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"Harsh man," Nolan shook his head. "You get to date my college age sister and you're threatening my one shot?"

"Just get your sister, already."

"All right, all right; she's trying on like her hundredth outfit and asking my opinion about what you would like. And then, she didn't like my answer of a bikini, so she got mad. I swear, the sooner she gets out of the house, the better." Nolan took a deep breath as he walked down the hallway, "Hey, Macy's catalog, get your ass done already, the guy stupid enough to go on a date with you is here."

Hannah looked herself in the mirror. She had no idea where they were going, so she found her best in between outfit... She hoped. A yellow sundress. She tussled her hair and lightly did her make up, while adding her crystal necklace to hopefully entice Adam's eyes to wander between her cleavage and finished with the matching earrings. 'This is it.' She walked down the hall, her heart beating a mile a minute.

Hannah gulped when she saw how handsome Adam looked. "Aw, flowers for me? You shouldn't have."

Nolan raised his hand in the air from the couch and pointed at his friend, "I told you she'd say that!"

"Shut up, you Accident," Hannah huffed, before giving Adam a smile, "Thank you. These are lilies, right?"

"Yes, indeed."

"They smell wonderful. Let me put them in water." Hannah unsuccessfully searched the kitchen for a vase and settled on a large plastic cup before returning to Adam's side. "I'm all yours."

Adam took Hannah by the hand, "You look wonderful tonight." He held open her side of the door to allow her to get in.

"Thank you," Hannah smiled as he got in the car and her body quivered as he placed his hand on her thigh. "So what's the plan for little ole me?"

"You'll see," Adam grinned. Of all the girls, he was the most confident in his plan for Hannah. Knowing someone for twelve years was insightful. He knew several of her likes, dislikes, that the insults to her brother were out of love, and of course, her favorite place to eat. He saw the excitement in her eyes when he pulled into Choppuhausu, an upscale Japanese steak house.

Hannah looked at Adam, eyes wide, "I know what I'm getting."

"That's funny," Adam laughed. "I know what you're getting as well."

"Oh you do, do you?"

Adam got out of the car and then went around and opened Hannah's door. "Yes, I do." He offered her his hand and she greedily accepted.

"I suppose I'll have to test you."

They walked hand in hand into the establishment. "Yes, I have a reservation for Ratliff, Adam Ratliff."

"All right, Mr. Bond," Hannah bumped into his side.

"Right this way, Sir." Kanako, the older Japanese woman wearing a white shirt, black pants , and a cherry blossom apron led the way to their table.

Adam pulled out Hannah's chair and sat down next to her. She quickly picked up a menu, "All these choices," she mused. "Which one should I get."

Kanako smiled at the couple, "A beverage to drink tonight?"

Adam looked at Kanako, "Actually, Ma'am, we're ready to order."

"Hai," Kanako grabbed her pad of paper. "What can I get for you."

"I'm going to have the teriyaki steak, while my lovely date will feast on your Kobe beef."

"And to drink, Sir?"

"Two strawberry Ramune's, please."

Hannah's jaw dropped. "What? How? Huh?"

"What?" Adam lifted his water glass in the air, tipping it slightly towards Hannah with a knowing smirk, "I've known one of the prettiest girls in this world for twelve years and you think I wouldn't pay attention?"

Hannah's eyes went wide, "You really think I'm pretty?"

"I don't think, I actually know you are."

Hannah leaned in and gave Adam a half hug as she placed a brief, loving kiss on his lips. "Thank you." She forced herself to peel away from him.

Dinner was perfect and charming. They talked easily, using all of their personal history to flow from topic to topic with never a dull moment. They enjoyed each other and the contagious laughter that affected both of them.


"I swear, did you do some kind of background check?"

"Two large colas and one large popcorn, please." Adam reached into his pocket for his wallet. "Hannah, I told you, I paid attention. I know you like murder mystery movies because you think you could be the next Nancy Drew or Sherlock Holmes. The problem was finding a theater playing one right now, and so we are at this small, out of the way theater about to watch a movie we could rent cheaper than coming to this place. Sorry for the lack of selection."

"No, this is really sweet of you." Hannah smiled as she accepted her beverage. "The few times I've gotten to go to the movies on a date, it would always be some super hero crap." She immediately back pedaled, "Not that there's anything wrong with those types of movies." She cringed, hoping she didn't stick her foot too deep in her mouth.

Adam laughed at her ungraceful retreat, "Yeah, I know you know I like those super hero movies; but a relationship isn't about one person doing everything they want without consideration of the other. I'll come to the movies to watch your murder mysteries and we can sprinkle in a super hero movie for me every so often."

"And that's why you're different, Adam," Hannah began her ascent to the top of the theater. "You want to share in my joys as well." She sat near the middle and raised the arm rest that separated the two of them so she could cuddle into Adam's arms. "And this is perfect."

Hannah was enjoying herself immensely, despite it only being half way through the movie and it was obvious the writers went to the old troupe of the butler did it... Well, actually, it was the butler's cousin, but the butler helped... and she figured all that out despite the distractions her body was throwing her way as she blended into Adam's side with his hand perfectly set on her shoulder. She did her best to meld even closer into Adam, her hand finding a resting place on his upper thigh.

Ten minutes passed and Adam squirmed. It was faint, but being so embedded into him, Hannah noticed it easily. She wondered what caused the minor distress as she grabbed a few kernels of popcorn... And she felt it. Her hand lightly brushed Adam's erection. A tingle went up her spine. 'I caused that,' she smiled. She looked around to note there were very few people in the theater, and none of them within four rows of them. 'Did she really want to do this in a theater? Did she really want to wait until after? If so, where?' It was an easy decision.

After eating the few popcorn kernels, Hannah's hand went back to Adam's thigh, with one slight deviation. She made sure her fingers were covering his manhood. Her palm gently pushed against the shaft while her fingers caressed and massaged, tantalizing his being. She felt a sense of pride when she heard him take a couple deep breaths and it emboldened her to unzip his pants and fish out his length from his underwear. It felt oh so wonderful in her hand as she delicately stroked, she could feel the heat coming from it and from between her legs. She slowly scooted toward Adam, lifting herself and the bottom of her sundress, as well.

Warning bells went off in Adam's mind. This wasn't right. He knew Hannah was serious, and she wanted him in the worst way, but the how wasn't quite right. He wrapped one arm around her, securing her by the waist as his other hand raised the armrest next to him, and then the one another seat away.

"What's wrong?" Hannah whispered. "Don't you want to?"

Adam smiled as he slid over two chairs with Hannah on his leg. Once there, he nibbled at her neck, kissing it as tenderly as possible before sucking on her earlobe, "Of course I do." He laid her down on the string of open chairs and lifted up her sundress. His hands slid forward, lightly dancing from her feet to her calves to her thighs. He caressed the soft, sensitive skin with the delicate precision of an artist. He continued forward, his hands moving all around in a slow rhythm, coming ever so close from touching the promised land, before backing off, teasing all Hannah was.

Adam moved himself in position between Hannah's legs, moving her offending panties out of the way. He placed the head of his cock right on her clit, and moved it oh so remotely, mere hundredths of a millimeter in each direction. Hannah was on fire. Her eyes were permanently scrunched and she was biting her lip, doing everything she must to keep silent.

Adam moved his erection to the entrance of her channel. He could have thrust all the way in, but he had Hannah's sexual blueprints, and she wanted soft and loving. So he pushed forward with the speed of a sloth, her soaked pussy accepting him until he bottomed out in her channel. Hannah let out a squeak of excitement.

Adam focused on the woman underneath him. Her breathing was heavy, with her breasts heaving with the cadence. He eased forward, slowly, forcing Hannah to give up on biting her lip to keep quiet, no she needed far more. She grabbed the bottom of her dress and stuffed it in her mouth. She then nodded to the love of her life, urging him to finish what he started. Her body felt so full.

Adam's eyes found Hannah's when he was fully entrenched into her. He saw the depths of her soul, seeing all the love for him, her want to give him all that she was worth. He was hypnotized; and kept staring as he rocked back gently, before sliding forward again, only going marginally faster. With each thrust his tempo increased at the same rate, developing a pace that was driving her insane.

Adam leaned in and pulled the garment from Hannah's mouth and quickly replaced it with his lips. Her moans began echoing in his mouth, all in defiance of his invading tongue. It was sweeping and curling, finding every place erogenous and increasing the already euphoric pleasure into new heights.

Adam pushed as deep as he could, his blissful moan muted against Hannah's lips as he blasted his very being deep into her abyss.

'I never thought sex could feel this good!' Hannah's mind screamed as she exploded, her fluids mixing like a blender with Adam's essence in a succinct harmony. Her eyes glazed over and she had to grab the top of the chair with an iron grip just to handle the pleasure in which her body succumbed.

Adam held firm, letting Hannah ride her orgasmic wave of ecstasy; six after shocks later. Her eyes finally focused back onto his, a sweaty, yet bright smile plastered on her face, "Amazing," she whispered.

"Absolutely incredible," Adam breathed back. He glanced around the dark room, confident they weren't noticed, but not willing to test fate further. He pulled down Hannah's sundress before sitting properly in a seat, not even caring if it was his original one. He held out his hand to Hannah and slowly pulled her back up to his side.

Hannah curled into Adam, never feeling so loved before. It didn't matter that cum was dripping out of her and down her leg... 'It's my proof.' All was right in the world.


"Sorry you missed most of the movie,"

Hannah blushed at the thought of what they were doing. "I had figured it out before that, anyway."

"You did?" Adam chuckled. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Detective Hannah Carr, at your service," Hannah saluted.

Adam leaned into her ear, "And tonight's case was of the missing dick, and Detective Carr solved the case without breaking a sweat."

"No," Hannah laughed, "I did break a sweat, but it was worth it."

"No complaints from me."

"I bet," Hannah stepped into Adam as she lightly slapped him.

Adam leaned in and kissed her sweetly. "Good night Hannah,"

"Good night," Hannah's smile dissipated as she watched him walk to his car. "You'll call me tomorrow?"

Adam glanced over his shoulder, "Absolutely."


Adam stood in front of the mirror. He stayed up half the night pondering his dilemma of either McKenna or Hannah, and he still had another date to go on. The only moment free from worry was when he moved his suit from the washer to the dryer and then from the dryer to hanging it up. Not like he had more than the one suit at his age.


"Wait, you want me to wear that?" April pointed to Kelly's near nonexistent black, nearly see through, skin tight dress that ended just below her waist and just above her areolas. It was obvious there wasn't underwear underneath; it would have been visible.

"What's wrong with this?" Kelly spun around to show off everything, as if everything wasn't shown off already. "Besides, have you seen who we are up against? A college girl and Ms. Gordon of all people... Ms. Gordon," she repeated for emphasis. "You know how many times I caught Liam drooling over her? Hell, those boys we got kicked out of their station don't even hide their lust for her."

"But you look like a..." April tried to find the right, non-insulting word. 'Slut, whore, prostitute, harlot, streetwalker...' None came to mind.

"Kim Kardashian wore something similar to this just to go to lunch," Kelly sat at her vanity and began applying a crimson red lipstick. "Besides, we need to show Adam we are available for all his needs... And he's an eighteen year old guy."

April was positive Kelly had the wrong role models in life. "And you think your parents are just going to let you walk out of the house looking like that? There right downstairs."

Kelly stared at April through her vanity mirror as she did her mascara. "They don't care."

April saw the brief flash of pain as she said those words. She walked over to her friend, it was time for truth. "Kelly, what you're doing; you look like a slut."

"I know," Kelly smiled through the mirror as she put in her gold hoop earrings. "Adam's going to love it."

"You don't have to do this for Adam."

"But this is all I know what to be." Kelly shook her head and took a deep breath to catch the tear that threatened to ruin her make up.

April stared at Kelly, giving her a soft, comforting smile. "Then only if you truly want to, you can be it, but know that this is not all that you are. I know for a fact that you are kind, caring, funny, and possess a heart that has a great propensity for love; so much more than a piece of ass for some guy."

"You know, you are a great friend, April," Kelly finished by putting a black choker around her neck. She looked herself in the mirror. She looked like sex. "For Liam, this look was mandatory." She turned in her chair to face April with a huge smile, "But for Adam, I truly want to look like this for him."

April nodded, happy that her friend finally knew the difference. "Now for me," she walked over to Kelly's closet. I actually like a lot of the clothes you wear to school. Like that black top and red skirt combination. That one's my favorite."

"School? Boring," Kelly rolled her eyes. "I only have those clothes because there's a dress code."

"Well, if we're trying to beat Adam as a pair, don't you think it's better to give him a variety?" April pulled out the ensemble she wanted, "It is our best advantage."

"Okay, I'm convinced. You are the genius, after all," Kelly moved from her seat at the vanity and started sifting through her make up to find what would best work with April's skin. "Now hurry and get dressed so I can do my part."

"You know, you shouldn't sell yourself so short." April got dressed as she spoke. "You're smart in your own way... And if you want to be more book smart, I can tutor you."


Adam knocked on the door and waited. He knocked again and waited. His hand went to knock a third time when a man finally opened the door. It was obvious it was Kelly's father, Arthur, but he refused to look at Adam, instead, he was concentrating on his tablet.

"What do you want?" Arthur curtly asked.

Adam gulped, "Um, I'm here..."

"Not interested," Arthur slammed the door in Adam's face.

Adam shifted both bouquets into one hand, readjusted his tie, and put his hand to the door to knock again.


Kelly lead the way down the stairs, "Mom, Dad, was that Adam?"

"I don't know, Honey." Arthur swiped at something on his tablet. "I think it was a salesman."

"Watch," Kelly whispered to April. "I'm leaving on a date; can I get your opinion on how I look?"

"I'm in the middle of something," Debbie, Kelly's Mom waved her away without even looking. "Ask me later."

"You look great." Arthur shook his head, "I can't believe this..." He fumed. "You're Mom's right, though. Come back later."

April stood in wide eyed shock. Here, the Hill's only daughter stood before both of them looking like a prostitute and they say she looks great without flinching. 'My Dad would have killed me for just trying to wear that.' She shook her head as she opened the door, "Adam."

"April," Adam smiled, "And K..." He froze as he saw the outfit she was wearing.

"Are these for us?" Kelly ran up and kissed Adam's cheek. "There lovely."

"Yes, here you go." He handed one bouquet to Kelly before handing the other to April. "You two look absolutely breathtaking." He then looked at April, "Both of you." He knew April was observant of his reaction to Kelly. It was more shock to her outfit and he was determined to let April know that she looked great as well.

"Thank you," April smiled.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" Kelly stepped outside, shutting the door behind her.

"Well since there are two of you, I'm going to take you girls to a place designed for each of you, with April's being first."

"Awesome, two dates in one. " Kelly smiled as she hooked her arm into Adam's. "Since yours is first, April, you can have the front seat."

April put her arm into Adam's free arm, "Sounds great."


"Oh, look at this one," April excitedly pointed to the artwork entitled Madame Cézanne. "Did you know that Cézanne painted more than two dozen portraits of his wife?"

"I didn't," Adam shook his head with an amused expression. To be honest, he was just happy that April was happy.

Kelly leaned in to Adam, "She is really getting into this."

"That she is."

April tilted her head with a knowing smirk, "Are you two talking about me?"

Kelly threw up her hands, knowing she just got busted, "Only that you seem to be having a blast at this pretty boring place."

"Well, I am; and you would be too if you were seeing what I was seeing." April grabbed her friend by the wrist, "Come with me." April had been to the art museum many times before and knew exactly which piece she needed to make her point, The Nut Gatherer's by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. She positioned her friend in front of the painting while standing behind her. "Kelly, what do you see?"

Kelly shrugged, "Two girls, getting their dresses dirty by sitting on the ground."

"No; look again." April stepped forward, her breath in Kelly's ear. "Two friends, one with blonde hair, one with black; look at the black haired girl, how my head is shied down, as you look up with that pretty smile of yours, telling me I'm cute and me not believing you... You're there, looking as if you've got the world all figured out, but laying down further than how I'm sitting just so you can look into my eyes and receive the support from me that you don't get from anyone else. Two friends sitting together, almost as if they were in a booth at the Pizza Shack... Two friends knowing their bonds will last a lifetime..."

Kelly's body shivered as April's words hit home. She reached up and dabbed at the tear before it could streak her face. She took a deep breath to collect herself, "Okay, this place isn't boring," she turned and hugged April. "What else ya got?"


In the gift shop, Kelly made it a point to purchase two copies of The Nut Gatherer's. One for her and one for her best friend.


The trio next sat down at Moreau's, an exquisite French restaurant.

"Holy crap," Kelly sat at Adam's proffered chair, awestruck by the fine dining ambiance that she had never partaken. "Look at this place."