Summer with Nora


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"What's going on?"

"Your girlfriend certainly has a mind of her own, and she knows how to use it. I need to tell this to James. Nora, why don't you fill Hugh in?"

"Nora?" I was intrigued but also feared an impending lawsuit. I led her to a more quiet area to hear her.

"So I'm sure you know, but your ex-wife is a bitch and a half."

"Yes, I knew that."

"Well, she approached me in the ladies room, and said: 'You're Hugh's girlfriend, correct? Well, I am glad he's finally found a homely girl for himself, since he cannot seem to keep the beautiful ones around.' I swear, I was about to sock her. But I recovered, and replied, that I may be homely, but at least my boyfriend didn't have to take Viagra in public. I had seen her boob of a husband slip one of those blue pills into his mouth just as I was heading for the restroom. Then, just because I was feeling mean, I said, 'Then again, I would be taking Viagra too when I was about to mount the public pony ride and everyone else had already had their spin.'" I was in stitches. I could barely catch my breath. Nora was gesticulating along with her words, just emphasizing her points. She looked so angelic in her dress, but had a mouth like a guttersnipe.

"I have no problem with her insulting me, but she was insulting you, and I quite simply won't have her get away with it."

"So you were coming to my rescue?"

"Hey, it's what I do. You'd do the same for me. Besides, she needed to be taken down a few notches. Anyway, that's why everyone was clapping. Apparently the girls knew that she was stepping out, most likely with their husbands."

I furrowed my brow, it wasn't something I was particularly proud of - I had spent years pretending not to notice her shopping trips that would last for days, her mini-vacations, and obviously, the fact the we never had children, which would not happen now I either. I could have screamed, I wanted children and for almost 25 years my wife made sure it would never happen. And now Nature was putting a stop to it. Just one of those things. I put on a smile and dragged Nora back to the dance floor. I tossed her shawl onto her chair, I wanted everyone to see her as she was.

After a few more spins on the dance floor and she was grinding her hips into my groin while we danced slowly. "Can we go home soon?" she whispered. She was looking up at me, her hazel eyes twinkling suggestively. We practically hurried out of the room. It must have seemed clear what our intention was, since James and Elizabeth smiled at each other knowingly. Down in the lobby, we were waiting for our car to come up, the mayor approached, "Hugh Cooper, who is this lovely creature with you? I did not see her before." "My apologies, Mayor Walker, this is Nora Stewart." "She's your girlfriend I understand. Gave your ex-wife quite the talking to." Nora was crimson. Turning to Nora he said, "My wife overheard you in the ladies room and told me. Don't worry, young lady, I think she deserved it." Turning back to me, "Hugh, you better make an honest woman out of her, before someone steals her from you. Have a good evening, both of you."

Sitting in the back of the car, Nora quickly nodded off on my shoulder. Practicing my words, I whispered, "Nora, would you marry me?"

"Sure, but can you ask me again when I'm awake?" And she was asleep again.

The next morning, I was still half-asleep, when I felt her climb on top of me. It was still early and I was too lazy to move. By now, her hand had gotten very adept at getting me nice and hard within minutes. She lowered her lips to my cock and kissed and licked away. I squirmed underneath her when I felt an orgasm coming closer. Not letting me get off that easily, Nora lowered herself onto my cock and I was near bursting. She circled her hips, grinding her pussy in me, rubbing her own clit tirelessly, and without much warning I lost it. I shot my load into her, as she followed quickly behind. I felt her orgasm squeezing every last drop out of me. Only after both our orgasms had passed did I finally open my eyes.

"Good morning." Nora whispered into my ear.

"Can we arrange for this to be the daily wake-up call?" Nora laughed, and replied, "We can only do that if you help me move in here. So let's go, get dressed."

Within minutes we were dressed, sitting in the car, driving back into the city. Nora had packed up a lot of her belongings already and we only needed to move them into the car. Most of the furniture came with the room and would stay behind. Moving didn't take us long, so by noon we were back on the street headed for home. All her clothes would go into our closet, and her books would eventually go into the small room next to the bedroom. Initially planned for a small child's room, it had been empty, except for the lone bookshelf and desk. There was still the beginnings of a baby mural in the room, but I would paint over that later. For now, all her books stayed in the garage, mainly because we couldn't get upstairs fast enough. We were finally, in our home. Our home. It felt great to say that. In that peaceful space between resting and fully awake, Nora mumbled, "Weren't you going to ask me something?"

"Just who's the one proposing here..."

Slipping off the bed, I got down on one knee. "My beautiful Nora, my knight-ess in shining armor, defender of my virtues," with that she was in stitches, "would you marry me?

With a big smile, "Well, since you asked so nicely. Of course."

She dove off the bed and into my arms and we collapsed on the bedroom floor, resuming our lovemaking.

The following Monday at work, we knew we'd have to make the news official. No use having the office rumor mill filling up with the news from the previous Friday night's public spat between Nora and my ex-wife. We'd long stopped trying to hide the fact that we arrived at the same time, so on our way in I grabbed Nora around her waist, holding her in front of me, we stood in the middle of the office floor and called out to everyone. "Everyone, I have an announcement. Please, if I can have your attention for a minute." Nora looked at me, mortification written on her face. She actually turned a shade paler than usually, and stared at me, holding her breath. "Everyone, I know that rumors have been going around the office for a while now, and I am just going to clarify a few things. Nora and I are in a relationship. I asked her to marry me. And she said yes!" Everyone broke out in applause and cheers. Apparently, James had already done all the work, and informed the office of the relationship.

The mortification waned in her face and Nora smiled at her hooting coworkers. Some of the secretaries and legal assistants crowded around Nora, pulling her away to powwow about possible wedding plans. Nothing had been planned yet, and since we had wanted to keep it intimate, we decided on a small wedding at home, with a party in our backyard in August. Neither one of us had family we needed or wanted to invite. Since it was still February, it was certainly time enough to plan it. Nora still worked part-time at the firm and took off two days for the last two courses of her law school career. Come August, she would graduate and we could start our life together wholeheartedly.

The last few weeks before the wedding on August 1, Nora was holed up in her office. I had wanted to paint over the mural on the wall, but Nora refused to even let me near it. She liked that the room had so much history, and wouldn't even let me consider changing it.

I was knee-deep in work and Nora in law school exams, but we both could not wait for our wedding. Law school was out, and her professors had assured Nora that she would graduate with honors for the work she had done. She had even taken the bar exam already, now eagerly awaiting the results. We both promised each other that we would take a honeymoon once things slowed down at the office. August 1, I had bunked in James's guest room. I was not to see my bride for 24 hours before the wedding; even bribing the bridesmaids didn't work. We tried. I had asked James to be my best man, since he was truly the best guy I knew.

Nora walked out in a white satin gown, with a carefree expression that reminded me so much of the first night, when I saw her dancing barefoot in her satin robe. The dress dipped dangerously low in the back, revealing most of both of the tattoos on her back, soliciting some shocked expressions from the guests that didn't know her.

The neighborhood children had a ball dancing around the guests. Nora danced with a few children in a big circle. She glowed with them, laughing and sharing stories with a few of the girls. It would be a pity for this woman to be without children in her life. We danced our first waltz under a big white tent filled with candlelight. The wedding tent hummed with joy. Once toasts began, James ragged on me as a boss, shacking up with an intern, what a canned move, but that it couldn't be a better fit. Already having planned my revenge, I rose to deliver my toast. "James, since you think being boss is such a great deal, getting to shack up with the interns, and such. Though I must warn you, we will only hire very ugly interns from now on... Wife's orders." The room burst out laughing. "No but seriously, it is time that you get a taste of being the boss. I am naming you partner to Copper and Associates. Effective immediately. It's time I spend more time with my wife and less time with you!" More laughter. "And to my beautiful wife, I hope you'll forgive me this intrusion into your privacy. But since you have now passed the bar exam, I'd like you to join Cooper and Associates full-time." I had to avoid a sucker punch thrown my way, but she was soon as relieved by the news as I was.

We didn't even get to enjoy our first married fuck that night, or even that week. Too many guests in the house, and too much to do. That would wait another week. We had taken off a long weekend from work, spent it on Schotbruch, planning to sail along the coast for a few days. Putting out to anchor a mile and a bit off coast, we spent our first intimate hours being swayed by the waves. A weeks worth, or better yet, months worth of pent up lust came unleashed as we fucked on every conceivable surface. Leaning against the walls, at the steering wheel. It was like I was claiming her to be mine for the first time. Really, we didn't even get that far from the harbor before we leapt at each other. Spending the first night in each others' arms, I awoke to find her warm lips wrapped around my cock. Her pointed nipples stroking across my stomach, as she was straddling me with her dripping pussy suggestively waving at me. She tasted sweeter than ever before, as I licked the length of her lips. Before I could get more involved, I felt the familiar churning in my balls, then the waves of orgasm crashed over me. Similarly to the waves in my head, the boat was getting tossed around quite a bit. Having recovered some blood to my head, I climbed to the wheel to check the weather forecasts and call in to the harbormaster. "Hell, Hugh, I've been trying to call you for a while. We've got a storm passing by. You better get out of there before you're caught up in it. We made it back to port in time for torrential rains to start pouring. Making it back home, we cozied up in front of the fire, watching the storm clouds through the windows. Nothing serious was damaged, a few windows broken, and the sail on Schotbruch needed to be replaced. We made it through the storms in one piece.

Since we still had a good two day of our long weekend left over, we decided to just stay in and enjoy each other. After a long day of nothing to eat but each other, I finally ordered some food and snuck downstairs while Nora was taking a shower. I heard the water rush upstairs, then a few minutes of silence then a high-pitched scream. I sounded like she was being murdered up there, so I dropped everything, and sprinted up the stairs. She was still screaming. She was standing stark naked in the bathroom, screaming. I put a hand over her mouth, "What the heck is going on." Underneath my hand, she screamed incoherently, "Mmmmm mmmmh. Mmmmmm mmmmh."

"What? Slower and quieter!" I lifted my hand off her lips and looked at her sternly.

"It... is... blue."

"What's blue?"

"It's blue."

"What... the... heck... are... you... talking... about?"

"This!" She held out a home-pregnancy test, and it was blue. Crystal blue, blue as the sunny skies, blue!!!

"It's blue!!!" Now I was the one screaming. "How is that possible? I thought you couldn't."

"Well, sometime miracles happen." I grabbed her into my arms and held her tightly, lifting her off her feet and turning circles with her.

"Hey there, big guy, don't squeeze so tight."

"Oh, I guess you're right." And I daintily dropped her to her feet.

"And I guess, that office of mine will become a child's room after all." We were both grinning.

Like fate had planned it, not only were we pregnant, we were getting twins. I soon slipped into semi-retirement, coming in only a few days a week, and spent the majority of the time at home with the other two loves of my life. Annabelle and Peter, named after Nora's parents, were born February 22. As I write this, Nora, Annabelle and Peter are getting our sailing gear ready. We're heading out one last time this summer. I've truly come to appreciate summers all that much more. And Nora, she still wears heels and those swishing dresses, just how I like it.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A wonderful, feel-good romance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Lovely story, thanks for emphasizing how they felt about each other, and not some particular measurements.

BTW, Nora sounds delicious....

The lack of real explanations about the tattoos could be a problem, or it could be okay. You made it work, but if you write more about this couple, include more about the tattoos.

Two major points for me, that pulled me out of it a bit...

WHY would she take a pregnancy test if she knows she cannot get pregnant? Why she is concerned is worth a few paragraphs at least, while Nora starts to wonder, and then decides, and then learns something about herself.

Secondly, a sea trial, or a shakedown cruise, is a very real and necessary thing. If our hero is clever enough to build a boat, a sea trial would be a very important part of the process before one made plans for a romantic cruise. It would be a working cruise, which could ALSO be romantic, but the questions about, and problems of, the boat, would be the focus.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great Story

Another great story that I had somehow missed until now. I know it's just fiction but stories like this give a little hope to us middle-aged geezers who kind of need a woman in their lives. A 5 star tale, no doubt. Thank you, author.

Pokey42Pokey42about 10 years ago
Wonderful Story but ...

I your story is wonderful. Thank you for sharing with us. I love it that your heroine is so real and not some fantasy. My one correction for you is your sailing quote. It's following and not fallowing as in, "fair winds and following seas and may your big jib draw." (your German phrase translated I believe).

blackdragon54blackdragon54almost 12 years ago

I've read this story several times now, and I look forward to reading more of your work if you ever decide to post again :)

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