Stephanie Unmasked Pt. 01


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Don't look at it.

Aside from how strange it felt to be hairless down there, she had noticed a bunch of awful red bumps appear soon after they were done. Figuring she must have been allergic to the wax, Stephanie had one more reason to regret allowing the treatment. But, she had things to do, so she wouldn't look at it, or let it dwell in her thoughts. She would forget the mess she had made on her legs when she had needed to use the bathroom at work later yesterday. She would ignore all the extra sensation on her vulva, sensation that made something even as mundane as pulling on a pair of cotton panties an embarassing, ticklish experience.

She fixed herself some muesli and a coffee, and put on some trashy Netflix. What was important was that she was up. There would be plenty of time to get ready and pack her bag, that she didn't need to start right this moment.

A couple of episodes later, she heard her phone beep. "I don't suppose that can be good," she presumed as she returned to the kitchen for her phone. The message was from Lily. "Really sorry, my mum has just been rushed to hospital-" blah blah blah. She should have known Lily would be unreliable. She was certainly good value company, but it was somewhat unsurprising that she would turn out to be the flakey sort. She probably just got her period, or woke up on this Saturday morning, naked, in a strange and beautiful apartment in the arms of a strange and beautiful man.

Stephanie hadn't even bothered getting Anne's contact number, but she didn't really care now. With Lily dropping out, she felt like she couldn't bring herself to go. She felt oddly torn somewhere between disappointed and relieved, and ultimately decided that another quiet weekend with her local food market and keeping on top of the laundry sounded great after all. Best of all, she could now upgrade her Netflix session into a full-on binge without a hint of stress. She replied to Lily that everything was fine. Then she texted her best friend Bella, to cancel the planned lift to the airport.

A couple of hours later found Stephanie lying on her couch again, catching up on a drama that was decent at best. An enjoyable waste of time. A load of laundry was already on the line, and the dishwasher was doing it's thing. It was a typical Saturday, and in her mind she had rationalised that she was perfectly happy with how things had worked out.

*Bing, Bong!*

Steph jumped a little, as she always did when someone unexpected showed up at her door. Who could that be? Hopefully just someone collecting for charity. Charity? Damn, a sudden pang of guilt... she got to the door - it was Bella! Steph hesitated and bit her lip - had Bella not got her message? More guilt. She definitely should have called - not texted. Now her friend had just wasted a trip. She would have to at least entertain her with lunch and a few episodes of whatever she wanted.

Steph opened the door, and a grinning Bella burst into the room, looking as energetic as ever. Isabella and Stephanie had been best friends since meeting as college sophomores, and they had managed to develop a fitness regime together, and kept each other motivated to stay in top shape. Bella was shorter than Steph, with dark looks and long, straight black hair. She also had twice the curves, with boobs and bum galore that drew a lot of stares at the gym. Stares that she encouraged with her fashionable roster of low cut singlets and ultra tight, scrunch-bum pants.

What Steph didn't realise though, was that plenty of those stares went her way too. Her lighter, more balanced build appealed to more men than she would have ever guessed. Many would even prefer her more modest, but perfectly rounded C cup bosoms over Bella's great big ones. Stephanie never showed any cleavage, or God forbid, side boob, but she underestimated the knack men had for picking out the things they liked. Of course, if she were to have gone to the ball tonight, she would have been showing off both in that jaw dropping dress she had hidden away.

"I'm so sorry babe!" Steph began apologising earnestly. "I sent you a message this morning, but Lily pulled out and I'm not going anywhere now."

Bella grinned her usual mischievous grin that usually preceded talking Steph into doing something she didn't want to do. "I got your message, and I laughed. I said, 'what a surprise, Steph's piking!' And then I deleted it. Guess what, babe, you are going! I'm going to make you!"

"Hmmm, no, not this time. I've decided. You can't always make me change my mind, and we aren't in college anymore."

"Oh, college shmollege. Nothing ever changes. Which is why I knew that you needed me to make you get on that plane. I could tell you were excited about going - and God knows I'm jealous. So I'm not letting you pass this one by. Come on, let's go pack your things real quick. We don't have much time."

Stephanie was about to protest further, but her friend had already skipped off towards her bedroom. She was never able to win a dispute with Bella, and usually it turned out for the best. Bella 'made' her do things sometimes, and the end result was admittedly having at least a little fun together.

If only Bella could come with me instead!

By the time Steph had got a hold of herself and thought of what she would say to make her desist (if just this once?) Bella already had her little overnight travel trunk out on top of the bed. Presently she emerged from the ensuite, and bumped past Steph with hands full with the humble contents of her makeup drawer. She dumped them into the open suitcase, which would pass for hand luggage at the airport.

"Slow down, Bella, I was about to say-"

"Oh save it for next week and pack something. You already know I'm going to win this. If you really don't want to go, you'll find a way to miss your flight and get a taxi home. But right now we are going to pack you up and get you on your way."

Steph's protests choked up in her throat. She knew Bella was right. Even though she was certain she didn't want to go if it meant just her and bloody boring Anne, there was no use in pretending that she could change Bella's mind. So she sighed heavily, and thought about what she needed. The dress and mask were the main things, of course. And stilettos (she was no stranger to high heels, often wearing them for work. You might say that Stephanie Vice was a complex individual, and somewhat selective in her prudish ways).

She had also planned on wearing the same hairpiece that had survived from prom night - a silver tiara. She was going to want her comfy flannelette pajamas, a change of clothes for tomorrow, and obviously a couple of sets of underwear and socks. So she set to work, quickly acquiring the clothing she needed, and throwing it on the bed while Bella folded them into her suitcase.

"So you have a dress then, I'm assuming? Though I don't remember you inviting me out dress shopping."

"Actually, I'm just going to wear my prom dress. It's a similar enough event and I'm not going to be one of those idiots that have a menagerie of dresses they've only worn once."

"Oh cool, but Steph, ummm... that was a few years ago, is it still ok?"

"Yes! I checked it for moths and what not. It looks brand new! It's hot actually. Silk, if you can believe that. You would be surprised to see me in this!" And with that, she whipped the dress out of her wardrobe. It was in a protective bag, but the pale violet silk could be seen. It was a long gown, but thin and revealing. Bella's eyes went wide.

"Oh, now I really am jealous. I've already moved my prom dress on. I didn't quite have these tits or ass back when I was 18! Oh, but babe..." Bella seemed to have thought of something important. "What knickers are you going to wear? You've only given me a few pairs of briefs so far, but-"

"Don't get excited! Those are the only sort I have, and I'm not planning on letting anyone see them!"

Isabella scrunched up her face, as if holding back on an unhelpful comment of some variety. If it was about underpants, Stephanie didn't need to hear it.

The passing of a couple hours found Steph seated 35,000 feet in the air. It had been a close thing making her flight in the end, thanks to an accident on the highway causing a 30 minute delay. It had been just as well she didn't need to check in any luggage, and in the end she had made it at a run with her little travel trunk in one hand, and the other holding her long dress hanger over her shoulder.

Before setting her down, Bella had been concerned for the time, muttering something about not having a chance to pop in at Victoria's Secret before the flight. But Steph was glad in a way. She was late, which, though not like her at all, had meant that she hadn't had excess time to sit around and maybe change her mind. She was doing this now, and she couldn't deny that she was excited.

Of course she was nervous about going into a ball not knowing anybody - she wouldn't even recognise 'Mysterious Leader' if she saw him. Not that she would be comfortable tagging along with her boss! There was still Anne... apparently. She hadn't seen Anne on the plane, but then again, she had been in a mad rush to make the flight.

But even if it was the worst case and she knew not a single soul at this party, Stephanie took some comfort in the fact that nobody who knew her would be seeing her so uncharacteristically glammed up. And she had the mask to hide how nervous she was sure to look.

A few champagnes and I'll be fine.

The thing was, the only other time she had worn the dress turned out to be an extensive exercise in embarrassment and discomfort. It showed the sides of her breasts which the salesperson had convinced her was 'suitably daring', but on the night just felt lewd. She had spent much of the evening with her arms folded across her chest, and throughout it all, nobody had actually made the effort to complement her. What was a girl to think? It was rather tragic really, that she had not been able to enjoy herself the one time she had put herself out there as a highly desirable, and very available young woman. Instead, Stagnant Stephanie had been born.

Tonight would be different. She was 22 now, and though she wasn't in the habit of showing off much flesh in public, she did feel significantly more confident in her own skin. She just didn't know how to express it. So tonight was going to be something of an experiment for her. Could she really leave her established persona of Stagnant Stephanie behind at her home airport? Will she be able to sit confidently without trying to cover up the revealed skin on her chest? Will she actually dance this time? But more importantly... will she smile at the men, and welcome them to talk to her. Will she listen and respond, and let them make her laugh? Will she permit them a fair study of her neckline without calling them out as perverts?

Oh, that's right. Masks.

The Auream Grand served as both the venue for the ball, and her lavishly expensive accommodation. But she hadn't imagined beforehand just how expensive. The hotel entrance was old, classic, and - as in the name - grand. The staff treated her like royalty. It was weird for her, since Stephanie had no wealth, and wasn't accustomed to this much fussing. But she had to admit - the attention felt good, and she was beginning to get into the mood for a night at the high end of town.

As predicted by Lily the day before, Anne was a no-show! Steph was going to have their room to herself. If she was being honest, she really wouldn't have cared for just Anne's company anyway. She was sure they would have made for an insufferable pair of downers. They would have needed the high energy and promiscuity of Lily to balance out the dynamics. Without her, going it solo was the next best thing.

"Oh my Lord!" Steph exclaimed when the porter opened her room for her. It was exquisite, and enormous. It was overkill even for three people, but she had it to herself? A large common area with boutique style furniture connected to an enormous looking master suite, and another bedroom. It was without a doubt bigger than her whole house! The extravagance and luxury quickly had its effect on the single fortunate occupant. There was no work to do, she just had to relax and enjoy. As if to confirm this notion, a bottle of Moet sat in an ice bucket on the coffee table, along with three glasses. The porter took her bags all the way through to the master suite before Steph could protest that it probably wasn't for her, and was back in seconds.

"Would there be anything else, Miss Vice?"

"Ummm, no thank you. Thanks very much." Steph felt awkward without anything more gratifying to say, but she offered the man a tip of a few dollars, and he bowed and left silently. He was probably secretly disappointed - Steph couldn't even tip enough to look for a moment like she belonged in this suite.

Alone, Stephanie looked at the bottle of Moet on the coffee table, and smiled to herself. "Well, when in Rome," she said out loud to all the fancy things that adorned her fancy living quarters.

An hour later saw Step finishing off an amazing club sandwich with fries. She had received a call from room service, who insisted that lunch had been pre-authorised for her room. Even so, she gawked at the inflated prices, and allowed herself only to indulge in one of the cheapest items on the menu. It had still been delicious. Or maybe she just perceived it that way on account of the convenience factor, and her luxurious surroundings. It also wouldn't have been ridiculous to say that her good mood was influenced by no less than two and a half glasses of Moet. Stephanie was no stranger to alcohol, but she usually kept the count at one or two.

She was presently wondering whether she should savour the dregs of her glass rather than draining it quickly and pouring a 4th. She knew she shouldn't, but if there's one thing that alcohol makes you want when it puts you in a good mood - it's more alcohol. Stephanie bit her lip. She was smarter than this. It would do no good to get drunk now, and then be a mess for the ball (or sleep through it entirely).

Instead, she ran herself a hot bath. It was a wondrous thing in her opinion, the old cast iron sort - standalone, with clawed feet; a fitting fixture for the boutique style suite. After taking off her clothes in the bedroom to ensure they stayed dry, she returned to the ensuite, and finally permitted herself a moment for inspection. To assess the damage... down there.

"Oh?" All the nasty red bumps were gone! Now she was just perfectly smooth; hair-free, and without a single blemish. Stephanie stared at herself in the mirror. Normally, she didn't look too closely at her own private areas, but with this outrageous new development, and nearly three champagnes down the hatch, she was making a small exception.

She had never really noticed it before, but her mons pubis was quite well pronounced, and standing upright as she was, a pink hint of her lady parts were visible too. Stephanie looked up to her face, and saw that she was blushing. She blushed even harder, ran out the room to fetch the bottle after all, dimmed the light, and hopped into the hot bath.

She hadn't brought any products in with her. Her only intention was to soak her stressed, hard worked body in that tub, and kill most of the time that remained before the ball. She finished her drink, and refilled it. "Just one more," she promised herself. She sipped on the expensive wine; the coolness was an enjoyable contrast to the hot water surrounding her. With her free hand she gently rubbed her body - a kind of half-assed attempt at actually washing herself. After caressing a breast in this way, she had to admit that she was mostly doing it for the simple pleasure of being touched. Her nipple felt more sensitive than usual. She looked down, and saw that the pink bud was all swollen.

"But I guess I can't blame the cold," Stephanie muttered with a giggle, before her hand headed further south. She wasn't sure yet, but she was toying with the idea of exploring the newly excavated landscape down there. Stephanie generally kept her touching in and around that area to practical purposes, and if she found herself feeling a little amorous, and her hand naturally crept towards her sex, she would get embarassed, and force herself to stop. This afternoon might be different. She had nothing but time to kill, and lay under the spell of mild intoxication. She didn't have any sort of bathtub in her little duplex, let alone a nice big one like this. Certainly, taking a bath had never, ever, felt like this before.

It was something of a shame that there were no witnesses, because Stephanie Vice cut quite the sensual figure, soaking nude in the luxurious tub, lights set to dim, her long hair out and hanging over the back. Her breasts were proudly on show, bobbing half beneath the waterline. She had a champagne flute in one hand, but the visual on her other arm became warped, for she reached deep beneath the surface. Her fingertips were on her belly, but she was slowly walking them further south.

Yes, something was indeed changing in young Stephanie. A large part of it was surely the influence of her sexually active friends. Bella, the great show-off, and Lily from work with all her sleazy stories. For some time now, she vaguely understood that she was missing out on something important. She might never have admitted it, even to herself, but deep down - she knew.

On some level she had already made the decision to flirt with her neglected sexuality tonight. Over the last few weeks, the anticipation for this masquerade ball had been building. Lily had dropped hints about how they were going to look 'just so hot'. The masks they had received had been beautiful gifts that compounded their excitement. And the idea that her face would be partly hidden went a long way towards convincing her to dust off the most glamorous and revealing item that hung at the end of her wardrobe.

And now, since arriving at this over-the-top luxury hotel suite and being greeted by a bottle of expensive champagne, room service for lunch, and a few hours to kill with nothing to do but relax until it was time to get ready - Stephanie was drifting into a certain appropriate mood. No one could say whether the ball would be a hit or a miss, but the escape had already begun. The escape from her ordinary routine, and the escape from her own prudish mindset and self imposed limitations. She felt it. Tonight, she was not Stagnant Stephanie anymore. She didn't know what she was yet. Was 'Sexy Stephanie' too much of a stretch?

She felt no shame, or guilt, as she finally permitted her fingers to assess the aftermath of the brazilian wax. She had sported quite the carpet of thick brown curls there, and couldn't remember what it felt like without them. Her natural bush had been keeping some of her woman's body secret, and touching herself there was very much a new sensation. All of a sudden, touching herself was fascinating.

She reached further down still, and slid her hand down the inside of a thigh. Stephanie bit her lip, and pushed her knees outwards. Widely, for the tub easily accommodated it. She teased her repositioned thigh a little more, and traced a bikini line that, for the first time in years, she would be able to show off in a fashionable swimsuit. Well, it might still take some pestering from Bella to coax her to leave the house in one. But at the very least, it was nice to consider that she would finally meet the requirements to do so!

She caressed her outer labia, which had also been rather hairy before. It was a soft thick pad, and touching there felt good. She had already known she was more sensitive since the wax, but until now, she had considered it a curse. At this moment, touching herself felt good. Possessing a bare vulva felt good. And, she also felt, dare she think it... a little... sexier.