Summer Wine


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Jennifer rolls her eyes at me. "If our marriage mattered so much to him, he shouldn't have insisted we play." With a heavy sigh, she adds, "I think I wanted to give him a reason to end it, but in the morning he was so jealous and suspicious I didn't dare tell him."

"The guy's an arsehole," David growls. "Good riddance, if you ask me."

"Well, he's gone now," I say, "and let us speak of him no more."

"An excellent suggestion," Jennifer concurs, and we share a soft, sweet kiss. "I don't know about you, Honey, but I could do with a good hard fuck."

"Sounds divine," I whisper, and turn to stare seductively at David. "Tell us, sweet prince, what fantasy can we fulfil for you tonight?"

David grins, and there's a visible stirring in his trunks. "Oh, I've a few to start with."


He may be small for a man, but his cock is nothing to be shy about. It's not quite as thick as John's but it's easily the longest in the house, and perfect for two lusty women to share.

His balls are shaved bare, like porn cock, but then I'm also shaved bare. John persuaded me to do the full Hollywood - the things we do for men! painful! - a few days before the gameshow, so I feel doubly exposed wearing short skirts all the time. Jennifer keeps her blonde pubes trimmed and neat, which I think is sexier.

We kneel together on the floor in front of him, taking turns, one sucking on the head of his cock while the other licks the base of his shaft. It's the first cock other than my husband's that I've been close to in years, and I'm glad that John got a head start on me. He already spent a night with Lyn, and I've no doubt he's fucking some other woman right now with unrestrained pleasure, so there's no guilt in this infidelity.

Whenever we swap over, it's an excuse to kiss. I love kissing Jennifer. I love the press of her breasts against mine. I'm impressed by the ease with which she takes David's cock into her throat, and I caress and suck on her hard, swollen nipples as he fucks her willing and very capable mouth. With my fingers teasing her clit, I kiss her neck and whisper, "I love you," and it's true.

I know that we barely know each other, that this is akin to a holiday romance, that life outside this mansion and its absurd rules may bring a thousand obstacles to making our throuple a lasting relationship, but right in this moment I don't care about any of that.

"Ah, fuck, I'm almost there," David says, and I quickly resume my position beside Jennifer. His first pulsing eruption of cum fills her mouth and spills from her lips, and he withdraws quickly so that the next splashes against our close-pressed cheeks and the third is aimed into my open mouth.

Once more we take turns, sucking the last dribble of cum from his softening cock. Jennifer licks the cum from my cheek, and I return the favour. It's such a porn thing to do, but doing it with Jennifer makes it an intimate joy.

"All right, girls," David says. "On the bed with you. A bit of lesbian sixty-nine will soon have me hard again."



Sleeping three in a bed is a new experience for me. With David on one side and Jennifer on the other, I'm hot and awake and can't escape easily. I miss John. The smell of him and the feel of him. Sex with David was certainly fun and satisfying, but in the dark of night he's not the man I want next to me.

Jennifer, however, is the woman I want next to me, and everything about her, her smell, the shape of her, makes me itch to run my hands across her skin, to tease a finger between her labia, to suck gently on a nipple, to bring her once again to the precipice of pleasure, to make her awaken to a crashing orgasm.

But also, I don't want to wake her up at all, for fear that she will realise that this throuple we've made is just a fantasy, that acting like an amateur porn star for the next nine days, fucking random men every night, will not bring her the happiness she craves. And I don't want to sleep, for fear I will wake up to find her gone, to hear that she has returned to her real husband, the 'arsehole' who loves her, even if he is just a man with faults.

David shifts in his sleep, his arm coiling about me from behind, his cock pressed against my bum and slowly erecting. It's a nice feeling, but reminds me of another worry. We fucked last night, several times, without condoms, without birth control. The man has stamina. We asked him not to come inside us, to finish on our breasts, or our bellies, or our bums, and he was good about that, but I know there's still a risk. I know there's a huge risk that I will conceive while playing this game. I know instinctively that the viewers want that risk, the taboo thrill of seeing a husband impregnate another man's wife.

I caress Jennifer's belly, imagining it round with growing life, imagining her breasts huge and swollen with milk. I imagine us pregnant together, John with his arms proudly around us despite not knowing which of the husbands we've fucked here are the fathers.

David awakens with a startled murmur, his cock pressing urgently between my cheeks. I shift position to allow him to push into me, and the growing vigour of his thrusts quickly disturbs Jennifer's sleep. She switches her bedside light on and seems confused for a moment about where she is and what is happening, and I love the wild, tangled mess of her blonde hair... but then she grins, and moves around until her mouth is at my pussy, her tongue brushing across my clit, and it's not long before I'm coming so hard I've probably awoken half the mansion with my cries.


Breakfast is the first time the three of us are together. Jennifer's anxiety is matched by a nervous excitement from John. Their only connection is that I love them both.

And that's one thing I do feel guilty about. This isn't a throuple out of strategy. There's no mutual recognition that we will last only as long as the game. This is the beginning of something real, in a world that normalises couples and barely tolerates same-sex unions. There's no legal support for polyamory, there are no official ceremonies that recognise marriage between a man and two women - not in this country, at least.

"Do two wives make a harem?" I ponder aloud, and John's lips twitch in amusement.

And that's what I feel guilty about: falling in love, when everything I've been taught is that John, my husband, should be enough for me - especially so soon in our marriage. (What do we tell our kids?) How would I have reacted if positions were reversed, if John had said out of the blue that he loved David, or wanted Amayra, and asked me to expand our relationship?

Honestly, I don't know. But John seems willing enough to accept my abrupt passion. I guess it helps that Jennifer is smoking hot.

"How do you feel about moving to Sheffield?" he asks her.

Jennifer shrugs. "I don't mind getting out of London. Most of my family's up north anyway."

"We're going to need a bigger house," I muse, thinking through the calculations. Prize money versus expenditure. "Another five nights, minimum. Six would be better."

"Fuck that," Jennifer says. "I thought we were playing to win."

"Oh, we are, absolutely. I'm just thinking about our future. John and I have been planning out our future for months now - I'm sure you and Pete were too - and suddenly all that is different. Exciting. Scary."

Jennifer nods. "I know what you mean. Especially for me, because you two know each other. You know nothing about me, and vice versa."

"We take it one day at a time," John says, "and whatever happens next, we agree now to share the prize money evenly between the three of us."

Jennifer nods. "That's fair."

"Look," I say. "Why don't the two of you go fuck." Complete the triangle, in other words. I want them to have fun together, to fuck with and without me, and maybe even fall in love.

Because that way, I hope, I won't feel guilty any more.


Today there's a beach in the back garden, and a volleyball net. "No public vote today," the Voice in the sky says, "or tomorrow either. We do have our first throuple, however, so one lucky man tonight is likely to have a thrilling threesome."

No one is in any doubt about who the threesome is. Everyone is suddenly staring at Jennifer and me, the men with unmistakable lust, the women with glaring intensity.

"The game today is topless volleyball," the Voice continues. "The person with the most winning shots gets to choose their partner - or partners - tonight. Have fun, and play fair!"

We're nine men and ten women, but it almost works, and no one is entirely sure of the rules. Almost by default, we make it men versus women, which doesn't seem quite fair, although what really isn't fair is that I'm not wearing a bra and all the jumping and chasing after the ball really hurts my tits - and Jennifer's suffering too. The men clearly love watching ten pairs of bare breasts jiggling wildly, but I wonder how they'd like it if their cocks and balls were swinging about in full view.

The Voice keeps score: "Another point to David... Nice shot, Lyn... Jason again!" And it's Jason who is eventually declared the winner. A plumber from Leeds, as tall as his wife is short, dark hair and hazel eyes, not bad looking at all. "Sorry, love," he says to his wife Abby, "but I can't pass up this opportunity." He grins at Jennifer and me, and massages his crotch significantly.

"I'm still sore from your husband," Jennifer moans quietly to me as we walk back inside.

"He's your husband too, now," I remind her with a mischievous grin.

"Can't we take turns?"

"Sadly no, but maybe I can do something to make your pussy feel better?"

"Mmm. I'm sure you can."


For the first time, I'm alone with Jennifer without worry of interruption. We can't do anything about the millions watching us in the privacy of our room, but that's a truth that has faded from immediate awareness. We've already done so much that doing less now would be counterproductive. The aftermath is something to worry about later, and the longer we stay in the game, the better. If they enjoy watching our lesbian lovemaking, so much the better, but all I care about right now is having Jennifer in my bed.

We've showered, we've chased John from the room, I even made the ultimate sacrifice of letting John be first to be alone with her. There's no urgent need to go out and join the others, and Jason the plumber is hours away yet.

I still can't quite believe it's real, that I am in bed with a beautiful woman, that I am in love with her. "How long have you been bi?" I ask her.

"Always," she says. "Why?"

"I don't know. But I never let myself believe it until you."

Her lips curl into a smile as she half sings, "So, you kissed a girl..."

"... and I liked it," I finish, echoing her smile. "How was it this morning? With you and John?"

"It was okay. We were both a little anxious, because it wasn't just fucking. It was more like a first date without the actual date. But I can see why you like him."

I breathe a smile of relief. "I feel like I've broken your marriage and risked my own, all on a strange, seductive whim."

"Summer wine," she murmurs.

"Hmm?" The allusion misses me.

"Take off your silver spurs," she sings, "and help me pass the time, and I will give to you summer wine." She leans in to kiss me, softly, sweetly. "Mmm," she sings, "summer wine."

I don't know the song, but I love her for it, and I kiss her demanding lips until kissing is no longer enough, until the only thing that can possibly sate my hunger for her is to see her writhe in ecstasy beneath me, because of me. My fingers press between her labia, my tongue teases her nipples, my teeth catch them. "Have you ever been with a woman before?" I ask.

Jennifer laughs, but there's a bitter edge to it. "Pete thought it was hot that I was bi, until he learned I'd had serious girlfriends before meeting him, that it wasn't just sexy fun for the men to watch. After that, he didn't like me going out without him. He really didn't like me kissing you yesterday."

"He's the only man who didn't," I murmur, kissing my way down her belly, circling in towards her pussy. "I've never been with a woman. I've only seen it in porn and that's all Hitachi wands and strap-ons and weirdly extreme bondage... and lots of squirting, for some reason. I don't think I've ever squirted."

Jennifer chuckles. "Forget all that, and keep doing what you're doing."

I'm more than happy to continue. I adore the smell of her pussy, so raw and intense. I'm usually on the receiving end of this sweet act, and there's so much pleasure in the giving. We did sixty-nine last night for David's benefit, and that had been fun, but also awkward and a little too hasty to properly enjoy. This time I fill my senses with the smell of her, the taste of her, the smooth skin of her thighs, the brush of her blonde pubes against my lips, the trembling of her flesh, her murmurs of encouragement as my tongue circles her clit or sweeps across it. "So good, Honey. So good. Don't stop."

Of course I don't. I make love to her with my mouth until she is convulsing beneath me, and only once I have drank my fill of her summer wine and she is calm once more do I return to kissing her again, lips to lips. "How was that?" I murmur.

"Like an angel's kiss in spring," she sings.


The predictability of it is almost anticlimactic. Give a man a chance at a threesome with two hot lesbian chicks - which we aren't, but whatever - and of course the progression is blowjob then lesbian sex then some triangular arrangement. Jason likes toys, however, and one of the toys in the cabinet is a blue, fourteen-inch, double-ended dildo, so for a good ten minutes or so, Jennifer and I are bum-to-bum, fucking ourselves and each other with that silicone toy, waiting for Jason to get hard again.

Also in the cabinet are several buttplugs, ranging from medium-sized to fucking-hell. There's even a glass plug with a hole through it, which just seems perverse to me. "Have you girls ever done anal?" he asks, and when I shake my head, his eyes light up with eagerness. "This'll be a treat, then."

Lovely. At least he's no John. His cock is average in size, and the prospect of losing my anal cherry to him is not as alarming as the idea of all the viewers out there watching. I bet all my students are tuning in every day to see what their lecturer is doing on her holiday, and now they have the pleasure of seeing some random bloke from Leeds give my ass a good plumbing.

While fucking Jennifer with casual vigour, he takes great pleasure in working lube into my ass with rough fingers, then inserting an uncomfortably large steel plug. That done, he switches to me, so that both pussy and ass are stuffed, and I can't deny it feels good, very good. I come hard and quickly, betraying to the world what a dirty slut I am to like this anal manipulation -

- and suddenly Jason is stiffening within me. "Not inside me," I cry, but he grips my hips tight and buries his cock deep, and I can feel the pulsing kick of his climax. His cum is inside me, his sperm swimming all excited at this chance to fulfil their purpose, racing upstream in hope of fertilising an egg. "Fuck!"

Jennifer giggles. "You knew it had to happen eventually."

I just scowl at her, and at Jason as he retreats in embarrassment. "Um, sorry," he mutters, but I think he knows his chance at anal sex just went out the window.

"Fuck," I say again, and reach behind to extract the steel bulb that's planted in my virgin ass.


Knowing it might happen and having it actually happen are not the same. I lie awake for hours, Jennifer in the middle this time. I think about the fact that I definitely wasn't pregnant before coming to the mansion and that I have since fucked three different men. If I have a child in nine months, the father might be from Sheffield, or from an hour's drive north in Leeds, or perhaps from another country entirely.

Stupid fucking gameshow. Whose wild idea was it to create entertainment out of adultery and impregnation? What possessed us to think we could not come out of this as losers?

What do you tell a child conceived in this way? "Your mummy and daddy loved each other so much they spent two weeks having sex with strangers, and that's why you've got two mummies now, and half brothers and sisters in Glasgow, Manchester and Cardiff."

I'm glad Jennifer is with me now. If it was just me in bed with Jason now, I'd be screaming - and not in ecstasy.


Clearly I'm not the only one struggling with this anxiety. Two more couples left the mansion this morning, so we're down to six couples and one throuple. The mood during breakfast is generally subdued.

We're asked to gather around the television at ten o'clock. John is wearing a black shirt and white shorts today, Jennifer's in schoolgirl white and tartan, and I'm in sailor blue and white. We squeeze together on a two-seater sofa, John in the middle.

Lyn and Will sit opposite us, and Lyn certainly isn't flashing her pussy. I'm sure David used it well last night, and I wonder if he finished inside her. I wonder if Amayra is still insisting her pussy is off limits.

It's only Day Four, and it feels like we've been here a week. I'm exhausted.

"Contestants," the Voice says, "we thank you all for playing, and for choosing to continue playing. There are now three days without public votes, and that's simply unfair to our millions of viewers. But we have a solution. This is TV after all, and what is TV without a little magic?"

Stop nattering on about magic, I want to say. Get to the point!

"The next three days will simply fly by," the Voice says, with an ominous laugh.

A clock appears on the screen, the time just past ten, but the second hand... The second hand is moving fast, sweeping its circular path at three times its usual rate. "In four hours," I say, "it will be ten o'clock in the evening." In just four hours, Jennifer and I will be back in bed waiting for our door to open. John, perhaps, or David or Jason again, or Rishith or Will or Rob or Stephen. Eight hours after that, we'll be waiting again, and then another eight hours...

"That's a lot of fucking in one day," Jennifer says.

"And not a lot of sleep," I add.

"You guys have got it easy," John mutters. "I'm the one who has to get it up."

"Poor baby," I say, kissing him and teasing his cock. I miss having him in my bed at night. "We'll make sure you're nice and hard - won't we, Jennifer?"

"Mmm, yes we will," she murmurs seductively, teasing his nipples.

His cock stiffens in record time, and its hard urgency answers an aching need in me. Uncaring that the couples are all still there around us, I tug the stretchy material of his trunks aside to free his erect and magnificent cock. Thick. Familiar. Exactly what I need.

"Honey," he warns, but I know he wants this. He loves this exhibitionist side of me, the wife who goes to the cinema without knickers and fucks behind the bushes and runs naked across the quad, the wife who fucks other women's husbands with millions of people watching, the wife who straddles him on the sofa, her cunt devouring his throbbing cock.

"Come in me," I beg, riding him hard, loving the way I'm so exquisitely stretched by him. I need his cum in me. I need to know that if I'm going to leave here pregnant, then there's a good chance the father will be the man I love. "Come in me, John," it's not a request, "and then go knock up all those other bitches."

Jennifer bursts into laughter, and John grins fiercely as he climaxes, his cock pulsing in glorious victory. "I love you, Honey," he whispers, pulling me in for a kiss.

"I love you, John," I whisper back, and before Jennifer can feel neglected, I kiss her too. "My pussy needs a little soothing, my love," I say with a grin. "How about it?"