Step on Me Pt. 01


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"I said come. Lay across my lap. I'll show you how my own mother used to teach me a lesson whenever I showed her disrespect."

I looked at Nam's thin thighs and found the idea of laying across them to be preposterous. She was tiny in comparison and I'd likely crush her if I attempted to clamber all over her. Besides, the idea of laying across her lap was ridiculously inappropriate and, frankly, somewhat comical. What did she think she was going to do? Spank some respect into me? Hell would freeze over before I let this entitled homewrecker manhandle me in such a way. "Okay," I said while shaking my head. "I've had enough of this. I came here to be reasonable and this is getting out of hand. I played along with your games, calling you mommy and that." I shuddered at the recollection of uttering that word, before composing myself. "I better be leaving. I guess we'll see you in court."

"See you there then," Nam said with a taunting smile. "I hope you enjoy being a college dropout. Dentist, you said, right? Too bad that will never happen."

However, once home in the small apartment my mother and I were renting, I looked at my reflection in the mirror in the hallway. I saw a gown draped over my shoulders and a mortarboard atop my head, its tassel tossing about as I excitedly celebrated my educational achievement. But as I looked, the image disappeared and I was left staring back at myself, stood there in my loose t-shirt, my hair dishevelled and my cheeks flushed. If I left now, without any help from Nam, my education was certainly over. Even if we managed to win in court and I could afford the fees next year, I'd likely have to repeat the current year since I'd have been kicked out mid-way through. That was a setback I just couldn't face, and what would the cost be? My pride?

An hour later, I was back at my old house, and Nam smirked when she opened the door. "Sooner than I expected," she said, before leaving the door open and walking back inside.

I followed her in, remembering to remove my shoes, and she was already sat back on the chaise lounge.

"You really must be desperate," she said with a snigger.

I looked at her, that tiny girl with her thin little arms. What was she going to do anyway? Slap my butt with her miniscule palms and fingers. It'd probably be nothing more than a tickle, and if it meant I walked away with my college fees, then it was probably a price worth paying? Who else would ever know anyway?

Nam notably smirked as I tentatively stepped back towards her. I sighed while looking down towards the floor, feeling too ashamed to meet her eyes. "Please, mommy," I said with a wince. Saying that word wasn't becoming any easier, but I needed that money, and I wanted a way to get it without suffering the humiliation of being spanked or whatever it was she had in mind. "Please just tell me what I need to do so that you'll help me pay my college fees. Is there anything else I can do?"

"I was only going to require you ask me politely for it at first, that would have been enough to satisfy me. But, since you were so rude." Nam smirked again, then she made a pronounced display of slowly slapping her thigh again. "Down on your knees, child," she said with a snarl. "Lay across mommy's lap." There was a giggle that escaped from her lips, and I wondered if this was a stupid game she was playing. Perhaps she was on a power-trip and she was seeing just how far she could push me. Maybe if I just gave her what she wanted, she'd tell me it was a test or something then write me a cheque without actually doing anything more. "You need to be taught a lesson."

I sighed again, then resigned myself to my fate, with the tiniest fragment of hope that she was just playing around with me. Even if this was a game, I had no other choice than to go along with it. I cursed myself for not heeding the words of my mother, and I'd put myself in the very position that I feared. I was about to be humiliated at the hand of the very girl who had wrecked my happy family, and I'd willingly walked into what was now her house and pretty much offered myself up to her. I was trembling in nervous fear, whereas Nam sat the picture of content confidence. It was only a self-deluding sense of this all being worth it and a focus on the end goal of graduating that finally convinced me to drop to my knees and lean over her lap.

I felt embarrassed as I was draped across her bare thighs, the bikini bottoms barely covering her sex in a vulgar way. Once in place, I immediately felt her prominent breasts rest against my back as she leant over me, her small hand coming to grip the back of my neck. In some ways, the weight of her ample bosom on my back made me feel both inadequate and inferior; all the while my own flat chest sank into her toned thighs. She probably didn't even need to use her hands, such was the size of her breasts. I squirmed under her hold and never in my life had I felt more like a child; held in place by a girl half my size. Even if she let me stand up at that moment, the damage had already been done to my confidence; I was a child in comparison to this complete woman and all of her superior assets.

While easily balancing me on her lap, Nam reached down and removed a slipper, then, holding me by the neck, she yanked down my pants and began slapping the leather sole against my bare behind. The first impact jolted my entire body with a light sting, and though I could easily bear the blow, it punctured me straight through my self-esteem, making me abundantly aware of exactly what was happening: I was being spanked on the bottom by my enforced Thai step-mother, a girl that was practically the same age as myself. As she tanned my ass again and again, those light stings quickly became painful, and I almost transitioned to an out of body experience, such was the humiliation that was flowing through every nerve ending in my body. Each smack of leather against my skin was a new reminder of the pathetic position I'd allowed myself to surrender to; being disciplined by the very girl who had torn my life apart.

"In Thailand we discipline our children," she said through gritted teeth, while I pathetically squirmed on her lap and struggled to get away. Despite being much larger than her, and awkwardly balancing across her thighs, her sharp fingernails dug into my neck and held me in place.

"We're not in Thailand," I whined, which only seemed to encourage her to spank me with greater force.

"Stop struggling and accept your punishment, you naughty child," she said. "I am your parent now and you will respect my authority."

"You're not my mother," I whined. "You're just--" An extra forceful spank against my ass cheek left me yelping and unable to finish. "Please, stop," I cried, as tears began to stream down my face. "Please, I can't take it anymore."

With that, Nam only seemed to strike my rear with greater frequency and force. "I will whip you into shape," she said, pronouncing each word with a determined spank. "I will teach you to be a respectful daughter in a way your useless mother never could. No Thai child would ever insult an elder the way you insulted me online."

I squealed at the constant, repetition of strikes against my ass that were rapidly turning it numb. I wanted to tell her that she was wrong, that my mom was a great mother, but the merciless leathering of my ass was drilling into me that at that moment; whatever Nam decided was the truth would be accepted by me without questioning.

Finally, much to my relief, Nam dropped her slipper to the floor, though she kept me held in place. I flinched as I felt her fingertip on my ass, tracing the indentations of the slipper sole that she had imprinted in my flesh. "What have you learned, dear daughter?"

"I'm sorry, mommy," I pleaded while I squirmed and writhed beneath the clamp-like pincers of her breasts and thighs. "I'll never disrespect you again. I'll never use language like that again." I felt utterly ridiculous, a grown woman in her twenties being so easily manhandled and punished by a woman half my size, while begging her for a reprieve in the process. Sure, she was my step-mother, by law, but she wouldn't have been able to punish me in such a way if I hadn't freely surrendered to her will. "Please, mommy," I said, and with that final squeal, Nam released my neck and allowed me to roll off onto the floor with a thump.

I lay there for a few minutes, coughing and wheezing while trying to catch my breath. By this point, my ass was red raw and felt like it was on the verge of falling off. I thought that it was over and finally I could catch a break, however, Nam had other ideas and she nudged me with her bare foot. "Put my slipper back on, child," she said.

"Yes, mommy," I said, almost automatically, as if the spanking had somehow reshaped my entire attitude so that the response was robotic. I managed to clamber to my knees and picked up the house slipper, marvelling at how soft and delicate it seemed, in comparison to the damage it had inflicted on my poor bottom. My hands were still shaking from the ordeal I had just been through, and I had to concentrate in order to slide the slipper onto Nam's dainty foot; her green painted toes wiggling excitedly once they'd slipped beneath the strap.

Satisfied, she returned her slippered foot to the floor, placing it neatly next to the other. "Bow down, daughter," she said while pointing at her feet. "Pray at my feet and thank me for teaching you this lesson." Her voice was imperious and strict, yet hidden behind it, there was a girlish amusement and fascination, almost as if she was surprised that I was pathetic enough to actually allow this to happen.

I stared at her feet, completely bemused and taken aback by the journey I had seemed to be undertaking beyond my control. I had turned up here to persuade Nam to share with me my own inheritance, and somehow, I'd ended up with my ass firmly spanked and was now kneeling at the feet of the foreign harlot who had stole my father away from us. Even when I'd managed to muster some pride and leave, I'd come crawling back, because I really had no other option at this point. If my mother was party to these happenings then she'd be completely ashamed and disgraced by my capitulation. Don't you dare, that's what she'd said. Well, I'd dared and now I was regretting it.

"Lower," Nam encouraged me, and in turn I lowered my head until my forehead was resting against the cold, hard surface of our polished, wooden floor; it chilled me to the bone, almost as much as Nam's seamless authority over me. "Put your hands out and touch my feet," she said, which I did immediately, wanting to recoil in disgust as soon as my fingertips touched her toes, but knowing I could bear such a humiliating activity way more than the one I had just previously been victim to. Nam, in turn, shuffled her feet forwards so that the slipper sole snuggled beneath my fingers whereas her toes came to rest on top of my nails. "Pray and express your gratitude for this lesson." Again, there was that young, girlish giggle hidden amongst the words.

I wasn't entirely sure what I was supposed to say. "Errr, I pray to you and thank you for this lesson," I said, while feeling both awkward and ridiculous.

"And who am I?" she said, while gripping my fingers with her toes.

"My mommy."

With that, Nam couldn't help herself any longer, and she loudly chuckled while drawing her feet away and standing to her smallish height. "Fine, I will help you with your tuition if you're so desperate for it," she said, while sauntering away towards my father's writing desk. "How much do you need?"

I was still on my knees, my hands outstretched towards the base of the chaise lounge. I could barely comprehend what she was saying, such was the mental surrender she'd instilled within me in such a short amount of time and my ass still felt like it was on fire. She was actually going to give me the tuition? For real? The humiliation had all been worth it? I clambered to my feet, then stuttered a number of times, before finally squeaking out, "About $6000 for the fees."

Nam nodded, then scribbled the cheque as if it was nothing. She swivelled, the robe flying open and offering a greater view of those breasts that had been pressing into my back as she smacked my behind repeatedly. They sent a shudder down my spine. She held the cheque out to me in her manicured fingers, but as I was about to take it with my shaking hand, she snatched it away. "I'm not just handing you this money freely, this is an investment, and one day I'll expect you to pay me back."


"In my culture it's important to respect, obey and care for your parents. Since we've established you now see me as your step-mother, you would do well to remember that and treat me accordingly."

"Umm, okay. I'll be politer with you in future."

Nam nodded her head. "That's a good start."

She handed me the cheque, and I saw that it only covered the tuition, which caused me to grimace. "I'm going to need a bit more than that."

She was already in the process of turning away, but paused and looked up at me shocked. "I thought you were asking for money for your college tuition?"

"I am, but, you know, I have to live too." For some reason, despite my observation being totally reasonable, I felt awkward mentioning it, like a child asking for permission to leave the dinner table.

Nam shrugged, her lips curled in a grimace, before she obnoxiously said, "Then get a job."

I was stood there, flummoxed, wanting to utter a devastating retort that would show her how things really were, but instead finding myself unable to utter a word. She reached out a hand and grasped my weak bicep, before guiding me towards the door.

"Now, before you leave, Dawn," she said while opening the front door. "I want you to think about this. You came here today to ask for money. You never once offered your condolences for the loss of my husband, your father. I have given you the money that you asked for. But apparently, I am the terrible person around here? At least I sent you both a card during our loss. I've maintained my face, where is yours? Think about that the next time you see your mother and you're enjoying the education I just paid for."

I left my father's house, well, actually, Nam's house in a confused and dazed state, clutching a cheque for my tuition while waddling down the street with a sting in my ass. I'd never been so brutally humiliated in all my life, and I felt like I had betrayed my mother, because I'd given the woman she hated so much the upper hand, even more so than she already had.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The title of the story is "Step On Me" ...yet no one is stepped on! The story basically sucks out loud!

Huff244Huff244almost 2 years ago

The Nam character is so hot! I wish I had someone in my life to dominate me like that.

footboy1984footboy1984about 2 years ago

ohh please write part 2. maybe Nam have some sisters and the daughter must worship the feets too

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wish she would've been more brutal, actually trampling her or knocking her down for being so mean to her Asian superior!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

holy crap thai girls are so hot they're like my ultimate findom fantasy

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very real. Many older guys have done similar with Asian girls. Nam is absolutely right in this story....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Welcome back! Your stories are always very unique and entertaining. This was a strong start to the latest adventure. Love the unexpected dynamics that you always put in place between characters. Looking forward to the next chapter of this tale, and whatever else you have planned for this year.

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