Spark the Runner Ch. 06


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"Well, Lizzie has, anyway," Spark smiled. "That cute blonde at the bank was damn near orgasmic over meeting you, wife."

"Actually, she was," Tonya murmured in response. That brought Spark up short.

"Actually, she was..." he echoed. "Orgasmic? Did you do something I should know about?"

"She only needed a little boost," Tonya answered. "I helped her. I think she liked it."

"Oh, Lord..." Spark groaned. "Here we go with the goddess reputation. Again. Soon it will be masses of people swooning in orgasmic bliss at your mere passing by..."

"Do you think that would leave a good impression, husband?" Tonya asked straight-faced and Spark couldn't tell if she was teasing or not.

"I have no idea. Grab Charlie, go find the cute blonde and see if she survives. If she does, then maybe you'll want to share the wealth." He thought he was being facetious. It suddenly occurred to him that she might take him literally. "Belay that," he decided. "We've got too much else to do at the moment."

"As you wish," Tonya told him, and he knew she was teasing.

Everybody gave Su Ling their food orders and sat around just resting, mostly, until it arrived. They ate, got cleaned up and got ready for their evening assembly.

"Here's hoping it goes as smoothly as this morning," Spark told the group as they left to join Ms. Stevens.

* * * * *

In fact, it did. The evening meeting was almost a carbon copy of the morning session, with the same warm reception. Spark, Tonya, Okami and the Professor covered the same general material and received the same applause at the end. They let the audience go a little early and headed back to their quarters, ostensibly to rest and recuperate.

"We will have an early start tomorrow," Su Ling informed them. "We will be covering both the R&D labs and the testing grounds. We do not have any company-wide socializing scheduled. You may want to spend part of this evening looking at some of the questions and comments already coming in. I am sure there will be more tomorrow."

"Sounds okay by me," Spark told her. "A tall glass of wine and a P-com and I'm set... until my wife informs me it's time for my husbandly duty..."

"I need not burden you with such an onerous duty, husband," Tonya told him with a slight smile. "I am sure Su Ling and Charlie and I could spend some creative time together and leave you to your administrative drudgery."

Spark might have noted the similar looks of shock, awe, trepidation and lust on the two women's faces if he hadn't been staring at Tonya in surprise himself.

"Do not be concerned," Tonya told him. "I do not need a penis all of the time. Perhaps some practical acclimation would be a good idea. Conditioning, for our extraterrestrial friends."

Spark shook his head. "Just don't break them..." he muttered, moving to the kitchen to pour his wine. Okami had it waiting for him.

"Lizzie, you better take it to Charlie's room, or Jaimie and I will never get anything done with these questions," she told Tonya.

"That sounds reasonable," Tonya nodded, then turned to Su Ling and Charlie. "Are you interested in getting some drinks and snacks, and joining me in Charlie's room for some interpersonal enhancement?"

Before either could answer, the Professor spoke up.

"I believe I'll remain here and help Jaimie and Okami sort through the questions, if you don't mind."

Tonya smiled her, "certainly, Professor. Ladies?"

Charlie managed to stop staring first. She bumped Su Ling in the direction of the kitchen.

"Remember that thing about religious experiences?..." she asked as they headed to pick out snacks and drinks.

* * * * *

Three hours later, Tonya sauntered out of the bedroom hallway and joined Spark, Okami and the Professor at the dining room table.

"I believe our protégés will sleep well tonight," she commented as she sat. "And wake rested. How are we doing here?"

"Oddly enough, the questions tend to fall into three categories, my dear," the Professor told her. "First, what is sex like in space? Second, what is sex like with an extraterrestrial? And that includes an interest across most of our partners."

"And third?" she asked, taking some of the canapes from a plate full in front of Okami.

"What is sex like with you?"

She paused with the snack halfway to her mouth, with a very thoughtful look.

"Don't tell me you're surprised," Spark commented. "There are other questions... but those are the primary ones."

"No, husband, not surprised," she told him. "Wondering how I might deliver the answer."

"Oh, God..." Spark muttered. "Here we go..."

"What do you mean we, paleface?" Okami asked straight-faced.

"If Lizzie nukes the enclave," Spark pointed out, "you won't escape it."

"Lizzie, dear, that is probably not a good idea," the Professor spoke up. "We need the enclave's work to continue unabated."

"Of course you are correct, Professor," she smiled to him. "Sometimes my problem solving gets the better of me."

"If you'd like to lend a mind," Spark ventured, "I'm getting bleary-eyed reading these questions and formulating answers. If you wanted to browse through what we've done and what we've got left... I can't believe I'm saying this... then I could go get some sleep before we have to be on again tomorrow."

"Do not worry, Jamie," Tonya told him. "I am sated for now and you should get some sleep. So should Okami and the Professor. I can sort through these and have possible answers, or at least an approach, by breakfast. What time would you like to arise?"

"Probably zero-six-hundred. Zero-six-thirty at the latest."

"Would you like me to put you to bed?" she smiled. Spark knew what that meant. Then realized it probably wasn't a bad idea.

"Sure. And knock out Okami and the Prof while you're at it. We can all use a good rest."

"Will each of you wish a separate room?" she asked. She was presuming both Okami and the Professor were going to go for getting some sleep.

"We've got the room," Okami decided. "Less temptation. Sure, why not?"

And with that question echoing among them, Spark, Okami and the Professor finished their drinks, visited the 'fresher and went to bed, Tonya 'tucking them in' and providing a bit of meta drain to assist them to a deep sleep.

* * * * *

"I don't believe it." Charlie was pouring a cup of coffee and joining the others at breakfast.

"You don't get what?" Spark asked. He was pretty sure he knew the answer, but decided to ask anyway.

"I don't believe how I could be put through the wringer like that, totally drained, and get up this morning feeling all bright eyed and bushy tailed."

"That would be my wife's doing," Spark told her.

"It is an amazing talent," Su Ling observed. "I am feeling very much the same."

"Well, your wife did me alright," Charlie smiled. "I think amazing is where the scale starts."

"Thank you, ladies," Tonya told them. "Please be sure to eat well this morning. Your bodies will need it and we have a long day of touring ahead of us."

There wasn't much discussion after that while they all ate, until Okami asked, "did you get through the rest of the questions last night?"

"Yes, I did," Tonya told her, "and you were right about the three major categories. I tried to sum up generic answers to them, where I could. The questions about our trade partners and what goods and services they bring to the table, I broke out separately. I intend to package it all up in one bundle and send it to Georgina for dissemination as she sees fit. You can, of course, review my answers before I send them."

"I'd like to," Spark decided. "I trust you implicitly... and, I'd like to review our response for appropriateness, if you don't mind."

I could simply transfer it to your neural net for direct storage, making it available for you to peruse as you wish, she thought to him on the microband, not trying to hide it from the others.

Is there a lot? he thought back.

Perhaps a medium sized pamphlet, she thought back. Not terribly large because of the redundancy.

Then how about you download a copy to the others as well? We may as well all be on the same page.

As you wish, she thought as his mind become flooded with a datastream of context and meaning. Charlie and Su Ling looked a bit surprised at the sudden flow of information entering their minds directly, but Okami and the Professor looked right at home.

I will work with you ladies to understand how to retrieve the stored information, she thought on the microband. Then you can browse it as you wish.

What? I'm not a lady? Okami thought back and Spark figured she was faking being offended.

No, you're the bitch... he thought to her.

You got that right, bub, she answered him. But I can still be a lady.

I won't argue with that one, he thought.

Smart man, Okami thought, right before Su Ling's P-com chimed. She glanced at it, then addressed the others.

"Ms. Stevens would like to meet us at Hub Transportation in about forty-five minutes. She would like to introduce you to Dr. Marvin Johnson, who is our Director of Research and who will be our guide today."

"Tell him to bring the long tram," Okami smiled. "There's going to be a bunch of us today."

* * * * *

Forty-five minutes later, they were being introduced to a tall, thin, bespectacled man with slightly greying sandy blonde hair, casual slacks, a dress shirt and tie, and a mind-bending jumper. It looked like someone had pixelated a bunch of spaghetti and thrown in on the sweater.

"Dr. Lenox!" he was gushing. "It is such an honor to see you again! Alive."

"Hello, Marvin," the Professor smiled as he shook the man's hand. "It has been a long time. I'm glad to see that you landed control of R&D here."

"I wouldn't say I've necessarily got control of it," Dr. Johnson grinned. "It's got its own bloody inertia. But I do try to keep the cats herded in a generally positive direction."

"I take it you have some history with the Professor, as we know him," Spark spoke up.

"Thirty years ago, Anatoli was my mentor in Applied Metaspacial Network Integration of Global Barycentric Systems," Johnson replied, beaming. "At the Laboratorii Visokikh Energiy in New Mykolaiv. And you are?..."

"I'm sorry, Doctor, I'm slipping," Ms. Stevens interjected. "Doctor, in addition to the Professor, whom you already know, I would like to introduce you to our Solarian Trade Representative to the Crescian Alliance... Mr. Jaimie McLeod, Ms. Lizzie McLeod and Ms. Okami. Also, I'd like to introduce Ms. 'Charlie' Gilmore, the Professor's Personal Assistant."

"So you are what all the fuss is about!" he turned to them. "Well met, indeed!" Spark was starting to think the good Doctor was some kind of adrenaline junkie.

"Thank you," Spark told him as they all shook hands. "We're just the salespeople. We're here to learn about your bailiwick... so we can do a better job of selling it."

"Absolutely! Absolutely!" Johnson bobbed his head. "I doubt, hanging around with Doctor Lenox, that you are just anything... but certainly I can help you with any questions you might have."

"I have one, Doctor," Su Ling spoke up. "Will we be taking one buggy or two?" Johnson eyed the group for a moment.

"Well, Ms. Go, you know our layout well. How about we take two? I can drive one and you can drive the other."

"That is fine with me, Doctor," she told him. Spark noted no one had introduced Su Ling, so they must have known each other in some other capacity.

"I believe I will decline the offer to ride along, Doctor," Ms. Stevens told him. "And turn our visitors over to your capable hands. We had thought to meet back here for lunch before touring the Proving Grounds?"

"Quite right!" he agreed. "Shall we say noon? Or one?"

"Noon or thereabouts for lunch will be fine, Doctor. Thank you."

"You are quite welcome, Ms. Stevens," he told her. "If the rest of you would care to follow me? We will go acquire a couple of rides."

* * * * *

"What did you think of Lizzie?" Okami asked Charlie and Su Ling as they rode along.

When it had come time to divvy up the passengers, Okami chose to ride with Charlie and Su Ling in the second buggy so the Professor, Jamie and Lizzie could ride together.

"Hey, it'll give me a better chance to do some rubbernecking from the backseat," she told the others.

"Somehow you, necking and the backseat seems appropriate," Spark teased her.

"Sigh!..." she answered dramatically. "Soon you'll know all my secrets..."

"You mean like the one about fists and..."


"Oops?" Spark smiled. Okami was just so much fun to tease.

The group had ridden off with Dr. Johnson in the lead and Su Ling following. Their intended itinerary was similar to their previous walkabout but in reverse order, starting with Heavy Metals, then moving through Radioactives and Toxins & Industrial, until they reached Engineering, with its subsections of Structural, Electro-Chemical and Human Bio. Fabrication would be after that, followed by Xenology and its subsections of Technology, Xeno Bio and Communications. Lastly they would visit Academics before heading back for lunch.

Spark was acutely aware that Tonya, who had not been with them the first time, was drinking it all in. She was the heart and soul of this whole endeavor, just like the Al'yans Krovi had intended her to be... except they thought she'd be working for them. So he pretty much sat back and let her drive the questions while he zoned out and reviewed the answer book she'd stuffed into him.

At each of the labs, Tonya had Dr. Johnson hold up so she could meet the workers there, ask about their projects and any difficulties they were currently having. She paid close attention to their answers and left them feeling invigorated and ready to succeed even more. Spark figured there was some subtle manipulation going on.

When they got to Engineering, specifically Structural, they ran into Belamon again. He was working with a Solarian crew doing some sort of pressure testing, and he was the test subject, inside the suit. It looked weird to see a three-meter egg on legs stand up and wave at them.

Please do not let us interrupt you, Tonya thought to him hurriedly. We are simply visiting.

It is not an issue, my Lady, he thought to her, then added to his crew, let's take a break. There's some people you should meet. They started shutting down their equipment and helping him out of the suit. When he finally emerged, the Solarians had exited their buggies and were standing in front of them, waiting.

Belamon was the soul of discretion as he led his gaggle -- that's what it looked like to Spark -- of co-workers over to meet them. Spark could feel the lust, from the big Sirian, but he wasn't outwardly showing it. They stopped in a loose semicircle around Spark and the others.

Friends, Belamon thought to the group, I would like you to meet the reasons we have a job. You indirectly met them at the Assembly, however I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce Mr. Jamie McLeod, Mrs. Lizzie McLeod, Ms. Okami -- your Trade Reps -- and Professor Lenox, one of the Consortium Directors, his assistant Ms. Charlie Gilmore and one of our enclave liaisons, Ms. Su Ling Go.

I'm sure you all know Dr. Johnson, which is why I'll take the heat for interrupting our work to make these introductions. By the way, Doc, this DSMEV prototype is about ready for sea trials.

DSMEV? Spark prompted.

Deep Sea Manned Environmental Vehicle, Belamon thought back. And to finish the introductions, my Solarian team are Jimmy Hurst, Don Meyer, Linda Quong, Harry Black and Latisha Williams. They've got various degrees I don't keep track off. We're responsible for getting this EV working and deployable from the subs.

The two groups shook hands all around and Tonya behaved herself. Mostly. Spark could sense that the lust level of the group had gone up a couple of notches.

Charlie, Belamon smiled to her. I hope you are okay, after our last meeting... very memorable.

If you mean recovered , Charlie thought back, yes, I am, thank you. If you mean leaking down my thighs, well... yeah, that, too.

Belamon gave that slight yip that was like the Canilupe laugh and turned to the others.

Is there anything we can do for you? We are at your disposal.

When did you think you would be doing your sea testing? Tonya asked.

We had been hoping for next week, when Captain Marsh takes the Dorado out. But we've got a problem with our atmo mix that's being stubborn.

Spark thought for a moment, then asked, mind if I take a look?

After what I heard about on the Dorado? Belamon smiled. Not a problem. Have at it. Latisha, will you show Jamie our problem?

Sure! she smiled. Come on... She turned and led Spark over to the suit. He found a maintenance port, pulled out his patch cord and jacked in.

This looks familiar, he thought to himself as he ran the network for the atmospheric mixture controls. Same mix of Solarian and Xeno tech. Which means maybe... He shifted his attention to a cluster of gate controls which handled the flow of the different gases making up the mix. And found the same issue he had with the desalinization unit on the sub.

You see this unit? he thought to Latisha, projecting an image straight to her. It's bad. Just like the one on the sub. You need to replace it, but you also need to check if it's part of a bad batch and if so, where the rest of them are.

Yes, sir! she answered, making a note on her P-com. Thanks...

You're welcome, Spark thought as he unjacked and headed back to the group.

Bad control gate, just like the sub, he thought to them as he got there. I've suggested you chase down whether there was a bad batch and if so, where the rest are before they cause problems. Latisha's got the info.

Excellent, Belamon thought back. Do you think we'll have a chance to get together before you leave?

I'm not sure, Spark told him. Su Ling is handling our schedule. We finish the labs today and the submersibles tomorrow. In theory, we have a rest day before we travel to the next enclave.

Then hopefully I'll see you... all... before you leave, the big Sirian smiled. I'd better let you resume your tour.

The group said their goodbyes and got back in the buggies, headed for Electro-Chemical. Which is when Okami asked Charlie and Su Ling what they thought of Lizzie.

"I'm not sure how to answer that," Charlie told her. "Obviously, she is amazing. A pregnant sex goddess who can kill with her mind, yet be so gentle and nurturing and... exhausting... but in a good way. She's so far beyond anyone or anything I've ever known... I'm just in awe."

Okami cringed a bit at Charlie's comment about 'kill with her mind'... she didn't think that was common knowledge. But she didn't say anything and Su Ling seemed to gloss right over it.

"I agree. I have never known anyone like her," Su Ling told Okami. "She can connect with you on so many levels and make you feel so good... so at peace with yourself and the world... she truly is amazing. I can see why Jamie would fall in love with her."

"We pretty much all have," Okami told her. "It's been a long and surprising journey. Glad you enjoyed yourselves. Hope she didn't ruin you for the male of the species."

"Oh, I don't think so!" Charlie exclaimed. "Belamon's knot is... it's... well, there isn't anything like it!"