Speech and Debate Pt. 14B


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His big fingers deftly undid the button on Justin's pants and yanked them around his thighs, making Justin's breath catch in his chest. His tight red underwear (Red! I read somewhere you only wear red underwear when you expect someone will be seeing them...clever clever Justin, subconsciously planning ahead!) did little to conceal his gigantic bone.

Ian rumbled in his chest as his fist clenched and shook Justin's tool beneath the crimson cotton. With an unmistakable sound that spelled the end of the garment, Ian pinched the thin cotton and tore it easily down the middle.

Justin's cock flung forward and bounced twice, a long drop of precum flinging from his slit and dripping lazily to the tiled floor.

"Fucking hell," Gordon slurred in his normal accent, perhaps a little more drawl due to his heightened state of arousal.

I was transfixed by the reflection of Justin and Ian in the mirror...the huge

muscles of my friend wrapped around the seemingly frail form of the beautiful pale strawberry blonde boy, holding him tight as if protecting him from a strong wind or a coming blow. And Justin's impressive rod bobbing and pulsing with life, Ian's fingers barely able to close around it's girth as he slowly and deliberately tugged on the loose skin, pushing more and more of the clear liquid from Justin's slit.

Daniel grabbed my hand and pulled me from my somewhat gawking reverie. I make no apologies. If you had seen those two, you would have stared as well.

Daniel lead me, stumbling a bit as the room came back into focus around me, towards the spot where Ian and Justin continued their play. I could hear Justin's breathing getting faster and faster as Ian tugged on his cock at a quicker clip. Daniel's hands at my shoulders stopped me where I was and soon his face filled my vision as he came to stand directly in front of me.

He pressed his lips to mine and I felt the tip of his tongue probing for entry. I closed my eyes and felt my sense of self dissolve into him, the world fizz and bubble away to nothingness as his kiss dominated me. I barely registered Daniel fidgeting with the clasp on my dress pants, didn't even notice as he deftly undid the buttons on my shirt one by one.

I DID notice when my boxer briefs fell to my ankles and in a swift move that left my head reeling, Daniel's face was suddenly gone and my cock disappeared into his open mouth.

My vision blurred and my arm shot out to steady myself, grabbing onto Ian's trunk like tricep with one hand and pulling Daniel's mouth all the way onto the base of my thick shaft with the other. I felt precum pouring from me, bathing the inside of Daniel's mouth. He drank it down and gazed up at me through his full dark lashes.

Touching Ian pulled his attention away from his prize. He turned to glance at Daniel just in time to watch him slowly pull my thick shaft slowly across his tongue, wet and slick as he moved, flicking the tip of his tongue around my slit as he grasped my cock at the base.

Ian never ceased his jerking on Justin's ridiculously large tool even as he watched Daniel bobbing up and down on my cock. He was nothing if not determined.

He watched as Daniel licked from my heavy balls up the entire length of my shaft. I felt his full lips kiss and press into the the sensitive underside, felt my precum smear over his face. He grabbed my tool at the base and beat my thick cock against his stubble covered cheek with a deep moan.

"Oh god, Ian...I'm..." Justin whispered, his voice breathy and low. His eyes flickered and he seemed like he was struggling to maintain his grip on consciousness.

Daniel held my cock head on his outstretched tongue and gently licked at my slit and stared up and over at the other couple.

Ian made a noise the likes of which defy description.

But in a flash, his entire bulk shifted from behind Justin and he was suddenly kneeling next to Daniel on the linoleum floor, mirroring him, his own mouth open his tongue pushed out towards Justin's cock.

Justin's arm reached out towards me and steadied himself with a firmer than expected grip on my shoulder. Even though Ian held Justin's hips firmly,

Justin still wobbled on shaky legs.

I caught our reflection in the mirror in front of us: two skinny, lanky, pale nerds with throbbing cocks, standing in front of two piles of muscles, worshiping at our feet.

Surely, it was a dream.

And to my left, Gordon and Tall Paul watched the two pairs intently...as they reached over to the other and jerked each other's cocks!

I saw Justin's eyes widen when he saw that entire scene arrayed before him. The wide back muscles of our two boys, the panting and the light moaning.

"Fucking hell,..." he squeaked.

And then he made the one mistake (well, not a mistake really) that he needed to avoid to forestall the inevitable.

He looked down.

I watched as Justin's face became nearly rapturous when he saw Ian's big brown eyes gazing back up at his face. Justin looked like those Renaissance paintings where everyone has that strange circle of yellow light behind their head and their skin tones gleam while the rest of the painting is a swirl of dark reds and browns.

Ian was in a similar rapture as he stared past the huge cock head that rested on his pink tongue and into the bright misty green eyes of the man I was sure he was starting to fall for.

Ian didn't flinch as the first wave washed over Justin. I could SEE it travel down his shaft, watch as his cock expanded and grew before my eyes and then exploded a pristine white jet of cum directly at Ian's face.

I held onto Justin's shoulder as he wavered and shook, painting Ian with his load. The bleachy smell of his load triggered me.

Daniel knew...he always knew.

I felt hip lips close just over the tip of my cock as the first stream flew from me, felt it splash into the back of his throat and heard the tiny thankful moan come from him. More and more cum burst from me and I felt it start to fill Daniel's mouth, begin to pool around the tip of my cock. He didn't swallow my seed like he usually did; he let it pool on his tongue, let it sit in his mouth...

I knew what that meant and it only milked more cum from deep inside me.

Justin swayed on his feet beside me and he reached forward to grip the sides of Ian's head with his free hand.

I thought I was a big shooter.

Even compared to me, Justin seemed limitless.

Ian swallowed and swallowed again. And Justin kept going.

His low hanging balls jumped up and down, rising a full three inches and then back down as more and more cum painted Ian's mouth and lips, dripped down his tan chin and across his cheeks.

With a shuddering jerk, I felt my final jet leave my cock. Daniel didn't waste a moment. He was on his feet and his lips pressed to mine in a flash. I knew what waited...what he wanted to share with me.

I opened my lips and felt him push his tongue into my mouth, tasted the warmth and sweetness of my own juices on his lips as he shared it with me.

"Kiss me, Ian," Justin commanded, his words reaching my ears but my mind focused on Daniel's tongue swirling with mine in a sea of my hot cum.

I heard a whimper, like someone had stepped on a kitten by accident. In my lip lock with Daniel I could only guess that Ian had enfolded Justin in his thick arms and had just kissed him with a mouth full of his own thick white cum.

When Daniel finally did release me, I saw that I was correct. Justin hung limply in Ian's arms, completely supported in his jock's embrace. His feet dangled like a marionette and Ian held him aloof under his arm pits as he kissed the smaller boy passionately.

Well, if that doesn't do the trick, ain't nothin' gonna do it.

"Don't stop...keep...oh FUCK!"

Two sets of nerd eyes suddenly focused on the only verifiably "straight" boys in the room, Tall Paul and Gordon, just in time to see Paul's arrow straight cock erupt around Gordon's grip.

As the first shot of Paul's super thick cum splattered against the mirror a foot or more in front of him, his grip tightened on Gordon's prick and a second splatter of thinner white goo joined the mirror six inches to the left.

How "straight," can a boy be considered when his cock has just shot its wad through the grip of another dude? I leave that up to you to decide.

Faces slack jawed and eyes on the ceiling both sinewy baseball jocks continued their slow rhythmic tugging on their buddy's erection and milked string after string of white from the other.

They'd obviously done this before. Multiple times. Many MANY multiple times.

The look on Justin's face was one I remembered. Vividly.

There was just something...enhancing...about post-orgasmic bliss in a place so imbued with an indelible sense of unwavering masculinity like a weight room. Justin floated on it. He look like those photos of opium addicts we saw in the history text books. A glassy eyed, slack jawed, gaping grin that seemed to say: "I don't really care if I ever leave the spot where I'm glued at this very moment."

Ah, memories.

It was several minutes before he'd regained any real use of his extremities. Gordon and Paul were well on their way to retrieving their discarded pants and belts. Daniel had succeeded in partially stuffing my deflating cock back into my pants. As his partner was still dazed, Ian had little trouble in removing Justin's ripped underwear and balling the tattered fabric in his fist even while he pulled and prodded the limp limbed nerd back into his pants.

Gordon and Paul stared at the mess they'd left slowly sliding down the glass with their heads slightly cocked to one side, like inquisitive birds.

Then, in perfect synch, they shrugged their shoulders, turned their backs to the mirror and that was that.

Daniel gave a little outburst of a breathy laugh that meant he had been here too many times to argue with the two now graduated boys or fight them on their apathy.

I giggled and kissed my boyfriend, flinging my arms around his neck and

pulling him close to me, nose pressed to nose.

"That was a perfect send off, baby. Thanks.," I slurred through my grin and punctuated it with a kiss.

"It was wasn't it?"

"Mmmhmm," I said, nodding and kissing him again. "Except for one part."

"What's that?"

"You didn't get off..." I whispered in my best impression of sultry, which, if I'm being completely was somewhere between sloppy drunk and stroke victim peppered with more than a little late era Mae West.

"That's not going to be a problem," Daniel said. "Lake house remember. I got plans for you, Mr. Valedictorian. Lots and lots of plans."

He kissed me hard on the mouth and squeezed my ass in a firm grip, then swatted my backside a little harder than he had to to be just merely playful.

"Ready to say goodbye, boys?" Daniel said to the room at large, favoring me with a wink as he spoke.

"I can't go to brunch with ya'lls families without undies on!" Justin squealed.

I watched Ian gently stuff the tattered red underwear into his pocket as he buttoned up first his and then Justin's shirt.

"Hush," Ian said in a surprisingly sweet tone, coming from someone of his stature. "No one's gonna notice. Well, almost no one."

He slowly pulled the zipper up on Justin's khakis, locking the monster back in his cage; and as he ended his sentence gave the rather full and obvious tool beneath the thin fabric a gentle squeeze. Justin's eyes widened.

"I'm gonna stand behind you the whole time, then," Justin said, trying his best not to giggle. "Your big ole muscles can hide my big ole muscle."

"Don't make promises you can't keep. We got all night at the lake house, you know."

"Who the fuck knew?" Paul chimed in, "Ian's got moves. Been taking lessons from Daniel, Big Boy?"

Ian shrugged and gave Justin a small smirking grin.

"Maybe no one else was worth the brain power before this?" he said, leaning down to brush a soft kiss across Justin's lips.

"Well, fuck..." Justin whispered to himself when Ian pulled back.


That was the final hesitation in Justin snapping like a twig right there.

I was watching what had happened with me and Daniel happen right before my eyes. I wondered if we had been quite so sickeningly saccharin and adorable.

Probably worse.

"Dude, it's like, almost 3:15. I am NOT going to have your Mamma mad at me for being late," Gordon said with a clap of a hand on Daniel's shoulder.

To their credit, none of the Jocks seemed to take a long, backwards glancing "Notebook" style look at the Weight Room as they gathered their discarded graduation robes and headed to the door. There were no emotionally significant sighs or heavy hearted holding back of wispy tears.

That wasn't them.

They had come here, done something, and now that was done and it was time to move on.

I took strength in their surety.

Like Ian with his newfound joy in Justin, I was choosing to look forward and only remember the past for what it was: past. A fond past for the past few weeks. One that had shaped my present and given direction and purpose to my coming path. But nothing to mourn, nothing to hang on to out of fear.

Daniel was enough for my present. And very likely, for my future.

I could go to brunch, to the lake house, to University in another state with that surety planted firmly in my heart, branded on my soul, and ringing like a bell in my mind.

Daniel was enough.

Daniel was here.

Daniel was now.

That's what mattered.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I hope Adam's story gets brought to the front somehow.

chilliwackbc2020chilliwackbc2020about 3 years ago

Great chapter...amazing how reading it over you get more out of this great story...love all the guys. Still a mystery about Adam, but maybe in another story we will find out what is with him. I do like Adam, and am sure he wants his brother to be happy with David.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Congratulations to your sister on completing her Ph.D.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

my baby sister is now a PhD, and thus even more insufferable than I could ever portray here in this story world. But that meant a trip to the UK.--

congrats on your family's good news-

CuriousPeteCuriousPeteabout 8 years ago
Author's comment

Just read your comment from 8/16/15 and was I was moved to make another comment myself. I am still loving these characters and your story. That it is based on your real life makes it even better and really resonates with me even though I am straight. I'm from the Southeast, made great grades and was a total klutz at sports. Today I would be called a nerd. The term didn't exist way back then. The stuff you and your friends experienced simply make me envious that I wasn't more adventurous back in the late 50's - early 60's. Keep up the great writing and include all the hot sex you want. Those who think it is too much should go elsewhere. Your descriptions are both emotionally moving (the romance and relationships) and titillating (sex). You are a very talented writer and I thank you for sharing your work.

CuriousPeteCuriousPeteabout 8 years ago
Fabulous chapter

Who knew a graduation celebration (and "goodbye" to the gym) could be this much fun! Now, on to the lake house.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love this!!

I love this story! It's just perfect. I hope you're still planning to continue because I am dying to read more of what happens between Justin and Ian! And I certainly want more Daniel and David!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I don't want it to end. What a beautiful story.

DustyDevilDustyDevilover 8 years ago
Great Reading

I had a hard time putting the story down to try and get some sleep. Well written, keep up the good work and let us here more from you before too long.

addictedtolit1969addictedtolit1969over 8 years ago
This love story is fantastic!

I found your series yesterday and am absolutely loving it. D & D are fabulous and I can hardly wait to read more about them. Hoping that you're able to continue their story soon. Until then, I've added you to my favorites to keep me from missing your work.

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