Stranger Danger


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"Ah, thank you! I knew I forgot it. You heading out?" She asked, while walking back to her car.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna have a smoke first." He leaned against the building, pulling a cigarette from behind his ear.

"See you tomorrow?" She asked from inside her car.

"Mhm." She drove off. I watched him as he stood there, so statuesque, smoking his cigarette. The light breeze was in such a direction that I could faintly smell the smoke. In my drunken state, it smelled good. I stared at his face as he inhaled, wrapping his thin lips with the silver lip ring around the stick. I thought about his mouth on me and shivered. I was feeling tingly because of the alcohol, and now because of lust. It'd been a few months since I'd had sex, and my lowered inhibitions were making me realize just how long that was. Zoey was right--what's the worst that could happen?

I slowly and uneasily stood up from the curb, and started walking towards him. Before I had time to really question myself and my courage, I was leaning against the wall next to him.

"Hi." I managed to say. He didn't look at me.

"I've seen you here before." Ah, so he had noticed my obnoxious school-girl crush on him.

"Yeah...I'm sorry." He turned his head to look at me, a sexy side smirk on his face.

"Are you drunk?" He asked, dropping the end of his cigarette on the ground and crushing it.

"Maybe a little. I wouldn't have come over here to talk to you otherwise." I couldn't believe how much courage I had. Drinking really made me come out of my shell.

"Why not?" He actually seemed interested. He turned his whole body toward me, and the smell of sweat and some kind of smooth warm cologne wafted towards me.

"Mmm." I closed my eyes. When I realized I had done that out loud, I opened my eyes, terrified. He still stood, smirking at me.

"Why are you here talking to me now?" His arms were folded across his chest, the muscles pumped up, thick and sweaty from work.

"You have beautiful arms." I said, feeling no filter between my brain and my mouth. I reached out to touch one of his arms. His body froze and he felt tense. I dropped my hand.

"I'm sorry...I'll go. It was nice meeting you finally." I turned to go but he grabbed my shoulder.

"No...I mean, we didn't really meet. I'm Jesse." I looked at his hand, which was still gripped tightly on my shoulder.

"Oh...sorry." He dropped it to his side, but I could still feel the warmth of his skin on my bare shoulder.

"Valerie." I looked in his eyes. They were deep blue, almost grey. They really stuck out against his black clothing. I noticed his silver earrings matched his lip ring. I don't know how long we were staring at each other but I started to feel like I needed to say something.

"Do you want to come have a drink?" I was starting to feel a little dizzy and wanted to sit down.

"Are you okay?" He asked, reaching out to grab my arm as I leaned back into the wall. I just nodded and rested my weight against the concrete.

"Maybe you should come inside and have some water." I opened my mouth to argue, to say the bar was right at the end of the strip, or that I didn't need any, but then I realized I would be alone with him in this closed restaurant, so I just nodded. I followed him inside, him still holding my arm to steady my hobbling walk. He took me to the back of the kitchen and leaned me against the wall next to a sink.

"I'll be right back. Stay here." I nodded. He walked away and I started to roam the kitchen. I know he had said not to move...but I was drunk, and I didn't listen. I looked through the pots and pans, wishing I had that many in my kitchen. I walked to the fryer and played with the baskets that were still sitting in there. I turned to walk back towards the sink, but lost my balance and fell into a wall hanger of utensils. A bunch fell loudly to the ground, and I caught myself before falling completely.

"Are you okay?!" Jesse was behind me, holding me up. "I thought I told you not to move!" I looked at his face, and though he looked pissed, he also looked really concerned. I wanted to say sorry, but instead I started laughing.

"You're so hot, you know that?" I leaned my head into his chest, which felt tight and built. He stood there a moment before pushing my shoulders away from him so he could look me in the eye.

"So, is that why you're here?" He raised one eyebrow at me, and my stomach started to feel like it was filled with butterflies.

"Um, what do you mean?" I no longer had the desire to laugh.

"You just want to fuck me?" I was so taken aback that I started to choke on the air.

"Hah, um...what? Did you really just say that?"

"Yeah, I just said it. You come in here all the time wearing these short-ass shorts, with your long tan legs and shirts with your boobs hanging out, and stare at me the whole time. Then you come over here drunk while I'm here alone, and follow me in here with no one behind us, and you're gonna tell me you don't just want to fuck me?" I stepped back, shakily. That is what I wanted, but I didn't think it would ever happen.

"I don't know what to say. I didn't think you'd be interested." He walked towards me again, his eyes soft and gleaming.

"Why wouldn't I be interested? You're fucking beautiful." He placed his hand on the top of my hair and ran his fingers through it, down to the end of the strand, which was conveniently right at my nipples. Goosebumps popped up all over my body.

"I'm not a slut." I bit my lip, waiting for his reaction. His face didn't change at all.

"Would you like to be?" He tilted his head and gave me that sexy side smirk. I didn't know how to respond to that.

"What I mean is, would you like to do what you came here to do?" I wanted to, but I felt so nervous that I was afraid I would throw up. The serious talk we just had had sobered me up a little bit, though I was still feeling good.

"Yes." I whispered out.

"Yes sir." He corrected me. I stared at him for what felt like forever.

"I want you to call me sir. Is that okay with you?" His hand was on my waist, and I was ready to agree to anything he could say.

"Yes." He looked at me like he was expecting something.

"Yes what?" Oh.

"Yes...sir?" I laughed. His eyes grew dark and he nodded approvingly.

"Follow me." He reached for my hand, and I followed him through the rest of the kitchen until we got to a door. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I didn't have to think.

"Yes sir." He smiled bigger than I'd seen him smile before.

"Awesome." He opened the door to go down. "Just take my lead," He stopped and turned to look at me. "And if you want me to stop, yell Red." My eyebrows creased in confusion, but he didn't explain himself. What does he mean, if I want him to stop? I followed him down a flight of stairs to an old basement. It was dark and smoky. The smell of cigarette smoke was faint, as was the smell of rain. How does it smell like rain inside a basement?

The walls were concrete like the rest of the building, but it was hard to see them behind all the wooden shelves. It wasn't a finished basement; there were pipes and wooden planks everywhere. He led me down another couple of stairs towards a little hallway. There were two doors in the hallway, and only one was opened. We walked right past it, and I looked in, curiously. There was a table and lots of shelves, aprons, utensils and menus strewn about, with an ice-machine in the corner. He got to the second door and opened it. It was a surprisingly bare room. There was a wooden chair, a round card table, a closet and a little wooden cabinet built into the wall. There was also a small window in the wall near the ceiling. It was small, but it would give us enough room. Speaking of...where were we going to do this? There wasn't much room, and there definitely wasn't a bed...

"Stand here." He closed the door and leaned me against it. He dragged the chair under one of the wooden beams going across the length of the room and stood on it. On the far beam, near the wall, was a second plank of wood on top of the other. He lifted it up and flipped it down. Two spandex bands came hanging down from the top plank.

"Come here." I did as I was told. "Stand under these ties, and lift up your arms." Again, I followed his instruction and lifted my arms. He put my hand through one of the bands, tightening it until it definitely wouldn't come off.

"Pull your arm back down to you." I tried, and it didn't budge.

"I can't."

"Perfect." He did the same with the other one, until I was standing there with my arms tied, hanging from a wooden plank above my head.

"Hmm..." He circled me, examining the length of my whole body. "You really are sexy."

"Thank you." He grabbed a fistful of my hair from behind my back, pulled it to his head roughly and spit, "Don't talk!" into my ear. At first, I thought my heart was beating in fear. But then I realized--this is hot. I've never had someone tell me what to do before, and I always thought I was a pretty independent woman...but a part of me, a part that doesn't usually think for me, was saying I was liking it.

He walked over to the closet and opened it. From a shelf, he took out a long, leather-wrapped whip. The loop on top wasn't very long, but the whip itself was a little bit longer than my arm. My wrists began sweating in their restraints. I'd never been whipped much would it hurt?

"If you talk again without my asking you to..." He said with his back to me, before suddenly turning around and whipping my upper thigh.

"I will punish you." I yelled out in pain, tightening my fists and toes. I took a deep breath in and focused on the wasn't bad. At all. I looked up at him and tried to imitate his sexy smirk, in an attempt to show that I was in on his game.

"Good." He nodded, circling me again, rubbing the loop of the whip all over my body as he did.

"So, Valerie, do you think it's fun to come in here, showing off that body of yours, without ever offering to let me touch?" Before I could answer, he whipped the small of my back. My breath caught in the back of my throat.

"Well?" He whipped me again, in the same spot. That kind of hurt a little bit, pain on top of pain.

"N-no." I stammered. I was sober enough to know this was something different, but drunk enough to not care about the pain. Good thing I didn't care, because he whipped me again, on my side.

"No, sir. It seems like you think it's fun. Like that mini skirt you wore one day...Mmm..." He wrapped himself around me from behind, his mouth breathing into my ear. His breathing was rapid; he was already turned on.

"I wanted to come ravage you on the table you were sitting at. And you thought I didn't notice you." He laughed and I held back a smile. He did notice me that day! I had really tried to look good, and I hadn't thought he'd seen me. He pressed himself against me, and I could tell that he really was interested. Both his hands were on each of my thighs, and he rubbed all the way up my body, until he got to my chest. He squeezed my boobs, hard, and then leaned his head down and untiedthe back of my swimsuit top with his teeth. His teeth! I'd never had a guy do that! It was so hot, I let out a little moan as he cupped my suit and pulled it off.

"Did you like that?" He asked as he pulled my shirt up over my face.

"Yes sir." He let the neck opening of my shirt rest on my chin, covering my eyes with the material.

"Can you see?" He asked, coming back to the front, dragging the whip the whole way.

"No, sir."

"Good." He whipped my stomach. It hurt a little more now that I couldn't see it coming. He moved the tip of the whip around and around both of my nipples. My knees felt weak, and I tried not to cry out in pleasure.

"You look amazing." He said slowly, as he flicked my nipples up and down with the leather stick. Then, he whipped my right breast.

"Ah!" I called out, definitely not expecting that. He laughed, then got quiet.

"Remember, you can say red whenever you want to." I pursed my lips, and when I didn't say anything, he whipped my left one. I called out again, throwing my head back. He walked up to me, wrapping his arm around my lower back, pulling me into him. He wasn't wearing his jeans anymore, for I could feel the hair of his legs against my bare legs. He lifted my shirt up to under my nose, and when I opened my mouth to talk, he stopped me with his mouth. It was a slow, deep kiss at first, as he trailed my body gently with his free hand. His other hand was nowhere to be felt. I felt like I could feel him a little better now that I couldn't see, and since I was still a little drunk.

His kissing got a little faster and desperate, and I felt his other hand tangle up into my hair. The handle of the whip was still in his hand. He moved down to my neck, kissing and licking me the whole time. He kissed down my stomach and I started to squirm.

"Don't fucking move!" He called out, and whipped my hipbone. I resisted the urge to yell out, tightening my muscles to try and keep myself from moving. He unbuttoned my shorts and then backed away.

"Ugh, you're killing me right now." He said, and then I didn't hear anything for a minute. Then, he was back to kissing me again. He had taken off his shirt. I could feel his pecs pressing up against my nude chest, and it felt so warm and good. Both of his hands moved down to my sides, and he pushed my shorts down to my feet. I frantically tried to remember which underwear I had put on after we came in from tanning, but he answered my question for me.

"Oh, a g-string? Did you wear this for me?" I didn't answer, which was a mistake. He backed away and yelled, "Answer me!" He whipped the area right above my pubic mound, which is surprisingly sensitive.

"Yes." I clenched my teeth in pain, and he whipped me again, closer this time, to a spot I didn't want to be whipped.

"Yes what?" He asked quietly.

"Yes sir." He laughed and stepped back against me, this time, fully naked.

"Good girl." I could feel the wetness of his pre-excitement on my upper thigh. His manhood was pulsing against me, and if I hadn't been restrained by the wood, I would have fainted from the lust overcoming me. He continued to kiss me, rubbing my clit through the fabric of my thong. I couldn't hold back the moaning. He chuckled, then kissed me down my stomach again. He traced the whip's loop around my bellly button, and then rammed his teeth into the front of my thong, dragging it down my legs with just his mouth. Oh my gosh, he was so hot. This was so hot. I wasn't going to last long at all.

He placed his warm, wet mouth over my clit, and I moaned so loudly, I was afraid the bar would hear me.

"You like that?" He asked, his words muffled from being against me. He inserted two fingers into my vagina with one hand, using the other to tickle my nipples with the whip, his tongue teasing me by circling around the outside of my lips.

"You feel like you like it." I would hope so. I was pretty sure I was dripping my wetness down my leg. I couldn't recall ever feeling so turned on by anyone, ever. He easily inserted another finger, and began to fuck me quickly, sucking my clit as he did.

"Oh my gosh..." I whispered, tears coming to my eyes. The pleasure was so intense, and I could feel my orgasm building.

"I'm going to come..." I said, pulling my wrists towards me, wishing I could touch him. All at once, my entire body came crashing down onto his hand. It felt like all energy and feeling was leaving me, the release was so strong. I yelled out, moaning and sighing and twitching. I felt ridiculous, hanging there, completely naked, feeling so vulnerable in this stranger's presence. He tongued my clit quickly a few times before standing up.

"Now you're even more ready for me, aren't you?"

"Yes sir." I cried, even though I didn't think I could handle anything more. My pussy throbbed, and I could feel my heartbeat in my entire southern area. He laughed and kissed me hard, shoving his tongue into every spot of my mouth.

"Do you taste how delicious you are?" He stood back and whipped my collar bone.

"Ah! Yes, yes I do sir." Silence again, and then he was pressed up against me. He leaned against me so I could feel his length on my leg. He felt like he was probably normal thickness, but he was pretty long.

"Do you think you can handle this?" I didn't answer, but I didn't receive a whip. Instead, I heard the tearing of foil and knew he was putting on a condom. A little relief washed over me. I hadn't thought about protection, and if I had, he could have easily done it without, even if I protested. But now I was safe--in that regard.

He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around, so that my back was to him. He pushed my back forward a little bit, and pulled my upper thighs out to him, so that my ass was sticking up in the air.

"Perfect." He moaned as he palmed my ass. He dragged the whip up both of my legs, tickling my inner thighs. I laughed and pushed my knees together. Bad idea. He pulled one of my thighs out and whipped the inner section. It hurt worse than anything else he'd hit so far.

"Ow." I bit my lip, trying to ignore the pain.

"I told you not to move." I nodded to show that I understood, and he pushed my thigh back in until both of my legs were almost touching each other. He stood directly behind me, holding my stomach with one arm. He pulled away briefly, and then all of a sudden, he jammed his full length into me at the same time he slapped my ass harder than I'd ever been hit. It knocked the breath out of me, and I screamed. He roughly pounded away at me from behind, hitting the sweet spot inside me. His thickness was perfect for me. It didn't hurt to have him inside me, and he was rubbing my g-spot and driving me wild. He slapped my ass again, in the same spot. It hurt, but I didn't make a sound. He moaned, kissing down my spine. He slapped my other cheek this time.

"Tell me you want it harder."

"Harder." I cried out, and he slammed into me, deeper than I'd ever been fucked. He pulled back with one hand and whipped my ass. The pain felt so good. I never knew I was in to pain until that night, but I was definitely interested.

"Fuck, I already feel like I'm going to come. You get me so fucking hard!" He grabbed my hair in his fist and yanked it back as he said it. He slowed down a bit, going out completely and slowly sliding himself back in. With his other hand, he whipped around my body to my stomach, and then dropped the whip. He reached around to rub my clit. He got back into a steady routine of thrusting as he spread my lips with the three fingers.

"I want to come at the same time as you. Can you do it?" I had never done that before, and didn't want to make a promise I couldn't keep.

"I can try."

"Damn right you're going to try, and if you can't, well, we'll keep going until you can." Oh gosh. I didn't think I could handle that. I already felt it rising again, and I didn't think he was quite there.

"Fuck." I breathed out.

"Not yet." He said, ramming harder.

"I...can't." I let go and came around his stiff dick. My vagina clenched around him, and I hung my head in exhaustion. Only a couple minutes later, he was ready.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to come." He rammed as hard as he could three or four times, grabbing my hair and pulling it back, before he started moaning in release.

"Fuck yeah, baby. Mmm." He slowly thrusted a couple times, getting it all out into the condom. "You feel so fucking good. But you were a bad girl." He pulled the shirt from my face so I could see again.

"We need to go again, until we both can finish together." And he turned my body back to face him, grabbing another condom as he did.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Holy fuck

So amazing. Really, really hot. Also, sadie and Michael? S&M? Did you do that on purpose? If so, very clever, if not...still quite impressive ;)

the_sex_kittenthe_sex_kittenalmost 12 years agoAuthor

Thank you, all of you!! And don't worry, I do plan on writing a sequel to this one...and a hint about it: switch ;).

Slowine4meSlowine4mealmost 12 years ago

I read Fifty Shades of Grey and was not impressed. Your story was very sexy!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very Good

i've read the 3 books re: Fifty Shades of Grey, and you did a good job.

i would like you to add more to this story, you can't just leave it here...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I know ther is a lot of buzz ...

... about Fifty Shades but I haven't read it - yet; if it is as good as this I shall have to!

Very well done, particularly as a first submission. This definitely deserves five stars and lots of praise; thank you for writing it and letting us read it.

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