Southern Belle Evie Pt. 02

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Evie watches porn with Mike, Sunny and Bobby caught again.
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From the Author: Please bear with me. I'm developing the characters, and there is less sex in this chapter of the story than I usually like. There will be much more in the coming chapters. Thank you for your continued appreciation, and I hope you enjoy the series to come.


"Can I help you?" The pretty young lady behind the counter said in that sweet southern drawl. She had a round, wholesome face, big dark eyes, and a little pouting mouth that just made her so cute. Long bottle blonde hair done up in a secretary bun, and her tight little jogging outfit showed her somewhat extra curves. Not that she was heavy, just a little thick if you understand me.

"I sure hope so." I drawled back, and we both gave each other that sweet smile that said, 'I don't like you yet, but I'm willing to listen.' I went over and took a calming breath. "Sorry. I'm a bit nervous. I haven't been on a job interview for a long time..."

"We don't have no jobs open, honey." She said in that over-sweet attitude.

"Oh, but Dean said your yoga instructor was about ready to pop, and y'all needed..."

"Dean said?" she giggled. "Well, I'm sure sorry you came all this way, sugar. You see, Dean don't even work here. He's Billy's son is all. And he don't know what's what. But, I'll tell you what. You leave me your name and number, and I'll see if Billy wants to give you a call back. Alright?"

"Oh, shoot." I huffed. "But is the yoga instructor pregnant? He made it sound like..."

"Gerrie? Who's asking about Marcy?" A man's voice boomed from behind a door the annoying girl had to her back. Suddenly the door burst open and something that resembled a human tank with legs came out of the gym. A chest like a gorilla, arms as big as my thighs, and thighs as big as my waist! He looked like he could crush the life out of a mule with his little finger! Chiseled jaw, intense eyes, and just... big, and kinda beautiful. Older than me by at least ten years I'd guess, but in very, VERY fine shape.

"This lady." Gerrie said. "What's your name, honey?"

I replied to him, not her. "Evelyn. Evie. I left a voicemail this morning about the yoga instructor job?"

He beamed a wide, big teeth smile at me. "Evie? Oh, right! Dean said something about his friend's mother?" he scowled. "You don't look old enough to have a kid Dean's age."

I laughed. "No, I don't. I mean, I'm not. Bobby is my boyfriend's son. And I have a stepdaughter, Sunny. They both attend the state university."

"That right?" he grinned. "Well, why don't you come on back. Gerrie, get me one of those applications and a clipboard." He motioned for me to come around the front desk, and held the door open for me.

"Thanks very much, mister...?"

"I'm not mister nothin." He snickered. "You call me Billy like everyone else." We stepped into the gym, and it was pretty typical of these sorts of places. Lots of weights, exercise machines, treadmills, stationary bikes, ellipticals, and mirrors everywhere.

We got just a few steps in when he stopped me, held my hand at arm's length, and grinned. "Let's have a look at you." He nodded. "Fit as a fiddle. That's good. We got a certain image to uphold, right? You work at a gym; folks expect you to look good." He looked me up and down again and had me twirl around once. "You got no problem there. Pretty as a picture." He said.

"Uh, thank you, Billy." I blushed. It's nice to be found attractive.

"Let's talk while we walk." He continued. "You ever teach yoga before?"

I shook my head.

"Well, that's alright." He smiled. "You can do yoga though. Right?"

I nodded. "Oh, yes. I've been doing it for years. Since middle school."

"That right?" he grinned. "Let's just get your application thing filled out, and you can show me a bit. Alright?"

"Oh! Right now?" I looked down at my uniform from the golf club. "I can't do yoga in this."

He nodded. "Don't you worry none about that. We got a whole line of the finest a pretty thing like you could ever want."

Gerrie returned with a clipboard and handed it to me with a snarling smile. Oh, we were going to get along just fine, I could tell. Girl probably sat on a pickle as a child and it just stayed up there.

"Gerrie. Go on next door and pick out a yoga outfit for the little lady here. What size are you, honey? You know what? Never mind. Just get me a size medium on one of them leggings and a top. You know; the kind Marcy wears. Medium might be a little big on you, seeing as how you ain't got a bit of padding as I can tell."

Gerrie hit me with a sour look and wiggled off, trying to look sexy. I almost laughed out loud.

I filled out the form quick enough. Just name, birthdate, home address, phone number, Social Security, and past experience, which was a short list for me. Meanwhile, Gerrie returned and left a folded outfit on his desk. "We're all out of the medium sizes." She said with a wicked grin. "I hope she can fit into a small."

"Oh, well. That can't be right? We just restocked last week. Well, shit." He huffed. "You just finish filling that out, then come on out to the gym, and go left. Ladies' lockers are at the end."

"Alright. Billy." I chimed in my sweetest southern belle voice, because I knew it would just stick in old Gerrie's craw!

The ladies' lockers were beautifully clean. About two dozen nice metal lockers, a few with locks on, and a restroom, shower, and even a vanity with a hair dryer! This was one of the nicest gym's I'd ever been to.

I got undressed, and started to pull on the tight yoga pants Gerrie gave me. The little bitch got me petite size small! Ugh! I was thinking I'd go on out there and give her a piece of my mind, but then I figured, if I could get into this tight stuff, it would show off my curves very nicely, and maybe turn her mean act into a massive backfire for her instead. I squeezed myself into it like I was stuffing a sausage, then took a look at myself in the mirror.

"Oh, my word!" I gasped. It was so tight, and so sheer, it left very little to the imagination. I turned to see how my butt looked, and... well... not much left to the imagination back there either. I did a tree pose for the mirror and gasped again. You could make out every tiny detail, even the little cleft of my bald pussy (I didn't like hair down there).

I squeezed into the top, and though it was tight enough to almost make me look flat chested, it did nothing to hide the little tips of my breasts poking out. I just stood there a moment, daring my reflection in the mirror to go on out there dressed like this. Show miss secretary bun that she can't scare me off!

I swallowed my unease, lifted my chin, put on a smile, and stepped back out into the gym... and froze. "TJ?!"

He looked up from wiping down one of the ellipticals and flashed me a huge grin. "Oh, hi there, Miss Evie." He looked me up and down and I felt every inch of his gaze all over me. "Wow! You look great! Did you get the job?"

I just blinked and shook my head. "Not yet. What are you doing here?"

He shrugged one shoulder, that sly grin on his face. "I work here part time now." He said. "Just started today, in fact."

I gawked at him. "Today?" Did he get a job here because he thought I'd be working here? Now, come on, Evie. Just because he got a job here on the same day as you...?

"There you are." Billy boomed as he came stomping over on his tree trunk sized legs. "Wow! You look great!" He sure looked pleased. "Doesn't she look great, TJ?"

"She looks awesome!" he agreed eagerly.

"Well, show me a little yoga, and I think we can start talking 'bout what your work hours will be." Billy nodded over to the padded floor. "Go on now."

He followed me there, and I swear I could feel him grabbing my ass with his eyes. Or maybe it was TJ. Or both. Oh, would that be a sight. Both of them grabbing my... Evie! You stop that this instant!

I got there, and did a few poses, holding each for a count of ten, and every time, I could see them looking at everything but my eyes. The tight yoga shorts were practically painted on, so there was lots to see. Them undressing me with their eyes was kinda getting me warmed up. I could feel my nipples trying to poke out through my top like sprouts in springtime. Every change of position felt like the shorts were slipping further up my butt, and I just hoped it didn't look as deep as it felt.

After about ten or twelve poses, I heard Billy mumble something under his breath, and TJ nodded with a very quiet, "Yup. I could watch this all day." I mean, TJ is a fine young man. Tall, and I like 'em tall, and with that boyish charm. Getting looked at like that, especially after the beach, wasn't a surprise, and damn if it wasn't making me hot.

But Billy! Good God, that man was built like a giant. Try as I might, I couldn't stop myself thinking what those big, powerful arms would feel like around me, or how he could just pick me up and do with me what he pleases. And every time I could see him checking out my rear, or my tits, or... other parts, I got another tingle. I kinda like older men, and he was a lot hotter than most.

They whispered a few more things at one another, and TJ's eyes lit up when I sort of accidentally smiled at him. Billy gave a snicker, and let me do a few more, then nodded with a huge toothy grin. "I'm convinced." He boomed. "When can you start?"

My schedule at the golf club was sort of flexible. I could trade days or hours with the other staff if needed. And Billy said he needed me to do at least two weekend classes for the working folk who couldn't come during the week. So, I agreed to three Saturday afternoon and evening classes, ending by eight. Then I'd do Tuesday and Thursday evenings so I could have a short day at the golf club, then go to the gym. That still left me Fridays and Sundays at home, which was Mikey's regular sex days. I thought he'd appreciate the thought at least. All I had to do was clear it with my manager at the club.

He said I could have a twenty percent discount on all of the merchandise they had in the boutique next door, and my gym membership was free as long as I worked there. I signed an employment form for taxes and such, then went back to the locker room to get back into my uniform.

Getting the tight thing off was harder than getting it on. I had to peel it back carefully so it wouldn't tear, and it felt like I was getting out of a second skin. I pinned up my hair, had a quick rinse in the shower, then got dressed and made a quick call to Mike.

"Hi Baby!" I said when Mikey answered. "You're never gonna guess what I just did!"

I told him about my new job, and he wasn't too happy about us not having as much time together, but he understood that I could use the extra money, and that it would be good for me to have access to a gym for free instead of just my elliptical at home a couple nights a week.

I stepped out into the gym again, and TJ came trotting over with another huge grin.

"Hey, Miss Evie." He said and fell in step next to me.

"Hi TJ." I blushed my smile back at him. God, I could still feel his hands on me as I thought about us kissing in the water. Damn it! Why'd he have to be so cute?

"You know, a whole bunch of us get together at the Beach on Saturday nights." He grinned. "Think you might want to come on down and have a beer?"

I huffed a little laugh. God, how long was it since a cute guy like him tried asking me out. It was adorable, and flattering, but I knew it was out of the question. "TJ, I don't think that's a good idea. I'm too old for beach parties and warm beer in the back of a pickup."

He laughed. "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

I laughed. "That's some hogwash."

"That's Mark Twain." He said more seriously. "Mark Twain never said nothin' that was hogwash."

I lifted a brow, honestly a little impressed. "Mark Twain, huh?" I giggled.

He nodded and grinned back. "So, what do you say? Come have a beer?"

"Not tonight, TJ. Thanks for the invitation." I sighed. "But I have to get home to my boyfriend. Remember him?"

"Oh, he gets you all the time." He snickered. "How often you get the chance to cut loose a bit? Come on, it'll be fun. We make a bonfire sometimes, play music, smoke a little grass. Nothin' like the beach at night. Water's calmer. Wind is calmer. Nobody around for miles. Got the whole beach to yourself."

I had images of Sunny and some lucky guy she tempted out there in the Lifeguard stand having wild sex... and TJ's big hand on my rear end in the dark water at night. I swallowed and could feel my cheeks turning red. "It sounds like fun, but I can't."

He huffed and hung on his feet like I'd just shot him with a sad bullet. "Oh, well... if ya change your mind, we park out by Round Island lot. Can't miss it."

"Okay. I'll think about it."

I stepped outside and headed for my car, and what the hell was I feeling? I was a little lightheaded and had a little spring in my step. My word! I felt so good! I just had a nice-looking man some eight, or nine, or maybe even ten years younger, try to hit on me! Wow! It was better than wine. Better than bourbon! Better than anything I felt in years.

Now, I don't go on about Mikey much. Truth is, we've never been love-struck with each other. We're more like friends who sleep together regularly. Don't get me wrong. There's love there. I care for him, and I know he cares for me, but there ain't the sort of fire you expect in lovers. I don't mind though. We're comfortable together. He's kinda like one of those safety nets. If I fall, he'll catch me, and visa versa as they say.

But I do miss the excitement of a passionate relationship. Mike is a fine man of his age. He's been the manager at the local grocery for years, and like most small towns, everyone seems to know him. Tall at just six feet, the remains of a strong build that's lost a little muscle, beautiful blue eyes, that salt and pepper hair that's so attractive on older men, and he has a nice smile.

So, after these last couple days, I was feeling a bit more frisky than usual. And after being asked out by TJ, it was even worse. The whole drive back to Mike's place, I was high as a kite! I burst into his house still beaming, and he looked at me like I had lost my ever-loving mind.

"You okay there, Evie?"

I jumped at him for a kiss and nodded. "Just excited I got the job." Well, that wasn't all that excited me, but he didn't need to know that.

He had fried up some fish, so I had a bite, then said, "You want to go down to the beach with a bottle of wine?"

"The beach? Now?" he snickered. "You want to get eaten alive by mosquitos?"

"We got bug spray!" I scoffed. "Come on! The water's calmer. The wind is calmer. Maybe we could walk along the beach a ways, wade out in the water and skinny dip. Maybe... fool around a little?"

"You know sharks do their hunting at night." He smirked. "What's gotten into you, Evie?"

I felt my happy high dissolve like a candy in my mouth. "I just wanted some fun, is all." I said defeatedly.

"Yeah, well. Let's have fun where we don't get eaten alive by bugs or sharks." Mike shook his head. "Come on. We got the house to ourselves for a while. How about we put on something X-rated!"

I sighed. "You know I don't like pornography."

"You ever watch any?" he asked.

I shrugged. "A little." I said. "Mostly just corny stuff with fake orgasms and hairy bushes, and cheesy music..."

"Things have changed a bit since the 70's." he laughed. "Come on. We can look online for something. You can even pick out which one you want to see."

"Really?" I whined. "You can't think of anything better to do?"

"Just one." He urged me.

I frowned harder, but if it would get me a little attention tonight... "One. You pick."

He took me over to the couch, turned on his little tablet, and went right to some porn web site he knew by heart. Must be his favorite or something. Then he did a quick search, and found one he liked, opened it, then did something to make it play on the big flatscreen TV. I had no idea you could even do that!

It started with an older guy and a very hot looking younger blonde beauty going into what was obviously a porn theater. You could hear the film they were watching with lots of Ooo's and Ahh's and grunting and such. They sat, and at first it just looked like he picked a video of watching other people watch porn. Boring.

Then some other guy moved into a seat behind them, and a minute later, he reached over the seat and started touching her boob! Her big bright eyes stayed on the movie she was watching, and I could see her forcing them to stay there.

I was a little intrigued, I guess. I sat there, Mike holding my hand, and I could feel my pulse starting to pick up speed. The girl on screen got her top unbuttoned, then that fella's hand just went right inside her shirt, grabbing her tit and she just seemed to pretend it wasn't happening at all. Her boyfriend or husband or whatever was pretending too, though he couldn't have missed it.

A few minutes later, another guy sat behind them, and started doing the same thing. They opened her top, unclasped her bra at the front, and let her big breasts spill out! She was much bigger than me, and they were lifting and squeezing her tits, touching the nipples and tugging. I felt my own nipples respond just from imagining myself in a public theater getting felt up by a couple strangers while Mikey sat there and let them. It was getting me wet down there.

Mikey took my hand, guided it to his lap, and I felt a bare cock fit between my fingers! I looked over at him. He grinned at me and reached to unbutton my top! Well, okay then! This was getting more interesting now. Maybe I would get a little something out of this porn stuff.

As the girl on the screen got her tits played with, her partner took her hand and brought it over to his cock! Had mike seen this video before? Probably.

Mike got my top off and was doing the same with my breasts as they were doing with hers. I felt him getting harder, and I thought I might be in for an extra night of sex this week! Then the partner she was with, gently moved her till she was down in his lap sucking him off. Oh, is that what Mike...?

Yup! He tried moving me down too, and I went... a little reluctantly. I'm fine with giving head, but I want something in return. You know what I mean? I was still able to watch while I took Mike into my mouth, and the girl on the screen was obviously enjoying her man a lot.

Then, I almost choked when one of the guys feeling her up, came around and stood in front of her with his cock hanging out of his pants. Her partner lifted her off his cock, and... made her suck the stranger instead! I was shocked! She was sucking and moaning along with the movie they were ignoring, and the first one who was feeling her up dropped his pants, and she leaned over the back of her chair to take his cock into her mouth too.

"This ever happen at that theater you go to?" I asked between mouthfuls of cock.

"Not yet." He snickered, and I giggled with him.

For the next ten minutes or so, I bobbed and sucked on my one cock, while the girl on screen did the same on three! I thought, being a porn movie, she'd have to let them cum in her mouth, but to my surprise, the one standing behind her lifted her face, and shot his load all over her cheeks and lips. I don't know why, but that struck me as... just so damned sexy! And she looked like she enjoyed it.

The fella in front shot off his cum onto her tits, and she sucked him off some more when he was done. Then her boyfriend or husband or whatever pushed her head down onto his lap again, and the camera showed him close up jerking and cumming in her mouth, and she let the cum dribble out around her lips so we could see. I won't lie. That looked pretty hot too.