Stand for Love Ch. 07


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Nicholas rushed to Adrian and held him tightly. He heard him scream and he got worried because Adrian never acted like that. Whatever the guy might have done could have been very bad. Come to think of it, he was getting angry himself.

"Adrian, did you really ask me to go out?"

"Was I speaking in tongues the first time I said it?" Adrian yelled, pointing his finger at Drake.

"Who's this?" Nicholas asked, looking at the guy in a disgusting way.

"No one," Adrian said angrily. "And he is leaving."

"I'm not going anywhere," Drake yelled, getting closer to Adrian.

Adrian really had no idea what was going on. Drake was a jerk and he didn't want anything to do with him. Why the fuck was he even acting like he owned the house?

Adrian was surprised when Drake gripped his hand and brought him closer to him. He had no words to say but he was fuming. He wanted to slap him right there. What the fuck! The guy had the guts to even touch him.

Nicholas was now angry.

"Hey!" Nicholas snapped, pointing his furious finger at the guy. "Get your hands away from him."

Drake laughed. Adrian was really surprised.

"Do you also agree to that," Drake said as he held a firm grip on Adrian's arm.

Adrian pulled away from Drake, raised his hand and slapped him across the face. He saw Drake holding his cheek and looking furiously at him.

"I want you out," Adrian yelled. "I want you out of here before I call the police and have you arrested."

"Me," Drake snapped, furiously staring at Adrian. "You are gonna get me arrested? What about you, uh? You are just scared and you don't want them to find out. You brought this upon yourself."

Seriously, Adrian had never experienced such anger before. It was burning in him and he could feel it. His chest was hot, his fists were clenched and his head was hurting. He was breathing really fast and his muscles were contracting. He wanted to hurt Drake for even showing up at the house.

"Wait!" Nicholas said, confused at what the guy was trying to say. "What the hell are you talking about? Please, get out of here."

Drake laughed loudly. It was so clear that Drake was there to make trouble for Adrian. That got Adrian worried because no normal guy would have acted like that in another person's house.

"Not without him," Drake said courageously, furiously getting closer to stare Nicholas in the face.

Nicholas had never felt so mad. He looked at Adrian and saw that his mouth was wide open and he was breathing really fast. He looked behind and saw that the other family members were right there watching with question marks on their faces. He was getting angry and he needed the guy to go away.

"Get out," Nicholas yelled angrily. "Go and make trouble elsewhere. I don't wanna hurt you and you're really getting on my nerves."

"Look," Drake poked his finger into Nicholas' chest. "Buddy, stay out of this. This is between me and Adrian."

"How dare you?" Nicholas snapped. "In case you don't know I'm Adrian's husband and you have no right to tell me what to do."

"Please," Adrian snapped. "Get out of here,"

"Is that it," Drake snapped. "You've been avoiding for days and you expect me to leave like this? I told you I'd come to this house if you dare do anything to mess with me."

To say Adrian was surprised is an understatement. He couldn't express what he was feeling. It was deep, painful and...just out of this world. He had no idea how Drake located him and came to make trouble.

"What are you talking about?" Adrian asked angrily. "Please, Drake, leave this house. Don't make trouble for me because I have more trouble on my hands already."

"Do you know this guy?" Nicholas angrily asked.

"He'll say he doesn't," Drake said angrily. "But I'll tell you what you need to know."

"Please, leave this house," Adrian begged. "I don't want any trouble."

"Well, you brought it upon yourself." Drake said, pointing at Adrian angrily. "I told you I'd come here if you mess with me."

"Please," Adrian snapped. "I don't have time for this no sense. I haven't been communicating with you and you know that. Last time I saw you was in the eleventh grade,"

Drake chuckled angrily.

"How dare you? Now I will show you that you don't mess with me."

"What's going on," Nicholas yelled. "Who's this guy?"

"I'll tell you," Drake said, chuckling like an evil lord. "Adrian and I had some business going on."

"What?" Adrian snapped, gasping. "How dare you? Please, get out..."

"Wait!" Victoria said, coming closer.

She came near Adrian and stared at him. "Why don't you want him to tell us about your business? Why do you seem scared?"

"Because this man here is a liar," Adrian said angrily. "He is nothing but a troublemaker. I knew him from high school and..."

"You knew me," Drake asked, nodding his head in disapproval. "You still know me and you won't escape from me now. I'll tell this family who you really are,"

"What?" Adrian snapped, directing his eyes at Drake. "Just what do you want from me?"

"I warned you." Drake warned. "I helped you out and now you were trying to betray me? You told me I'd have the money in less than a week and now a week has passed. You promised me half of everything you were gonna get."


"Adrian!" Nicholas said angrily. "What is this man talking about?"

"I don't know," Adrian said, looking at angry Nicholas. "This man is just a troublemaker."

"If you have questions," Drake said angrily. "I'm the guy to answer. Adrian has betrayed me and now I'll expose him for who he is."

"What are you talking about?" Nicholas asked, furious.

"I'll tell you," Drake yelled and then sighed. "I helped Adrian and he told me he'd give me a lot of money."

"Wait!" Nicholas said, trying to understand things clearly. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Drake laughed teasingly. "I helped Adrian. About two weeks ago, I met with Adrian after a long time. We started communicating and 10 days ago he told me about his great plan."

"What plan?" Victoria asked, folding her arms on her chest.

"Well ma'am, I wasn't supposed to say this but since he betrayed me," Drake said. "I'll tell you everything. This'll serve as punishment for trying to act smart with me. He told me that he has suffered a lot and that his only goal was to make money by all means necessary." He chuckled. "He told me of how he got married into a rich family and how he wanted that wealth for himself."

Adrian's eyes watered. He knew that Drake was lying. He gasped for air and no words were coming out of his mouth. That was all a big lie and Drake knew it too.

"What?" Adrian gasped, a tears falling down his cheek. "When did I...."

"Shut up!" Drake yelled in his face. "This will show you not to mess with me. I warned you."

Nicholas couldn't believe it. He knew the guy was lying. His Adrian wouldn't do such a thing.

"He asked for my help and I offered it to him but the deal was that he gives me thirty percent of everything," Drake added. "He agreed to the terms and I helped him get the papers. He also said there was a woman who was bothering him and he wanted to teach her a lesson.

I never knew how he would deal with her but the deal was that he would give me that thirty percent within a few days. Those few days passed and I came here to collect my share." Drake yelled. "And now he has the effrontery to try and act smart with me?"

"You are lying," Nicholas shouted. "I want you out of my house."

He pushed the guy and he felt to the floor but furiously got up and came closer, looking at Adrian angrily.

"I'll leave," Drake yelled. "But I hope this backstabber will pay for this," He pointed at surprised Adrian. "If you don't believe me look for the power of attorney papers. They are somewhere in this house,"

"Get out!" Nicholas yelled.

Drake looked at Adrian for a long time and he stormed out.

Adrian was shaking. So many questions were running through his head. He'd never been that scared before. Drake's words had scared him a lot and he had no idea how Drake came to know about all that. Truly someone was after him.

"Adrian!" Nicholas muttered, looking straight at him. "What...what did that guy just say? Please, tell me it's not true."

Adrian shook his head, cupped Nicholas' cheeks with his trembling hands and nodded again.

"No," Adrian mumbled, scared. "I don't know what he was saying and..."

"Didn't you say you didn't poison mother?" Noah snapped. "Weren't you denying?"

Adrian moved his head and looked at Noah. It was true that the guy's anger was burning. He was even angrier than before.

"I didn't," Adrian said softly. "I don't even..."

"Didn't you hear him?" Noah snapped, furiously rushing towards him. "You told him you needed to deal with a woman. That was last week and my mother was poisoned. Is he a magician that..."

"I didn't. Drake is just an ex friend who wants to see me fall." Adrian said as tears ran down his face. "Someone is..."

"And you..."

"Noah, please," Nicholas snapped, feeling a terrible headache taking over.

Adrian knew Nicholas was angry again. He had no idea how he was gonna explain himself now.

"Tell me the truth," Nicholas demanded. "Were you just after my wealth? Did you actually poison my mother and were..."

"No!" Adrian cried, trying to touch Nicholas. "I love you and..."

"He's lying," Arianna yelled as she came closer. "He poisoned mother and he wants your properties. One thing has been confirmed. If you ask me, I think we should search your room."

That was really painful for Adrian. Everyone kept on blaming him for something he had absolutely no idea about. He expected them to trust him not some stranger.

"I'm telling the truth," Adrian cried. "You need to believe me. Please,"

That was it. Nicholas couldn't just stand there and watch him cry. Adrian was a good boy and he wouldn't betray his love like that. There was just a mix up somewhere. He went closer and smiled at him,

"Don't worry," Nicholas smiled. "I'm sure that guy was lying. My Adrian wouldn't..."

"How would you know?" Victoria yelled angrily. "You're so blinded by love. He just told us that he was planning on killing me which had happened. If you don't want to lose your properties then I guess you better find those papers."

Adrian closed his eyes as more tears flooded his face. He opened them again.

"If you really think I did it," He said softly. "You can search. You'll never find them anywhere."

"Sure," Noah said angrily. "We'll surely search for those papers."

Adrian was hurt. How can the family believe a complete stranger over him? It was really painful. Someone was definitely out to destroy him. He had no idea how to explain himself. Searching was the only way he'd be able to be proved innocent.

"Adrian!" Noah called.

Adrian raised his face towards Noah as more tears fell to his face. He knew exactly what he was going to say but it was too painful to hear.

"You want to prove your innocence, right?" Noah asked.

Adrian nodded as the pain increased and more tears flooded his face.

"Then come with me," Noah commanded. "I'll search the room and if you are innocent then I'll apologize to you."

Adrian looked at Nicholas and he looked away. He slowly walked towards Noah and the both of them headed for the room with the family behind them. This was the second thing and if what Drake had said was true then he had to be careful and find out who was the one doing this to him. He couldn't live his whole life being accused of something bad.

Man when he thought of losing his husband he cried out more.

Finally they reached the room and everyone else followed. Adrian was shaking, his body was cold and he had a really bad headache. He just wanted to get it over with. He looked at everyone and they were staring at him as if he was a really big thief. All he wanted was to prove them wrong and get it over with.

"I need help searching this room," Noah said hoarsely.

Adrian watched as Nicholas came inside the room and stood at a distance. Nicholas had suffered a lot without him and he didn't want him to suffer anymore. All he wanted to do was make Nicholas be peaceful because he was really getting hurt.

Jake, Arianna and Clara volunteered to help Noah search the room. He was really crying because the pain was too much. Drake couldn't have come and said all that. Someone from the house had called him and he was going to find out whom.

Adrian rubbed his tears, calmed down and stood firm. He watched as the four searched every part of the room including the room where they kept the clothes, the office and even the bathroom. This went on for an hour and Adrian was confident that they were not gonna find anything.

They came back to the room and all of them had wrong faces. Adrian was able to breathe again because it was clear that they had found nothing in that room. He just hoped it would stay like that.

They then started searching the cupboard and threw all the documents in that cupboard on the floor. They were quite many and they also included his education certificate. They began searching the documents one by one packing them back in the drawers.

It took long and Adrian was tired of standing. It was just a few and they would be done. Then they took the envelope were his educational certificate was. They were not gonna find anything from there except his results. He watched as Noah took the envelope and emptied it. To his surprise there were other documents that fell from there too.

Adrian hoped it was not what he thought. He really hoped it was not what he thought. He watched as Noah slowly took the documents in his hands and got up, slowly walking to him. He was really close and Adrian had no idea why Noah was staring at him nonstop.

Noah slowly moved the documents and exposed it for everyone's view. Adrian really had a surprised face but what he saw made him scared and hurt. His heart painfully pounded in his chest, his breaths were violent and painful, and his tears just poured to his face and he began trembling terribly.

"What's this?" Noah asked hoarsely.

Adrian had no words to say. Those were really power of attorney papers. His mind was blank and he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest that left him hurting really badly.

Nicholas slowly walked towards Noah, hoping and praying that what he was thinking was not the truth. He prayed that whatever Noah was holding was not the truth. He could clearly see that they were power of attorney papers.

He went closer to Noah and grabbed the papers. Taking a deep breath he slowly read through them as tears fell down to his face. His heart broke; his mind couldn't believe it and his body just went numb when he read through those papers. He was shaking terribly and his strength left him.

Those papers stated that he had transferred some of his wealth to Adrian Wilson. What was left was only his signature. He couldn't believe it. He was suddenly taken over by anger. He was fuming. The guy had been telling the truth after all. Adrian was after his wealth.

"What's this?" Nicholas snapped, holding the papers in front of Adrian's face.

Adrian had no words to say. He couldn't say anything because he was dumbstruck. His mouth was moving but no words were coming out of his mouth. He didn't know how Nicholas would act or how he would view him and that was killing him. The tears that came out were of pain and anger.

"Are you dumb?" Nicholas yelled, throwing the papers on his face. "What the fuck is that?"

Adrian trembled. Right there he literally died and could do nothing. His husband was angry and he was yelling at him.


"What can he say?" Noah snapped. "He's nothing but a thief who is after this family's wealth."

Adrian nodded as tears of pain escaped his eyes. He had a really bad headache and the situation was not helping him at all.

"I knew it," Arianna said, crossing her arms on her chest. "I somehow knew that that guy was not lying. And now we've just proved that he was right."

Adrian's tears flowed. The pain intensified and his headache got worse. He couldn't breathe or think properly. There was just a lot for his brain to process. At some point he even thought he'd pass out from the pain that he felt. Nicholas yelling at him and the comments that were coming from the family members were red hot.

"So all you wanted where my properties?" Nicholas yelled as more tears flooded his face. "I love you so much and you hurt me like this?"

Adrian was nodding his head as more tears flooded his face. He had no words to say to Nicholas which would make him calm. That was the mother of all accusations. What was he going to do now?

"I love you," Adrian cried, trying to hold Nicholas. Unfortunately for him Nicholas moved further from him.

"Love," Nicholas yelled. "You don't love me. You were secretly planning to get my wealth."

Nicholas had never experienced as much pain as he did at that time. He wanted to die. He loved Adrian and he betrayed him. That was really painful.


"Believe what?" Nicholas yelled, touching his head in anger. "I thought you loved me. I love you so much and...."

"I love you," Adrian muttered.

"You don't even know the meaning of that word." Nicholas yelled in Adrian's face. "You could have pretended." Nicholas yelled. "You should have pretended to love me and it wouldn't have hurt this much. I was willing to give you all my properties. Yes," Nicholas furiously rubbed his face. "I was ready to give you my entire wealth because I love you. You didn't need to plot against me."

"Please," Adrian begged. "Listen to me,"

"What is there to listen," He yelled. "At least with the wealth I could have understood. What about my mother? You poisoned her without even thinking twice about it."

Adrian was in pain. He was slowly being killed.

"You planned all this from the start and when you got the opportunity, you tried to kill her." Nicholas added. "This is the worst pain I've ever felt," Nicholas cried. "You really hurt me a lot. I hate you. I hate you so much and marrying you was probably my greatest mistake."

Nicholas angrily stared at Adrian. He wanted to slap him and show him how much he had hurt him but he couldn't bear to do it. He really loved the boy a lot. With more tears flooding his face, Nicholas stormed out of the room.

"Nicholas!" George shouted as he followed him out of the room.

Adrian couldn't do anything. He felt like his heart had been pierced. He was weak, too weak to do anything. His heart stopped beating for a second and when it did he felt like poisonous blood was running through his veins making his whole body hurt. What had he done that someone would want to hurt him like that?

He was now like a zombie. He couldn't move but he felt the warm tears pouring on his face making him cry even more. His husband had just told him that marrying him was the biggest mistake of his life. There was nothing as painful as that.

He knew it was gonna take a long time to heal his heart. He knew his husband was now further apart from him. Things had been okay just a few hours ago and now they were worse. Adrian was defeated. There was nothing he was gonna do in order to bring it back or make the pain go away. It was just too much.

"You are nothing but a curse to this family," Arianna said. "I wish my brother had married Jake."

Arianna stormed out and Adrian cried some more. What Arianna had just told him didn't even hurt. He had experienced the worst pain ever so nothing they told him was any painful. He just cried right there as they watched him.

"If you have any shame left," Noah snapped, bringing his hands together. "Please. Leave our house. I think my brother has experienced more pain with you. You are worse than the worst. Aren't you ashamed at all?"

Adrian was stationary. He had heard worse. His mind was plugged off and he was in intense pain.
