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After a few moments of adjusting me, Kate repositioned herself in the chair and leaned over her drawing pad. At first I tried to think of the to-do list I had to accomplish tomorrow, regretting not bringing down my headphones, but after several minutes of quiet, I just tried to relax and watch her watching me.

It was easier than I thought, once we got past the awkward conversation part. Her eyes seemed almost squirrel-like, darting back and forth between me and the paper, while her drawing hand was smooth and graceful. It reminded me of sunny afternoons in the pen, stretched out drinking sodas while Hollis and I played cards and Kate doodled sheep. The way she held the pencil was the same. Her long, slender fingers cradled the pencil like something precious, just barely curling enough to hold it in place.

I let myself zone out watching her hand, listening to the light scratchings of her drawing. After a little while, I realized why she'd asked about the temperature-- my arms were breaking out in gooseflesh, but I didn't complain. Instead, I grit my teeth and focused on something else-- for instance, the cleavage spilling over the neckline of her camisole.

I didn't try and chalk it up to brotherly duty or look away out of guilt for once. If she could see all of me for her drawing, I could watch the creamy skin of her tits as she leaned over the paper. There were a few freckles there that hadn't faded away completely and I realized as I stared that I'd memorized them after so many years of watching my sister's breasts.

I thought about swimming in the creek yesterday, feeling those soft tits sliding up and down my back as she dunked me and demanded piggy back rides. She'd latched on like a parasite, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my waist. Even in the lukewarm water, I could feel the heat of her behind me. Especially the spot pressed against the small of my back.

Suddenly, I felt my dick twitching in response to the thought, and I coughed both in surprise and to cover the tiny action. Berating myself, I tried to redirect my thoughts, but they only flickered back to the sight of Kate's tattoo hiding beneath the low-slung waist of her shorts. In my mind's eye, I saw the tan leanness of her stomach, the slight curve of her hipbones, the top button of her shorts that she'd left undone. Before I could stop myself, I was thinking of pulling the zipper down and revealing the entirety of that tiny piece of art she'd branded into her skin. I wanted to see just how far it reached.

I panicked as I felt myself hardening, twisting my hips to hide the evidence of my arousal. Pressing my erection into the back of the couch, I frantically attempted to think of sheep. My version of baseball. Smelly sheep, dirty sheep, sheep with bits of shit tangled in their fleece.

"Danny, what are you doing?" she whined, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "I'm hardly done with the basic shapes."

"Cramp," I lied, twisting away from her sight. Of course, my dick, not being intelligent in its own right, only responded to the pressure of the couch pillows with an enthusiastic throb.

"Well, shake it out and lean back this way," she demanded, transferring the pencil to her other hand and shaking her own arm in demonstration. I'd seen her do the same thing dozens of times while she drew. Though this time, of course, my brain chose to focus on the way the action made her perfectly shaped boobs jiggle slightly.

"I can't," I told her, gritting my teeth in chagrin. "It's a little bit worse than that."

"Did you pull something earlier?" Kate tilted her head at me. "I can get you some ice."

"No," I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut. "I just..." Twisting my hips back in her direction, I let her see my awful erection.

"Oh," was all I heard her say. "Oh."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something. Just give me a minute." Sheep giving birth, lambs covered in ewe gunk, mucking out afterbirth... I looked at the ceiling in hopes that the off-putting thoughts would kick in sooner rather than later, reaching down to cover the proof of my lustful thoughts.

"If you need to, um, take care of that, I can step in the other room. I don't mind." Her voice sounded small, but firm. "We can be adults about this."

I shook my head and swallowed. "No, I'll fix it." Feeling ridiculous trying to stand up while covering my junk, I ambled off the couch and tried to put her out of my eyesight. As I was walking through the kitchen to the bathroom, though, I heard her giggle.

I stopped in my tracks, looking over my shoulder accusingly. "Are you laughing at me?"

She instantly pulled her lips in, attempting to look sobered, but the glint of amusement was still in her eyes. "No. Well, yes." Her cheeks twitched as she tried to contain her smile. "But I'm laughing at your situation, not your... situation." Burying her teeth in the soft plumpness of her lower lip, she gave me a conspiratorial wink. "Your situation is actually quite impressive."

My brain slammed on the breaks, my cock responding to the impish look on my little sister's face. At a loss for words, I merely shook my head and disappeared into the bathroom, trying to understand why my mouth had suddenly gone so dry. I shut and locked the door behind me.

Once Kate was out of my sight, I leaned against the bathroom counter and squeezed my dick almost in punishment. I had to hold back a groan, and I quickly began to beat myself to the thought of her biting her lower lip. With just a bit more than a little guilt, I imagined those pink lips wrapped around my cock, bobbing up and down in a sloppy, hungry rhythm. I pictured those artist's hands wrapped around me, cupping my balls, turning that delicate pencil grip into a teasing fist. In the back of my brain, I knew it was so wrong to be imagining my little sister while I masturbated, but her mischievous wink had sparked such dirty images in my mind.

My breathing grew heavy, and my chin dropped to my chest as I felt myself reaching the edge. I thought I heard a rustling outside the door, but I brushed it off as my imagination. Then, though, I saw shadows dancing in the crack beneath the doorway. Was that Kate? Was she listening outside the door?

With that thought, my cock exploded, and I bit my hand to muffle my orgasm. I was shocked at how quickly I'd come just by thinking of my sister. Beneath the door, the shadows fluttered and then disappeared. Still struck with awe, I took a moment to just breathe before tearing off some toilet paper to clean up my mess.

When I emerged from the bathroom and crossed through the kitchen, I found Kate in the same position I'd left her in. There was no impish gleam in her expression, no evidence she'd been hiding outside the bathroom door. It almost seemed like the shadows had been all in my head.

"Sorry," I said as I took my place on the couch again. After what she'd said about my cock, I didn't bother feeling shy about it. If anything, I felt a little proud to have my body displayed before her. I wasn't a weight-lifter or anything, but running a farm was hard labor, and I knew my previous girlfriends had been fans of my physique. I resumed my previous position, not missing the way her eyes swept over my body before blinking and returning to her drawing pad.

The rest of our session went by in uneventful monotony. After a while, my muscles started to actually cramp, and it felt like forever before she finally stood up, setting down the drawing pad and stretching her arms over her head. Her camisole came up a little bit as she did so, revealing part of the tattoo at her hip.

"I've got everything I need for right now," she began, shaking out her sore hand. "I'll draw in the scenery later. Same time tomorrow?"

I nodded and sat up, secretly excited that I'd get to spend another night watching her excuse-free. "Yeah, no problem. You headed to bed?"

Kate picked up the drawing pad and collected her pencils. "Definitely. I forgot how long farm days are. I'm wiped."

"Oh yeah," I remembered. "You didn't get any sleep last night."

"Nope," she gave me a tired grin. "Definitely will tonight, though. See you tomorrow."

With that, she exited the living room with a little wave. I heard her feet on the stairs as I stood and pulled my pajama pants back on. It felt good to be covered up again, and I grabbed another beer from the fridge before following up the same stairs. When I passed the guest room where Kate was sleeping, I paused, leaning in just slightly. Just the rustling of covers. With a strange sense of disappointment, I continued walking, my brain inexplicably looking forward to the day ahead.

She was wearing a sun dress the next day. It reminded me of the days before she left for college, having my baby sister running around the farm, footloose and fancy-free. The dress was white, with an eyelet lace trim. It laced in the front, though she'd left it untied at the top, and the skirt just barely skimmed the tops of her thighs. It was very distracting, and I was glad that Tina's son had school that day. Every so often I'd look for her over my shoulder and find her somewhere across the farm smiling back at me.

It was the hottest day of the year so far, and Patrick and I were almost melting in the sun. In the end, we decided to put the flock in the barn, where it would be a little cooler and not in the direct sunlight. Then since most of our work was inside after that, I didn't see much of Kate for several hours. When it started to get dark, Tina came to fetch Patrick, and though he offered to stay and help me finish with the sheep, I told him to go ahead and head out. I continued working for about a half hour after they left, and then dusted off my jeans and left the barn.

Kate was in her pristine sundress, kneeling in the grass beside the house with the hose in her hand. I watched for a few moments as she splashed the cool water in her face. It looked refreshing, and in the dim light of twilight, that white dress seemed to glow. She appeared almost magical, and I found myself humming with pleasure as I watched her lift the hose to her mouth and take long sips.

Closing the distance between us, I wiped my forehead with the back of my arm. "Hey."

She looked up at me. By the yellowish light of the floodlights, I could see that she'd splashed water all down her front. "Hey. Want some?"

I nodded and took the hose as she handed it over. I managed to get a few good swallows in without getting it everywhere, and the metallic tasting hosewater was as good as a tall cold glass of sweet tea. "I'm about ready to starve," I informed her, handing back the hose.

She rolled it up and turned off the water. "I think Tina made broccoli and cheese soup," Kate replied, standing and wiping the grass off of her knees. When she straightened, I could see just how much water she'd splattered down the top of her dress, and if my eyes weren't fooling me, I could just barely make out the round pinkness of her puckering nipples.

I drew my eyes up and away, feeling the desire from the night before stir low in my belly. "Sounds good," I answered with a cough. Before I could let my mind wander any further, I nodded and walked around to the side entrance of the house. Behind me, I could hear her following, and though all I wanted was to run away from her and the forbidden attraction of her young body, I held the door open for her so that she could slip inside after me. Curse my proper upraising.

We ate in companionable silence. It was easy to see that she wasn't used to all this manual labor since she'd been up at college for the past two years. She practically zoned out as she ate, her spoon moving robotically to and from her mouth as she stared past my shoulder.

"I think I'm gonna make some coffee," I mentioned, standing and crossing the kitchen. "Want some?"

"Sure," she replied, pushing her empty bowl back. "If you're gonna go shower, will you get my drawing pad off my bed? I'm gonna stay down here."

Nodding, I set the coffee maker to start and cleared our bowls off the table. "Be back in twenty."

This time, while I was showering, I made sure to jack off as a preemptive. I tried to think about porn and previous lays, but all I could focus on was the sight of Kate's nipples peaking through the wet fabric of her sundress. Groaning, I pressed my forehead against the shower wall and kept my eyes on the crack under the door. No shadows this time, but the thought of pushing that white eyelet lace up and over her tanned thighs was enough to get me to finish. Satisfied, I quickly finished washing up and changed into a pair of loose shorts.

Kate's drawing pad was exactly where she said it was. It had been left open to the drawing from the night before, and I recognized my naked form, though the scenery she'd drawn wasn't our country styled living room. She'd placed me in a bed, with wrinkled sheets lying around my body. My arms were stretched back over a pair of pillows instead of the arm of our couch. It looked good. It looked sexual.

When I brought it downstairs with me, I'd expected to find Kate in the living room, but she was still in the kitchen, positioning one of the table chairs by the stove. My work boots had been pulled inside and set by the foot of the chair.

"We working in here tonight?" I asked, handing her the drawing pad and the fancy art pencils I'd grabbed off her bedside table.

"Yep." She hadn't changed clothes, though the front of her dress was drying and I couldn't make out the curves of her breasts anymore. "Just sit there and face me."

I did as I was told, watching her face as I slid off my shorts. She didn't glance over, so I shrugged it off and sat in the wooden kitchen chair with my hands on my lap. It took her a few moments to get me to sit in the exact way she wanted me, but the uncomfortable air from the night before was gone. It actually felt a little charged, and I was glad I'd taken care of my dick beforehand.

"So, what's college like?" I asked her while she drew. "Do you go to a bunch of ragers with your sorority? Eat Ramen and smoke pot with your roommates?"

Kate snorted. "Yeah, sure, we'll go with that." After a moment, she continued. "I have a little group of friends I hang out with. Sometimes we'll go to a party but mostly we hang out at the apartment and do stuff."

"What about classes?" I watched the way she gnawed on her lip as she drew, her brow furrowing with concentration. "What are those like?"

"They're fun. My core classes weren't, but the art ones are great." Her eyes were staying on my torso, and she spoke as if she was hardly listening to herself talk.

"Huh. Cool." I'd wanted to go to college, but my dad had hurt his back right before I graduated high school. He needed me to stay back and run the farm with him, even if he didn't say so, so I'd let college slide. It was never really a big deal, so I didn't think I'd miss it that much. It wasn't my dream, though, being one of the only guys to stay in the area while all my friends went off. But it was okay, I guessed.

Kate paused. "Okay, curl your fingers a little bit." She was looking at my lap now, which made excitement thrill down my spine, but I didn't let it show.

"I thought you wanted them flat yesterday?" I curled my fingers into fists on my thighs, but she screwed her mouth up like she wasn't happy with them.

"No, not so tight. Looser."

I followed her directions, but her expression still looked unsatisfied. She reached out her hand like she was going to point something out to me, but then she put the drawing pad on the table and moved from her chair. Kneeling between my slightly open legs, she began to fix my hands exactly as she wanted them. My breathing hitched, and I watched as she took extreme care not to touch my exposed member. I could feel her warm exhales, though, and the image of her between my naked thighs was beyond erotic.

"Don't worry," I told her in an attempt at a joke. "We won't have a repeat of yesterday."

The corner of her mouth twitched upwards, and I felt the ends of her dark curls brush my knees. "It's okay. It's a natural body function. And I've never seen a penis get... you know. Hard."

My eyebrows skyrocketed as a strange sense of relief warmed me. "Really? You've never... been with a guy?"

She shook her head, seemingly suppressing a smile. Moving her attentions from my left hand to my right, tiny sparks bit my skin where her soft fingers touched me. "No, not that far. Most guys are stupid. They're not like you."

I felt my skin getting hot, a warning sign that jacking off in the shower might not have been enough. As she fidgeted with my hands, I watched her eyes dart from my fingers to my cock, and it twitched at just that little bit of attention.

Kate suddenly looked up at me from beneath her eyelashes. "Danny, do you think I could touch it?"

The air rushed out of my lungs, making me unable to speak, but I swallowed and nodded. It's just a girl's curiosity, I told myself. Just like little kids playing doctor. Trying very hard not to break the position she'd just placed my hands in, I held my breath as she looked back down at me and moved her gentle fingers to my dick.

"The skin is so smooth," she whispered, possibly to herself. I could feel myself throbbing in her light grip, and it took everything I had not to shift my hips and press it into her hands. "It feels cool."

I inhaled sharply when her thumb brushed over the head of my cock, and I grit my teeth. "Kate, if you do that, it's gonna--"

"Don't worry about it," she interrupted, giving me a trial squeeze. My dick was growing quickly, throbbing with pleasure at my sister's attention. "I'm just interested. I've only seen penises in class and pornos. And yours is so big."

A half-moan escaped me as she curled her fingers around me, holding it tight and beginning to move experimentally. Her breathing was growing heavy too-- I could feel it on my inner thighs, and I saw that she was shifting oddly on her knees. "Is this okay?" she exhaled, her pink tongue darting out to wet her bottom lip. "I mean, I'd rather learn about them from my big brother than anyone else."

"Yeah, Katie, it's fine. It's too fine, really." Her big blue eyes looked up at me curiously, and my hips surged into her hand of their own will. "Sorry. I'm trying to be still."

"It feels good?" she asked, her expression a little serious. Her grip got a little firmer, and she sped up her gentle jerking motions. "Can I try to make you come?"

"Oh, God, Katie." I was rock hard now, in disbelief that my little sister was jerking my cock. "If you keep doing that, you will."

She gave me a small smile, leaning forward and taking my dick in both hands. From that angle, the front of her dress gaped open, and I could see the perfect curves of her small tits. The entire scene was insane, like something out of a dirty magazine. My cock hadn't been touched by a woman in a while, and having my baby sister ask if she could make me come-- I was ready to come undone, and I'd already jerked off once that night.

Groaning with pleasure, I let my head fall back against the chair. My eyes slid over to the kitchen door that led outside, and I wondered vaguely if I'd locked it. How awful would it be if Tina came back for something she'd forgotten and found me naked with Kate kneeling between my legs.

That was when I felt something warm and wet slide across my tip, and I came in surprise. I managed to look down in time to see her pull her tongue away, pausing in her jerking to watch hot cum shoot across her hands and cheek.

"I'm so sorry," I stammered. Leaning forward and using my palm to wipe the ejaculate off her face. Her eyes were wide with shock and wonder, and she released my cock to touch her fingertips to her cheek. "Let me get you a paper towel," I told her, pushing back the chair and tearing off a sheet from the roll we kept on the counter. My dick was still throbbing with the after effects of my orgasm, but I tried to ignore it as I wiped the cum from her hands.