Stalking Amber Ch. 01


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It was entirely possible he wouldn't register her absence until morning, which currently seemed like a very, very long time to Amber. Brad could do a number of things to her in that time-frame. Worst of all, her musings were ominously overshadowed by the fact no one knew where she was. What if no one found her, and Brad never came back? Was that his plan, to leave her until she called him for mercy? How long would it take to starve to death?

Amber jumped out of her skin at the sound of Brad clearing his throat from the doorway, his tall figure leaning against the door-frame, arms crossed. How long had he been standing there watching her?

"Please, please, Brad," Amber implored, finally comprehending that she was completely in his power. "You don't need to do this, you're a good-looking guy. I'm sure there are lots of girls panting for you. Please let me go."

"You haven't been listening," he replied, his voice mildly irritated, watching her quiver uncertainly under his gaze. When she hadn't noticed his arrival, he stood there for about fifteen minutes, wanting to stay close, wondering at the effect her nearness had on him.

"Ok," she conceded, nodding. "C-can we talk? Without...without touching?" she asked tremulously, remembering his hands all over her, like a pervy octopus.

"I guess you have a right to know, that no one will come looking for you," Brad informed her, "even if your whereabouts were discoverable." Noting both the horror and outrage on her face, he smiled. "I planned this. I made sure that your manager, George, had more than enough to drink at lunch. I did a couple of practice runs this week. He's very receptive to a good listener and free drinks."

"But-but-," stuttered Amber.

"So, I visited your home today," he continued, ignoring her, "and packed up your things. Perhaps Fred will be a little disconcerted and very upset, but the police won't draw any conclusions other than you doing a runner for whatever reason." He raised a hand to casually inspect his nails. "Oh, and you've also tendered your resignation. I guess you'd had enough of George's long lunches, and I somehow doubt he will follow up, given the nature of his vice."

Uncrossing his arms, he strode forward, and Amber saw he was holding a small black tube in his hand. Noticing where her attention lay, he raised the shiny vial.

"This," he smiled, "is a sort of lubricant." As her eyes widened fearfully he continued. "It's not essential, but it'll make you feel good. It's designed to stimulate certain areas."

Trying to calm the flood of panic coursing through her body, Amber could only vigorously shake her head. She anxiously bit her lower lip as he approached the bed and climbed onto it.

"With a little dab here and there, and a bit of foreplay," he told her smugly, "eventually you'll take back every nasty thing you've said to me tonight, and beg me to fuck you." Her body tensed as he lowered his head to her pussy and inhaled deeply. "Hmm, you're a little wet, you know," he informed her, gently circling her clit through the lace with two fingers as she squirmed.

Amber clenched her teeth. Having quite a temper for such a small girl, her fear was quickly being overshadowed by anger. Brad was planning to ruin her life, take away her freedom and everything she'd come to know and love. And she was obviously looking at a humiliatingly prolonged sexual assault. He could arouse her all he wanted, and her body might betray her, but she wasn't going to ask him for anything.

"Fine," she said flatly, her pale eyes flashing as they angrily fixed on the ceiling, refusing to look at him as her heart thundered with adrenaline and hate. "Give it your best shot, fuckface."

"So nasty," he tutted from between her legs, unaffected by her insult, pulling the slip of lace to the side and flicking her clit with his tongue. He heard her breath hiss through her teeth as her body shivered from the resulting sensation.

"What's the problem? I thought you said I was a good-looking guy?" he teased, before covering her pussy with his mouth, passionately kissing and tonguing her, loving the way her body jerked angrily, more delicious fluids seeping out to cover his chin.

"Fuck you," Amber snapped, her voice humming with increasing anger as she felt her arousal building. "You're nothing but a sick pervert."

"Hate me all you want," Brad said thickly, and she felt his hot breath caress her inner thigh, "you're going to lose that tone, baby." He shifted, and Amber felt a soft liquid dribble over her pussy, then his fingers gently massaged it in as though he were applying moisturiser. Then she jumped as he slowly slipped two fingers insider her, still massaging her clit with his thumb.

"Uhhh..." Amber cringed her annoyance, furious she couldn't stop her body from shuddering in pleasure.

"Mm-hmm," he nodded, hearing her. "That's it, Amber, baby. We're getting there."

"We are not getting anywhere," she ground out through clenched teeth.

Brad's head ducked up from between her legs to view her flushed face. "You're such a little spitfire," he observed, tilting his head. "I like it. Make sure you give me some of that sass when we're fucking. After you beg for it." He chuckled at the way her beautiful eyes glowered at the ceiling in response, her chest heaving indignantly, and he felt his cock swell painfully. He could easily pound her now, but for their first time he wanted her to ask him for it, set a precedent for the next occasions.

"Come on, Amber," he coaxed, watching her scowl as he slowly finger-fucked her. "You want to come, don't you?" He smiled as her body stiffened when he brushed his thumb over her clit. "I could make you come for me, but I think we should do it together, don't you? Wouldn't that be nice? All you have to do is ask."

"Fuck you, and fuck your mother," she snarled, her toned thighs tightening as her hips began to twitch against his caress.

"The face of an angel, and the mouth of a pirate," he said admiringly, pulling out his fingers and licking them. He considered dipping his cock in, just a little to tease her, but he knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself from going all the way and fucking her brains out. He couldn't help unbuttoning his trousers and wrapping a hand around his cock. It was beginning to ache for contact of any kind, but he was determined to appear calm and controlled, not to show his desperation.

Amber let out a long, shaky breath of relief as Brad withdrew from the bed and left the room. Her pussy was pulsating, the liquid had warmed over her and was beginning to tingle. She had never been teased like this before, brought to a shuddering arousal only to have it taken away. Despite her aching pussy, she was glad he was gone, because she could feel that she was right on the edge of a climax, and she would rather wait out her frustration than have him get the satisfaction of seeing it.

Again the minutes ticked by, and though Amber took long, calming breaths to get her arousal under control, she couldn't resist tightening her ass and bucking upwards now and then, stimulating herself with movement.

"I can help you with that," Brad chuckled from the doorway and Amber inwardly cursed that he had witnessed her frustration.

"Fuck off," she muttered, grimacing at him.

Brad strode forward, and Amber's breath caught in her throat as she saw he was completely naked, his large cock jutting toward her boldly. He looked like some kind of Demigod walking amongst mortals, he had a perfect combination of muscle and tone, with smooth, tanned skin. The pools of deep blue in his eyes reflected the moonlight, and his curling hair was wickedly ruffled.

Amber's body stiffened with both dread and excitement as he slowly climbed onto the bed, crawling forward until he was directly above her, on his hands and knees. With one hand, he stroked down her face, over her slim neck, over her breast and slipped under the singlet. His hand worked under her bra, watching her reaction carefully as he captured her soft breast in his hand, and it moved against him as her torso twisted, trying to shift his hand.

"You're half-way there," he whispered, playing with her nipple as it stood to attention under his fingertips. "You just need to stop saying 'fuck you', and start saying 'fuck me.'"

"That's not going to happen," she breathed, feeling her heart rate speed up. "Oh!" she gasped, eyes wide in panic, as his other hand slipped under her panties and his fingers drummed across her pussy.

"Say it, Amber," he growled, taking his hand away. "Say that you want me to fuck you."

Brad narrowed his eyes as she determinedly fought her desire and kept silent. She was tougher than he anticipated, she wasn't going to submit to him. Though he wanted her to say his name in the heat of passion, he couldn't wait any longer. He was reduced to using other, much less satisfying means. It irked him, but he didn't have a choice.

"You remember the knife?" he ask roughly, and in response she glared at him.

"Do your worst, and go to hell," she hissed, and spat at him.

Brad looked at her coldly before calmly scooping her saliva from his cheek into his mouth. Then he lowered his lips to hers and she grunted angrily against him as he deliberately forced her spit back into her mouth with his tongue. She tried to bite his tongue but only managed to get his lip, but not hard enough to break the skin. Feeling the pinch of her teeth, he pulled back and looked down at her confidently, but his eyes were angry.

"I think we both know I'm not going to hurt you," he told her. "But maybe I should pay Fred a visit. Maybe seeing one of his fingers on the bedside might put you in the mood? What do you think?"

Amber's jaw dropped, and she stared up at him bleakly, seeing the triumph in his eyes as he registered her defeated expression.

"Well?" he prompted, impatiently tapping her cheek.

"Please, don't," she whispered, turning her head to the side. He quickly gripped her chin and turned her back to face him.

"Then you know what to do," he stated carefully, withdrawing from her to sit back on his heels. They stared at each other for a full minute, before Brad shrugged and began to back off the bed.

"Wait!" Amber cried desperately. "I want...I want you to fuck me." She squeezed her eyes shut, aggravated by her weakness, but she couldn't let him hurt Fred.

"Oh?" Brad said with polite curiosity, "Are you sure? You didn't seem too enthusiastic before."

"Yes! Yes, I am sure," she insisted, a pained expression spreading across her pretty face as she ate her words, just like he said she would. "I didn't mean the things I said. I-"

Amber gasped as Brad suddenly leapt on top of her, like a panther pouncing, his chest trembling to contain his excitement.

"Again," he said hoarsely, pushing her singlet and bra up her chest, exposing her breasts to his hot mouth.

"I didn't mean the things-" she uttered.

"No," he interrupted her, his tongue swirling around her nipples, "before that. What you want, tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck me," Amber replied weakly.

"What else?" Brad groaned into her chest, reaching down to rip the purple scrap of lace from between her legs and slide a finger into her.

"I-I-," she stuttered as the aching heat again returned to her pussy, connecting like electricity to the sensations his mouth created across her breasts.

"You want my cock inside you? For us to be joined together?" he panted, raising his head.

"Yes," she answered, dazed by both her arousal and the drastic change in his emotions.

"This is mine now," Brad said breathlessly, playing with her pussy. "This belongs to me."

"Uhh..." Amber replied, not daring to contradict him, startled by the way he stared wildly into her eyes.

"Say it," he murmured, quickly pressing his mouth against hers in a short kiss. "Say it, Amber."

"It's...yours?" Amber complied, bewildered as to exactly what 'this' meant - was he talking about her pussy, or was he just nuts?

She whimpered as he shifted forward, lining his cock up at her entrance. At first he nudged around the outside, teasing her, sending little thrills up her spine and down her legs. Then he slid in an inch and she suddenly moaned, loud and clear.

Brad gave a shout of laughter when he saw the shock on Amber's face as she realised. "That's it, baby," he grinned, leaning down to kiss her, "that's it..."

Amber groaned into his mouth as he pressed his hips forward and squeezed his full length inside her tightness, until she felt his balls resting against her ass. Then, he didn't move, he just let his cock sit inside her, feeling her stretch firmly around him. As she wriggled underneath him, trying to get him out, she felt as though every part of her was being almost painfully stimulated by his cock. Before she knew it, Amber's body took over as she steadily entered into a shuddering orgasm, her hands and ankles pulling against the silk bonds as she arched her back against him.

Brad pulled back and watched her trembling body, fascinated. He no longer felt let down about having to threaten Fred for her compliance, as he felt her slick walls twitch and begin to pulsate around his cock. He saw her brilliant eyes close, her white teeth biting down on her full bottom lip to suppress her moans. His own chest heaved from his own sexual frustration of just resting inside her, but he also felt extreme elation as her ice-blue eyes fluttered open in a daze and clashed with his triumphant ones.

"Yes," he said thickly, grinding his hips forward and making her gasp, "I know exactly what that was, Amber." As she shook her head and opened her mouth to deny it, he added, "Please, don't insult me. Don't even try and pretend you didn't just come on my dick."

With that last cynical comment, he buried his face into her elegant neck and began to thrust, still feeling her pussy tremor around his cock, sensitive from her climax. As he rocked back and forth over her, gently nipping her neck, he reached up with one hand and squeezed her breast, feeling her heartbeat skipping under his palm.

Brad knew she was being careful to stay quiet, but he could tell by her panting, her body's quivering response that she was still feeling the delicious after-effects of her orgasm, now further enhanced by his cock pumping her. His other hand moved down to urgently grip her bare buttock and hold her steady beneath him as he drove into her.

Despite the amazing sensations flooding her whole body, emotionally, Amber felt terrible. She couldn't control her body's response, but orgasming with Brad's cock inside her was as good as cheating on Fred in her eyes. Even worse, with the new feeling of Brad's moving cock, his mouth on her neck and hand on her breast, squeezing her ass to tightly meet his thrusts, she felt herself rocking towards another dreaded climax.

Tied down with silk, her singlet and bra pushed up and her skirt about her waist, a well-muscled, fully naked man writhing atop her, she couldn't drive the eroticism from her mind. As though Brad knew her thoughts, he seemed to pound her harder and faster, and his hand moved from her ass to play with her pussy as she heard him sharply gasp against her throat.

Amber's second orgasm shortly followed Brad's as he grunted, urgently circling her clit. She felt a warmth spread throughout her pussy as he pumped her full of cum, and she groaned protestingly into his mouth as he fixed it to hers, kissing her deeply as he slowed his thrusts, drawing out both of their orgasms.

Still inside her, cupping her face, he placed a last lingering kiss to her soft lips.

"See?" Brad taunted her hoarsely, as she angrily whipped her face from his hand and jerked at her restraints. "Trust me, Amber, you're going to be very happy here."

He sighed, pulling out of her and backing off the bed. Amber glared daggers at him as he indulgently stretched his large arms upwards, very relaxed after his release.

Brad bent under the bed, and pulled out a small chain. "One day," he smiled, "this won't be necessary." As Amber gaped up at him, he circled the small iron ring about her slender ankle and snapped it closed.

"It's attached to an anchor under the bed," he explained, "and it took three men of my strength to move it there. But, by all means, feel free to investigate." Then he moved about the bed, releasing her silk bonds one by one.

At first Amber scrambled up in a rage to attack Brad, but paused as she saw the look in his eyes, realising the stupidity of trying to hurt a man as strong as he was while she was chained, and the fact he was completely naked.

"Please do," he invited softly, licking his lips as his blue eyes travelled over her naked breasts and bunched up skirt. "You'll discover there's more than one way to ask a man to service you."

"You got what you wanted," she trembled, "now, let me go. You have to let me go." Brad just tilted his head at her thoughtfully, then turned to leave.

"You can't keep me here!" Amber screamed, as the bedroom door slammed shut behind him.

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HaydenDLinderHaydenDLinderover 3 years ago

I always find these kinds of comments funny. "Kill him. I hope by the end she gets to kill this fucker." and "Kill him - seconded. Though, I think he should kill himself."

Which makes me wonder, why are you reading NonCon if you don't like NonCon?

5 Stars. Looking forward to the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Kill him - seconded.

Though, I think he should kill himself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Excellent Plot and Character Build - 5 Stars

I'm late to this one having just found this jewel today.

I'm so glad you chose to continue . . . and finish this story.

I love how you built up Amber's resistance as Brad tried to destroy it. I also love that Brad is so slow in taking her and keeps pressing her to beg. Simply delicious.

Very nice job, Bellie!

- J

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