Steven's Arizona SexVentures Pt. 03

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Marie takes a shower and Steven watches.
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Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/20/2024
Created 05/09/2024
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As riveting as his mother's story was, nothing else what Marie had revealed to her son was mentioned by either of them again that night. However being extremely tired as he was, Steven ventured off to bed, and woke feeling refreshed early the next day. After his morning shower, he left for work a little earlier than usual, not wanting to be late for his very important eight o'clock meeting with the rest of his team.

On the other hand, the same couldn't be said of Marie. When she finally dragged herself out of bed with a slight headache, she knew it was due to the mixed drinks she'd had while sharing her intense account with Steven regarding his dad and grandma from the night before.

Reconciled that someone else had finally found out about her husband's fornicating with his mother, it had been something she hadn't been able to completely get out of her mind since the very first night it happened.

And as it was for Steven, his day at work hadn't been uninteresting. Because of the things his mother had told him, what he'd found out his father had done with his own mother kept coming back to him in various ways.

But doing what he could to keep his mind centered on the things he should, and the importance of their first product launch coming in the short months ahead, he more or less succeeded to push it to the back of his mind. At least for right then.

In the late afternoon, when Steven arrived home, he was thankful his mother had dinner waiting. And only on her second day being there, he was delighted, after a long wait to get one of her home-cooked meals.

As they sat and enjoyed dining together, Steven couldn't push the thought out of his head about what his mother had told him the night before. But, with him so anxious about bringing up the subject or mention anything else about it, he didn't.

But a few hours after they'd eaten, about eight o'clock that night, Steven worked up his courage and said, "Mom, I'm not sure if I should ask, but I'd like to find out more about...Dad and grandma, and what you saw them doing. I hope you don't mind."

"Well, I guess that's understandable, honey. I know you can't help but be curious about it. What else would you like to know?"

"Well for one thing, did you ever see them doing that again? I mean, was it just a one-time thing, or...?"

"Steven, every single night while we were there, I know for a fact they had more get togethers. And every one of them happened after I'd made your dad believe that I'd gone to sleep. I think it had only been another half-hour later until they were going after each other after they'd thought I was out of it."

"Mom, are you saying they had sex every night, and you watched them doing it again?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Every night at about the same time...and definitely the same place, his mother's bedroom. And each time, the door was slightly open."

"And you're saying you never once asked either of them anything about what they were doing? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around that one. Why wouldn't you at least stand up to one of them about it?"

"I'll tell you why, Steven...because I was afraid to, that's why. And there's another reason, too."

"What's that, Mom?"

"Your dad and his mother, they always seemed to have a great relationship. From the time I met him, and when he first took me to meet your grandparents...he and his Mom were almost like...bosom buddies. It's difficult to describe it. But your dad was always so attentive to Libby; very protective like, and even babied her. she got a special kind of attention from him I don't ever remember him giving me...his own wife."

"Were you afraid of what kind of answer you might get from them? I mean, c'mon, mom, I don't think you were afraid that dad might do something bad or get violent, like hit you or something, right?"

"Absolutely not Steven! Your dad's never been like that with me. I've never had to be afraid of him that way. And I still don't think even today that he's got a mean bone in his body."

"Then what can it be, mom? I really think part of yours and dad's issues are about unanswered questions, hurts and resentments that the two of you just haven't worked out yet. Wouldn't you at least want to find out what those are, and take care of them so you and dad can be happy?"

Listening to her son give his opinion, Marie thought he sounded more like an old and wise experienced marriage counselor than a computer tech wiz. So she trusted him enough to say, "I really can't remember the last time I thought I was happy, son. I know I'd like to be, I really do."

"When's the last time that you and grandma talked, mom?"

"If you're referring to the woman who screwed her own son, and my husband, then that would be when we visited. The time I saw them having sex in her bedroom. Yeah, it's been a few years, Steven."

"You should call her. You owe it at least to yourself to clear the air, Mom. And think of it this way...what have you got to lose? I mean, she really can't deny it, can she? You saw, what you saw. And even though I don't know her personally, I'd like to think that she'd think enough of you to give the answers you're looking for."

"Do you really think it would do any good? It's literally been years since we've had anything to do with each other."

"Like I said, what can it hurt?"

"Yeah, I guess I should do it. Maybe I'll call her tomorrow while you're at work."

"That's good, mom. Now...I've got some new hardware diagrams to look over, and then I'm going to lie down for the rest of the night. How about I tell you goodnight now, because I'll be checking them out in my room until I go to sleep."

"Okay, honey. I'll probably stay up and watch TV for a while before I go to bed."

Marie and Steven went ahead and exchanged a standard mother and son hug and then she looked up and said, "I want to thank you for talking to me about this. I know this has to be a sensitive subject for you..."

Due to how she sometimes talked down to him in the past, unfortunately Steven completely misinterpreted his mother's meaning. To him he took it that she thought he was immature. Overreacting to what she said, he raised his voice, telling her...

"Dammit Mom, you've got to stop treating me like this! I'm not a little kid anymore!"

"Steven, you need to let me finish...please? Don't you realize because of what I've told you, and from what I've seen already, you're definitely a man now."

"Okay Mom, sorry."

"Like I was trying to say, you've got an insight, to be honest, I've never seen before. Even when it comes to mine and your dad's problems. It's as if you're twenty years older than you were only a few months ago.

"And when I tell you I never thought I'd see you having that kind of worldly wisdom, maybe that sounds at first like a putdown, but what I mean is, honey, you are all grown up now.

"And you're not my little boy, anymore. You've got important responsibilities, along with a high-paying job, and people who respect you, who work for you. I'm awe of you. Steven, you've made this old mother so proud of you."

"Mom, would you stop with this talk of you being old? The lady I see standing here's a very beautiful woman, who's very much still in her prime. And the truth is...I've been in awe of you, for a long time now."

When Steven declared to his mother how beautiful she was, accompanied by the genuine smile he had on his face, Marie had a euphoric tingle spread out inside her, loving how good it felt to be fawned over. But the more that prickly sensation swept through her, it reminded her of an attraction she had for her son that she, as in times past, tried to suppress, to the point of denying it was there.

Gazing up at him she saw how handsome he'd become. And for Marie Dickinson, it was never difficult for her to notice a handsome man. Especially, one as good looking as her Steven.

As her eyes scanned over him, Marie wasn't quite sure if she could hide the emotions trying to overtake her. But no matter what was going on in her own mind, she wasn't exactly sure what kind of thoughts were going on inside her own son's head. And rather than venturing a dip in those uncertain waters, she decided it best to just tell him, "Honey, it's been a long day, if you don't mind, I think I'd like to lie down now."

"Yeah, sure thing Mom. Thanks for going all out like you did in feeding us tonight. I appreciate all of your meals. Lori's not a bad cook, but I hope it's okay if I tell you..."

"You like my cooking better, don't you Steven?"

"Ha-ha, yeah...I do. Goodnight Mom."

And with that she gave her son an affectionate kiss on the cheek as she'd done for many years, and took herself off to bed.

But as she sauntered toward her bedroom, Marie had a sudden impulse to give a seductive swing and sway to her hips, twerking her ass as provocatively as she knew how. Before entering her bedroom she turned around one last time. Standing there was Steven, unquestionably gawking at his mother, his mouth gaping open with an almost hypnotic look on his face.

Flattered that she had drawn his attention like that, she wasn't quite sure what to say. So she simply puckered her lips and blew a mock kiss telling him, "Goodnight son, sweet dreams."


That next morning a few hours after Steven had left to go off to Celestion, Marie remembered from the night before about making that phone call to her estranged mother-in-law.

Taking a few minutes to make sure she had the right number, she entered the ten digits on her iPhone's keypad and then waited. Once she'd heard the call's fourth ring, she decided to hang up if it wasn't picked up by the sixth one. But it was on the fifth ring when she heard a distinctive voice on the other end...


" this Libby?"

"Yes it is. Oh, Marie, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me, Libby. It's been a long time since we've talked, isn't it?"

"Yes, too long, dear. Is everything okay? Are Leon and the kids all right? Oh dear, nobodies died, have they?"

"Everyone's well, Libby. Except nobody's really anywhere close to being a kid now. Steven's twenty-one, and he's got a really important job here in Arizona. Lori, she's eighteen, and she's been living with Steven in Arizona too. Well, at least since I got here. Now she's back home with Leon, and Mark. Y'know he's seventeen now, with one more year of high school to go before he graduates next year."

Marie and Libby chatted over small trivial subjects for a few minutes longer, until an important question was asked...

"Honey, I love hearing about everybody and getting to talk with you again, but why don't you tell me why you really called?"

Taking a deep breath to prepare herself, Marie finally said, "I called because I've got some questions for you, Libby."

"Why don't you call me mom? I always liked it when you called me mom after you and Leon got married. And then you stopped, and I think I know why, and why you've called me just now."

Once again reminded of the resentment she'd been harboring toward the woman who'd fucked her husband years in the past, she had no intention of referring to her in the way she wanted.

"How could you even ask me to do that Libby. With what you did, not just once, but every day that we stayed with you! You know what? I think this was one big mistake calling you! Why don't we just forget we even talked?"

"Marie, Marie...please...why don't we just..."

"Just what Libby? Pretend like you didn't do something with my husband that was way the fuck out of line?"

At that point in the phone call, a complete silence of about five seconds occurred.

"Marie, are you there?"



Without even mentioning to Steven that she'd called Libby, for about the next week they carried on with the same general pattern as they'd been doing; both mother and son getting up around the same time, Steven going off to work, and then Marie having a nice dinner ready for him when he got home.

Because of the tight schedule, Steven would dutifully report to his desk, even on the weekends, Saturday, as well as Sunday. It was necessary for him to go into work considering he was such an important member of the launch team.


Many days while he was at Celestion, when he needed to assign something to Emily or Shantel, he thought back on the night he'd fucked his sister. Steven recalled how she'd given him the green light to do what he wanted with his assistants. He was also pleased with her promise of not holding anything against him should he go ahead with her titillating...suggestion.

Even though he was happy to have been given that freedom, Steven wondered how wise it was to begin an office romance that would most likely only last until Lori's return. But during the first few months before his sister's arrival, after coming home from the office, he'd often fantasize about fucking his beautiful subordinates while masturbating.

There'd also been many times during his work day when he'd pay inappropriate attention to them. Watching their physical movements while they worked side-by-side, Steven hoped his sister, and the girls wouldn't ever find out how salaciously he'd been thinking about them

Maybe it all started after Emily had come into work on a casual dress Friday wearing a light-blue blouse where she'd left the first four buttons unfastened. Hardly able to take his eyes off her, it totally turned him on getting an amazing view of the top swells of Emily's fairly large breasts. Not sure it was intentional on her part, but there'd been more than a few times that day he'd seen her bent over, helping him understand just how voluptuous of a woman she was.

At the end of the day after having to deal with his uncontrollable erection, he'd gone home and masturbated. All the while he was stroking himself, Steven indulged in a kinky fantasy involving he and Emily. In it, all of the staff remained passively behind his office window. All the while they were being watched, both of them naked, Steven and Emily, frantically fucked doggie style in front of his desk.

Later that night, before going to sleep, he'd found the strength to do it all over again. But in that instance, his fantasy consisted of Shantel on her knees sucking his cock, subsequently followed by Steven explosively cumming down her throat.

Even before Lori had ever come up with her idea, Steven had already been wondering if he were to extend an invitation to either Emily or Shantel, if one or the other would accept an invitation to join him in his bed?


It was on a Tuesday evening when an incident took place that would take son and mother into a situation where the consequences effected everything in their relationship from then on.

As usual, Steven had come home around six o'clock and Marie had his supper prepared. After they'd eaten it together just like all the other times, the two of them took to the living room and watched about two hours of a television program. As soon as it had ended, Steven had a question he'd been wanting to ask his mother.

"Now that you've been away from dad, do you think you miss being around him? I'm pretty sure you're unhappy not seeing Mark. But what I'm wondering, is if you think you'd like to go home?"

As Marie sat next to her son on the couch, she took hold of his hand and said..."I wondered when you might ask me this Steven. But, the answer's no, I don't miss him. I've really enjoyed being out here with you, and frankly I'm enjoying being away from home. Yeah, I do miss your brother, and Lori too. But as far as your father's concerned, I'm still not ready to climb in the lion's den with him and have to start back into all the fights that I've avoided, since being here with you."

'That's a fair enough answer. Mom, it isn't like I'm trying to rush you back home. You asked for a month, and so far, you've only been here a couple of weeks. And don't tell Lori, but I'm loving all the good food you've been making for both of us. I've probably already gained about ten pounds since you got here."

"Steven, I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm not sure if I ever want to go back to Michigan. Getting to live with you's been great. And I really like it here. I just wanted to get my head clear of all the shit that was going on with your dad and me. I'm really grateful to you and Lori for giving me the chance to do that. But, just so you know, whenever you say the word, I'll do what you want and leave. I'm figuring Lori's probably ready to come back, so the two of you can..."

She was unable to finish what she started saying as far as what kind of relationship she knew her two children had with each other. Steven did what he could to finish her sentence, not wanting his mother to feel awkward.

"Yeah, it's okay Mom, I know what you were trying to say about Lori and me. Yes, we do sleep together. And Lori takes care of me like any normal man needs it. Her and me, we've found something together that most brothers and sisters don't..."

"Honey, you don't have to explain it to me. I know about the birds and the bees. But I feel I need to ask something, but I'm afraid to. I don't want to...offend you at all."

"Mom, I don't want you to be afraid to ask me anything. I promise I won't act like an asshole if you say something...crazy, okay?"

"Okay, then I'll ask. Is what you and Lori have, do you think it's even going to last?"

"Mom, I don't think that's up to you to ask something like that.."

"Okay, maybe not son, but let me ask it this way, is she even going to be enough for you Steven? Those girls that work for you, the way they treat you, how they just about cater to you...I knew, just from watching them that either of them probably wouldn't mind coming home with you, and..."

"I know what you're trying to say, but there's no way something like that could work out. Besides that, I'm sure Lori's probably ready to come back. But we've got time for that. Her and I promised you a month stay out here, and that's what you're gonna get mom, whether you like it or not. Ha-ha!"

Just at the tail end of him joking with her as he'd done, he had run his hand over his mom's head and began playfully tousling up her hair, laughing at the same time he'd said it.

It was only a few seconds after that when Marie genially leaped up off the sofa and was doing her best to give back to her son what he'd been doing to her. Both of them laughing as she gleefully chased him around his apartment, like she'd sometimes done when he was a little boy, he let her finally catch up with him.

Allowing himself to be pushed to the floor, as she breathed in rapidly, Marie sat atop her son and continued mussing his hair just as he'd done to her moments before.

"You seem to think your old mom can't keep up with you, don't you?"

Seated directly on his thighs, Marie bent over and began gently brushing her fingers through her son's hair, holding her face only inches above his. As she hadn't moved from sitting atop him, she looked deeply into his eyes and told him...

"Honey, I just need to tell you how wonderful a man you're turning out to be. With all the shit I put you through growing up, and then your dad and I, with our stuff...I'm so fucking proud of you. I swear to God I am!"

Loving all the complimentary things he heard coming from his mom, Steven had remained lying on the floor. As their eyes locked, and his fingers held onto her slim waist, he remained quiet as she spoke so reverentially to him.

"But there's something else too. I still think those girls that work for you, I don't doubt it one bit that if you asked one or both of them out, they'd drop everything and come running."

"Really mom, I told you..."