Stories for Mom


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"I'm sure it's nothing that we can't fix," she replied.

Nathan shook his head, his reply carrying a hint of disappointment. "I thought tonight might end it, but if anything, it has made it worse."

Now Lucy was really concerned. "Tell me Nathan...... what's wrong?"

Nathan let the silence stretch, uncertain and nervous before speaking again. "I'm having difficulty seeing you as my mother. I've tried to stop it from happening. I've tried to stop my thoughts. But these feelings just won't go away, and I don't know how to stop them." He could feel himself on the verge of tears now. The stress of his confession taxed him.

Lucy instantly knew where this conversation was going even though she was shocked by what he had said. "Is this about the stories that I have been finding on my computer. Did you put them there?"

Nathan nodded his head.

"So, if you are not seeing me as your mother...... how are you seeing me?" she asked, already knowing the answer without him saying anything.

Nathan refused to answer, simply shaking his head. He appeared to be far too embarrassed and nervous to tell her how he was currently thinking of her. He looked into her eyes with a pained expression.

"It's not normal Nathan, you shouldn't be thinking about me like that." Lucy however could not stop the rush of excitement that filled her body at his words. "When did it start?" she asked.

Again, it took her son a while to answer. "It's been going on for a while. I've been trying to fight it, but it's leaving me feeling depressed and making me do stupid things. I just can't get you out of my head and the thoughts aren't you know.....normal."

Lucy reached across the table, taking her son's hand. "I'll help you as much as I can Nathan, but I'm sorry, nothing is ever going to happen, I couldn't imagine what I think you're imagining, it is just so wrong, I couldn't go there." She lied to him and herself, her body betraying her. Her face flushing from more than the alcohol.

He nodded his head, "I understand mom, and I know you're right... I just can't stop."

Rather than get a taxi, they decided to walk home, Lucy reprimanding herself when she took his arm, quickly dropping her hands awkwardly to her sides.

"Anyway, what about your girlfriend, what about Milly, are you not happy, are things going poorly?"

Nathan shrugged his shoulders. "Truthfully, I've been thinking of breaking up with her. It doesn't seem fair that my feelings for her have been replaced by thoughts of you. The magic has gone out of it, and it doesn't feel the same anymore."

Most of the rest of the journey was completed in silence. "How did you get that last file on the computer?" his mother asked.

Nathan replied. "Remote access." She didn't understand, but nodded anyway.

"Were there other stories?" she asked him, watching as he nodded.

"One more, the last one. I'll send it to you and then I promise to stop." She quivered at the thought, but shook her head ok.

The next morning, he popped the file onto the computer and deleted the previous one. The evening had gone better than he had thought and at least the subject had been exposed, no more wondering if his mother knew what he was after even though she had refused his advances.

As the evening had progressed, he had waited for the right opportunity, using just the right amount of hesitancy and embarrassment in his voice, his face a picture of misery even though inside, he'd wanted to laugh. She had fallen for it hook line and sinker and at last, she knew what his intentions towards her were. All he had to do now was bide his time, certain that eventually, she would succumb.

Nathan knew from experience the hold that the subject of incest began to exert on you. He had been fine until that first clip which involved a supposed mother and son, it was the same with the stories, one led to another until eventually, he couldn't get enough of them. Fantasies whirled around inside his brain, the better the story, the more the object of his desires took precedence.

For the next couple of months, he would do and say nothing, allowing his mother's own thoughts to do the work for him, convinced that eventually, her resolve would weaken and ultimately, allow him to have sex with her.

It was hard, but between that evening and Christmas, he stuck to it. He continued to wank to the pictures of her that he had created, by now though her panties, so full of dried semen, were becoming rough and coarse, perhaps time for him to get rid and help himself to another pair, maybe an old bra as well as he imagined squirting his cum all over her tits.

All he had to do was wait until everyone was out of the house and then go and raid her underwear drawer, smiling to himself as he remembered finding her toy hidden beneath her panties.

Lucy waited until the following week and her late start before reading the story Nathan had sent to her. Once everybody had left that morning she sat at her computer and read, glad that she had because her fingers were playing with her clit by the time, she was halfway through it. The characters could easily be her and Nathan, so much so, that as she read it a second time, she hadn't realised that she had even substituted their names into the story.

She stopped for a moment to catch her breath as she dashed upstairs and returned with her toy. Starting at the beginning, she reread the tale, the vibrator constantly buzzing at her opening as she was sucked into the plot. When the son fucked his mother, in her mind, Nathan was fucking her, she plunged the toy into her cunt, deep and slow, in her head it was his shaft that was bringing her climax ever closer. She slowed as the scene came to an end, teasing herself as it built to the couples next liaison.

She never made it to the last chapter, her orgasm had the chair rocking back and forwards as she climaxed, screwing her eyes shut and clamping her thighs together as the toy vibrated deep inside her cunt. Scrolling to the last page, she had waited to see what the picture was this time, instantly aroused as she viewed it. The woman was on a couch staring up at the camera, the man's face, body and especially his cock visible from a side view. As usual, it was her face staring back at her, only this time it was easy to see that the man was her son.

She printed it out after saving a copy of the story and then shut down the computer before racing for her bedroom, discarding clothes as she went. On her bed, she opened her legs wide and plunged the toy back into her cunt, holding the picture aloft as she fantasised that it was Nathan who was now pummelling her pussy as he panted above her, his body pressed into hers. His cock thrusting deep into her, his moans of pleasure at her warmth and wetness. His cum rising in his dick, filing her with his seed in joyous orgasm.

Her climax was stupendous, and she found herself calling his name as waves of pleasure surged through her body. Sadly, afterwards, her normal sensibilities returned. She felt dirty and depraved, cursing for having allowed herself to imagine Nathan having sex with her and vowing that it would never happen again.

Lucy lasted nearly a month, each time at her computer she would look to see if a new file had appeared despite her instructions to her son that it had to stop. She had quickly become accustomed to the arousal they gave her and over the last three weeks had reread the last one numerous time's. Each time pleasuring herself to the image of Nathan and her screwing each other wildly. She quietly asked her son one evening where she could find more stories, Nathan promising to send her the link. He gave her an odd look when she had asked, but made no other comment.

That was how it started for Lucy, soon she found that she couldn't do without them, buying herself a handheld tablet so that she could sit comfortably after their evening meal and read. Nathan had made no mention of their conversation since, but she knew his eyes followed her whenever she moved, Lucy silently berating herself when she found that intentionally she was giving him views up her skirt or that she had chosen a top which displayed cleavage or a glimpse of her breasts if she leant forward for him.

The thought of sex with her son still felt repellent to her, something that was abnormal, but she found herself masturbating constantly with Nathan being the only one she imagined each time.

By the time Christmas arrived she knew she was struggling, it didn't help when she started to notice her son's frequent erections, especially when she had teased him. The stories in a way had become her sex life, unconcerned anymore as to whether her husband made love to her or not. Although she tried different ones, she found herself returning to the ones that featured a mother and son, she loved the ones that featured romance with explosive sex scenes.

On New Year's Eve, they all went out as a family, Nathan had invited Milly and Katie had invited her most recent in a string of boyfriends. It was a pleasant evening, Nathan walked his girlfriend home when it finished while the others returned in a taxi, dropping Katie and her date on the way. Lucy had got tipsy but had enjoyed herself despite several irrational bouts of jealousy when she saw Nathan dancing with Milly, the young woman pressed tightly against him.

Her husband had already gone upstairs, Lucy just waiting for Nathan to return so that she could lock up. She tidied up until he got in and then told him she was going up to bed. As she passed, he stopped her, stooping slightly as he kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Happy New Year mom," he whispered, a twinkle in his eye.

His hands rested on her waist longer than necessary, his eyes staring at her face. Lucy later blamed it on the drinks as her face suddenly bobbed forward and she kissed his lips again. He hesitated for a second before kissing her back, Lucy having forgotten what it felt like to be kissed sensuously. She stopped him before she lost all sense, panting slightly as she broke away.

"I'm sorry Nathan, that was wrong of me. We can't do this." She wished him goodnight as she practically ran to her bedroom.

Her husband was still awake and waiting for her, Lucy had to endure fifteen minutes of unsatisfactory sex that left her feeling used, and disillusioned from her husband before he fell asleep.

Max was snoring, Lucy unable to settle down as she replayed the kiss in her mind. She had found it arousing especially as she felt her sons erection pressing against her. It had ignited a fire down below which her husband's lovemaking had utterly failed to extinguish. She wanted to touch herself but had no desire to disturb him. Her dreams that night were lurid, finding herself naked in her son's presence, his hands touching her body had elicited a flood of emotions as her orgasm woke her from her dreams.

With the return to work and college, Lucy was still telling herself, no, but her mind was now putting together arguments as to why she should. Despite her frequent masturbation, her body was demanding more, the pictures not sufficient anymore as she closed her eyes and imagined her son taking her, over and over again.

As Easter approached, Nathan asked what she was doing for her birthday. Lucy knew that if previous years were anything to go by, her forty-first would be disappointing. "Why don't we go out for dinner?" he suggested.

Lucy found herself saying yes immediately. "Why don't you wear that cocktail dress again?" Nathan suggested, "You looked so sexy." He blushed as he said this. He said no more than that as he walked off, leaving her brimming with excitement.

When it came around, she found herself making a special effort as though she was going on a first date rather than having dinner with her son. He had booked the same restaurant again, Lucy delighted in the attention he paid to her all evening, showering her with attention. This time both of them were sensible enough to watch how much they drank; she still hadn't forgotten what had happened the last time they were here.

When the waiter had served their coffee and mints, Nathan produced a small, wrapped package from his pocket, "Happy birthday mum," he said as he handed it to her.

Lucy opened it, surprised as she hadn't expected anything other than a pleasant evening. Inside the box was a necklace, two gold entwined hearts with their birthstones set into each one. She could feel her tears as she welled up, leaning across the table as she offered him her lips. He kissed her deeply.

He came around the table as he fastened it around her neck before kissing the top of her head and returning to his seat. He had made no mention all evening of their previous conversation and as they left the restaurant, he helped her on with her coat. "Do you want me to take a taxi?" he asked.

Lucy shook her head, it was still mild outside and she had enjoyed their evening together, not yet wanting it to end. Taking her son's arm, they walked along the high street in silence until she suddenly asked. "How have you been managing, has it got any easier?"

Nathan pulled a face and shrugged his shoulders, "Yes and no, it's easier to live with but I still feel the same about you, nothings changed really," he said.

She had spent nearly a year fighting against the feelings that were growing within her, refusing to acknowledge that slowly as time passed, her attitudes were changing. She had become used to fantasising about Nathan, dreaming of scenario's where they made love. Fantasizing about him taking her, making desperate love to her over and over. It was too much, she couldn't take it anymore.

On a sudden impulse and as the street was empty, she dragged him into a shop doorway, pressing her body against him as she closed her eyes and raised her face towards him, her heart pleading he would meet her lips again.

The wait seemed interminable, and then his lips touched hers, the kiss soft and slow to begin with and then growing in passion as she felt his erection pushing against her, firm and filled with need matching her own. As their mouths ground against each other, he continued to be the perfect gentleman, his hands never wandering from her waist, even though Lucy would have loved for him to touch her more, have his hands rub and touch all of her.

Her body was alight, her arousal quickly mounting as she unconsciously pushed her lower half tighter against him, moving her hips slightly as she rubbed against the bulge she could feel. She couldn't stop the moans of pleasure resounding in her throat, their mouths still locked together. Her nipples were hard, her pussy quickly growing moist. In that instant, Lucy had made her choice, she wanted to make love with her son, she wanted, no needed to have sex with him, she wanted him to fuck her senseless.

When they finally parted Lucy was panting, her breasts heaving up and down and her wetness between her legs proclaimed its lack of sex recently. "Are you Ok?" He asked her.

Still gulping for air, Lucy nodded her head, eventually, she managed, "What about you, was that wrong of me?" she asked, hopeful he would assuage her fear.

Nathan smiled as he held her close, "No if anything, that was worth waiting for. Do you realise how beautiful you look?"

Lucy preened, with her decision finally made, she wanted him, she was prepared to have sex wherever they could find a secluded spot. She couldn't believe her lust, the wildness overcoming her. "Do you want me still? If you do, I'm ready."

Nathan put a knife in her body's present demands. "Yes, but not tonight. If you are going to allow me to make love to you...... then it has to be right, not some sordid fuck in back alley. I want it to be special, I want the time to treat you properly, and so I'm prepared to wait."

Her heart swelled as she pulled him in tight against her and offered her lips once more. At least this time his hands moved as he cupped her buttocks, pulling her mound tightly against his erection. She could feel her desires building to an extent that when his hands pulled her in tighter, their tongues dancing with each other, Lucy shivered and cried out as she had a minor climax, juices dampening her panties as she writhed against him.

"Perhaps we had better get home before someone comes across us" Nathan said as he took her hand, and they resumed their journey towards home.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love the build up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

First I'm struck by the quality of your writing and style. Most excellent. The background and table setting - the context - is superb. Context and pretext for what is to follow, whatever it may be, is essential to a story's plausibility/believeability. Nothing worse than slam-bam and all that. Looking forward to more.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 1 year ago

Too much focus on them. We need more depth with his relationship with Milly. What is his father up to? Frame the argument that "this" is okay for both of them better. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Quite a few moms have found son's stories. Many will tease son with "accidental" flashes and upskirts. Knowing son gets aroused and jerks off for mom is often thrilling and empowering.

Roland58Roland58over 1 year ago

It's a good start

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story is going superb. Want more chapters. It's super hot when it's coming from mom's point of view. Mom's emotions u describe is very hot. Struggling to commit sex with her #own son & eventually she wants it knowing how wrong & dirty thing to do such a thing & still going to do it.

The story will be more hot with cuckold & getting pregnant by her own son because of pill change by her son or something & eventually she knew she pregnant and terrified about that and make sure that husband thinks that the child is his.

Put something like they almost going to caught her husband and daughter in a separate sex seen & escaped both of them. Both times she has to go around with them inside her Son's seed inside & she think how hot & dirty that is. Also Going to work with Son's seed inside.

Stories will be more hot how u describe Mom's struggle(emotions) to do such a thing & eventually how she wants it. That is the main thing which you did in this story.

Write 2 mom & 2 son story in mom's point of view without swap seen & with cuckold & pregnant seen. Also write long story closely 50k to 100k words.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very well done hot but not slutty , I hope your not done with this story line yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A bit of a teaser, really.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I was not sure where this story was going, but it got very hot in tge end. Looking forward to the next chapter.

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

All build up, no story.

Sipe17Sipe17over 1 year ago

Any chance for a part 2?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

good story but have read it before

MorbidromanticMorbidromanticover 1 year ago

I liked it but somehow it seems like an unfinished story. What happens after that? Is the husband a cheater? Does the son dump the girlfriend? What kind of relationship are they gonna have? I'd like another chapter.

Sex_CrazedSex_Crazedover 1 year ago

So far so good. I hate that I have to wait for the completion of the story. It seems like a common theme with the stories I read. It's worse than a cliffhanger on TV. That of course is just my opinion

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