Soulstone Ch. 02

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A battle. A bargain.
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Eirienna slammed the door of her little car. Her talisman sent crackles of lightning around her fingers and zinged across the windshield as she gripped the steering wheel. With an effort she reined in her temper.

It was already uncomfortable enough being around so much metal without setting the car, or herself, on fire.

Calm down, Eirienna. Save it for the pits.

Her skin burned all over. Her pulse hammered in her ears. Her breath stung her parched throat, and deep inside, her most intimate flesh ached.

She screeched from the parking place.

The city was quiet, but traffic slowed as she entered the red-light district, where cars crept along as their occupants surveyed the offerings.

Neon signs advertised strip joints. Music thumped out of night clubs. Leggy women in mini skirts and stiletto heels prowled for prey.

Some of the prostitutes were Fae, sleek and beautiful. The clubs catered to every kink. So long as someone had the cash, just about anything was possible.

She'd even heard of places where sexy action with demons could be bought. Mostly female demons, of course. Nothing Eirienna was interested in. Beyond a few drunken fumbles, girls didn't do it for her. Pity. It'd make her life so much easier if they did, even if succubi tended to break their toys.

Yeah. So do incubi.

She'd do well to remember that.

Damn Scathe.

Eirienna veered onto a side street, where the gutters stank with garbage. Her headlights flashed on broken glass and rusted iron. She pulled into a parking space, killed the engine, and jumped out.

A rat skittered near her feet, and she toed it aside. A human lay in the gutter, drooling, eyes glazed from whatever drugs he'd taken. His faint, irregular heartbeat thrummed in her sensitive ears.

Her stomach growled. He was almost dead. No one would see. She could find the artery in his neck, pierce the skin, slide her fangs in...

Eirienna mentally smacked herself. Feeding from humans was a bad idea, especially drugged ones. Some of the myriad chemicals humans regularly and willingly ingested had nasty effects on Fae physiology.

She strode to a padlocked door almost hidden in shadows and whispered a spellword. With a flash of sparks, the lock broke.

Fae only, unless invited.

Concrete steps led downward. Grunts and clashing steel echoed from the darkness. She took the stairs two at a time. A hulking, green-haired Fae bouncer nodded at her and tugged aside a heavy chain-mail curtain.

Dozens of bodies in a small space made the heat stifling as the crowd shouted and cheered. She shouldered through the mob, enjoying the scents of flesh, sex, sugary alcohol, and blood. Music, harsh and energetic, drove her pulse faster.

In the corner, a couple were fucking on a wooden bench, the girl's skirt up around her hips, bare legs wrapped around his waist. His long black hair spilled over his shoulder, and he grunted, thrusting deeper, making his partner moan in delight.

Eirienna grinned. Here, Fae did what they felt like, and no one complained. Her kind of place.

In the ring, a Fire Unseelie female, and a Water Seelie male fought, steam rising from their clashing magics, adding to the humidity.

He wore biker leathers, blue ponytail swinging. She was practically naked, her clothes mostly burned away. Sweat gleamed on her lithe muscles, and her insane orange-gold eyes burned.

Not Hunters. Just Fae, taking out their rage and hunger on each other. The pits offered a useful outlet for violent urges, and the Wild Hunt encouraged it.

The fighters charged at each other. Blood splashed the dirty concrete floor. At last, the Fire Fae pinned the Water Fae down with an unbreakable hold.

The crowd screamed, and Ms. Naked roared in victory. Money changed hands, drinks clashed and spilled. The beaten Fae staggered to his feet, and his friends dragged him away.

"Who's next?" The master of ceremonies, a twisted little hunchback in a top hat and tails, asked into a microphone dangling from the ceiling. He scanned the audience.

Eirienna shoved to the front, raising her hand. "I'll take fights until someone takes me down."

He flashed white teeth. "Here's an opportunity, gents," he yelled. "Who wants to fight the pretty lady Hunter?"

Drunken cheers rose. "What's the prize?" someone yelled.

She strode to the pit's center and held up her wooden blade, sliding into a fighting crouch. Her red braid tumbled over her shoulder.

"Me," she announced, offering a feral grin. "But only if you win."

Noise erupted as betting started, and soon fighters were lining up in front of her.

Eirienna inhaled and focused. Her fingers tingled with power. She was ready. Her first opponent was a big redhead, heavier than her but slow.

In a minute, she was rid of him, with a kick to the belly and a swift slice aimed under his chin. He surrendered good-naturedly, with a pantomime of blood spurting from his throat and a bow. "Too good for me, lovely."

She blew him a kiss and whirled to face the next fighter. Tall and swift, he wore jeans and a metal-mail shirt. His weapons were a pair of knives. Her talisman scorched with delight as she fought, whirling, sidestepping, excitement pumping lust into her veins.

Her body burned. But not for him.

Eirienna knocked him to the floor. Stomped on one wrist to loose his first weapon, and sent the second knife flying with a well-placed kick. She aimed slashing fangs at his throat. Two down.

Her third opponent fought bare-handed. He was big, had mad blue eyes, and bleached hair that fell in hanks. Wiry muscles strained in his bare chest, his attacks a blur. He moved faster than someone his size had any right to.

Eirienna leapt up, her senses afire...and black demon eyes stared from the crowd. Scathe. How was he here? She staggered, feeling drunk on remembered sensations.

Her head snapped to the side from the force of the punch she didn't see coming. She went with it, letting momentum spin her around and gain some distance.

She blinked, stealing a glancing to where the incubus stood. He was gone. Just an illusion. The demon was making her lose her mind, and she couldn't afford that now.

Eirienna flurried backwards, using her blade as a shield, but his long hand snaked through, wrapped around her wrist, and dragged her off her feet.

She crashed to the floor, but as she fell her blade sliced into his flesh. He didn't let go. Jumped on her. Grappled for her hands.

Disembodied demon laughter hissed in her ears, and invisible lips kissed hot tingles down her belly, releasing a wash of heady memory.

Scathe's shadowy fingers easing inside her, filling her, stroking her to shuddering pleasure...

Get out of my head, demon!

And every other inappropriate place she felt him.

With stiffened fingers, she jabbed a pressure point in his shoulder, rolled out from under him and jumped to her feet. Her kick connected with flesh. Her opponent hit the bloody floor with a groan. She body-slammed him before he could recover. His ribs cracked.

Eirienna found his throat, and to the appreciative roar of the crowd, mimed snapping his neck. She leapt up, breathing hard, and tugged him to his feet. "Good fight, friend."

He coughed blood and grinned through the pain. "Same to yourself. I'd have liked that prize."

Cute, if she was into psychos. "Another time." She whirled. Black shadows swarmed over her eyes, buzzing like angry insects, and that hot demon voice whispered into her ear again, a dark threat.

Watch who you flirt with, sweet Fae. You're mine. Don't make me angry.

Screw you.

She cracked the shadows off in a burst of angry sparks. Swept her dizzy gaze around the crowd. No Scathe. Just Fae, shouting and drooling. The cocky fucker was haunting her.

Did Scathe want her to lose because she'd stopped his seduction? Did he want to lurk in shadows and watch her fuck her conqueror? She shivered. The idea just made her ache harder.

Eirienna felt a reckless rise inside her. Not good.

Number four was a mean-looking, shaven-headed brute. He whipped a chain between meaty hands. "Let's play, bitch."

Eirienna laughed and launched herself full-length toward his face. In midair, she sheathed her blade and aimed her thumbs to dig into his eyeballs.

The Fae grunted in pain and surprise. She fell on top of him, and his skull hit the floor with a satisfying crunch. He gurgled, fumbling for his chain. She slammed his head again, harder, hooked one leg over his chest. "Had enough, bitch?"

The crowd whooped. Money changed hands. She was popular, even if only because the odds had started long. Well, they were much shorter now. She jumped to her feet and kicked the asshole in the guts for good measure.

Her fangs ached from all the blood in the air. Power sparkled over her skin. She was hungry. Ready.

Come out, you demon bastard, she hissed on the mental net, for anyone to hear. Fight me like a man, if that's what you are.

"Who's next?" she snarled. "Or is no one man enough to take me?"

Challenge accepted. Scathe's laughter licked her ear, and above the crowd, shadows hissed, coalescing...

"I'll take you on." A cold, familiar voice cut through the noise. Tall, black-clad, brown hair swept back, a long bright flash of ice blade.

Eirienna stared. "What the fuck?" Augisto never came to the pit.

The sweltering crowd's din drowned her out. Augisto stepped into the pit, leveling his blade. His gray eyes challenged her. Hunted her. Accused her.

Frustration chewed at Eirienna. Had he followed her? What for?

A dark demon chuckle caressed her nape. Oops. Too late. Careful, sweet Fae, or you'll have to give your jealous little friend what he wants...

Eirienna ignored Scathe's taunting and strode forward. Augisto feinted. She ducked, fending him off. "What are you doing here?"

He attacked, and his sword clanged down on her sword. Blade screeched on blade, sparks flying.

"What are you doing?" Augisto shot back. "Are you fucking insane? You could've been hurt!"

"Still here, aren't I?" She forced him back.

He recovered, circling. Sweat trickled down his sword arm, glistening in the lights. "Shouldn't fight with a hard-on, Erie. Are you still tranced? You're not thinking straight. What did that demon do to you?"

"None of your business." She twirled her sword, threatening. "Always with the rules, Augisto. If I want to fight and fuck, that's my concern."

That's the spirit, Scathe's murmur was a caress, and tingling shadows swept up her thighs.

"Is that what you want? A fight and a fuck?" Augisto advanced, and she dodged his attack. He was quick. Cool. His technique solid.

Whereas that reckless feeling was sending her out of control. Whatever. Eirienna did things her way, and damn the consequences. She dove, rolling under his blade, and popped to her feet behind him before he had time to turn.

"Yes," she spat into his ear, raising her sword to strike. "It's what I want."

"Then let's do it." He grabbed her dangling braid and yanking.

Clever, she realized dimly. Unlike the rest of her, hair couldn't fight back. She stumbled, off-balance.

"You fight like a little girl," she snarled.

His gray eyes narrowed and ice magic surrounded him in a frosty aura.

Her wooden blade swung wildly, but she didn't need it. Of the two of them, she was the more ruthless. With a flick of her foot around his ankle, she flung Augisto to the floor and leapt on top of him. Her knees slammed down on the his elbows, pinning him down. His sword clattered from limp fingers.

The crowd went insane. The bloody floor shook.

Augisto caught his breath, gray eyes gleaming like steel. His hair had come out of its neat queue, and sweaty strands clung to his face.

Eirienna gritted her teeth. His icy magic chilled the air and she hated being cold. But she had a point to make. Abruptly, she was sick of everything, jumped to her feet, and shoved her way through the crowd. Her fighting mood was ruined.

Amid the howling crowd, Augisto recovered his blade and followed her out.

On the street, a faint dawn light glared in her eyes. Her throat was raw. Her skin stung like it was on fire. Her body ached from the fight, fatigue, and the thought of Scathe, hovering in the dark, just out of reach.

She rounded on Augisto. "What the fuck was that?"

"Just looking out for a friend." Augisto shrugged, composed, but a tiny sneer curdled his tone. "Wouldn't want you awarding that prize to just anyone."

His gaze glowed as he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her close. His body was cool and tense. "You could've been hurt. Turns you on, doesn't it? Or am I not dangerous enough for you?"

"Augisto --"

"Is it only demons that do it for you these days?" His eyes glittered with... disgust? Fascination? "Don't think I can't smell him all over you. What a pity I showed up and interrupted."

"You're sick," she hissed, but inside her mind, Scathe's insidious demon laughter burned.

"No, Eirienna. I think you are." Augisto lowered his voice as he slid rough fingertips down her cheek. "I can help you. Things don't have to be the way they were between us. Let me --"

Weird. Everything was too weird tonight. Augisto had never touched her with such intent before, and revulsion filled her.

"Don't touch me." Eirienna sprang backward, shaking. "Don't ever touch me like that again." She ran for her car, jumped in, and screeched away.



Damn, it's hot. Eirienna stalked down the sidewalk bordering the park, knives ready. Thirsty fir trees groaned and creaked in the heat, casting evil shadows.

She was alone, moonlight her only friend. The eerie red glow slid over her skin like a sick caress.

Eirienna wiped sweat from her forehead and sent magical feelers to test for the portal. The membrane scintillated, stretching wider and alarmingly thin. She cursed, and the talisman heated against her skin.

That traitor Fae was still at work. Brimstone stung the air, the stink of hell leaching through. She could almost see the flames. Demonic cackles drifted to her ears, nightmares fading in and out like ghosts.

Nearby, demons lurked, waiting to escape. Shadows crawled around her limbs like living things. She steadied herself, but her thighs twitched, eager for action.

Fuck, she was on edge tonight.

Always hunt in pairs. Never go out alone. You're only making yourself a target.

So many rules she was breaking. But she had to find Scathe. She'd dreamed of him all day as she slept, lust drenched, thrashing in sheets damp with sweat. They'd done it a dozen different ways...almost.

Each time, the dream had eluded her at the crucial moment, right on the edge of satisfaction. Always irresistible, delicious, not quite enough.

The need to kill him -- to scorch the forbidden ecstasy of his touch from her memory -- burned in her bones, obliterating common sense.

Damned if she'd let anyone from the Wild Hunt see what she was up to tonight. Cautiously, she extended her feelers along the mental link, searching for other Hunters in the vicinity. Only silence, black and cool, a crackle of magical static. No one was listening.

Augisto was avoiding her -- as well he fucking should after the stunt he'd pulled. Eirienna was alone. Waiting. Ready.

"I know you're here," her whisper cracked. She cleared her throat. "Show yourself, incubus."


The portal glimmered, taunting her. Sulfur stung her nose. Then, there he was. A creature of darkness, coalescing in the shadows of overhanging trees, revealed in a glowing silver outline, leaning against the scarred brick wall of the park.

Hands stuffed into his pants pockets, his luminous coal-black eyes the only glint of light. No magic trick of hers could penetrate his shadowy camouflage. He wanted her to see him. The air between them vibrated with a sultry threat.

"Eirienna." That man whore mouth shaped her name into an erotic invitation. "My sweet Fae. Back for more?"

Adrenaline and frustration boiled in her veins. She gripped her blade tightly. "What was that at the pits?" she demanded. "Trying to get me killed?"

"Only trying to help."

"Stay out of my head."

He winked. "But we had such fun all day in your sleep."

Fuck. Her body tingled at the memory. The lingering tension, her secret, desperate pleas...

"You're all class, demon. Doing that without permission is called rape."

A hard look of rage flickered over his face, gone so fast she almost missed it. "I don't recall you saying no. In fact, the words yes and please and don't stop featured rather prominently."

"Did they?" Eirienna shrugged. "If you say so. I didn't find it that memorable." Her tongue burned at the near lie. It wasn't that memorable, it was the most memorable sex she'd ever had, even if it was all a dream. She advanced. "Time to die."

Scathe pushed away from the wall, stretching powerful arms behind his back with a pop. "Must we? I rather liked where we left off."

"I'd rather die a thousand ways than touch you, or be touched by you, again."

A blade manifested in his hand, two feet of cruel, curved black steel. "Would you? I can arrange that. I love a good fight before fucking. Don't you? Gets the blood flowing."

His gaze hadn't unlocked from hers. Mesmeric, dizzying, a whiff of roses sweetening the air. Using his hunger as a weapon. Turning it to his advantage. He was good.

She circled, giving herself space. "You'll die first."

"I'd rather hoped for a partner in pleasure."

She showered him in stinging magical sparks, a warning. "Stabbing you through the heart will feel pretty good. Does that count?"

"Baby." He vanished, and reappeared right in front of her, close enough to kiss. "Any way I can get you under my skin is good with me."

He slammed his blade against hers, and the vibration tingled up her arm. His scent intoxicated her, fire and roses, tempting her to lay down her weapons and be ravished.

"Don't call me baby," she snapped, and slashed at his face. He dodged. She pirouetted, slicing backhanded for his legs.

Scathe somersaulted, landing neatly a few inches away.

She was already there, swiping her wooden blade at his throat.

He grabbed her wrist and wrenched, throwing her off-balance. He was grinning, not even breathing hard. Like he was having fun.

Furious, she jumped sideways and turned horizontal in mid-air, dodging his slashing blade. She landed on her side, and Scathe jumped on her. They rolled, grappling, and she ended up on top.

It was very like how she'd spent the day with him, and the fleeting memory cost her.

He grabbed her wrists and yanked, pinning her against his chest. "We can help each other, Hunter. We have a common enemy."

"Who's that?" Her breath rasped.

"Your traitor Fae, naturally. Seems to me a partnership between us would have...all kinds of benefits." A devilish curl of smile. "Survival. Victory. And extreme pleasure. Interested? Or shall we keep trying to kill each other?"

She opened her mouth to answer, the odds of what she would actually say equal between screw you and fuck me.

The portal screeched and sundered, tearing a wider rift. Smoke billowed, reeking of flesh and fire, and a heap of demons poured out on top of them. Spiky spider legs crawled over her face. Claws nipped. Fat fleshy bodies dripped caustic ichor onto her armor.

Eirienna growled and ripped her wrists from Scathe's grip. She tore at her shoulder guard buckles until the armor came loose and hurled the smoking leather away. The ichor burned through it in seconds, leaving a hissing ruin.

"Don't stop there." Scathe grinned up at her, all ego and hot male flesh. His muscles rubbed against her, inviting thoughts of fists grabbing silken sheets, naked flesh, pleasured groans...
