Summer of the House Sitter

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The neighborhood changed when Amber arrived.
10.4k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/19/2004
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This story is about an older gentlemen whose life took an unexpected turn when his next door neighbors went on a cruise and decided to hire someone to house sit for them.


Chapter One: Never heard of such a thing.

Some people have more money than brains, I figured, after listening to the explanation my pain-in-the-ass neighbor Bob Brennan gave me regarding his upcoming cruise. We were talking over the fence, as was our custom, and since he had handed me a frosty Sam Adams, it made the conversation more tolerable. I still thought the idea was goofy though.

Not necessarily the cruise itself, mind you. I suppose if you enjoyed sitting on a boat for three weeks getting sunburned and shitfaced everyday, that might be just the thing.

"You ought to go on one of these yourself, Red," he suggested, calling me by a nickname long since made obsolete, since my hair had thinned and gone gray a long time ago. "You never can tell what could happen. They've got some hot babes on the cruises."

"Maybe I'll try it some time," I lied, wanting to end the conversation, since my bottle of beer was empty and there seemed to be little hope of getting another one from Bob.

Frankly, I always figured that with my luck, I'd go on one of those cruises, find out I hated it right after it set sail, and feel miserable and trapped for the rest of the voyage. I can be miserable at home for a lot less money.

"Anyway, if you see somebody around the house, I just wanted you to know that it's okay. We hired a student to house sit until we get back. You know, feed the kitty and look after things. Her name's Amber."

"House sit? Never heard of such a thing!" I said to Bob, waving my now empty bottle like a flag in hopes he would get the hint.

I started to tell him that he was a fool to pay somebody to feed the damn cat, and that I would have done it for him for nothing, but caught myself just in time. That would be a thankless task, and with my luck, the precious little shit would escape on me, or die.

I also bit my tongue before I told him he was an asshole for spending money on their in-ground pool a couple of years ago and then take off on a cruise. Better for me that they disappear for a few weeks than to have them hang around here and lounge around the pool half dressed, because Bob's wife was nearly as unpleasant to look at, as she was to listen to. A nice enough woman, I suppose, but possessed with one of those flinty voices that act like fingernails on a blackboard for me.

As you can tell, I've got some issues of my own, and crankiness ranks right up near the top of the list. I'm 64 years old, and my hearing is going faster than my eyesight. Lucky for me they started out good so I can see and hear pretty much everything I want to, and manage to disregard the rest. The body's in pretty good shape for a man my age - no major problems but a whole lot of minor ones.

Life would be pretty sweet, if things had worked out like we had planned. Unfortunately, three years ago, life as I knew it ended, when I came home and found Grace on the kitchen floor. Dead.

Thirty nine years married - wonderful years too, for the most part. Two grown children married and living good lives of their own. Everything a man could ask for, and the grand plans to retire and live out the golden years, ended for me on that day. They say that the worst thing that can happen to a man is to outlive their children, and while that's probably true, this can't be much better. How did that song go? One is the loneliest number? Hard to argue with that.


Chapter Two: Amber waves.

A few days later found me going out to the backyard to fill my various bird feeding stations. I had to replenish the hummingbird feeders with their liquid, replace the water in the bird bath, and fill the many various contraptions with seed.

Grace used to do this religiously, and for some reason I felt obligated to continue it. I figure that was the way she would have wanted it, so what the hell? They're pretty to look at and their songs are cheerful.

Wheeling quietly along the path, I was startled to see someone in the Brennan yard, reclining in a lounge chair. Why I was startled, I don't know, since Bob had warned me someone would be around. Senility on the march, I suppose.

I stopped and looked over at the girl, who was oblivious to my presence. Hidden behind sunglasses, all I could see from my angle was her light brown hair falling over the back of the chair and what appeared to be long slender legs.

What was her name? Amber! There - I haven't lost it all yet. I was hoping she would turn and look over toward me, and when she didn't, a wheeled the cart around a little more, trying to get the squeaky thing to make as much noise as it usually did.

Must be dozing off, I figured, so I went about my business with the birds, pausing to glance over toward the girl from time to time. To be more precise, I spent a great deal of time looking over toward the girl. That pool's been there two years and the only female I'd seen in a bathing suit was Bob's wife, so I have to take a mulligan for my staring.

"Oh, hi there!"

She had finally become aware of me, after I had managed to make enough noise to scare away half the birds in the county, and climbed out of the lounge chair and walked over toward the fence.

She was wearing a skimpy pink bikini that was covering very little of her slender body, and I made a point of looking as much as I could without making it obvious. I felt guilty because she looked very young; as cute as the dickens but skinny and not particularly well developed, but she was so outgoing and unassuming that I felt more comfortable the more we talked, despite her being nearly naked.

"You must be Amber," I said, reaching over and offering my hand to the girl. "Bob warned me that someone would be around."

"And you must be Red - I mean Mr. Jeffers," Amber answered. "Mr. Brennan told me that if I needed help I should ask you."

"Glad to help. I'm a man of many talents and master of none. Just do me one favor, and call me Herb."

"Okay Herb," Amber said, exposing a set of teeth that were as dazzling as the sunlight. "I'm supposed to do things to the pool, but I can't get the darn filter to start up."

I volunteered to help and went over to the low part of the fence, and gingerly vaulted over the three foot high section. It had been a few years since I had done that, and it was done about as awkwardly as you could possibly imagine, but I managed to stick the landing, so to speak.

This prompted applause from Amber, although it was probably more out of relief that this old bastard didn't break his neck showing off, than anything else.

I managed to figure out the problem right away, but dragged it out for a time, because Amber was standing close by me and she smelled so nice. An enticing cocktail of suntan lotion, shampoo and perspiration filled my nostrils and brought back memories of long ago.

Still feeling like an pathetic old pervert for practically drooling on the poor kid, I explained to her that it was Bob's directions that were the problem, not her. He had the process in the wrong order, so I corrected the sheet he had given the girl and gave it back to her and told her to try it now.

Amber bent down and turned the switches on, while I peeked down into the slightly bowed cups of her top and saw the pale white skin of the inner portions of her tiny breasts, duly noting that I was certainly going to hell for my lecherous ways.

Her bronzed skin contrasted greatly with the whiteness of what was under the fabric of her top, I observed with scholarly interest, while Amber turned on the other switch, which got the motor humming.

"There you go!" I said proudly, patting her forearm which rested on the top of the frame.

Her slender forearms were sprinkled with fine, downy hair so light in color it was almost invisible, and when my hand touched her, a shiver went down my spine.

"WE did it!" Amber said proudly, raising her arms in victory. "I could never have done it without you."

I nodded while continuing my inventory, noting that the insides of her sinewy arms were more pale than the outsides, and smiled upon seeing just a hint of faint stubble in the deep hollows of her armpits. You know - like when a girl hasn't shaved in a couple of days? For whatever reason, I had always found that was sexy as all hell, but to each his own.

"You hit the switches, so you deserve the credit," I assured her.

I checked the rest of he things that Bob had listed for Amber to do, and didn't see anything too screwed up, but reminded her her that I was only next door if she needed me.

"Bob said you were a student," I said before leaving. "What grade are you going into?"

"Um - I'm going to be a junior next year," Amber said bashfully. "At State."

"Oh - college!" I said, now embarrassed for other reasons.

"I know, I don't look it, but I'm almost 20," she said with a shrug.

"Nothing wrong with looking young, especially when you're beautiful!" I said with a grin before going back over to my own place, taking the long way home this time.

When I got home, I wet my face down with damp cloth while looking out the bathroom window at Amber, who was back in the lounge chair, now reading.

I felt less guilty now, having found out that she was older than she looked - much older in fact. I also felt something else, something that was making my shorts a bit cramped, and that was something that rarely happened to me any more. It felt good, no matter what the reason.


Chapter Three: Amber's assistant.

Over the next several days, I made myself as available as I dared, and may have actually come in handy on a couple of occasions. I realized I was treading a fine line here between being the kindly old gentleman being helpful and the predatory old coot, and I did my best to stay on the proper side of the line, but it wasn't easy.

Amber was just such a sweet and bubbly girl, that I found myself drawn to her much like a moth to a flame. The more I learned about her, the more attracted I was, and she was an attentive listener as well. Since I had been pretty much a recluse since Grace had passed on, talking to the opposite sex had become a thing of the past, but having Amber around made me rediscover my old verbose side.

She was doing well in school, but not as well as her folks had hoped, and was having second thoughts about her career goals as well. The more she stayed in school, the less she wanted to be a teacher.

I knew from my own experience that it was often better to stop and circle the wagons instead of blindly continuing in the same direction because you felt you had committed yourself, and so I tried to give her the benefit of my own experiences in that regard.

While I offered my pearls of wisdom, I took to memorizing the image of her lithe and lean body at every opportunity. The tiny group of freckles around her nose, and the larger sprinkling of them on her shoulders were so ingrained in my mind that I knew their patterns by heart.

The two bikinis she wore; the pink one that I had seen her in on the first day was more modestly cut on top than the yellow one, which barely covered her breasts. The pink bikini bottoms were much more revealing than the yellow ones, however, and I wanted to tell her that there were times when the outer and upper fringes of her pubic hair were visible depending on the way she stood or sat, but I didn't. Instead, I just looked at the hairs that peeked out as casually as I could manage, and fantasized about the rest.

I realized that I had a bit of a problem about four days after we first met. As I recall, we had just climbed out of the pool, and were making mad and passionate love in the grass. Amber told me that I was an incredible virile lover and was the man of her dreams, and I was bringing her to orgasm after orgasm, when I suddenly came back to earth.

I woke up from that magnificent dream in my bed, drenched with sweat from head to toe. My boxer briefs were evidence of what had taken place in my sleep, as they were chock full of a rather copious load of semen, and once I had become awake enough to figure out what had happened, I had to laugh at myself.

"Coming full circle," I mumbled to myself as I hopped into the shower. Having wet dreams at my age was absurd, and at this rate I'd probably regress into a feeble old coot wearing diapers by the end of the summer.

It felt nice though, that much I had to admit, and so did the cool spray that washed off the evidence of my most erotic experience in several years. An experience that I would not likely be sharing with Amber the next time we spoke.

Telling a young woman less than a third your age that you fantasized about making love with her the night before, and came like a freight train as you did, was not something that she would really want to hear.


Chapter Four: The fastest three weeks of my life.

As soon as Amber had arrived, it was almost time for her to go. Bob and his wife would be home in a couple of days, and when I thought of going back to life without my daily visits with Amber, it still felt a bit like a kick in the stomach.

Rain or shine, we always managed to spend some time talking. There were times when I thought to myself that she must be just humoring me, but she always seemed so glad to see me that I brushed those thoughts away.

"Gee Herb," Amber said to me as I took her garbage can out to the curb for her. "Tomorrow will be my last full day here. Then Mr. and Mrs. Brennan will be back the day after that, and I'll be done."

"Bet you're anxious to get back home, and then off to school again," I told Amber as she walked alongside me up the driveway.

"I guess so, but this was a really neat job," Amber replied, and my eyes followed her as she bent over to pick up the garbage can lid. As she did, the cups of the pink bikini top bowed outward, revealing most of her tiny conical breasts.

"You did a good job," I offered in response. "Nobody stole the house, the cat is still alive, and you didn't have any wild parties."

"Plus I got to meet you," Amber said, squeezing my arm and kissing me on the cheek. My reward for doing the garbage detail, a task she easily could have and would have done just fine without me.

"I'm going to miss our little talks," Amber said, pouting a little bit and scrunching her face up. "You know so much about so many things that I enjoy picking your brain."

"Glad that you think I'm a help, but you're miles ahead of me in the smarts department," I answered. "The one thing I know is that there's no way you'll miss me more than I'll miss you."

That was an absolute. Over the last couple weeks, I had been far more lively and upbeat than my usual self. More like the me that used to be. I shaved everyday, and put effort into looking as good as an old coot like me could manage.

"Would you mind if I wrote to you when I get back to school?" Amber asked shyly. "You know - about stuff? Teaching and all."

"Heck, I'll provide the stamps!" I told her.

She was in such a quandary over her career options that it was really stressing her out. She had always wanted to be a teacher, but over the last year had started to sour on the idea. I thought I knew the reason for that, and had offered my analysis.

"You get a few crummy professors - you know the kind. The ones that are burnt out and are just putting in their time? It's as insidious as it is infectious, and you start to see yourself ending up like that. You won't be though, Amber. You're going to be a great teacher and a credit to the profession. You just need to get inspired again."

Like you've inspired me, I thought to myself as I continued to memorize the pattern of freckles on her shoulders for future reference. How sweet that skin must taste. What I wouldn't give for the chance to run my tongue over every pore of her body.

"Say, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" I said, quite out of the blue. "At my place?"

Mrs. Bob had told her in no uncertain terms that she was not to have company at their house, and I had not so much as walked in the door myself during the time they were gone. There was no reason that Amber couldn't come over to my house though. It wasn't like she was imprisoned over there.

"Really? That would be really neat!" Amber replied with excitement. "I can cook if you want."

"Are you a cook? I asked.

"Well, not really," Amber admitted.

"Then in that case, just come over with your appetite and I'll show you how it's done."


Chapter Five: My Dinner with Amber.

I had to hustle to the store and get supplies for our dinner, because all I had were frozen pizzas, burgers and hot dogs in the house. It had been a long time since I had cooked anything - really cooked anything, and I got more enthusiastic about it as I hustled through the store.

When Grace was alive, she would let me invade her kitchen on occasion, and I would try to impress her with my culinary skills. I wasn't the cook that she was, but I could hold my own, and tonight I wanted to see if I could still do it.

Not knowing what she would like, I decided that something basic would be a good idea, so I settle on Italian chicken with white wine sauce over pasta. I felt a little clumsy around the stove at first, but by the time Amber was due to arrive, it had all come together.

"Oh God! It smells awesome in here!" Amber exclaimed as she came into my house for the first time.

I had felt silly getting dressed up a little for dinner, but after seeing how Amber looked, I was glad that I did.

Amber was stunning. This was the first time I had seen her in anything but a bikini, but she was gorgeous with clothes on too. She had a little make-up on that was tastefully applied, and her hair was done a bit differently, which combined to give her an older appearance.

She wore a peach camisole with a matching jacket over it that you could see through, and the short skirt looked perfect as well. Her slender legs had become so tanned over the summer that she didn't need or wear stockings.

"You're breathtaking," I told Amber, and she blushed and giggled.

"Bet you though I didn't have any clothes besides bikinis," she said with a laugh.

"Only a fool would complain about that," I said as I tried to pop the cork on a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc as gracefully as I had managed the other one used in the sauce for the chicken.

"Wine!" Amber said happily.

"You like wine?"

"Oui," Amber said softly.

"I guess I took a bit of a liberty with this," I admitted. "Legally, you're not old enough to buy this, are you?"

"I'm not old enough for a lot of things I've done," Amber said. "I don't think you can corrupt me any more than I am already. At school we get these big boxes of wine for our dorm rooms."

"Ah yes, I forgot about college life," I said, handing Amber her glass and toasting her.

"Wow, you must have cooked up a storm!" Amber said, looking around the kitchen at the sink filled with dishes and the general clutter. "Can I help you set the table?"

"We're all set and ready to go," I said. "This way, my dear."

I put my hand on Amber's back, feeling the soft gauze of her jacket, and guided her around the corner to the dining room. As we turned the corner, Amber looked startled.

The table was set, and the lights were dimmed, with the two candles on the table providing most of the illumination. The places were set with our good china, and everything was in place and ready to go.

I thought it looked pretty impressive, if I did say so myself. The Vivaldi playing softly in the background might have been a bit much, but I was trying to impress. Standing behind Amber, I saw her shoulders shaking, and I figured that she must have been laughing. Heck, I deserved it, I suppose. Putting on this kind of show in an attempt to impress a teenager was a bit goofy.