Stranger Things have Happened...


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"This is where I stopped. You know I got your back in a fight til the end, boss. But this, I figure your house, your stairway going down to who-knows, you got this, right?" I tilted my head up and gave him the look that said, 'You really did not just say that!' We loaded up with flashlights and a few sidearms, then we descended into total darkness listening to Alonzo praise whoever made the passageway because he didn't have to duck down to avoid hitting his head.

We passed by large openings that had items covered by tarps piled in them, some were easily shown to be able to house approximately 1000 men total. Others were storerooms where the lines needed to refit ships were made, a couple of blacksmith's shops, and clothing stores. Hell, there were even a few restaurant-type areas here and there. There was almost an entire city built under the main house. They must have found the caves honeycombed throughout the cliffside when they built the main house and altered them as needed.

Then it hit me. Back in the day, the houses probably never got along, one might need extra troops or arms quickly, and you didn't want anyone to know about it. We walked all over and found three escape routes down to the surf for an escape to the sea if needed. A very nice set of apartments for Great-Granddad and Great-Grandma if they had to make a stand inside the caves. It looked like the family had tried to prepare for everything.

I was headed back up when I noticed a flicker of light in the back of one of the caverns. When I went to check it out, I found a small waterfall ending in a good-sized pool. I tasted the water and to be fresh water. I still hadn't cleaned up yet, so I stripped down and dove in. The cool water felt refreshing as I swam around and dove under the water.

The bottom didn't look too far down, so I dove down, trying to touch it. It wasn't too difficult, and once I reached the bottom, I grabbed a rock to stay underwater and look around. That's when I saw the cave mouth behind me and to the left. I pushed off the rock, glided toward the opening, and looked inside.

The floor to the cave went up, so I followed it up and broke the surface of the water and was greeted by the sight of chests stacked upon each other. I knew I was looking at the Ramirez family treasure. I made sure that no one saw me return to put my clothes back on. I met Alonzo on the way back up, He asked me if I stopped to take a bath, I told him after the fall and landing in the water, it was more of a swim.

After we all came back to the study, I made sure it was all closed up. Then I swore everyone to silence and then suggested we all head back to my apartment for a drink to ward off the chills of the night. After everyone left, I called Mikel, and all I got was, "Call me later, much later! I could hear Mom and Kat laughing in the background. I love the old man with all my heart, and I'm glad he has enough energy for two, (for now) But my Tess is all this man needs. Maybe we should send Dad's ex-family a new family picture, or make a book of the highlights the family has had since that day that Dad sued for divorce from the family' and title it, "Since you've been gone"

Everything was going well, the work was good, I just hated it when Dad was right about the difference between sailors talk and royalty talk, he's going to make me relive how much he was right everytime he tells the story. I realized that was why I loved him so, I could bullshit with him and not have to worry about it. I heard a knock at my door, I opened it up to find a nice looking girl with a message from Tessa, I told her thank you and she left.

Just as I was about to open it, there was a crash and the sound of falling stone came through the windows. I jammed the message into my pocket and took off running, I hit the docks and saw my supply manager. "What the hell is going on?" I asked him.

He said, "The crane collapsed and Alonzo is holding up the pallet while they try to get two injured men out from under! He won't let anyone near." My feet were already running down the main dock. I saw the crane half in the water and Alonzo with the pallet. One side of the pallet was on the ground and he had the pallet's weight on his shoulders, there were the cranes cables trying to pull the rest of itself deeper into the water adding to the weight.

I summed it up it my mind, made careful calculations, and then implemented my plan. Which means your already moving, you see a small chance of success, you know you really should stop and think it through more.. But there is that final crazy voice in your mind that tells you, "Dude, we got this!" So I increased my speed, yelled for everyone to move, and crashed into him, hoping it was quick enough to snatch both of us clear on the other side.

Once the darkness cleared, I found I was in the hospital with my right foot in a cast halfway up my thigh. But what was most curious was a voice, "Could you put some more sauce on that for me?" It sounded like some one was getting spoilt, and getting ready for sex. I straightened up and found Alonzo sucking up to nurse with a tight ass. His eyes grew large and he said, "Forget about me, Maria, take care of my friend first, He saved my life!" Maria ran out of the room screaming for a doctor Renoldo.

Alonzo stared at me and asked, "What was it on this side of heaven that made you do something so brave, and yet so stupid?" He shook his head, "I broke both my forearms taking the brunt of the weight when the pallet first fell. I couldn't let Jerico get hurt, he took care of me when my father died. I was stuck under the pallet, then you came in like an NFL football player and took me out from under it. By the way, how does the foot feel? The crane finally fell into the harbor and it came down across your foot, but there was too much debris to let it come all the way down and take your foot. Just so you know, when we heal, I'm kicking your ass for stupidity... Then we're getting fucking drunk!"

Maria and Doctor Renoldo came in before I could answer. "Afternoon, Mr. Ramirez. I'm Doctor Renoldo. I won't ask how you feel because I already know," he said, lifting his pant leg up on his left side. His leg was metal from the knee down. "My wife gave me a vintage motorcycle for my 40th birthday. On our maiden voyage, a teenager on his cellphone took me and the bike out." He looked down at my chart.

"You're a very lucky man. Not many people do what you did, being successful or not," He looked at Maria, "If you're done playing kissy-face, you can move your ass and do your job! Both of these men are late for their pain meds!" He turned back to me, "I need to see the results of some tests, and I'll be right back." He left in a huff. "Guess I'll go and get your meds so I can send you both to 'your happy place,' and she left.

"Aren't you pushing it with the nurse a bit?" I asked him.

"I want to marry Maria, but her family won't let her marry someone like a second-level dockhand like myself." was his reply.

"Have you tried your hand at other jobs that need help? be a pilot bringing foreign ships into the docks?"

He looked at the floor, "Boss, Jerico has a little over a year to live, how can I leave him alone facing that?" He looked me in the eyes and I finally saw the true Alonzo. A mountain of granite with the rage of a coming storm, but deep inside, 100% pure marshmallow!

I can respect a man like that.

Dr. Renaldo came back into our room, totally ignoring Alonzo. "X-rays and the tests show acceptable levels. I'd say two weeks to home cast off in eight."

Then he turned to Alonzo,"My daughter is no longer your nurse, I have requested another take her place." Before Alonzo could reply, I opened up my mouth.

"Excuse me Dr. Renoldo, but might I inquire as to why you're treating my dock manager so poorly? We were out as I was showing him his new job. I got called away, and he took action on his own and saved two people as to where I saved only one. It would please my family to know that you've treated him as you would me," I smiled, but he didn't miss the message my eyes were saying.

"It would be my pleasure, Mr. Ramirez," He almost backed up into the door, "If you gentlemen will excuse me, I need to check on the last two tests, and poof! He was gone.

Alonzo waited a whole minute before he busted out laughing! "Thanks for the plug Boss, I'll ring that bell as long as I'm in here!"

"I would fire you if you didn't, but I wasn't bluffing my friend." I grinned. "The docks need to become more self-reliant, instead of someone not wanting to call the shots and calling me all the time. I thought of you right off, so don't let me down on the upgrade, asshole."

"I don't know what to say Boss, but I'll do my best to never let you down! I got your back!" He said.

"Glad to hear you say that! Because you're watching my back as it waddles into the shower. I have a date that's picking me up, and I have to be ready!"

"Boss, you do know we're in the hospital, right?" He asked with concern.

"If a red hot Spanish fireball comes in, ask her to wait as I'm in the shower, if the doctors arrive before she does, Call Maria, use your meal tray as a shield, and keep your head down." I grabbed a roll of tape out of a drawer, and the empty trash bag out of the basket, and headed to the shower room. The first 'Hop-along-Cassidy' joke won't be eating solids any time soon! The doctors came first, and Alonzo was already calling Maria when he saw them through the windows.

Then five minutes later, Princess Tessa came into the room, and upon seeing an empty bed and doctors discussing how far James could have gotten. That's when she noticed Alonzo carefully waving one of his plaster coated arms.

As she approached, Maria gave her a formal bow, and all Alonzo could do was bow his head. "If you're looking for my Boss, Your Highness, he will be out of the shower in a minute or two."

Tessa's face softened, "Well at least you're getting care."

"Actually, all these doctors were already here in the room, and I still had to call my nurse. It seems all they're interested in is where my Boss James went to, although not one of them has asked me anything yet. This nurse here, Maria, We enjoy each others company and I just found out she came in to take care of me on her day off. I've never had anyone do anything like that for me before. I knew I met my 'One,' and I made like I couldn't talk and she leaned in to see if she could hear me whisper, and that's when I kissed her on her cheek and asked her to marry me. She hasn't said anything yet, could you give me a hand while we wait, your Highness?"

The sound of Maria's hand slappin the back of his head was a solid one! "What do you think you're doing bringing our troubles out for her Highness to see?" she gave Tessa an apologetic look, "He doesn't even have a house for us to live in yet."

"I beg to differ on that account!" I said as I came back from my shower using a set of crutches I found hanging on the shower wall. " So in all fairness, he owes you a head slap someday, " I turned to my Tessa, "You're a touch early, I'll be ready to go in five minutes," A small Asian couple came in carrying a box big enough for a suit and a smaller box on top, each had an over-the-shoulder satchel. they never stopped talking as they spun me back around into the small changing room next to the shower, while the female pulled the curtain into place.

After a minute, the female cut the tie holding my gown closed, then she grabbed me by the waist, and then suddenly she was holding my 'jewels' in her hand, all the while talking and laughing with her partner. He had a ball of some medium red silk in his hands, he was looking at the female laughing while his hands seemed to do what they wanted. A minute later, I was wearing a pair of silk boxers, while they both attacked my pants. the only time they seemed serious was working around the top of my cast.

In the end, I was dressed comfortably in silk boxers and a nicely tailored casual suit, with a slip-on penny loafer on my working foot, while my cast had been painted to look like a red 'Chuck Taylor' Converse. The pant leg had been perfectly hemmed to imitate the real thing. Lastly, they gave me a straight rod of steel capped at one end in a nice side cone of rubber, while the head of the walking stick was done in the face of a wolf with 2 red gems for the eyes. I thought I rocked the look when they pulled the curtain back and paid no attention to anyone as they walked out, still talking and laughing.

"I love the footwear, Boss!" Alonzo chuckled.

"At least I don't have to wear a pair of them," I laughed back. "For now I can't tell you both the new job and what it entails, but it involves his moving to a new location, a unique job requires a unique home. At the end of dock four, there is an old signal building before we got modernized, I hired workers from their unions as well as a lot of our workers to make sure it was done right, and rebuilt it into your new home/office! The bottom floor is parking, the ground floor is your aides' residence, the second floor is for you two, and the top floor is your office, it commands a view of all our docks. I had all new communications set up that links you to the entire network, you can call one person or everyone at once. and yes I've had satellite TV installed as well!" I grinned.

"I have also taken the liberty of hiring your first aide for you, so you can concentrate on your new job," I smiled and then turned to my Tessa, "Is there a quiet place where we can enjoy a good pizza and a beer?"

"The way you're dressed, I thought we were going to a basketball game and we had to settle for hotdogs and beer in a plastic cup." was Tessa's reply.

I muttered, "Everybody got jokes, I see," and then my lips found hers to stop further replies. After we had our kiss, I waved to everyone and limped over to open the door for my love "Shall we?" We had just stepped out into the hall, when we met Jerico.

"Your Highness, el Diablo, I want to thank you for giving us this chance, together we can make an example of our docks, and clean up the dirt that has collected over the years."

"Go get them, Marshall! I'm counting on you to keep him in line. You still have your other job to do don't forget." I smiled at him, "Are the workers done?"

"They finished this morning, it's way more than what I need, until hopefully I get to see a grandchild, and need the space when I babysit!" The childish smile looked out of place on the face of this weathered naval veteran.

"Alonzo and Maria are already in the room, looks like a perfect time for a meeting so you all can get on the same page." Jerico bowed to us both, turned, and walked into the room. Two minutes later, I placed my hand Tessa's arm making her pause and she followed my gaze into the room. Alonzo, Maria, and Jerico burst into tears, and then hugs, as I motioned to Tessa we should leave now.

I told Tessa all about Alonzo, Maria and Jerico. She nodded and said, "It was like when we first met, then your father dropped his bomb and blasted the way clear for us to be together. It's just that they didn't have the guardian angel we did." Her gaze drifted to the wall behind me as her eyes seemed to lose focus.

"Tessa?" I looked into her eyes, the lights were on, but her mind must have made a quick run to the store.

I gently shook her elbow and got a very distant, "I hear you," and weakly batted my hand away.

"That's nice dear, I've got the lady on the phone. She needs to know if I've decided on 'blue', or 'red' when I get my balls tattooed. Which color do you like, Red, or Blue?"

"I like both... HOLD ON! your doing what with your balls?" and my girl was back to full speed.

"Glad you're back dear, thought I'd lost you there for a minute. Want to tell me where you went?

She leaned across the table and gave my lips a quick kiss, "No" We went out to clubs and restaurants. We even started a following which unfortunately included the usual camera crews. My phone started going off at 6:30 a.m.

"Hello,?" I said

"Mr. Ramirez, this is doctor Renaldo from the hospital. I'm standing by your bedside but you're not in it, I'm calling to find out why that is."

I got up on one elbow and looked around the room, no doctor, just Tessa using my thigh for a pillow. I started playing with her nipple, making her body squirm. "I don't know where you think you are, but it sure as hell isn't my bedroom you're in."

"Mr. Ramirez! I am in your hospital room, and you have not been released from my care yet."

"Yeah, about that. could you please walk this call out to the nurse's station?" I waited. "We're there, good. Ask for Rosaleeta," I waited for this,but not as much as Roseleeta. when she approached, it was obvious that she didn't like him, but she was going to feel better real soon. I flipped my computer on and pulled up the nurses station after a couple of forged passwords. I put on my headset and then dialed directly into the station.

When someone answered I had them tell Rosaleeta to put the call on speaker for all to hear. Once she had done that, I hung up with the good doctor.

"Rosaleeta, there is an envelope taped behind the light at your station, could you please get it for me?" After she did, "Could you please read that for me? my eyes aren't what they used to be, my Dear." Everyone hardly paid attention to the number of hospital uniforms growing in the area.

Rosaleeta opened it up and began to read the first few lines and began to smile! "It has come to the attention of the board of physicians and surgeons along with verified proof by way of DNA and fingerprints. That the person calling himself Marcus Bligh Renaldo, is his twin brother Marcus Triel Renaldo, and in no way has any license to practice medicine and should be arrested on sight per the many charges being brought against him. The second page is the copy of the federal request for his arrest!"

Renaldo grabbed an elderly-looking lady, and put a knife to her neck, telling everyone to get back. He pulled her around the corner out of camera range. The next thing they heard was the lady screaming and then just stop. Then a short scream and then stopped again. Everyone was trying to call everyone to get help to stop him downstairs when they heard a female give out some loud grunts and a man scream out with a voice that escalated to almost like nails on a chalkboard before it stopped. The feds moved at a snails pace to approach the corner, when the woman dressed like an elderly lady came walking back around it and stopped. "You guys the cops?" She asked, "We need two things here. first, I could use a rum and coke, and second, he could use a real doctor."

Forty five minutes later, the lab boys along with the hospital's hazmat team were working to document and clean up the scene. The elderly lady was working on her second 'latte' (cough), telling the police that she had no idea why the dumbass grabbed one of the five people that didn't work for the hospital, federal or state law enforcement agencies. As to how she was able to deal so much damage so quickly. Her reply was that she had been trained in jujitsu and four other disciplines. "Once you get stabbed seven times while in an abusive relationship, you learn to protect yourself.

"Putas like that should be killed," Tessa said.

"I asked her about that, but she said that her teachings all said killing was a last resort, but after I told her what he was guilty of, she refused any payment, asking that it gets donated to the new children's wing," I shrugged my shoulders, "I can't say much about where she draws the line, other than I like it! Can we put her on the wedding guest list?"

It was getting close to the wedding day, and everyone at the castle was going 'ninety-to-nothing' to finish everything on time. Mikel, Kat, and Carolyn showed up late last night and went right to bed saying they were drained and needed sleep.