Struggles of an Everyman


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But now the deed was done. He couldn't take it back. Maybe he could keep it secret. Maybe Phil didn't have to know.

Suddenly he heard a door open. The angry German music stopped as someone turned off the stereo. Nelson's stomach dropped as Phil's voice filled the room condo.

"Hey Nelson, looks like my stuff got pushed back a week. You still wanna..."

Phil rounded the corner and looked into Nelson's room. Nelson and Ivy stood there, sweating and panting. His softening cock hung out over Ivy's back. She still lay there, chest down on the bed, exhausted. She slid off the side, to her knees, wiping her smeared mascara on her cheeks.

"Uh, hey babe." She said sheepishly. She didn't sound guilty or remorseful. More like she was a kid caught eating chocolate.

Phil, shocked at the sight, paused before yelling, "What the hell is this!?"

Chapter 5

"Please call me back. We really need to talk. You can't just leave things like this." Alice's voice recording was full of emotion. "You and Phil really need to sort through this."

This was the fourth message she had left him since he'd destroyed his relationship with Phil a week ago. Phil had moved in with his brother in the meantime. Alice was determined to mend things as it seemed she couldn't stand to see their trio fall apart.

"I think Phil is ready to talk to you about things. He finally let me explain about Ivy. And yes, I told him about you watching from the hall. But I think he's getting over it."

Nelson probably wouldn't ever be over it. He'd screwed Phil's girlfriend. He didn't even just let her screw him, he full on rage-fucked her. His penis perked up at the memory. Traitor.

"Anyway, if you don't call me back, I'm going to have to find some way to talk to you." She sighed. "Please. I'll call again later."

The message ended. It was from earlier in the afternoon. They'd both been at work, but he'd avoided Alice. She ended up calling him out of desperation. He couldn't bring himself to talk to her. Not after what he'd done.

Ivy had called and texted Nelson two or three times as well since they'd fucked. She wanted more and didn't seem to realize the damage she'd done. Stupid woman.

He sat on the edge of his bed, rubbing his jaw. It still hurt after Phil had punched him, but not as much as the pain of having betrayed his friend. Alice thought Phil would listen, but Nelson wasn't so sure.

A knock came at the door. Nelson walked over slowly, dreading who it could be. He peered through the spy hole. Phil stood on the other side of the door.

What the hell are you doing here? Phil had already emptied his room.

"What do you want, Phil?" Nelson's voice sounded more annoyed, than remorseful. He knew it was his own guilt and frustrations projected on Phil, but he knew he wasn't going to be able to hash this out. Not yet, anyway.

"Look, I..." Phil was looking down at his feet. "I just wanted...Alice told me..."

Phil let out a sigh turned away from the door.

"Screw this," Phil continued, talking more to himself than Nelson. "I told Alice I'd come talk to you, but I'm not doing this through the door."

Phil stormed off out to the parking lot. Nelson didn't even respond. He just stood there for a moment and eventually walked back to the couch and turned on Netflix. Time to escape his life for a moment.

A loud knocking at the door woke Nelson. Disoriented, he stumbled to his feet? What was this all over his face? He couldn't quite figure out where he was or even the day.

Right. He'd fallen asleep on the couch. It was dark now. The screen in front of him only displayed a textbox asking if he was still watching.

Another knock came, this one louder than the last.

Nelson fumbled through the kitchen, realizing drool had slimed its way all the way to his neck. He quickly tried to wipe it off with his sleeve. He peered out the spyhole to see who was so insistent.

Alice. Her one eye, Green and menacing, was staring right back at him. Her proximity distorted her silhouette.

Nelson pulled back. If he just sat quiet, he could pretend he hadn't heard her.

"I saw you through the hole, dingus. Open the damn door."

Nelson sighed, eyes closed. Eventually, he undid the lock and twisted the knob. Before he even pulled on the door, Alice had burst through. With one finger pointed at his chest, she intimidated him all the way back to the living room.

"He came by here to talk to you, ass-hat!" Green flames seemed to shoot from her eyes as she stared him down. "You didn't even open the door?"


"No! You shut up for a minute. I've been trying to get you guys to talk about this for a week! Then I finally get him over here to at least hear your side of the story. To at least try to understand that this wasn't your fault, and you do nothing? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Nelson ground his teeth. "My side? I fucked his girlfriend. In our own apartment. My side is 'yep, I fucked her. Enjoy my sloppy seconds.' He doesn't need to hear that shit."

"So, what? You mean to say you intended to sabotage your friendship with him?"

"What? No! I mean, there's really no forgiving what I did." Nelson felt his blood start to boil a little. "Do you know what he said to me, after he punched me in the jaw? He said, 'I ought to stab you in the neck and rip off your dick.'"


"Well nothing. I don't blame him for hating me. I honestly don't see us getting past this."

Alice looked at him, resentment in her eyes. "So, what about me, huh? Why have you been avoiding me all week? I'm not ready to give this up, just because some stupid bitch gets between you guys. Cut the crap and shut down the pity-party."

Nelson looked deep into her eyes. There was a soft pleading there. He hadn't spoken with her since before the incident

I don't deserve you.

He almost said the words. He had been fooling himself all week thinking she would be pissed at him. And she was, but not because of his indiscretion. It was because he was throwing out their friendship with the bathwater.

Nelson knew the real reason he had been avoiding her. He didn't feel worthy to be in her presence.

She looked at him, waiting for a response. "Well?"

Nelson sank a little. "I thought you'd be really mad at me. I mean, we talked about this, and I went and made a complete ass out of myself. I guess I thought if we didn't talk, I wouldn't have to own up to this."

Alice looked at him pointedly. "You're such an ass for being so selfish. How could you think I'd judge you for something so stupid?"

"You looked pretty pissed when you came in here."

"That's because you're acting like a child about this. You need to go and give Phil a good apology. So what if he still ends up hating you? You'll at least have given you guys another chance."

Nelson slouched.

"Alice, you're a better person than I deserve to have in my life."

She smiled a little at the compliment. "I'm really not. You need to stop being so hard on yourself."

She took another step toward him, a thoughtful look on her face. She opened her mouth to say something more, but turned her head down to the left instead, sighing.

"Look," she said, "I've invited Phil over for dinner tomorrow night. He knows I'm inviting you too. I know it will be awkward, but if you guys won't talk about this yourselves, then I'm going to have to force it."

"I don't..."

"It's not a request." The tone in her voice was not to be argued with. She turned and walked toward the still open door.

"Alice?" Nelson asked before she was gone.

She turned to look at him.

"Thanks," he said.

Alice smiled at him, then without saying anything she closed the door behind her.

To say dinner was awkward would be a severe understatement. Silence hung in the air, suffocating the life out of all three of them. Nelson had nearly run out the door on three separate occasions, just to feel able to breathe again.

Alice had tried her best to mend things between the boys, but neither of them seemed up to taking the first step. Nelson knew she'd done as much as she could. It was some sick game of chicken now, to see who would crack first, Phil or Nelson.

After sitting in silence for nearly an hour, Nelson couldn't take it any longer.

"I, uh," Nelson started. Both Phil and Alice looked up at him, Alice hopeful, Phil with an unreadable blank expression. They both had come here, hadn't they? It would be stupid not to try to say something.

I'll, um," Alice interjected suddenly, "go get started on dessert." She stood, giving Nelson an encouraging look.

Nelson cleared his throat. "Phil, I just want you to know, that I don't expect you to forgive me for what I did."

Phil said nothing, his expression still completely unreadable.

"But," Nelson continued, "I'm glad you came by the other day. And that you came to dinner tonight. It means a lot to me." Nelson squirmed at his uncouth words.

After a long pause, Phil sighed and relaxed in his chair a bit. "Look. I know this wasn't completely your fault. It turns out Ivy was sleeping around. We had a big fight about it before we ended things."

Nelson wasn't quite sure if he felt relieved to hear this or more upset.

"Plus," Phil continued, "Alice told me about everything that was going on between you two. I just wish you'd come to me about it first."

Nelson grunted an affirmation and hung his head a little.

He heard Alice fumble and drop something metal, far too close to the dining room door. She was standing just barely in the kitchen, obviously eavesdropping.

"Well. Where do we go from here then?" Nelson asked.

"You mean after I cut your wang off?" Phil had a grim smirk on his face.

"I almost wouldn't blame you." Nelson replied.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll move back in. That doesn't mean I forgive you. Just that I won't kill you."

Nelson smiled. "Good enough for me."

Alice came back into the room, a huge grin on her face, bearing strawberry shortcake. She was an amazing cook. Maybe she expected her food would heal broken hearts. Maybe it had.

After dessert and some light conversation, Phil finally stood.

"Well, I'd better get going."

"But it's only 9," Alice contended.
He glanced over to Nelson then back to Alice. "Baby steps," he said.

With that he headed toward the door. Alice walked him over and Nelson heard the two of them whispering. They hugged and Phil gave a half-hearted wave to Nelson before heading out the door.

Alice practically ran over and tackled Nelson in a hug, almost knocking his chair over. She sat on his lap, looking deep into his eyes.

"Thank you," she said, "For making the first move tonight. I think Phil needed that."

"Hey, it's not all peaches and ice-cream yet," he said. "I think it'll be a while before he can really stand to be around me.

"Well I'm proud of you." She sounded like a mother praising him for standing up to a bully.

Alice lingered there on his lap longer than he expected, her arms still wrapped around the back of his neck. Was she expecting something?

Nelson looked at Alice's eyes. They were such a bright green, matching the bright green blouse she often wore. The contrast to her deep red hair was stunning. He glanced down at her slender neck, admiring the soft white skin, tender and unblemished. How was she such a work of beauty?

He looked up and found Alice's jade eyes still staring into his. Was she leaning closer now that she was a moment ago? The smile had been wiped from her face, but she looked happy. A pleasant calm filled her expression.

"How can you look at me like that?" he asked.

"Like what?" she questioned. Though he thought she knew what he meant

"Like I'm not some kind of troll. You always see more in me."

"Well, I guess I'm just a wonderful woman." She said in a facetious brag. Her broad smile made him crumble.

Nelson snorted. "All hail the great and wonderful Alice, mender of bridges and charmer of hearts."

Alice grinned again. "Don't deny it. I've got you right where I want you, Nelson. Right in my pocket."

"Yes," he said. "You do." It sounded far too serious. Alice's whimsical expression loosened to a blank stare.

Did he just say that? To Alice? What was coming over him being so sappy. All his fantasies of her seemed to form in his mind simultaneously. Her beautiful body sitting on his lap tenderly was far too close. He couldn't contain his thoughts.

Alice continued to look at him. Her expression was serious, but soft. She leaned her face slightly closer to his.

"Alice, I..." Nelson found himself speaking against his better judgement. "I think you're..."

"Shh". Alice cut him off, bringing one finger around to the front of his face and placing it on his lips. "You always talk too much."

She wore no lipstick, but hers were plump and naturally red without it anyway. He had rarely been this close to her. She had a few freckles on her face. Fair skin complemented by a slight blush in her cheeks. The blush grew deeper.

Nelson's heart started beating faster. What was happening? How could he be this close to the beauty he had dreamed about since he met her? A natural beauty.

Alice removed her finger from his lips. and slowly leaned in closer, closing her eyes. Nelson felt her soft lips press against his. Her lips were softer than he ever imagined. Nelson closed his eyes and embraced her.

Silence hung around them, broken only by the gentle sounds of their mouths clinging to one another. As they kissed, Alice's mouth opened slightly wider, and began pulling on his lower lip eagerly.

Dear God. Nelson thought. This is the moment I've dreamed of.

Nelson couldn't believe the passion which Alice displayed. This was not the fanciful kiss of a couple friends caught up in the moment. This was something deeper.

One of her hands raised, placed gently on the back of his head. Her fingers ran through his short hair, pressing him into her embrace.

With his free hand, he placed his palm lightly on the side of her neck. His fingers traced down her delicate skin, catching on the ridge of her collar bone and down to the top of her chest. Her skin was delicate and smooth, like a silk sheet.

Alice didn't stop the motion of his hands, so he ran his hand further down her chest. He wrapped his fingers loosely around the top of her left breast, daring to feel the curvature. Alice reached up and gripped his hand, willing him to press his fingers more firmly. The invitation was clear.

Even though her breasts were firm, his hand sunk into the soft tissue. He massaged it softly. How he'd yearned to feel her. To be this close to her. And now he was.

Inhibitions cast aside, Nelson placed his free hand around the side of her waist. He pulled her in closer. His lips left hers and he began kissing the right side of her neck. Her skin was soft and tender, sweet to the taste.

Alice tipped her head to the side, flipping her hair out of his way. She spoke no words, but breathed heavily through an open mouth as he moved his way down her neck to her shoulder.

He squeezed at her waist, lightly, holding her close to him as he continued to nibble. She began to breath more heavily. This was what he had yearned for. He should have been terrified at the prospect. Instead he felt no inhibition, only the desire to feel more of her. To taste more of her. This was a woman who deserved to be loved right. To be pleasured properly.

Soon Alice sat up, pulling Nelson's mouth off her. She stood silently and took Nelson by the hand. She led him through the kitchen, up the stairs to her bedroom. As they walked in, she closed the door behind them.

They stood silently for a moment. Alice walked up to him and undid the top button of her blouse. Then the next. Soon she stood, shirt open, exposing a dark plum-colored lace bra. It hefted her breasts, separating them slightly, giving a sightline down between. She walked up to Nelson and he pealed the shirt off her shoulder and down her arms. It dropped off her gently sloped shoulders to the floor behind her. The rounded shape added to her already curvy silhouette.

Nelson undid his shirt pulling it from his shoulders. They stood close. Enough for her breasts, still held by her silky bra, to press against him, squishing against his upper abs.

He leaned down and kissed her, grasping her rounded shoulders with his hands. As they embraced, he heard Alice unfasten her belt. Her pants dropped to the floor. Then she undid his. Soon they were dressed down to their underwear, feeling each other.

Alice guided him over to her bed. The covers were nicer than his, with a fluffy duvet covered in dark purple fabric and soft pillows decorating the room. She pushed him back, laying him down on top of the soft covers. They felt like clouds to his exposed skin.

Crawling onto the bed herself, she placed herself astride him, legs on either side of his hips. His hardened cock was pressed against her with only a couple thin layers of cloth preventing direct contact. She leaned forward, back arched slightly holding on to his arms.

Her mouth found his once more and she began to feel him more vigorously. She stroked her hands along his biceps as she pressed her soft breasts against him.

Nelson could feel her as he never had. Even through her panties, his cock began to ride between the lips of her soft pussy as she ground her hips back and forth. She started to get wet, creating more friction against the damp cloth.

He reached a hand up and began undoing her bra. With the release of the last clasp, the girth of her breasts lurched without the support. She sat up and pulled her arms free, discarding the bra to the side.

Her breasts were perfect. They held their shape, but hung in a tear-drop shape above him. They dangled in front of him, natural and soft.

How are you so perfect?

He reached up with both hands and wrapped his fingers around them. They were beautiful.

Alice moaned at the touch. She sat up straight, pressing one hand to his chest. The other ran fingers through her deep red hair, clearing it from her face. She continued to slide back and forth, hips rotating forward and back as though riding a slow mechanical bull.

As Nelson massaged her breast, her erect nipples slid between his fingers. He squeezed them gently, enough to make her moan louder. Nelson could feel her getting wetter. Her breath quickened and the grinding became faster. She leaned down and began kissing Nelson again. Her soft tits pressed against his chest, squishing up and down as she rode back and forth. His hands wrapped around her waist, feeling the gyration of her hips.

She was reaching higher, becoming more ferocious as her climax came closer. Suddenly, she sat up and stepped off the side of the bed. She reached up and pulled off his boxer-briefs exposing a hard cock at full attention. She bent herself over, removing her dark purple panties. Locking eyes with him. She climbed back onto the bed, sitting astride his ankles, and leaning forward. Her breasts hung just above his hard cock. Eyes still forward, she lowered herself, hands bracing on the bed and pressing his cock up between her breasts.

A wave of pleasure washed over him. Soft and supple, her breasts curved around, caressing the sides of his shaft. For this brief moment, all was right in the world. Pressed against her chest, warmth ran from his core to his furthest extremities.

As he slipped between them, he could feel her hardened nipples drag across his skin. She began to move up and down, supple tits hanging loosely. His cock pushed in and out of the gap with almost no pressure. He reached his hands and pressed against the sides of her breasts, creating more friction, and massaging them. With his thumbs, he rubbed his fingers in circles around her areolas.