Stable Affair


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As Reese helped me into the saddle with a healthy boost I knew she held onto my upper leg a little longer than was necessary. She made minute adjustments to the saddle and fittings, taking a chance to caress my thighs and derriere in revenge for my touching her. Her fingers lingered on my hands as she handed me the reigns before she turned and led Samson out of the stall. I ducked my head as we left and then rode proudly out into the yard and onto the hills with my favorite mount.

Samson sensed my need for speed and as soon as we cleared the stable yard he took me on a wild ride to help clear the cobwebs. The arousal I had felt from Reese's presence was nothing compared to the bobbing on his mighty back. I could have had an orgasm from slapping my crotch against the saddle but I contained myself. I effortlessly held onto my amazing steed with my leg muscles as we climbed the hills and glided over hedges and fences. My thighs gripped him and I couldn't help but think about Reese and what I would like to be doing to her. Riding a beast such as Samson though requires concentration and he, while an amazing horse, could hurt you unintentionally if you aren't paying attention. He was fast and furious and blew the mind in all good ways. I was sweating and so was he as we headed back to the stables. My frame of mind was incredible as I came back down to earth after our intense ride.

It didn't occur to me to wonder at the few people I could see that were in the stable yard when I returned. I was concentrating on returning him to his box stall and as I slid from his back I immediately removed his saddle and blanket. The physical exertion of riding him had released some of the physical tension that built inside of me from being around Reese. Thinking about her though as I finished grooming him brought some of it back. I put him in his stall and closed the sliding door. Two arms came around my middle and hugged me close.

"Are you mad?" I asked incredulously. It was daylight, anyone could see us.

"Yes, mad about you" she said in my ear as she allowed me to turn around in her arms.

"Anyone could see us" I said astonished at her audacity.

She shook her head as she gazed into my eyes "I sent most of them home for the day. The chores have been done, the animals fed, watered, and groomed. I gave many of them a half day and they were grateful for it."

I was surprised I had never thought of that and I realized with her in my arms that we might just be alone for a change and I smiled in contemplation of that fact.

She started with a little peck of kiss. This pushed me against Samson's stall but I didn't mind her body against mine. Slowly she turned me as she kissed me again and again, I stopped counting the kisses then. She frog marched me backwards across an aisle and into another large box stall.

"Wait, wait" I tried to get out "I need to shower" but she was overpowering my objections and I wanted her so desperately.

"I don't care that you need a shower" she breathed as she slid the stall door shut for privacy. For those of you who don't know how a box stall looks, ours have bars at the tops to keep the horses from going over but the bottoms are solid wood and more than enough to give us privacy. "For once, we are going to finish what we started" she stated firmly. I was thrilled at her commanding voice.

For someone who had never been with a woman before she was a bit aggressive. I think the fact that we had waited so long, been so frustrated, and missed so many opportunities, had lent ambition to this endeavor. She expertly stripped my blouse, my riding pants, and long boots from my legs. I returned the favor with her checkered blouse, her jeans, and her work boots, removing my riding gloves to do so.

To see her in her nearly naked glory was a sight. She looked incredible in her bra and panties. I was surprised to see that she was obviously Victoria's secret weapon. She wore a push up bra that barely kept in the beautiful orbs it contained. Her matching panties were high cut on both sides and barely covered her delightful little derriere that I had been admiring forEVER. I couldn't wait to get them off and didn't. Kissing her buttcheek as I peeled off the panties I wanted to suck and bite it but didn't want to frighten her with my passion on our first encounter. I wanted to initiate her slowly but at the same time knew that we could be discovered at any moment and couldn't take the time. Making love in a stable wasn't exactly private but she must have planned it out as the large blanket spread out over the straw attested to.

I don't think I could ever get enough of kissing her. She tasted so sweet, almost like a fruity concoction. I slowly lowered her down to the blanket as I caressed every inch of her beautiful body. She unhesitantly returned the favor as she imitated everything I did to her. I kissed my way across her jaw to her ear and gently sucked on the lobe, tonguing along it's rim to hear her sighs in my own ear. It was music. My hands touched her breast and I gently palmed her nipple, my hand attempted to capture the breast in it but found to my delight that it was too large to contain in one hand. The resulting squeeze though gave me her first barely contained moan as I felt her arch into me. I kissed my way down her silky white chest to the nipple I was playing with. I switched my hand and fingers for my lips and tongue and heard her breath catch in her mouth. My hand went to her other breast to ready it for my invasion as she threw her head back, enjoying what I was doing to her.

Kneeling over her I could feel the straw through the thick blanket and hear it as I moved to get a better purchase over her delightful body. Her fingers wrapped themselves in my long hair and quickly released it from the bun that had contained it's length for riding. It cascaded about us as I played. She finger combed it and I relished the massage of her fingers against my scalp and nape. As I worried her nipple with my tongue and lips and lightly nipped it with my teeth I loved that she pulled at my shoulder and head encouraging me as she arched into my mouth.

My hand didn't need to help my mouth and tongue to play with her breasts and nipples. I could tell my fingers were needed elsewhere if the scent that I was inhaling was telling me anything. Her arousal was obvious to my senses. Above and beyond the smell of sweat, horses, hay, and manure...I could smell her and wanted desperately to taste her too. I didn't want to wait either, it had been months of torture, but I didn't want to frighten her either. I wanted her first time to be special, I wanted her to know the love I felt for her, I wanted her to want me so much that she always would remember this first time as the best time.

As my fingers caressed their way south I felt her belly, her sides, her hips, and her thighs as low as I could reach to her knees and back up. I avoided the obvious juncture between her legs that I sensed was very wet from the delightful smells that were emanating from between the juncture. As I played with her body, I relished the feel of it beneath mine as I settled on hers. I nuzzled, nipped, and licked her breasts in obvious adoration. I caressed, fondled, and rubbed with my fingers everywhere else. Everywhere except where she obviously wanted me to be.

When she was grinding against me, her body squirming in supplication, her hands finally pushing on my shoulders, pushing me south to where she wanted me to be, I began a slow descent. I kissed my way down. Laving attention on her navel, I was delightfully surprised to find it pierced with a cute little diamond ring. Tugging slightly on it I heard her moan. I had heard that it sometimes affected the wearer with a corresponding tug in their nether regions. I think I proved it to myself as I tormented her beneath me. We couldn't play anymore, she was getting frustrated, I was taking too much time, we were too exposed, and I was becoming impatient. I had wanted her for too long, too much, and been denied. We could be interrupted at any moment and I wasn't going to take that chance. I hoped I had given her a taste of how wonderful it would be with me, always. I needed to take her now and kissed my way to between her legs. She was as meticulous in her grooming of horses as she obviously was in her own bush. Neatly trimmed her V beckoned me to it. Her lips were swollen and wet from her desire and her clit protruded, fully erect. Who was I to resist. I didn't.

The first swipe of my tongue along her slit elicited a gasp of great proportions from her lips. Her hands at the back of my head would have been painful if I wasn't enjoying their encouragement so. My tongue tasted the sweet honey of her arousal. I crouched between her legs, my ass in the air as the straw crackled beneath the blanket in our movements. My hands grasped her firm muscular ass so I could bury my face between her legs. My nose, my lips, and my chin were soon covered as I tasted every inch between them.

"Groannn" I heard her respond as I nuzzled, licked, and slurped. I was drowning and neither one of us cared.

I knew she was very aroused. I could read her body very well despite having never seen it before. Her gasps, her groans, her moans were telling me so much. Her wetness, her movements, her hands on the back of my head and shoulder, all indicated her high state of arousal. I wanted to draw it out, I really did, but I knew we didn't have the luxury of time. I wanted to lose myself to the passion, to screw her mindlessly but I knew she wasn't aware of anything but what she was feeling. One of us had to stay aware. One of us had to keep one ear open to the sounds around us. A few of the horses around her could hear us as we began our mating dance, they moved restlessly in response. I removed one of my hands from her delicious little cheek to insert first one finger and then two and then amazingly three into her gushing hole. On the first try I hit the spot that had her gasping and going limp. Her G spot must be extra sensitive as I worked it and for the first time I tongued her erect clit.

"Oh gawd, oh gawd, oh gawd" she babbled as she threw her head from side to side. She arched back, her breasts heaving in our exertions. One hand was thrown over her head in supplication, the other was painfully wrapped in my hair encouraging me as she held my head against her crotch. I needed no encouragement to continue tonguing her, licking the bounty that was squirting from her body as I thrust inside and petted that secret spot sporadically. My other hand crept from where it had been kneading the beautiful muscular cheek to those bobbing boobies that ached to be kneaded, squeezed, and sucked. I wished I could do it all but instead concentrated on making her first time special, making her cum, with me giving her the ultimate kiss, the ultimate adoration from between her legs. Her legs she threw over my shoulders and began to squeeze my head as she rose higher and higher in her excitement. I could tell she had many years of riding experience behind her as she ground against my face. My head began to swim at the muscles squeezing it, I don't think she was aware of what she was doing anymore. Relief poured through me as she began to buck and squirm beneath me. She clamped her mouth shut to muffle her screams as ecstasy roared through her beautiful body. My vision began to clear from where it had been swimming towards blackout from her intense hold on me with her thighs. I continued licking and thrusting and sucking until her body quieted down and she went limp.

I crawled up her now sweat soaked body relishing it's slick feel until we were face to face, breast to breast, pussy to pussy and could look down on her relaxed face. "Are you okay?" I asked softly and tried not to sound smug.

"Okay?" she repeated dumbly as I watched her try to focus her eyes from a long ways away.

I watched amused as she slowly became aware of our surroundings, of me, of her own naked body against mine. The look on her face was ecstatic.

"That" she said slowly "was incredible" she understated.

I smiled at the unintentional compliment.

"You made my toes tingle" she told me as she smiled up at me.

I heard a horse stamp at a fly or something in a nearby box stall. Another blew softly. I could hear birds chirping outside the stable. Yet I lay next to a beautiful blonde woman, naked and could only smile down at her in wonder at what we had just shared.

Gently Reese leaned up to kiss me. She tangled her hand in my hair again and pulled me down so she didn't have to hold her head up so hard. In that kiss was gratitude, love, and so much more. Slowly she turned to roll my body off of hers and hers onto mine. The feel of that body against mine was all that I could want, all that could ask for. Gravity worked in my favor as I felt it all when she climbed aboard.

Apparently Reese is a quick study. A brilliant student. Everything I had done to her and her own fertile imagination came into play as she gently made love to me. The worry I had about us being discovered, the listening to hear if others were coming, all that went away as she began her 'turn' at making love to me. She duplicated everything I had done to her and added her own twists.

"I've been thinking about this forever" she breathed as she brought my body alive in her lovemaking.

I don't think I've ever had a better student, a more observant one anyway. She had me muffling my groans, gasps, and cries from what she was doing to my body now. I worried as she made her first foray into tasting a woman. I know I should have been showered and fresh for her but this unexpected lovemaking was her idea. Apparently despite the fact that I had been sweaty didn't deter her from tasting me. I had released plenty of liquid too from riding Samson, thinking of her, and making love to her. She had plenty to taste from. As she made her first tentative taste I watched her covertly to see if she would be turned off by it. I wouldn't mind, I could cum other ways, but I was thrilled to see her first taste turn into a second and then a third and then I stopped counting as she made me mindless with need. Although her tongue lacked technique, she made up for it with enthusiasm. I ground my clit against that eager little tongue and lips and I knew what she meant about the tingling toes part in no time at all. It had been too long, too much of a tease, too much of a wait to let myself wait, to prolong the feeling of the massive orgasm building inside of me. I wanted to mindlessly scream out the feelings she was causing inside of me but instead I pulled away as she sent me over the edge and grabbed her shoulders pulling her up to cover my body with her own as I bit her shoulder and muffled my cries and screams into her neck. My body convulsed against hers, my legs wrapping around her body as I continued to shake, grind, and thrust against that delicious body. Rolling and rocking against each other I came twice before I released my grip on her and allowed my body to come down from that incredible high.

As I panted in her arms I looked up to see her eyes glistening. Alarmed I reached up to catch a tear with my fingertip and asked "what's wrong?"

"That was so beautiful" she said as she smiled through her tears.

I held her as she cried against me. It was beautiful, it was the beginning of what would become an incredible and life long relationship.

~The End~ K'Anne

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roveroneroveroneabout 2 years ago

no first name...?

be a bit strange after their time together to call her Ms Moyer

still a good story...the blanket spread out...

LiveCatLiveCatover 11 years ago

I've read many of your stories & enjoyed them all, but I think that might be my favourite!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I loved it. Please keep writing more stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Thanks for another great story. Hopeless romantic that I am, I reveled in the sheer beauty of your writing. Keep writing and posting your stories!


verbicideverbicidealmost 13 years ago
5 stars...but...

The love affair was a 5 star story without a doubt, but, here's where my job gets in the way of total immersion. I'm a ranchhand. I've worked at show barns, cattle operations, western ranches and recreational stables. By description, Samson sounds like a Frisian (glossy black, long mane and tail), the only thing missing in his description were feathers off the pasterns. This is where your tale threw mention getting a movment correct, but you also mention riding for time. Most english style riding (by description it would seem our protagonist rides english) done for "movement" is dressage, an event in which finishing time is unimportant and high speed definitely frowned upon. I know. I'm reading too much into the wrong part of the story, but I can't help it... it's my lifestyle.

Other than this niggling bit, I was enthralled. Keep up the excellent talespinning.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

That was amazing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Wonderful story

You have a great talent. Thanks.

xhelenxxhelenxalmost 13 years ago

I absolutely loved it. Well don e 5 stars :) x

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