Southern Belle Evie Pt. 04

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Billy gives a hand. A date with TJ. Sunny confesses.
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The morning after our very naughty encounter with Bobby, Sunny and I met for coffee in the kitchen. Bobby and Mike were still asleep, so we quietly greeted one another, and I guess some of that horny stuff from the night before was left over. When we kissed, our tongues touched and though it was a bit short, it was definitely not the sort of kiss between stepmom and stepdaughter. We both giggled and kissed again, just because we could.

It was Saturday, so I needed to get ready for three classes of Yoga. I knew I would be feeling it on Sunday, but I'm in good shape. I just need to warm up slow before I get into it. Coffee, some fruit, and I was off to the gym. I figured I'd have a little time on the elliptical, or just take a few laps around the gym first to get the blood flowing.

The gym was open, but nobody was at the front desk to greet me as I entered. I went in back, and thought the place was empty. Then I heard a flush, and Billy came out of the mens' locker room. Tight shorts, a muscle shirt, and looking huge as always. Just... so big!

"Evie." He grinned and came over.

"Hi Billy." I smiled back. "I hope you don't mind. I let myself in."

He snickered. "Of course not. That's why we're open early. Folks got to get moving, right?"

I giggled. "I guess. Mind if I get a warm up before yoga?"

"No problem. You can have the run of the place." He went to open the store and set up a pot of coffee while I got out of my little sundress and into my yoga tights and sport top. Then I got in front of a mirror and started some stretches. I caught Billy watching now and then, and I made sure to show off a little. Not that I wanted him to do anything, but kinda I liked how he looked at me.

After a bit, he came over and sat on a bench press to watch. "How's Mike?" he asked.

I smiled and shrugged. "Fine. Busy. Works late a lot." I said.

He nodded. "Yeah, he said so." He nodded, and I watched his face light up in his reflection as I bent over for some toe-touches.

"You talked to him?" I asked.

"Poker night." He nodded. "We try to get the boys together Thursdays every other week, and Mondays on the other weeks."

I got my foot up on the dance bar, and stretched into it, making Billy stare again. "Never would have known you was there." I hissed through the stretch.

"Oh, we was at my place last time." He said. "JP's place the time before that. Don't think you met JP yet."

I shook my head, lifted my other foot, and leaned into another stretch, almost falling off the rail.

"Here! Let me spot you." He got up and came over.

"I'm alright." I tried again.

"Ain't no trouble." He stood behind me, and put his big, meaty hands on my hips as I leaned into my next bend. It was a little odd, but I do enjoy lots of muscle, and even though Billy was probably close to Mike's age, he certainly had a lot more muscle than most any man in town. Of course, I knew he was looking for a cheap feel, and I shouldn't encourage it, but I don't know what got into me lately. I kinda liked it.

When I turned to the other foot again, he got a hand right on my ass, and I pretended not to notice. Then the other way again, and the same thing happened on my other cheek. I let it go on a little longer, sort of wondering how far he would dare to go... but he seemed happy enough just holding my ass.

"Think I'm warm enough?" I sighed through my last stretch, and almost giggled at the expression on his face in the mirror. "To push some weights, I mean."

He snickered. "Oh, yeah. Sure. Let me set you up."

I sat on the upright and did my lats with Billy spotting again. The way I was sitting on the bench, with my legs wide apart, certainly seemed to catch his eye. He kept daring a look down there, and I kept wondering how much he could see.

After that he suggested the leg curl, and though I'd seen others use it, I never had before.

"It's easy." He said, and laid himself down on his belly, stuck his leg behind the padded bar, and curled his foot up over his leg.

"Oh, looks simple enough." I agreed and got down where he had been. In the mirror, I could see him checking out my rear end, and it sort of got me a little turned on the way he was feeling me with his eyes. I lay flat, and tried to curl my leg, but it wasn't gonna budge.

"Gee-Zus! How'd you lift that?"

He snickered. "Sorry. Let me adjust the weight." He leaned over me, hand firmly on my raised ass, pulled out the pin and moved it up to a lighter weight. All the while, I thought I could feel him giving my rear a little squeeze. God, why was I liking this so much? Well, shit. He was a big, beefy guy who looked great. Why wouldn't I like it?

"There!" he said and patted my ass before letting go. "Give that a try."

Okay. So, he had a little grab. No big deal, right? I curled up my legs, and it still hurt, but I could do it. "Still too heavy." I said. "Can't do reps with that much."

He came over again, and this time, when he grabbed my ass, he got his fingers to slip down between my thighs, and I could feel him rubbing against my crotch a little. I gave a startled little jump and squeak.

"You alright there, Evie?" he asked, hand still touching me.

I nodded. "Yeah. Fine. Just fine." I said and held back my urge to arch up a little against his hand. Get a hold of yourself, Missy! This ain't right and you know it!

He snickered and took his sweet time moving the pin again. I waited while he groped me pretty obviously, and since I wasn't stopping him, he got a little more daring and rubbed a little over my pussy under that super tight yoga outfit.

"There you go." He said, rubbing his finger in harder to push my pussy lips apart underneath. "Try that."

I curled my legs, but he left his hand there, still holding my rear and nudging against my sex. Tell him to stop, Evie! Tell him to stop before this gets out of hand! Good lord, that's nice. Every time I lift my leg like... Mmm... that. Pushed right up against my...

There was a bang, and we both realized someone came in the front door. He pulled his hand away and took a half step back just as TJ entered and saw me laying there with Billy hovering by. Damn it! Go away! He was just starting to touch... Shit! Gawd! What was I thinking? I didn't want Billy to touch me like that... right?

"Hi Billy! Hi Evie!" TJ grinned. "Looks like we all decided on an early start."

The rest of the morning was much less... inappropriate. I finished my warmup, then did a few walking laps around the gym while I waited for the first class to arrive.

"So..." TJ fell in step next to me and gave me that eager grin. "Thought about it?"

Oh, for the love of God! I hadn't! I was supposed to tell him if I'd go riding with him tonight. I heaved a sigh up at him as we walked, then I just smirked. "Did you get horses?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I did." He said proudly. "All set."

I walked a little longer with him still expecting an answer. "What if I said no?" I said. "You gonna ask again?"

He grinned and nodded. "Sure. Don't know if I could do horses again. It weren't all that free."

I frowned. "You paid for them?"

He snorted a laugh. "Well, yeah. Of course. Well, for yours. My horse I get for nothing. I don't have two."

I balked at him. "But renting a horse got to cost a lot!"

He nodded. "Like I said, it weren't free."

"Well, now I feel bad." I sighed. "Spending all that on a ride with me."

"Then you'll come?" He asked more eagerly.

I had to giggle. Oh, darn it! Why'd he have to be so damned cute. "Tell you what." I began. "You go home after work, get all spiffed up for me, and..." I leaned up and ran a finger over his cheesy mustache, "you shave that off, and I'll go riding with you."

"Hell, I'll pull 'em out by the roots right now, if you want." He snickered.

"No, just shave 'em." I giggled. "My last class is done by eight. Where you want me to meet you?"

"No. This here is a proper date. I'll come pick you up." he grinned. "I'll get going around seven, pick you up right here at eight."

"I'm going to need a shower." I warned. "More like eight thirty?"

"Eight twenty." He grinned. "I'll wait."

Oh, wasn't he just so darn sweet? "Alright."

As soon as he went to do his duties again, and the first of my next class arrived, I had a think. I wore shorts and a t-shirt here. If I was going out on an honest to god date, I should at least try to look good. So, between my first class and my second when I had a break, I called Sunny.

"Hi Evie!" she greeted me all cheery and giggles in her voice.

"Hi, Sunny. Listen, honey. Can you do me a favor? Go into my closet at home and pick out a nice dress for me to wear tonight."

"Ooo, you seeing Tarek again?" she asked.

Tarek! Shit. He was going to be here for tonight's class. "Actually, no." I said, then lowered my voice in case anyone might be listening. "TJ is gonna take me riding on the beach at night."

"Oh my God!" She practically screamed into her phone. "That's so great!"

"It is?" I laughed nervously. "Because it doesn't feel great. It feels like I'm cheating on Mike with two guys."

"Listen to me, Evie!" she said firmly. "You gotta make you happy! Nobody else will do it for you! Got it?"

"I get it, but..."

"No Buts!" she barked. "Say it for me. You gotta make you happy!"

I sighed. "Okay, fine."

"No! Say it!" She insisted.

"Yeah, okay. I gotta make me happy."

"Exactly." She sighed. "Like last night. God! I don't think I ever saw you happier."

"Last night was a huge mistake." I groaned.

"Bullshit!" she scoffed. "It was awesome!"

"But..." I lowered my voice to barely more than a whisper. "You're my stepdaughter, for crying out loud. And Bobby is my boyfriend's son! We can't be doing that."

There was silence on the phone a minute, then she made a smooching sound. "We'll talk about it. Be there in a couple hours. Oh! How about the pretty yellow sundress with the crisscross chest?"

"No! That's too much." I gasped. It had a very short skirt, and the top showed off my belly and almost all of my back. "A few hard bounces on a horse and it probably would just fall right off!"

"Then it's perfect!" She quipped. "I'll head home in a little while, get your dress and see you at the gym around two. Okay?"

I nodded at the phone. "Why the long wait?"

She giggled and sighed. "Because Mikey left, and I'm waking Bobby up."


She giggled. "I'm just entering his room now. Oh! And look! A nice big surprise, just for me!" she sighed. "Gotta go. Time for breakfast." And she hung up!

Holy shit on a biscuit! She was going to wake him with sex? Well, of course she was! God, if I was there, I might want to help. Darn it! Stop that, Evie. Get a hold of yourself!

The first class was small, just four mostly middle-aged ladies. I kept it simple and only pushed them a little, but they all swore it was great and would be back for more! My afternoon class was much better. Eight showed up, and three were men, which is sort of rare! They were around my age, or a little older, so I stepped things up a notch or three and we were all feeling that burn by the end.

Sunny arrived, and we sat out by the car sharing a late lunch or early dinner sandwich while she asked me about my date with TJ tonight. I didn't have much to tell, so I changed the subject.

"Did... Bobby say anything about last night?" I asked nervously.

She giggled and nodded. "Said it was the hottest thing he's ever done."

I nodded. "That makes two of us." I agreed.

"Makes three of us!" she giggled. "So, will we do it again?"

I felt something like panic, but also excitement. "We probably shouldn't." I groaned.

"Oh, come on!" she pleaded. "It was so good! You just said so!"

I blushed. "I know, but it's wrong. I can't keep sneaking around behind Mikey's back. I got to do something about that before it gets any worse than it already is."

"You never know." Sunny smirked at me. "Maybe Mike's getting a little something too?" The way she said it made me wonder if maybe she already knew, and was thinking to tell me about it.

I smiled and shrugged. "It would make me feel a little better if he was." I admitted. "Less guilty anyway. But I still have to come clean with him. Sooner or later."

"Well... do it sooner then." She giggled. "I know Bobby and I both want to do it again, and soon."


She giggled, leaned over quick like, and gave me a peck on the lips. "Have fun tonight!" she got back into the car and drove off, leaving me feeling like I was about to make another huge mistake with TJ. It didn't have to be. I could just go riding with TJ and not do anything with him. A nice ride on the beach, maybe some wine. I could do that. It didn't need to be any more than that, right? No matter how cute, handsome, and tall he was. Good lord!

I went back into the gym and started a little warm up before the next class. There were a few younger guys over by the free weights, and they made room for me to use the small dumbbells. They all looked so big and strong, I felt like the lone fox in a room full of hounds. But they were all real nice and friendly. Even let me have the bench so I could sit and do curls.

"Hi there, miss Evie." I had to look past a couple of those big boys till I saw Dean coming over. I remember him being big, but good lord! I forgot how big! He weren't tall, like TJ or Bobby. Probably just a few inches taller than me. But he looked wide and thick all around like his daddy.

"Oh, hi there, Dean." I smiled at him.

He went to the other three boys and they all smacked hands or bumped fists at one another. Then he came over to me. "Wow! You look great in that yoga outfit." He grinned. "Dad says you got lots of students already. That's good, right?"

I nodded. "It is and thank you for the compliment. Very sweet of you."

"He also said you got to working with some weights." The way he said it sounded like he was sharing a secret, and I wondered if Billy told him about where he was touching me when I was doing my warm up this morning. Would his own daddy do that? It'd be awfully embarrassing if he did. I decided to play it dumb.

"Yes sir." I said with my prettiest smile. "I'm not good at it, but I figure I could use a little more muscle on this skinny little bod of mine."

"You know, I'm getting my degree in Physical Therapy." Dean grinned. "Gonna take over the gym from dad when he decides to retire. Maybe you can teach me some of that yoga stuff, and I can help you in weight training. What d'ya think?"

The other three boys all looked at me like they wanted to see if I'd agree or not. Maybe they made a bet on it or something... or maybe they was just nosey like me.

I shrugged and nodded. "Alright. I guess we could do that."

"Monday after your day job?" he asked eagerly.

"Well, I might have plans for Monday." I said. I was still hoping me and Tarek could go out again. "Tuesday, maybe?"

"Alright. Tuesday." He nodded with that big silly smile. "I'll come to your class, and we can stay after."

"Okay." I felt my smile getting too big again. "Well, looks like my time here is up." I giggled. "Gotta get my class together."

A few ladies were over there on the mats stretching and gabbing like old friends. I thought I could go on over there and introduce myself before we got going. I could always use more friends in town who weren't men. Especially if I was gonna be working here three days a week.

On my way over, I noticed Tarek had shown up, and he was having a chat with... was that Nick? Did they already know each other? Did they just meet? I changed direction and tried to get close enough to hear some of their quiet conversation, but I got stopped by TJ again.

"Hey, Evie." He said eagerly. "I'm gonna go get the horses ready. So, umm... I was wondering. Should I bring something with us?"

I frowned. "Like what?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. Picnic dinner? Some beer or wine or something?"

"Wine would be nice." I nodded. "Beer would probably explode when you try opening it after bouncing around on a horse."

He laughed. "Yeah, you're right. Okay. No beer. How about something to eat? I could pick up some fried chicken or something."

I sort of liked how excited he was. "I just had a late lunch with Sunny." I said. "You go ahead and get something for yourself though."

"Alright. And I'll be back here at eight twenty." He gave me that cute smile again. "You take your time. I'll be waiting."

Good lord, was this ever a mistake! Oh, but what the hell. No rules against it, I guess.

He took off, and I went to say hi to Tarek and Nick. They were still talking like old buddies, and they both noticed me coming and smiled their greetings at me.

"Hi Nick'" I grinned. "Hi Tarek. Thanks for coming. Did you ask Nick to be here?" I sounded a little like I was suspicious.

"Not at all." Tarek hit me with that lovely accent again. My word, don't that just make him even cuter.

"Billy thought I might like to try it." Nick said.

Ha! It was him talking with Billy! I knew it! "You ever do yoga before?" I asked.

Nick grinned. "Not in an actual class like this, but I have tried it a few times, sure." He smirked at Tarek. "I had a girlfriend who insisted I try it with her."

"Good for her." Tarek said. "It offers many benefits for health and relaxation.... if you do it correctly."

He laughed. "Well, the way we did it wasn't what most people would call relaxing." He winked at me.

Tarek nodded slowly. "Oh, yes. I'm no stranger to that either." he said, giving me another look. Oh God. Between the two of them, I was near to bursting into flames, my face felt so hot.

"Just listen to Evie and follow her instructions. She's rather spectacular." Tarek winked at me, and my knees did that wobble again.

"I'll bet." Nick said, and the way he was looking me up and down, I was sure he wasn't talking about yoga.

"Well, you boys have fun. Loosen up, and we'll get started in a few minutes."

I called the rest of the class together and I counted... good lord! Ten! Once they were all together, I saw Billy stomp on by. He gave me a big grin, a thumbs up, and a wink. Oh dear. I probably shouldn't have let him grab me like he did. I mean, I liked it, but I sure didn't need to be flirting with my boss... no matter how big and strong and firm he looked. Oh, Evie!

The class started off slow. I was a little worn out from my other two, but toward the end, I got my energy back and we all pushed through. I thought it was one of the better workouts I ever had. All the while, I kept catching Nick and Tarek checking me out, and I couldn't help it. I got a little excited by it. What can I say? I like being looked at.

When the class was over, I had several of the ladies come up and thank me for the class. A very nice, very pretty one with reddish blonde hair like mine came over and flashed me with a big, white smile. "Hi there, Evie." She said. "I'm Vickie. I hear you don't live here in town, right?"

I nodded. "I live off Fording before the bridge." I said.

"Oh, nice area!" she said. "Well, I really enjoyed this class. You're very good."

I blushed a smile at her. "Well, ain't you sweet. Thank you, Vickie."

"Well then, maybe you'd like to meet some of the locals here. We got ourselves a little group of ladies who get together for all sorts of things. Luncheons, golf, cards, bowling. Whatever. Might be a good way to get to know each other."

"I'd love that, Thank you." I gushed.

"Well, good then. Let's trade numbers, and I'll let you know when we have a thing planned."

We did and she left to get showered. Then Tarek came up to me like he was just waiting for me to finish with Vickie.

"Friend of yours?"

I nodded. "I guess so. Just met, but she seems nice."

"Well, very good then." He grinned. "So, I was wondering..." he said in a lower voice, "if I might entice you to dinner on Monday after work."