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An Earth woman is taken aboard an alien starship.
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The shower was turned off and a hand reached out to grab a towel off the rack. Christine stepped out and began to dry her long brown hair off as she walked towards the fogged mirror. The entire bathroom was still steamy after her hot shower. She wiped away some of the fog and quickly towels off her naked body before slipping into her short pink robe. She got out the hair dryer and her brush and worked some more on her hair. Good enough, she told herself. She needed to relax desperately after her stressful day. She went into her living room and plopped right down on the couch. She was too tired to pick up a book or watch a movie, she just wanted to lay there and make the world go away.

Christine felt as if she would fall asleep on the couch. It was too early now and she didn't want to be waking up in the middle of the night. She was just so tired after another long shift at work. It didn't help that she had a warm shower. That always made her sleepy. She still felt warm after laying down. In fact she felt too warm. Could she be coming down with something? She was still getting warmer and the room started to shift. It looked like everything was sideways now; could she have fallen over and not realized it? She knew that it was something else when everything started glowing a bright green. The green light was brightening and brightening, eventually the whole room was invisible thanks to the bright light. What the hell was happening, she thought.

She found herself now feeling like she was floating, as if her couch had disappeared from under here. She laid like this for several minutes, totally confused at why she felt like this. Then the bright green light started to dull. Finally, she thought, it's fading away. She planned to wait until the light was gone, or at least until she could find her way around the living room to look for her phone. Better call an ambulance and get checked out at the ER, just to be safe. But as she could now see what was in the room, it was totally different. This was way too big to be her living room, it looked as big as her whole apartment.

As the light kept fading away, her confusion was only growing even more. Clearly this wasn't her apartment anymore. There were too many screens here, showing pictures and text she couldn't read or understand. Nothing looked familiar. She swore she saw a screen that showed the Earth on it and it was getting smaller and smaller. No, it wasn't a screen, it looked more like a window. Consoles everywhere, all sorts of buttons, knobs, letters and touchpads on them. She didn't know what to think of it. Then the light was gone. This strange room, purple and orange, looked like something out of a comic book or maybe a space movie. She giggled nervously, wondering what was causing her to lose it.

"This can't be real," she said out loud to herself. "There is no way I'm somewhere this freaky. This has to be a dream. That's it! I must have passed out; I was so tired. This must all just be some weird fever dream."

A deep voice spoke from behind her. "I can assure you, this is no dream."

Christine turned to see the source of the voice. In the middle of the room, rising from behind one big console that must be the control center of whatever the hell this thing was, a giant of a man rose up. Only he wasn't any human man. His entire body was green, save his black eyes and the long, flowing black hair. From under the hair poked out a pair of pointy ears and on top of his head were two antennas. His body was loaded with massive, well-defined muscles; his hands looked as strong as they were huge. He stepped out from behind the console and she could see that he was completely naked. Her eyes went straight for the massive cock hanging between his legs, dropping down to his knees! That thing must be as big as I am, she thought to herself.

The strange being started to walk towards her and she took a step back. "No," she said to him, "you must be a dream. I mean, for fuck's sake you're speaking English."

"I can assure you, that is but an illusion to you. And I can also assure you, this is completely real Christine."

"And how the hell do you know my name? Oh wait, you know it cause you're my fucked up fever dream from this damn fever I didn't know I even had."

The giant creature was still moving towards her as she felt her back hit the wall. He motioned to the monitors on one of the walls. "These," he started, "are how I know who you are. And that is why I have chosen you above all." He stood in front of her now and towered over the frightened Christine. She was almost eye level with his cock, he must be at least twice as tall as her own 5'1. He placed his hand on her shoulder. She felt his touch and knew instantly that this was no dream at all.

She was in too much shock to say anything. She was completely frozen in a mixture of panic, confusion and fear. The giant green man sensed this and began to speak.

"My name is Khorganak and I am from a planet that is over one billion light-years from the Earth. You are aboard my ship the Starduster. I am a traveler, spending my life exploring all the sections of space and seeking out new adventures throughout existence. This wandering brought me near your Earth some time ago. While I have never been down to the surface, I have stayed in orbit and studied it greatly. Your world is definitely most interesting to me; I have encountered no other like it in all my travels that have lasted thousands of your years on Earth."

"But the people of your world are not advanced enough to realize that while there are minor positives of what happens there, overall humans are extremely poor managers of a planet. The atmosphere, in fact the entire planet is poisoned by the lifestyles of its inhabitants. And the toxicity has existed since the dawn of man. You do not realize that if your Earth had been better maintained, that human beings could be as advanced as my own race and your people could thrive in perfect health many times your own life span. But you and the people of your day are not to blame. This has gone on for tens of thousands of years, and you all now are just the caretakers for the end of it."

"Yes, it is the end of it. Little do you know, but deep within the Earth's core a chain reaction began that no doubt by now is making the planet uninhabitable for human life, at least for the next 70 million years. I had watched, planning just to witness it. But something changed, some feelings I will explain just to you. I knew I had to save you so that at least one human being could go on."

Christine stood there in stunned silence for some time. This all sounded impossible to her, but for some reason, she felt that this alien was telling the truth to her. But he must be wrong. There is no way that the Earth was really coming to an end now. She looked up at him, still frightened by his appearance.

"Pl-please," she stuttered. "Just take me back, take me, take me back home. Please."

Khorganak just shook his head at the Earth woman he was still looking down at. "I am sorry Christine, but it is impossible. We are already beyond space known by humans. By the time we return to your world, it will all be gone."

"No... no. I want to go back home. Just take me back home."

"Your home is gone now Christine. You would just be going back to nothing. I feel the sorrow would be too great for you to bear. As hard as it is to believe, if we were to go back, you would be forced to accept the horrible truth."

"Which is?"

"You are the last human being in existence. Anywhere."

Christine sank down against the wall and found herself frozen as she sat on the floor. She didn't scream or cry. She didn't do anything. It was all too much for her mind to react. She simply sat there for what seemed like an eternity. Khorganak simply stood by, looking down at her. Eventually, he sat next to her but did not touch her. It was almost as if he sensed how uncomfortable she still was with the differences in their appearance.

After a long time, and still staring down at the floor, she managed to say one single word directed at the giant alien man.



"Why? Why me?"

"There was something unique about your people. I felt that they should not be allowed to go extinct, at least not yet. There is so much within humans that can be taught and shared around the vastness of space. Also, I could teach how humans were meant to live, how they could reach their true potential. And who knows if it truly is the end. Some day, it may be possible for there to be more humans to return and make a new Earth."

Christine digested everything he said. She did not try to process it all now, she was still shocked about what Khorganak said about her being the last human. She found herself being able to look up at him, wanting to ask the question again.

"I mean why ME? Why did you pick me instead of someone else?"

The green alien thought for a second before responding. "I scanned many human beings. These sensors are capable of detecting thoughts, emotions, and every inner feeling based on the subtle movements you humans have. From all that, I found that you were the most compatible to me. But there will be plenty of time to go into detail about that later. Besides, you are experiencing the biggest culture shock that any human has ever had before."

"What's going to happen to me now that I'm the last human alive? Are you going to put me in some institute? Or some freaky alien zoo? Cause I'd rather go back to Earth and die than do that."

"No, no. I have no plans to do that. And I will not take you to some place where you would be imprisoned. Just because I think humans may be able to return some day and you would be the key to that, it would be wrong to imprison you like that just to keep you alive."

"What do you want to do to me then?"

"I won't do anything to you that you do not want. You will have the final say in what happens to you. I would like to offer you a chance to join me. I have been exploring space for a long time. I have seen so many wonderful sights on so many planets, but still have barely seen it all. There is so much more. What I offer you is a chance to join me and become my companion in exploration. You do not have to answer me now, and if you decide you do not wish to go on with me I promise to find a world much like the Earth you can live on."

Christine looked at him more. He wasn't so frightening to look at anymore. He did seem to care enough to rescue her and if what he said was true, the two may be able to get along. She was just intimidated by how much bigger he was than her. And that he was naked. Why was he naked? That giant cock had been the real shock to her. She wondered how big it really was before stopping herself. Don't think about that now, she told herself, you've got much more important stuff to figure out.

Khorganak finally broke the silence. "Would you like for me to show you around the ship? After all, you are going to be here for a while."

The weight of it all hit Christine like a truck, but she didn't dwell on it. It was too much for her to bear at once, her body just went into an autopilot mode and turned off any emotion for the time being.

"Okay," she replied. "But answer me one more thing before we start."

"And that is?"

"How come you are speaking English?"

Khorganak laughed a deep booming laugh as she asked the question. "It's simple Christine. I'm not speaking English at all. Rather, the ship has a translator on board that translates my speech into whatever language you understand. And it is also translating your words into my native language."

"Ah. That makes sense." She giggled too, finding something intriguing about the booming laugh that came out of the muscular alien's mouth. Christine got up and stood beside Khorganak who was twice her size.

"This room we are in is the main control center of the ship," he began to explain. "It serves as the main flight deck and there are stations and sensors connected to all of the systems on board. Right now I have the autopilot engaged so it will not be necessary for us to remain here. We can walk the rest of the ship." He gestured for Christine to follow him as he went through a door into the main hallway. She followed him, her eyes still adjusting to how big everything was for the giant alien.

Khorganak led her into a smaller room next, the only furniture within were a couple of tables and chairs. Against one wall was a strange machine, almost reminding Christine of a microwave. "This is the ship's galley," he told her. "Over there is the food dispenser. Simply input what you would like to eat or drink and within two minutes the machine will be able to create it for you from basic food molecules. And do not worry about the table or chairs; they can be adjusted to your height." Christine found herself slightly impressed, knowing she could eat anything. Maybe she'd even be able to get a couple of her favorite meals out of there, if it knew Earth food that was.

The tour continued as they headed across the hallway into another room containing accessories Chrstine felt she recognized at once. "If I could guess," she told Khorganak, "this is the bathroom, isn't it?"

"Very perspective," he told her with a chuckle. "Yes, this would be considered the ship's bathroom. It has all basic needs you'd find in one on Earth, toilet, sink, shower. But also a few luxuries. That is a tub that can produce any type of bath you want. Hot, cold, even regenerative to help heal soreness much faster. And next to that is the drying machine. There are no towels on the Starduster, rather we use that. It will have you completely dry after a shower or bath in under two seconds. And again, I will have some of these things added that are a size you may be able to use"

The two walked the ship's corridors, Khorganak pointing out the various storage rooms and small research labs, not bothering to show those off. Soon they were in a series of interconnected rooms that he identified as the lounge areas of the ship.

"This is the main lounge area, connected to the specialized rooms. We have a library with a database that collects books and videos from across the universe. There is also a theater you may watch broadcasts from different planets on and a room that you could use to run interactive computer simulations. We also have an exercise room with different workout equipment and a sauna that is great for relaxation. In fact, that is usually where I find myself after my morning meal."

Christine looked around these rooms. At least it didn't look like she would get bored while she was on the Starduster, however long that lasted. She still did not know if Khorganak was entirely truthful with her, about wanting her to be his traveling companion. She wanted to believe him, but still, he was an alien, the first one she ever met and the first time she had even believed that there was life beyond the Earth. Plus how did she really know the Earth was gone. But if she was here now, at least for the time being she'd have to just go along with him. She did notice that he was looking at her quite a bit during the tour, and his eyes told her that he wanted more than to take her around space. Plus, she could have swore a time or two that she saw that naked alien cock twitch when he'd look in her direction.

Her eyes drifted over to a closed door that he Khorganak had not yet pointed out. "What's that room?" she asked him.

"Oh, that will be the last stop of the tour. Come, I'll show you." The two entered the room, which was not all that large really. It was lit by a few lamps of soft light. The only furniture was a massive bed, covered in pillows and blankets. It looked like it was probably very soft to Christine.

"This must be a bedroom," she said looking at the giant alien man.

"It's not just a bedroom, it's the ship's only remaining bedroom. All the lounge rooms were also bedrooms when I bought the Starduster, but since nobody else was on board and I only needed one bedroom, I converted them for other purposes."

"Oh. In that case, where do I sleep?"

"You will sleep in here of course."

"But I don't want to take your bedroom away from you. Where will you sleep?"

"In here. It is the bedroom after all."

Christine, without thinking, began to back away in the direction of the door. "Oh no, really. I couldn't possibly share this room with you. Why don't I just sleep in one of those chairs outside. They look plenty comfy to me."

Khorganak took a step towards the fleeing woman. "Door sealed," he said to the ship's computer. Christine heard the door behind her lock. As futile as it was, she tried to get out to no avail.

"Look," she told the approaching towering alien man. "I don't know what you want from me, but..." She could not finish her sentence as she felt a giant pair of hands being placed on her shoulders. No point in trying to get away in this small room, she told herself. Just see what he wants to and try to figure something out. She got her answer when she felt him grabbing her pink robe she still wore.

RIIIIIPPPPPP, the sound of tearing silk filled the room. The short robe she had on was no match for Khorganak's massive alien muscles. She felt her only garment being torn to shreds as it fell in pieces to the floor. Her hands instinctively attempted to cover her naked body. One was over her crotch, and she used her left arm to attempt to cover her nipples. She looked up at the giant man who had stripped her.

"You know that is one of the other unusual things about you people of Earth," he told her. "Very few species in all of space actually bother to wear clothing. Most just go in the nude, as my people do."

Chrisitne couldn't believe it now, she was naked on a spaceship with a giant alien. Makes sense why he didn't have any clothes on, she could have told herself if she wasn't frightened by what happened. She saw that Khorganak now stared at her with a look in his eyes that almost showed passion and desire. But surely he wasn't attracted to a small Earth woman like her, even if guys complimented her beautiful looks often. Her eyes looked down at his massive alien cock. She knew then that he was getting hard looking at her. Oh God, she thought, this guy wants me.

"You can't do this," she whimpered at the aroused alien looking down at her. "Please, you're way too big for me." Her pleas were ignored, however, as she felt his strong green hands grab her and lift her up off her feet. Her arms were pinned against her body now, nothing hiding her nudity from the alien's gaze. He looked her entire body over carefully, his breathing getting heavier and his cock growing even harder. Her brown eyes, wide with fear, looked deep into his black eyes, burning with passion.

"Do not worry, I will not hurt you," he told the human woman as he lifted her up more so her chest was level with his face. Christine could not offer any argument before the alien man's face was buried in her breasts. She felt his alien lips kissing her big tits all over, especially on her brown nipples. She struggled against his grip but he was just way too strong for her. She looked at his giant muscular arms. I couldn't possibly fight against those, she told herself. I mean look at how huge they are, those bulging biceps, that strong grip... Wait, am I getting turned on by this?

"Oh hell no..." she started to stay out loud before losing her speech. Something about Khorganak's lips on her breasts was making something happen in her body. She was surprised by how soft his kisses were on her ample chest, they felt nice. As if he were massaging her breasts with his mouth. And it didn't help that he had started to softly suck on her nipples either. They were sensitive and she felt them getting hard as he kissed and used his teeth to tug at them. Every time she opened her mouth to protest what was happening or demand that he stop, the only thing she managed to get out were soft moans. When his tongue began playing with her erect nipples, she felt the shocking sensation that her pussy was getting a bit wet. Oh fuck, what's happening to me, she thought.