Steele Investigations Pt. 01

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Blind ex-cop turns to detective work.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 05/15/2024
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Blake Steele

Chapter One

The most annoying aspect to being blind is everyone around you acting funny. Not funny Haha, but uncomfortable. He has gotten used to it. Besides, he can't see them anyway, if they are uncomfortable, so be it. He has used it to his advantage once or twice.

Until eighteen months ago, he was a detective with the NYPD. He had been there for fifteen years and was progressing towards a nice career. He had helped solve a few big cases and was well thought of on the force.

That all changed on August second of last year. While investigating a tip on one of his cases he was ambushed by assailant's unknown. He was hit in the head and his partner forgot the shooter in his effort to get help there quickly. Surprisingly, he survived until the ambulance arrived, and made it to the hospital alive. Several surgeries and days later, he survived. However, he had lost his eyesight.

When he came too, he was surprised, first to have come too, and secondly, that Samatha Watson was holding his hand. He could tell by her perfume, but he would have known that hand anywhere.

"Well, what do you know." Sam nearly cried as she saw his eyes open. "About time you woke up. Do you think we all have time to sit here waiting on you?"

Blake tried to speak but couldn't.

"No, no, no talking. The doctors say you will need more strength to overcome the hand you have been dealt. However, I didn't doubt for a second you would survive the surgeries. You are too stubborn to allow anything to dictate to you."

Blake just squeezed her hand and wouldn't let go.

Within a few minutes, word had gotten out that he was awake, the other officers began streaming in, against doctor's orders, to speak to their friend. The first was his Captain, Frank LaGuardia.

"So, you've decided to bless us with your presence, have you?"

Sam cut in, "He's not able to talk yet. So, get in whatever you want before he starts talking again."

"No, I'll leave him to rest. There are several of the others here to see for themselves. We won't stay long."

That began a steady stream of officers that would say a word pat him on the shoulder and leave, until finally, the doctor cut them off.

He was able to leave the hospital a couple of weeks later. He went into a rehab center that specialized in blind people.

Sam came to see him almost every day. The time with her was easily the best time of his day in the center.

He was eventually able to leave the center after nearly six months. He had been awarded a medal and given a full pension. The mayor had a ceremony honoring him. Sam pushed him through on in a wheelchair. He was not ready to walk without sight yet.

NYPD and the center adjusted his apartment to accommodate his new circumstances.

Six months after the attack he was sitting on his couch in his apartment. It was surreal. He had no idea how he was going to go on now. NYPD was paying for a full-time attendant/ nurse. He would need them for the foreseeable future.

The days went by, and he became more comfortable with his situation. Sam came by often, and she was there the day they first took him out into the world blind. She was there for every major step as he learned how to live as a blind man in a sighted world.

He was especially thankful that his friends in the Detective Section came by just to talk. Over time, they started asking him questions about their cases. They would lay out a case, and he would ask questions and make observations.

After another six months, he had begun to figure out how to maneuver a little on his own. They had wanted to give him a seeing-eye dog, but he didn't feel he was ready for that. Besides, he had a nurse that he could lean on for now.

Just as he was beginning to wonder how to spend the rest of his days, his old Captain came to see him.

"Blake, I wanted to tell you that you helped us crack a case. You remember Bill Smith?" Sure, he did. Bill had come by more than once to talk. He listened to Bill's cases and made a couple of suggestions. "He had talked to you about one of his cases, and the suggestions you made helped him crack the case. He gave you a lot of the credit."

Blake smiled for the first time in a while. "He is being too kind. I was just so glad to talk to him, and the other guys. Anything I can do to repay them for the time they spend with me makes me very happy. Thanks, Frank. You don't know happy that makes me feel."

Frank got up, patted Blake on the shoulder. "I will come back later. I have a couple of ideas, but I want to discuss them with the Chief first."

After Frank left, Blake sat and thought about that for several minutes. Ever since he healed from his wounds, his mind had been racing. At first the doctors thought it was the natural result of his injury. However, after a few months, he began to surprise the doctors. He could remember what was said word for word. They started testing him, and he could solve complex problems in his head. The more they tested him, the more amazed they were. His brain power was off the charts. He could solve crossword puzzles with ease. They would give him the clue and number of letters, and he would tell them the answer within seconds.

After numerous tests and discussions with specialists, they decided the damage to his brain must have opened other channels that he is utilizing.

All Blake knew was his mind raced all the time. He had his attendant read him the newspaper. He listened to the radio to keep up with current events. After Frank had left, his comments had confirmed something that had been brewing in his own mind. He might be able to assist the force by analyzing data. He dearly hoped so.

One night, Sam was over for dinner. She came often for dinner to give the attendants the night off. Sam was floored by how quick his mind was now. He was never slow, but this is next level. She wasn't surprised when Blake broached his idea.

"Sam, I have been thinking about maybe asking the force if I could "consult" with some of their most difficult cases. Do you think I am nuts?"

"No, I don't. As a matter of fact, I happen to know this idea has been broached at the higher levels of the city. I think this will happen."

"Great, I need something to do constructive. I need to get to work somehow."

"Blake, I need to speak to you about something I have been thinking about for several months."

She drew quiet until Blake finally put his fork down and waited.

"I know they will use you, even if it is unofficially. Your mind is now something you can put to good use. AND, I must tell you that your attendant is leaving. The insurance has decided it was long enough. He will only be here a couple of weeks more."

That was news to Blake. The attendant had been reading him his mail, but I guess he didn't have the heart to tell him that. "I'll adjust. Maybe I'll get that dog after all."

"That's one answer. I have another option. I have been spending almost as much time here as I have at work. They have noticed. They want me to quit spending as much time here as I have up to now."

Blake's heart sank. She had been his only joy since he came home. He didn't think he wanted to find out what that would be like.

She could sense what he was thinking. She reached out and took his hand. "Given my choices, I have decided to quit the force. I think we can make a good team solving mysteries. It would be much more interesting than just interviewing suspects or victims all the time."

"Sam, you don't know how much that would mean to me, but you can not quit your job. You have bills, and I have no idea how much we would make doing this."

"All true. It makes no sense, but sometimes a person must go with their gut. I would rather be your assistant instead of this job. You have an extra room with the attendant leaving. We can consolidate our expenses."

Sam quietly got up and went and sat down on Blake's lap. In an instant, both knew exactly what she had in mind. He cried as she kissed him.

She stayed the next three days. By day they discussed how this new arrangement would work. By night they sealed the deal. At the end of the week, Sam went to work to discuss with her employers. The news was all over the force by noon.

It didn't take long for Frank to call. "You old dog, you. I am happy for both of you, but I'm not sure it is wise for her to quit the department."

"I agree. Maybe you can talk her out of it. I haven't had any luck so far."

"Really? She is as hardheaded as you are. That's what makes this match perfect for you. She will not put up with your bullshit. She won't let you pity yourself for your situation."

Blake had to agree with Frank's assessment. "You are right about that. However, I think I can help with some of the old cases or difficult cases. Anything to be of use to someone."

"Okay. I will get back to you as soon as I have something concrete."

Over the next two weeks, the attendant moved out and Sam moved in. Once she was settled, they began to flesh out how their investigations would work.

Of course, Sam would do all the leg work. She would follow the paper trails and recite everything in detail for Blake. As they interviewed the people, Sam would put every interview on tape that Blake could access.

Sam agreed to be Blake's guide whenever they went out. She kiddingly called herself his seeing eye dog. At first, he was angry about that, but soon, it became a private thing between them.

One day, Blake called his neighbor, Bobby Benson, and asked him to come over. Bobby was an expert at computers, and Blake had an idea he could help them.

Bobby came over that evening. "Thanks for coming over. How would you like to make a little extra money?"

"You're kidding, right? I could always use some extra money. What do you have in mind?"

"Sam and I are starting a consulting company. We will need the standard business computers. However, we will undoubtably need more exotic equipment in the future, as well as someone we trust to operate it, sometimes. Might you be interested?"

Bobby looked at Sam and smiled. "Exotic is always better than mundane. I am in."

Bobby made a list of the standard business programs they would need and promised them he would bring the new computers by within a couple of days and set their business programs up.

Blake spoke up. "Even though Sam would operate the computers most of the time I would like to have a voice operated function so could speak to the computers and they would say what I ask for back. Is that possible?"

"It's possible, but sort of expensive. How much do you want to spend?"

"I have money. As you can tell by my apartment furnishings, I haven't spent much of my salary over the years. Whatever it takes, if Sam asks for something, please try, and get it. Understand?"

"Perfectly. This is going to be fun." Bobby left with visions in his head.

Sam waited until Bobby was gone before she spoke. This became their pattern. They would never talk about what they were thinking until they were alone. "Do you really want to spend a lot of money until we have money coming in?"

"I know, it may not be smart. But I am confident with your skills and my recently enhanced brainpower, we will be fine."

They decided to adjourn to quieter quarters to further this discussion.

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percy18 days ago

Good beginning!


chytownchytown18 days ago

*****May we have at least 40 Parts to Steele Investigations!!! Great start. Thanks for sharing.

Lector77Lector7719 days ago

welcome to the newest member of the We Don't Need NO Stinkin, Editors club.

Our author, who shows promise, has given us many gifts in this short opening chapter.

Here are a few:

Greengrocers' apostrophe?

“he was ambushed by assailant's unknown.”


“first to have come too”

That old on/in trick…

“Sam pushed him through on in a wheelchair. “

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum19 days ago

A new hero and heroine are born. Will be interested in seeing if you can come up with unusual cases to solve. Good luck.

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