Standing in for Dad Ch. 39

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Part 39 of the 39 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 06/08/2022
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I soon found cause to grab General Ginevra Cappitani and her husband, Dante, and speak to them somewhat privately. "General Cappitani, I wish to let you know how appreciative Lady Isabella and I are that you are here to oversee the elections. We want nothing but a clean, fair process and I will gladly and efficiently acquiesce to your every request that is within my power to grant."

"I wish you to know that Lady Isabella, until the elections and transfer of power, has final say on anything concerning Mexico and I have final say on anything involving the presence of the U.S. Military. We will both back you to the hilt."

Ginevra then asked, "Would it be possible to speak with both you and Lady Isabella?"

I immediately got Beth's attention and she excused herself from some diplomats before coming over to us. General Ginevra then mentioned, "Lady Isabella, Ambassador Walker here has said you have the final word for all things Mexico. Do you perceive that to be an accurate statement?"

Beth smiled, "I would indeed, General. How may I be of assistance?"

"I find it best if my people can work with complete autonomy. Will that be an issue?"

Beth giggled with a big smile, "Absolutely no issue at all, General. I was hoping to be able to fade into the shadows concerning this election and if you are willing to take the 'bull by the horns', I am all the happier."

Will my units have arrest powers?"

"I have no problem with your units having arrest powers. While you are here, I will consider you and yours part of my military police force with power to arrest and incarcerate. You will also have the power to prosecute in our courts should you require it. I am sure you understand I cannot speak for the government after the transition of power, however."

Ginevre nodded, "What are we to do if we are fired upon?"

"Fire back with overwhelming force and eliminate the threat. And if you need help give Ambassador Harry a call. He can have heavy ordinance delivered by air to any coordinates you give him within a minute and there will be no inquiry; you just need to provide an AAR to Ambassador Walker when it is all over."

Ginevre smiled, "You are most accommodating, Madam President. We will be out of your hair as quickly as possible after the elections have been certified." She then looked to me, "When will the U.S. forces withdraw from the country?"

"The day power is transferred to the new government we will pull our forces out with alacrity. Indeed, immediately after elections have been certified, the Naval blockade will be lifted so trade and tourism can begin to normalize."

Dante looked at me shrewdly, "You are a very capable man, Ambassador. Surprising, given your age."

I smiled, "Thank you, and it is just Harry, please."

"And Beth or Bella."

"Dante is just fine with me, though, for appearances, I believe my wife prefers General."

Beth and I both nodded, "General and Dante, we look forward to working closely with you and yours. If there are any issues, please contact the Embassy afloat and we will jump on it immediately."

Ginevre then smiled, "After your little speech to the other ambassadors, I was not sure how we would get along. I am glad my first impression was not the entire picture."

"Well, General, I have no doubt you realize there was a lot of behind-the-scenes messaging going on there. With a new governance of Mexico, some might wish to establish improper relationships with the new politicians, and I wanted to send a very strong message that such things will not be tolerated. The whole point of this exercise is to expunge the crime and corruption and pave the way for a new era of prosperity for all of Mexico."

Ginevre raised an eyebrow, "Oh, I have no issues with military style discipline. I am not sure career politicians feel the same way, however."

I chuckled, "General, ambassador was not my first title."

Dante guffawed, "No, that much is obvious; and I mean no disrespect. You do not have the slime of a career politician. No, I suspect your first title, given your known skill sets, was... associated with black bag operations? Am I close?"

"I cannot speak to that, Dante. I am sure you understand." I said as I smiled and winked.

Beth laughed, "Damn Harry! He has your number!"

"Yeah, seems so. I just hope the others here recognize with whom they are dealing."

Ginevre responded, "I would hazard a guess you didn't leave much room for doubt. You will make an interesting President one day, Harry."

"I laughed, "Oh? What are you hearing?"

"Umm, just the scuttlebutt around the diplomatic halls in the United Nations. Nothing official, yet."


Walsh, along with Craig, were able to get some alone time with Dante and Ginevre just before dinner and Craig quietly asked, "Mon cher Général, puis-je vous renseigner sur vos penchants concernant les rencontres sexuelles gratuites?" (My dear General, might I inquire about your proclivities concerning free use sexual encounters?)

Ginevre smiled and responded in kind, "Mon mari et moi sommes très aventureux à cet égard. Aviez-vous quelque chose en tête?" (My husband and I are very adventurous in that regard. Did you have something in mind?) she asked discretely as she looked both Walsh and Craig up and down in an appraising manner.

"Avez-vous eu le plaisir de faire l'amour en hélicoptère avec d'autres couples en survolant plus d'un kilomètre de hauteur dans les airs?" (Have you had the pleasure of sex in a helicopter with other couples while flying over a mile high in the air?)

"Je dois admettre que non. Mais une orgie impromptue en rejoignant le club Mile High est en fait sur notre liste de choses à faire. Puis-je demander qui serait présent?" (I must admit we have not. But an impromptu orgy while joining the mile high club is actually on our bucket list. May I inquire as to all who would be present?)

El Presidente de México, Lady Isabella y su maestro, el Capitán Barnes, el Presidente de Estados Unidos y su esposa, Mary, yo y la Sra. Walsh, el Embajador de la ONU Adrian Scotsdale y su esposa, Carol, Harry y su esposa, Sue. ¿Aún interesado? (The President of Mexico, Lady Isabella and her master, Captain Barnes, the President of America and his wife, Mary, myself and Mrs. Walsh, UN Ambassador Adrian Scotsdale and his wife, Carol, Harry and his wife, Sue. Still interested?)

"Ah absolument! Et c'est une utilisation gratuite?" (Oh, absolutely! And it is free use?)

"Vous pouvez demander à la personne de votre choix; mais un refus poli est acceptable. J'informerai les autres des plans. À votre choix." (You may ask anyone of your choosing; however, a polite decline is acceptable. I will inform the others of the plans. By your leave.)

The four raised glasses and took a sip as Walsh and Craig let the others know.

Ginevre looked at her husband, "Êtes-vous heureux d'être venu maintenant?" (Are you happy you came along now?)


The hors d'oeuvres were a delightfully eclectic and an international blend of offerings which included:

Fried sage pork sausage wrapped around halloumi cheese sticks

paired with a tangy tzatziki sauce,

Deep fried french onion and minced chicken meatballs held together

with a bit of corn starch and egg white which were wrapped around a

wedge of Gruyère cheese,

Eggplant caponata crostinis which was a juicy medley of eggplant

simmered with tomatoes jazzed up with a flavorsome mix of vinegar,

capers, olives, aromatic herbs, and golden raisins,

Bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with goat cheese,

Buttery crescent rolls wrapped around aged brie,

Scottish eggs made of boiled quail eggs wrapped in bulk Italian

sausage before baking,

And mauve stinger Jellyfish cooked in lemon juice, vinegar, and water

before being battered, fried, and served salted with a spicy red chili


Sue and I mingled, and she was ten times the diplomat I was. She smoothed out feathers left and right from my impromptu speech, mostly mentioning I was raised with a military, authoritarian mindset but was very open to new ideas and suggestions. She complemented me by sharing I could spot cow fertilizer (she had to explain her euphemism for bull shit a few times--to the delight of many) from a mile away and anyone wanting to approach me should leave the BS and manipulative schemes at the door. Simple honesty and openness were my weaknesses. However, I did indeed have very strong protective instincts.

Beth and Captain Barnes were quite the popular socialites, along with General Ginevre and Dante.

I had a moment to meet Adrian and his wife, Carol. "It is wonderful to meet you in person, Adrian." I bowed to his wife, "M'Lady."

Carol held out her hand and shook mine with authority, "It is Carol, Ambassador, M'Lady just doesn't fit."

"And it is Harry, Carol. Quite the pleasure. You are a lady, if I may be so bold, who is very easy on the eye." Carol had straight brunette hair that fell to her upper back and stood about 5 foot 10, with a D cup, slim waist, and medium hips. Her ivory skin tone was white with a yellow tinge making it look like dusky white, with fair and warm/neutral pinkish or peachy undertones and she had bright green eyes.

She wore a full coverage, long, pink, silk, formal gown that was obviously tailored with a thin pink camisole underneath so her private attributes didn't show through. But the outfit did nothing to dissuade anyone from lingering an appraising eye over her luscious curves; easily noting she did not wear a bra or panties.

Carol smiled and looked to Adrian, "You better take notes, hon. This one has a silver tongue!"

Adrian laughed, "And he is one of the smoothest, most dangerous men in the world, sweetheart. He is, and no disrespect meant... only admiration," Adrian said looking at me with a slight nod, "like a Black Panther: he is sleek, elegant, graceful, with a smooth movement, and very, very deadly should the need arise."

Carol snickered as she elbowed her husband in the ribs, "Now you are just getting me hotter and more bothered, meanie!"

We all had a nice laugh and I said, "Carol, I really am just a big Teddy Bear."

Carol smiled and winked, "Most men are around a pretty woman, Harry. And thank you for the compliment."


Dinner began with a Lobster Newburgh served in a bread bowl. This classic dish was made of Lobster meat, combined with a velvety blend of heavy cream, Madeira wine, and a touch of egg.

The lobster was closely followed by a light Tuscan salad made with romaine lettuce, chopped bacon, diced sauteed chicken tenders, diced tomatoes, red onion, crumbled blue cheese, and shredded Parmesan cheese. Light sea salt and fresh ground pepper topped the salad with a house dressing made with whisked mayo, red wine vinegar, olive oil, Dijon mustard, salt and pepper.

The next dish was lemon garlic sea scallops seared in avocado oil served with thin slices of lemon and steamed asparagus topped with a creamy white sauce.

For the main course there was a choice between grade A prime rib or rotisserie pork tenderloin. Both of which were served with twice baked potatoes. The prime rib was served with cups of horseradish sauce and Au Jus with both the rib and loin served with onions and baby Portobello mushrooms sauteed in clarified butter along with steamed asparagus and champagne based white sauce for the sides.

The twice baked potatoes incorporated hand mashed potatoes, bacon chips, butter, sour cream, grated extra sharp cheddar cheese, cracked peppercorns, and chopped greens of spring onions that had been mixed and placed back into the hollowed-out skins before baking a second time to brown the tops.

With the varied meats in the dishes, a 2022 Château Trinquevedel Tavel Rosé from a small appellation of Tavel in France's Southern Rhône was served with dinner which featured a blend of local grapes including Grenache, Cinsault, Clairette, Syrah, and Mourvèdre. It sported an iconic intensity of flavor, color, and texture, and its complex profile offered flavors of white cherry, raspberry, and herbs.

Desert was a creamy vanilla custard in a graham cracker crust topped with in-house whipped cream and freshly ground prime Arabica coffee with Bailey's Irish Cream and Grey Goose Vodka added for a creamy kick.


During dinner, the French Ambassador caught my attention and asked, "Ambassador Walker. There was a very unusual plane filled with diplomatic attaches carrying diplomatic pouches which landed just before all those unfortunate deaths over on the Swiss side of the border. The diplomats were all photographed, of course. Coincidentally, they all boarded that unusual plane soon after all those deaths and took off, heading across France and towards the Americas. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on those most unusual circumstances."

I raised an eyebrow, "Unusual plane you say? Unusual in what sense?"

"Well, it did not fit the profile of any known commercial or military aircraft of any country. Point of fact, it looked to be a rough copy of an experimental high supersonic aircraft that never made it into service that was manufactured by an American company back during the international supersonic travel craze some decades past."

"Very interesting. Very interesting indeed. And, please, your point is?"

"Well, Ambassador, and I mean no disrespect, but a computer based facial recognition and comparison between you and one of those couriers was a perfect match. I was wondering if you had any comments on that matter."

"Well, that is VERY interesting indeed! Are you proposing, Ambassador, that I flew into that airport with a crew of assassins, attacked the Chinese contingent, poisoned all the other attendees of that gathering with a carcinogen, making sure all the Hotel Staff were spared, killed a Grand Master in martial arts, killed a highly ranked Chinese official and his entourage, all while securing no injuries to my team, set up another group to be a patsy for the crimes, flew back to Washington D.C. and attended a state dinner as a cover?"

The French Ambassador smiled, "Those thoughts did cross my mind. My apologies."

I waved off the apology, noting the dining table had gotten very quiet indeed with all eyes on the two of us, "No apology needed, Ambassador. In your place I would be very curious and likely just as compelled as you were to ask the question."

I looked to the Chinese Ambassador, "Ambassador, what is the position of the Chinese government on this issue?"

The Chinese Ambassador cleared his throat after taking a drink of water to create a dramatic pause. His body language screamed he was repeating a very specific response when he said, "While the Chinese people deplore the murders of our diplomats and we are interested in finding the perpetrators, we are aware that Ambassador Walker could not have committed those crimes and then also have been at the dinner in Washington on the same day."

"We suspect there was a man fitting Ambassador Walker's build who had on a special effects mask matching his facial features who was in that airport. Barring any retinal scans to prove differently, the People's Republic has no interest in pursuing this avenue of investigation and we are content with Ambassador Walker's alibi."

"We are more concerned as to why the organization who was found with the murder weapons would want to insinuate that an assassin, in the guise of Ambassador Walker, would want to inflame relations between China and the United States. An attempt which obviously failed."

I smiled at the French Ambassador, "Which scenario seems more likely to you, given extremist organizations hate America to the point such a scenario is highly plausible?"

The French Ambassador nodded to the Chinese Ambassador, "Of course, the second scenario has more merit. Please accept my apology on behalf of the French government. It was indeed insisted I ask."

"Again, no offense taken. I always appreciate candor in a civil conversation."

With that, dinner devolved into small talk and the tension in the room greatly decreased. I did note that Bill and Mary were putting on their best poker faces during and after the diplomatic game that played out before them... something that was not lost on anyone there... along with the fact I did not answer the Ambassador's question. Well: directly at least. Everyone there knew what the non answer along with the Chinese Ambassador's response meant. The Chinese and Americans were in bed together with this assassination and I was allowed to avenge my father's death.

The French Ambassador realized there was no sense in further pursuing an inquiry and decided to relay this information with a strong suggestion to close the investigation due to the information gathered during dinner. *It is quite obvious this man is not to be underestimated, threatened, or played with.* He thought as he sipped his wine. *And to have killed the Chinese official after defeating his bodyguard without obvious injury proves he is among the elite in martial arts, likely without peer even.* He concluded. *And, the Chinese approved the hit on their official which speaks of a consolidation of power within the country... a power consolidation the Americans are very content with. Interesting times, indeed!*


Later, the Chinese Ambassador caught me alone and asked a simple question, "All I want to know, if you will tell me, is a simple yes or no."

I looked deeply into his eyes and made sure my smile reached them, "Don't let any negative doubt enter your mind. My father rests easy these days."

The Chinese Ambassador smiled and replied, "Thank you. You did us all a huge favor. Possibly averting a civil war; or worse." before leaving for the evening.


Heavylift's Sea Stallion, along with five others and about two dozen Apaches, landed in front of the Presidential Palace and three groups of people got into three different helicopters. Half the Apaches were aloft, giving high cover. The President of Mexico, Lady Isabella and her master, Captain Barnes, General Ginevra Cappitani and her husband, Dante, the President of America and his wife, Mary, Major Craig and Mrs. Walsh, Adrian and Carol, along with myself and Sue all got into Heavylift's chopper and the whole air group took off as one with us and the other Sea Stallions in the middle of a defensive bubble.

We quickly climbed almost straight up to just under 3,050 meters (10,000 feet or approximately 1.9 miles) so as to give ample warning for any incoming ordinance before the flight group began the journey back to the Embassy Afloat.

As we were climbing Dante, Ginevra, Adrian, and Carol all watched, initially with some amusement but soon joining in, as everyone undressed, stacking our clothes in a corner of the converted cargo bay. Dante soon propositioned Beth and Ginevra followed suit with Craig. Sue grabbed Adrian, Mary grabbed me, Adrian's wife, Carol, tapped Barnes, and Walsh jumped Bill. It was a bit interesting finding places to fuck, but between the fold down seats and a few blankets, we made do.

Walsh just laid Bill on his back on the floor and squatted down, engulfing his cock into her hot, steaming pussy. She immediately began sending pulses of Chi up his spine and into the pleasure center of his brain and Bill began screaming his multiple climaxes as Walsh used and abused him like a Gigolo.

Bill latched onto Walsh's cheeks and rode her for all he was worth, not ever slowing down after each climax because his cock never went limp. "Fuck yes!" was about the limit of his vocabulary for about 15 minutes until Walsh finally came, expelling a good bit of her cum and Bill's semen onto his balls.


Walsh thought to herself, *Yeah, I want some of that Presidential cock,* as she laid Bill on the floor on a blanket. *I am wet enough, I am just going to sit down on it and take it in one push. Mmm, a hard man is good to find.* She shivered as Bill's head slipped inside her and felt the thrill of being sexually impaled as he filled her sex. Walsh pressed him all the way in until her clit made contact with his pubic area above his cock, *Mmmm, yes!* she thought to herself as she sat there moving the head of his cock back and forth deep inside her wet sex.