Space Bronto Blue(ball)s

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Nina and Katherine have an understanding.
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Nina leaned back in her seat as she let the automated guidance system pull her in towards her assigned berth. Lucky number 328. It would mean a long walk back to their apartment and the idea of that long walk made her even more tired, but she didn't have time to think like that. She had several million tons of ice ready to offload before she could get paid and finish up this long run. She hadn't seen her girlfriend in three months and it kept drifting into her mind.

After waiting her turn in the landing queue, she finally set down a couple hours later with a light thump. She was assigned to one of the offloading spots and she needed to oversee her shipment. It wasn't her job to remove all that ice but she wasn't about to let anyone stiff her on payment either. Every single snowflake would be counted or she would have some things to day.

She briefly thought about sending a message to Kiki to let her know she was back, but she decided she wanted to surprise her. She'd been able to shave a week off her run by finding a particularly dense asteroid of mostly frozen water and she was glad for it. Two minutes later, she was pulling her spacesuit on over her overalls and pulling on her helmet. It was a custom job that fit her snugly in all the right and wrong places. There were a lot of unknown species in the galaxy and she was one of the ones that resembled an old earth creature called a brontosaurus, though she stood on two legs. She wasn't a freak or anything. At eight feet tall, her understanding was that she was far too short to be one of those creatures. There was no evidence of hermaphroditism in them either. Plus they were all dead, just like everything else from earth. They died before the mass exodus though so they wouldn't have made it anywhere to populate a new hunk of rock out there. So even by the thousands of years past, that species would have been too old for her to be one. No, she was all alien, clearly, nothing human about her.

Hybrids were pretty common. With most of the galaxy's history having been erased by some sort of mass event that destroyed electronic records, the loose-knit coalition of a thousand worlds relearned everything and comingled, creating a new society where most people were a blend of a lot of things. There were still so called purebred humans, but there were also a lot of new things. So, while it's possible some human mated with a full-sized millions of years old extinct brontosaurus somewhere out there and made her, more likely she was some alien species nobody had seen before and when she was found as an orphan, there was a lot of questions and nothing else came of it.

In any case, she shrugged her shoulders to fit into things a bit better. There were no long-necked, long-tailed suits made standard so she had a custom job. It worked well enough, but it would never fit perfect and she was the other side of the unisex identifier, so she wasn't going to fit great no matter what.

After a few hours of supervising the drones that offloaded her ice, she made sure all the information was correct on her padd and headed off to the hauler's union desk to get her money. Ducking her head and squeezing past people and through smaller doors she got there and handed it over to something mostly human but it had jowls like a bulldog. A few minutes later she was back out again, her accounts that much fuller and the weariness of her run starting to overtake her. The only thing really driving her on, she was a bit sheepish to admit to herself, was how absolutely horny she was.

It was her season and she needed to spread things around. It was a deep-seated urge and she could intellectually stop it but her body wasn't listening to her brain. Maybe because her reproductive organs were so far from her brain. In either case, the closer she got to her apartment, the more she had to adjust her gait as she walked to accommodate the throbbing sensation between her legs. She was getting the inside of her overalls damp and the smell of her arousal was filling her suit. She didn't want to take off her helmet because then she would just scent-bomb everyone around her and she had a reputation to uphold. The badass long-haul space trucker, the stoic, the quiet one.

A few more minutes of weaving through the tight corridors of the station and she made it to her door. She was about to key her way in when she heard a familiar sound from inside. She klooked up and down the corridor to make sure she was alone before pulling off her helmet and flooding the area with a scent of her own arousal while she pout her head to the door, pressing against it to listen with the hole she had there instead of actual ears. She listened to the grunting noises inside for a few minutes, chuckling a bit. Seems Kiki was lonely too.

It was her own fault. She hadn't been expected back for another week and they were apart enough that they had an understanding. When she was home, they were together. When she was on a run, either of them could do whatever they needed to take care of themselves. It was unfair to either of them otherwise. She put her helmet back on and went back into the station proper to get some food. She'd come back in a couple hours after getting some food. Even in her current mood, she still needed the usual kind of sustenance anyway.

Katherine had special furniture. It was needed for her species no matter what, but she had a special piece of furniture she was using now. It was mostly just a very firmly secured bar at about waist height for most humanoids, but on her it came up a little bit shorter. She currently had her two front legs draped over it so that she was elevated. Her hands were cupping and playing with her heavy breasts, pinching on the nipples and tugging them as she groaned and cooed in pleasure. Beneath her, a coworker of indeterminate gender was wrapped around her cock, literally. Even for a centaur, she was pretty well hung and that length was completely enveloped by a blue goo-like person whose name she couldn't pronounce. They were pretty new and she had only talked to them a couple times. Despite not having a gender that would conform to what most people would consider to be one, she thought of them as masculine, so she was calling him Jim.

The two of them got together to watch some streaming videos and drink some wine and it wasn't long before they were making out. Currently she was holding mostly still as they were sliding and squeezing all along her cock, the flare gaping as some of their body was oozing inside it. She couldn't help but buck her hips into the air as she got close. She started shaking lightly, "Oooo, Jim, you can go deeper...I'm so close...." She cooed through heavy breath. As soon as she finished the sentence she gasped loudly as she felt a strange pressure. Their entire body, while still smaller than the average humanoid, slurped and slid it's way all the way inside her. She felt her balls swell and swell until she couldn't take it anymore. She cried out in pleasure and a moment later the far wall was plastered with blue goo and her own cum, the white and blue mixing together as Jim absorbed it. They ended up a paler blue and clouds of it floated inside him as he reformed into something generally bipedal and human-like again. She panted her way through a few more weaker jets that splashed on the floor. Her partner graciously stepped on those spots and the spilled mess absorbed up into them as well. They were bigger than when they started and as she got off her bar, she leaned forward and kissed them on the cheek. "Thanks, hon. I really needed that. I'll see you at work?"

The blue goo made a noise that she knew was an affirmative and they wobbled their way out. She sighed and happily settled on the chaise lounge, relaxing after her release and enjoying the feelings of release.

About an hour later she heard the door slide open and thought maybe Jim had forgotten something. That was silly though as they didn't carry anything, They were already everything they carried. Instead, she heard the familiar stomping of someone even bigger than she was and she perked up from her light nap. "Baby!" She clambered off the chaise lounge and galloped the short distance over to the bronto-like trucked trying to peel off her space suit. She wrapped her arms around Nina's neck, kissing her all over. Her girlfriend chuckled with a low throaty rumble of appreciation at the attention and Katherine caught a whiff of that scent wafting free as her suit was being peeled off, "Oooh, did you need to cut early? I hope you didn't get in trouble."

The bronto shook her head, "No, you know I wouldn't do that, Kiki. I finished up my haul. This started about a week ago." She managed to pull the rest of the top half of her spacesuit off of her and let the whole thing drop to the floor. The this that she referred to, now that it was uncovered, was the overpowering scent of her rutting season. Her cock was restrained by her overalls but that didn't block the smell

Her girlfriend cooed in sympathy. "Oh you poor thing. Got a lot of eggs stored up, huh?" She reached down and rubbed the flat of her palm over that hot, needy bulge constricted by denim. "Let me help you..." and she undid the buttons of those overalls, hands roaming all over the bronto as she coaxed clothing out of the way, helping her step out of her suit and clothes. Soon, she was standing wearing only a thing undershirt and panties, just a simple barrier to keep her outfit clean. The panties were doing nothing. Soaked through and tugged to the side to accommodate the bronto's cock and balls. Her breasts, while not as impressive, were still sizable enough to stretch the thing fabric. Her greenish-yellow mottled skin was covered in a lot of tattoos. Mostly union related, though she had a stylized centaur over her heard with Kiki written under it.

Katherine galloped back over to her standing bar, this time just to hold on to. She knew what was coming and would need to hold on tight. "Mmm, I just had a friend over so you don't need to worry about me. We'll have plenty of time to be together properly. You do what you need to do." And the centaur flicked her tail from side to side, lifting it up to expose herself to her partner. Her thick lips winked in anticipation, still wet from her earlier arousal.

The bronto rumbled in appreciation but didn't really say anything else. She had a need and a wonderful partner that understood that. She walked over and, resting one hand on that big rear of the centaur, the other wrapped around her cock, she aimed and sank deep into Katherine's cunt with a pleasured hissing noise escaping her. The centaur groaned as that fat pole speared into her but she held still. Several inches slipped inside, squeezing inside her tight folds. She was loose for most, but not Nina. She loved how much her partner filled her and she groaned as more and more of it sank into her. She took it all with barely a movement. She knew this was just the preamble.

Nina huffed as she sank in, her cock throbbing with need. She barely reached her full depth before she started to thrust. She backed up only a few inches and slid back in. It was slow and steady. She lost herself in the velvety soft heat that was wrapped around her and she sighed happily. This wasn't the greedy rutting she wanted, but she wanted this slow, loving touch even more. The rutting would be soon enough, for now she simply lost herself in the embrace of her lover.

She felt a tingle at the base of her length and she shuddered, " goes..." She rumbled and picked up her pace a little bit. Barely two half thrusts later and her heavy nuts contracted and a thick jet, unseen but absolutely felt, splattered deep inside of the centaur's womb. Katherine felt it like a lead weight that sat heavily inside her. It took a good dozen jets before that feeling was done and she groaned deeply at the feeling.

A few moments passed as they both stood there, silently, before the centaur whispered, "Go ahead...." and the bronto nodded. She pulled back and gripped onto that massive backside, holding tight as she pulled out almost all the way, some of that load she had deposited dripping down, oozing slowly down both of them to drip on the floor. That load was thick as molasses and a much darker color than usual. It was almost orange and it started to harden in the air, leaving thin droplets hanging suspended from them both.

After a brief pause, Nina slammed forward, eliciting a sharp grunt from her partner. She buried all the way inside and started her rutting. She draped her head over the two of them as her hips rocked back and forth, pulling back almost completely before slamming home with urgency. Her pace was still slow but now she was rough. She had a purpose and the need was overcoming everything else. Every few thrusts she increased her pace. She was needy, she was greedy. She was ruthless as she slammed home in her partner's pussy, her thick cock buried tight in that tunnel.

The centaur weathered the assault, enjoying it but also definitely feeling sore. She knew this would be an ordeal if Nina had been in her rutting season for a week without release. They had their arrangement, but her love was a bit shy with anyone but her. Usually it was fine, but without the release her species needed, she could get a bit rough. Like now. Those hands were digging into her flanks and she was doing her best to push back to meet those thrusts, to help her dearest to what she needed, but that cock was so tightly buried into her and those thrusts were getting harder and shorter, far more insistent. Her bronto love was close.

Nina was close. She could feel the pain starting. She both loved and hated this part. Once she felt that pain start she completely withdrew from that warm cunt and started furiously stroking herself. She panted heavily and whimpered a bit. Katherine looked over her shoulder and watched, cooing encouragement to her, "That's it baby. Almost there. You're doing so good, baby...." And the whimpering got louder as the base of her cock started to swell. It grew and bulged out to twice, three times it's size and the swollen section extended further down her length. She panted heavily and, once that swelling started she slid herself back into that centaur-pussy. Her hand still stroked over the base and she kept herself only half-buried as she stroked. She reached down with her other hand and gripped her balls, squeezing them firmly as her whimpers elevated to a mix between sobbing and growling. The swelling at her base grew massive and it butted against the opening she was half-buried in.

The other end of that swelling knot started to taper back down and she gripped her lover's hips once more, pulling herself forward desperately. That swelling desperately pushing open the warm tunnel she craved. Slowly, inch by inch, she forced herself inside, the knot of swollen cock sliding past it's thickest point and just before she sunk all the way in, another swell could be seen starting at the base of her cock. That didn't matter as once she slammed completely home, burying the head of her cock deep in her lover's womb, the eggs she was laying burst forth, one after another. Her cock was still stretched as was Katherine's pussy, but it wasn't stretching and further. They both moaned and writhed at the release, Nina as one egg and then another and another slid free to bury inside that thick, sticky cum she had placed first.

Katherine as she felt that weight and fullness as the eggs were placed inside her womb for safe keeping. They wouldn't be fertilized, at least, they never had before, but she would eventually absorb them all as nutrients. Her belly grew gravid and hung low. Her own cock was rigid against that swollen stomach and dripping her own mess from the flared tip. After several minutes, as the last egg settled into it's home for the next few weeks, another thick spurt of that thick, gooey, sticky cum sealed the eggs in. Once all was done, Nina draped over her love, her long neck extending to rest her chin on Katherine's shoulder as she panted. A quick kiss between them and they both separated and collapsed on floor or furniture, whichever was easiest. They would both be sore but sleep well.

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Lammer15Lammer1519 days ago

Are you gonna do another chapter of this story? It was really good!

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