn't in the mood for receiving an angry speech from some sexually deprived man... But I owed it to him to answer.

I got my phone out of my pants and hit the answer button. "This is... *Sniff* This is Danicka," I said as I held it up to my ear.

Then, my heart jumped. "Hi, Dani, this is Sam."

"Oh— *Sniff* Oh,hi, I, uh... I wasn't expecting you to callso soon. I—"

"Yeah, sorry... I just wanted to ask you, are you free tonight? For dinner?"

I sat up, my spirits already lifting. "Y-yes, of course!"

"Okay. It's just... I haven't been completely honest with you."

"W-what do you mean, Sammy? What're you talking about?"

"There's... something I need to tell you. In person. It's... kind ofimportant..."

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LeFrog08LeFrog08over 7 years ago
That was sweet.

A different approach to seduction,

with a bit or role reversal. All of us

were virgins at one point and I find

these characters quite endearing,

bringing me decades in the past

to my "first"...

I hope more tasty morsels will appear

soon. Kudos to the authoress.

robertlrobertlover 7 years ago
Outstanding story

I love how you're putting this story together of a young woman meeting an innocent, naive, young man and showing him the world of romance. You're an outstanding story-teller. Your nuances of dialogue are unsurpassed! Thank you.

DestinyReaderDestinyReaderover 7 years ago
great start!

Can't wait to see how this develops and the plans you have for your characters.

luedonluedonover 7 years ago
Sweet start

A nicely constructed and well-written little story so far. I also liked the occasional humourous side journeys such as the hairy-backed client.

Kat, I note from your biog note that you list a Fetish as 'Gentle Femdom'. Interesting. I'm not into domination of any kind, but I do like the idea of a young woman who knows her own mind and is prepared to work to get what she wants. Your Dani seems to be such a person.

I look forward to where you take your story from here.


Ps: It would be interesting if you could tell a little more about yourself in your biog. When a new author writes a story like yours, I find it helpful to know more about the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Oh boy!

I know this is going to be a great story. Sam is a character I can really identify with. I give you a 5* just for the anticipation!!!!!!

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