Starlight Gleaming Ch. 06


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Then she arched and shoved back and suddenly I was buried within her warm, wet heat. Sliding deep, her swollen lips swallowed me whole, kissing my groin wetly as my crown brushed against her womb. Calia cried out, grinding and pressing herself onto me. I felt the twitching within her walls, the wash of her pussy gushing wetness as she sobbed her release.

"Hold on," I said, lifting up.

Her arms went about my neck, panting heavily as she tried to catch her breath. "Oh, by all the gods, you feel so good."

I turned, slipping my arms under her legs, grasping her butt. I walked around the room, each step pushing my cock against one side of her tunnel, then stretching the other. Calia hooked her legs around my waist, groaning, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"You wanted it hard and fast, Calia?"

She lifted up her head. "Hard and fast, long and slow. Any way you want to give it to me, my beloved. Just so I feel you fill me up."

"You know I love Janetta, Calia."

"I see that in your eyes. It does not change how I feel for you, Ranji." She kissed me. "I loved you long before you left for the academy. I have ached for your return. Whatever happens, I will be here, waiting for you, grateful for whatever affection you bestow. I know of no exquisite sensation greater and imagine no greater joy than right now, feeling your hard cock stretching me wide for your pleasure."

Using both of my hands, I lifted her off my long shaft. I saw the flicker of fear that I would pull out, then the relief and pleasure as I pulled her close, impaling her slick sheath once again. Firmly I repeated my actions, moving faster each time. Soon, my hips were slamming into her open center. Calia cried out each time her engorged labia engulfed my cock and my balls slapped her soaked pussy. Grunting, I felt my crown part her sensitive folds, spreading her wide, plowing within her slick center until I pushed into her slick, sensuous core. Faster and harder I pounded into her, the friction drawing us both tighter toward release. My balls tingled as I slid in and out of her. As I pulled her home, my cock swelled and spewed hot, sticky streams against her womb.

Calia jerked when the first stream splashed her walls. "Yes! Oh, yes! Fuck me!" Shivering, she gripped me tightly, trying to take me even deeper into her pussy.

Leaning down, I kissed her cheek and she reached up to meet my mouth with her own. Hearts hammering, sweaty and slick and feeling good, we both gasped for air. When we were both breathing more normally, I set her gently down on the massage table and pulled out.

Without a word, we went to the bathroom. Calia put her long hair into a towel to keep it dry and we stepped into the shower. Both of us sated for the moment, it was casual, reminiscent of the many times we'd done this before I'd left for the Air Service. I washed her back and then she washed mine. Finishing quickly, Calia toweled me dry, and then we headed back to my room.

She thought I hadn't seen it, but when she was in the closet selecting fresh clothing, she glanced back at me and nearly lost it, her lower lip trembling. Then with a steadying breath, she was all smiles again.

I would take care of her. How could I repay such loyalty by discarding her? The answer was I couldn't and wouldn't. Somehow I'd make this all work out.

I dressed and she went to her own room to do the same.

* * * * *

My parents waited in the drawing room until Calia joined us, and then we moved to the dining room for the evening meal. Almost immediately, she and my mother began talking household gossip. Who was getting married, how the children of such-and-such a servant were doing, and how much or how little one child resembled one parent or another. My father watched them and me with an amused smile. The meal itself was exceptional, as usual, and dessert was lime meringue with coconut ice cream. Focusing on the food was safer.

After the meal, the four of us retired back to the drawing room, where Calia and my mother continued unabated. Then they began discussing children's names and their meanings. My father cleared his throat and suggested he and I step out into the garden to talk. I readily agreed. They watched my exit like hungry dire wolves helplessly watching their prey escape.

Standing half in light and half in shadow, he pulled out his pipe, stuffed it with tobacco, and lit it. For several long moments, we were quiet while he puffed and worked the flame down to a low heat before taking a long draw. After the barrage of mother and Calia, I was grateful for the silence. The night sky was splendid, though some of it was spoiled by the light spilling out from the house. I followed as he stepped into the darkness..

"I apologize for your mother, Son," he said quietly. "She's come to love Calia like a daughter. And she wants you to be happy and taken care of by a good woman. Your Janetta is an unknown, and from what you've told us, not even a sure thing, despite what you wish for. Don't hold what they do against them."

"I won't." And I truly didn't.

In the shadows of the night, I saw him look up while he pulled out his pipe. "Starlight gleaming," he said.

I smiled at the familiar line. We'd had many discussions with this as a lead in.

Heard him fiddle with the pipe while he continued speaking. "The stars above us, whether a handful of light years away or thousands, all shine not just for us on our world but also for all the other billions of worlds out in the cosmos. Some of those stars are dead but we don't know it yet because the flare of their nova hasn't reached us. And still other unseen stars are birthing, and the light they bring is still traveling toward us. We are but a small piece in the grand scheme of the universe."

On a philosophical level, it was a truth. But the metaphor also applied to our daily lives, where we act with those around us, yet are also drawn into or are buffeted by the actions of greater forces around us. I rarely see the night sky with all the glittering colors of distant suns winking and sparkling above us without thinking of my father and his words.

There was a brief flare as he used his lighter again. He puffed several times to draw up the flame and the acrid smoke wafted around us, finally burning on its own. Then his voice dropped lower, and he asked, "What do you know about the extra-terrestrials, Ranji? The aliens who visit our planet?"

"I'm a tree ready to bear fruit," I replied, meaning I would listen to his words with my full attention. Did he know about my experience flying out to High Guard?

"Humph. What I'm about to tell you isn't for mass consumption. Psychic ability. Some humans have it, but it's weak. Touch, strong emotion, and energy barrier fields seem to help with telempathy, distance viewing, and many other skills. A few hundred years ago, there were reports of verifiable talents. Within the Empire itself, the Pano were developing genuine telepathy. Calia herself is quite empathic. Similar abilities were showing up in a half dozen other places across the world. Then the Falling Sickness hit and those with the talents died. What we've found is that the virus that killed them was artificial. Designed to target specific genetic markers, markers we believe are essential to psychic ability. Three million across the world died due to an artificial disease, Ranji. At the time the disease hit, the technology to create it was beyond the capability of every human nation.

"The aliens themselves all seem to have some psychic ability. We don't know if it is natural, enhanced by technology, or entirely artificial. Probably differs from race to race. There is a theory that their knowledge of electro-magnetism is related. We do know they are able to create energy fields -- paralysis fields if you will, that affect us at the neuro level, making us helpless to all they wish to do while they move freely about, and then affect and suppress memories."

He took several long pulls on his pipe before continuing. "We also know they are able to enforce their will on their targets post visitation with varying degrees of success. And, disturbingly, their nano-tech is still better than ours, though we are catching up quickly. We are getting better and faster at finding the implants they put within the humans they have marked. They tag humans like we mark wild animals." I was surprised at the bitterness I heard, but understood it well enough. He continued.

"Humans, unlike most other animals, are receptive sexually nearly all the time. There is a claim that this is deliberate, that our evolution has been manipulated on purpose, so that humans will sexually service one or more of the alien races. The notion doesn't stand up well, though, as human technology is fast approaching that of the aliens among us. We are getting better at resisting."

"It stands up if they knock us down," I countered. "Despite the advances in technology, we continue to be at odds with Atlantis and Aesir-Veda. What if fostering this international rivalry was their idea to keep us from reaching the stars ourselves? And it wouldn't take much to send us back to the stone age. No, Father, not so far-fetched."

"Hmm. Others have raised such points, but I don't agree. But it's irrelevant to my point. We are working on a way to shield ourselves from their paralysis field, and to detect if any one is human or alien with a subtle detection scan. Mostly, these shape-shifters seem to be draconians. However we haven't ruled out this deception being practiced by the Greys or any of the other half-dozen aliens who walk among us. Of course, the Vanir don't even need to disguise themselves. Though often tall for humans and exceptionally attractive, they look blonde and light-skinned, like Aesirs and some Atlanteans."

Some this news explained why many of the aliens had been expelled from the Empire more than twenty years ago.

My father stirred the tobacco in his pipe with another match, then took a few puffs while I digested his words. "The Greys continue to conduct experiments, exploring what alterations will trigger what disease. They often copulate with their victim, and they are collecting eggs and sperm. Recently, it was discovered they have even molested the Emperor and Empress. Naturally, the Emperor is furious. We have been directed to improve the detector scan, and to see what we can develop that will provide some sort of defense against future incursions and discover weapons to punish them."

It was then I told him about my own experience with the Greys using an EMP weapon on the transport I was on. I also told him that the aircraft had the bulk of its electronics in the ancient test tube technology from the last century, and how the older tech was apparently immune to the EMP attack.

He was thoughtful for a bit, then said, "So you were the difference in six men's lives. That is no small thing, Son. I still think you are wasted where you are, as you could be helping us deal with the underlying cause. Stay where you are if you insist. Instead, I challenge you to read up on the research. I will send you papers and articles. Will you read them?"

"Certainly, Father. And I can ask you questions about what you send?"

"Of course! Tomorrow I'll give you an encryption key to use with electronic mail." He drew several long puffs, sending the acrid spicy smell into the night. "Good," he replied approvingly. "Yes, very good."

I was less enthusiastic. If the attacks of those Grey Bastards continued, how long before the Empire challenged Atlantis openly, demanded they bring their allies in check? How long before we entered global war? There were almost a billion people on the earth, and the loss of life would be catastrophic. Would the world be even recognizable afterward?

* * * * *

The rest of my stay went quickly. Calia did everything she could to arouse me, and I responded to her ardent wishes. And I often awoke to find her quietly watching me. I told her she was running herself ragged, and in truth there were hollows under her eyes. But she would just kiss me and curl up next to me.

After lunch on the fourth day I packed my duffle bag and headed out to the car. I had expected Calia to see me off, but there was no sign of her. Father had left earlier that morning for Tohingo, returning to his many research projects. My mother noticed me looking for Calia and she archly asked me what did I expect? "She can't bear to see you leave her again. I don't blame her, as we see too little of you ourselves."

I nodded as I hugged her goodbye. "I love you, Mother. Take care of yourself and Father."

She ruffled my hair. "You both are my life, Son. Keep writing and calling. That way we know you think of us while you gallivant in strange places for the Empire."

After promising to keep in contact, I got in the back seat of the electric sedan and the driver began to pull out. I caught sight of something moving in the mirror and I turned and looked back. Calia was running down the driveway after us, her scarf and shift flailing behind her.

"Stop!" I told the driver. When he did, I got out and she flew into my arms. Clung to me. I lifted her face and kissed her forehead.

Tears streamed from her eyes, trying her best to keep it together while she squeezed me tightly, her hands digging into me.

"Come on," I told her quietly. "Why don't you ride with us?"

Calia just nodded and climbed into the back seat beside me. I moved into the corner, and she curled up on the seat, laying her head on my lap. My hand went to her shoulder in comfort as we started the long drive down the mountain. She was a good woman and deserved better than I could give her. Still, I resolved to do my best for her.

* * * * *

Leaving Calia at the gates of Sentry War base was difficult but High Guard and Janetta both called for my return. Even if Janetta refused to make a decision, that in itself was still a decision.

On a hunch, instead of flying straight to High Guard, I caught a transport flying west to Tikun. I arrived in less than an hour.

The humid summer heat hit me like a lash when I disembarked. Storing my duffle in a locker, I walked to Security to see Senior Sergeant Itznacoco. When the older man saw me, he gave me a sour look. "Aren't you supposed to be at High Guard?"

I nodded. "There are things to discuss here, though, Sergeant. You have time for a walk?"

He raised his eyebrows for about two seconds and then grabbed his garrison cap from his belt and put it on. I led and he followed.

Out in the middle of the street near the base cafeteria I stopped, looking him square in the eyes. "A couple of things, and I'd appreciate straight answers, even if it's no comment. Rather that than half-truths or outright lies." A half-smile from him, waiting for me to continue. "All right. First, if officers are being tracked, it makes no sense to not also track enlisted. Why did you say officers instead of service personnel? Why feed me that garbage?" I paused, but he didn't answer. "Second, I strongly suspect you are undercover Imperial Security. Should I address you as Sir when we're alone?"

Another pause. I dug out the flash drive I had prepared before my trip and handed it to him. "I've been working Supply and Logistics since I arrived at High Guard. For the moment, I've not yet started in Ops. There are some damned strange things going on. Casual and subtle, but still strange. There's a spreadsheet with invoices, dates, and vehicle tracking information. HueCacs and ChoCacs have been coming into High Guard regularly for years. Going back the past five years, almost two thousand vehicles are unaccounted for, transferred to units that don't exist. My access won't allow me to go back further. Most of the base gets around on foot, even officers. Enlisted use hand-drawn wagons to carry goods, and the wheels aren't rubber. They're wood!"

I was on a roll. "Foreign nationals have free access to nearly all parts of the base. High Guard is less than a thousand rads from Atlantis itself. The Commissary has quite a business there selling casual labor on a daily basis. Three, the Quartermaster's Office is charging extra for base housing, and it's in the hundreds of credits per unit. Janetta and her crew are in a two-bedroom cottage and they paid a twelve hundred credit move-in fee and pay eight hundred credits a month, plus utilities. Base housing for assigned personnel should be one-third gross pay. I looked it up in the Ministry of War regs. As a sublieutenant earning seven hundred and twenty credits a month, it should only cost her two hundred and forty credits.

"On top of that, the housing construction itself is sub-standard. I had an electronics specialist evaluate the wiring in one residence. None of them appear to be field-reinforced in case of hurricane. I haven't had a chance to see what kind of storm defenses are in place, but if this is any indication, High Guard is a disaster waiting to happen. A heavy storm could knock us out for weeks, even months! However, I don't have a good reason to poke my nose down at the sea wall without attracting attention."

Senior Sergeant Itznacoco looked at the flash drive thoughtfully, then back at me.

"Four, solar panels come in, but very few are in place. None of the housing units have panels. Instead, everyone pays electric fees when we should be selling the excess electricity to the Seven Nations. The transport I came in on had two full crates full of panels. Enough for a dozen buildings. But the wiring in the houses themselves? Well, if we put in anything more than the half-height fridge assigned to the building, it will likely blow a breaker." I shook my head. "High Guard is supposed to be our front line against Atlantis. I'm not privy to the base defense systems. If they shortcut on the personnel so much, what's to keep them from doing the same with defenses? If the Atlanteans sent over a decent sortie of a couple companies and a dozen aircraft, they might even be able to destroy us! High Guard is like an overripe fruit hanging on the vine, ready to be knocked to the ground."

The sergeant took a breath, then, "Come with me, Kandikan." He turned and headed back to Security. Instead of going into the office, however, he headed for a HueCac electric transport parked in a Second Sergeant's space and motioned for me to get in. He hopped into the driver seat, turned it on as I slid into the passenger seat, and we headed to the base gates. Once through, he drove about three rads and then pulled over.

This was the same road that led to Barakan Mountain and Chingli Point. Off to the right were fields of beans and squash, grown for feeding the service personnel at Tikun War base. Far from the road, a half dozen peasants worked in the heat of the afternoon, tending the crops. Now that we were stopped, I sweated and my shirt stuck to my body.

"I knew you'd figure some of it out," he said, leaning back into his seat. "The question was what you'd do with it. Now I know. As to your other issues. Yes, we can track enlisted, but it has to be set in motion first, not as an afterthought. In two years, however, that will change. Yes, I'm with Imperial Security. You react well under pressure and under crisis, so I deliberate fed you subtle clues and you bit. As far as you are concerned, however, I am a Senior Sergeant and that's the end of it. As for the other? We've had suspicions about some what you brought to me, but it's politically sensitive, meaning some high ranking Warrior and Priest families are involved in the graft. We'll confirm what you've given to me. As for you, well, let's see. Your exploits on the Condor were noted by those higher, and not just because you've been sleeping with Tlacotli or because of your father, though all three together are quite the alarm bell." He turned to face me. "Your father checked out a second encryption randomizer key from Tohingo. Did he give it to you?"