Surefoot 74: Compilation


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And if he was right, then her friends in Alpha Squad would still be nearby, and not scattered to the four corners of the Quadrant.

She fought back the tears of relief, finding wellsprings of strength rising up within her. Still, her voice choked as she replied, "It- it would be an honour to continue serving you, Commodore."

He smiled, offering his paw, his smile broadening as she eagerly accepted it. "We'll start hammering out the details before the general briefing tomorrow, so meet me in the Mess Hall at 0730 Hours; get some Lieutenant's pips replicated before that, and I promise you there will be a celebration later. In the meantime, I need my bed..." He sniffed near his armpit. "After a long shower."


On his return to his quarters, however, he decided he was too tired to wash, and instead stripped off and entered the bedroom. Just a few hours of sleep will help him catch up...

Seconds later, he was sent out, Kami ordered, "Shower!"

"Stinky Papa!" Misha called after him in punctuation.

Sreen laughed in her sleep at it all.



In her quarters with her partner, C'Rash was curled up on the couch, trimming the claws on her feet, making noises to herself.

Nearby, still working, T'Varik never looked away as she invited, "What is it?"

The Caitian shrugged to herself, her tail curled around her thigh. "I didn't say anything."

"You wished to ask me something, without actually vocalising it."

C'Rash looked up now. "Should I be more ambitious?"

The Vulcan stopped and turned in her chair to face her. "Elaborate."

"All joking aside about my cousin Sasha getting promoted over me, I don't want to move up. Sure, I'll take on a command role temporarily if I have to. But I like being where I am, doing what I'm doing. Does that bother you?"

"Not in the least. You are still relatively young, and there is no guarantee that you will always feel this way, but as it stands now, you appear to be in a place of contentment. Not everyone needs to possess an upwardly mobile mindset. And, speaking selfishly, I would not want anyone else serving under me."

C'Rash purred. "Sweet talker. Maybe you need a break?"

"Maybe-" Then there was a prompt on her screen, and she responded. "T'Varik here."

Sasha's voice responded. "Captain, I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you at this late hour?"

T'Varik noted C'Rash growling, but assured her, "You are not, Lieutenant Commander. How may I assist you"?

"Well, I'm onboard ship visiting, and wanted to stop by and get some advice from a former First Officer."

"I am available now. Please come. T'Varik out."

A second later, the door chimed. T'Varik raised an eyebrow to her partner and rose to greet the visitor. "Were you waiting in the corridor?"

Sasha shrugged. "I thought I'd take a chance." As T'Varik stepped aside and the human entered, she nodded to C'Rash. "Evening, Cousin."

"Evening, Cousin." The Caitian twisted in place, resting her furred feet on the arm of the couch. "Trim my claws, would you? I don't want to scratch my missus in bed. Come on, you owe me."

"Owe you? For what?"

C'Rash smiled, teasingly. "For that wonderful sexy summer we had on Cait when we first met."

Sasha blushed, but recovered to reply, "You weren't that good."

"Lt Cmdr Hrelle is a guest in our quarters... and she outranks you," T'Varik reminded her mildly, looking to Sasha again and indicating the small round breakfast table. "Would you care for tea? Or perhaps something stronger?"

"Tea, please. I'm staying sober for the duration." She took a seat.

"The duration of what?" C'Rash asked.

Sasha shrugged. "I haven't decided yet."

T'Varik returned with two freshly-replicated cups of Vulcan peppermint tea, taking the place opposite the human before looking to her partner. "Why don't you go to bed? I am certain that our talk will not be of much interest to a junior officer such as yourself."

C'Rash hissed as she rose to her feet and departed for the bedroom. "Bet you'll be swapping stories about me all night..."

T'Varik waited until the bedroom door closed before asking, "And how have you been coping with the recent developments?"

Sasha cradled the tea, looking appreciative of the warmth and the scent from the contents of the ceramic cup. "I've been keeping busy, prepping the crew for the Katana, looking for replacements for those moving elsewhere or retiring, catching up on the security briefings from the Salem Sector. I wanted to thank you, by the way; many of the Academy exercises you set up while I was a cadet helped a lot."

"You are welcome." T'Varik leaned in, her expression sympathetic. "Sasha, I am not unmindful of the emotional repercussions of your return to your former home, with its tragic elements."

Sasha paused to breathe in the scent of the tea as she seemed to consider the observation. "I... To be honest, I think I don't know how I'll feel until I actually get there. Maybe I'm avoiding thinking too much about it... or maybe I really will be okay. It seems a waste of time to worry about it." She sipped at the tea for punctuation.

"Very sensible. And do not be reluctant to seek out any of us should you require emotional support. Now, you have come for advice from a former First Officer?"

Sasha nodded. "This is all confidential, yes?" When T'Varik nodded, she proceeded. "I've been trying to get Captain Weynik involved in the work of getting the ship and crew ready. I've been doing as well as I can, but... I'm not getting through to him. No one is, really. He's so angry over what happened to him... and he's taking it out on everyone, including me. I know my job as First Officer is to support my Captain above everything else-"

"I disagree."

Sasha frowned. "Captain?"

T'Varik steepled her fingers. "Forgive my interruption, Lieutenant Commander, but I must respectfully disagree. A First Officer's role is not to be a sycophant, a 'Yes Man' of the Commanding Officer, blindly following their orders.

A First Officer's ultimate responsibility is to Starfleet, to their ship and to their crew. If your Commanding Officer is behaving in a way that is harmful, either to any of those things you are responsible for, or to themselves, then it is the First Officer's duty to confront them, and take appropriate action. How this is done is up to the individual. I expect your approach will be... Singularly Sasha."

"And if I get it wrong?"

"That is always a possibility, of course, for all of us, throughout life. All that is certain is that little is ever accomplished by inaction."

The younger woman nodded gratefully. "Thank you." Then he glanced in the direction of the bedroom door. "Do her snores still sound like a bulldog getting its nuts caught in a vice?"

The Vulcan raised an eyebrow. "I cannot confirm such a creative simile. But it can be clamorous..."


The line outside the Surefoot's Main Transporter Room was long, but gradually diminishing as personnel moved onto new assignments on the adjacent ships.

Six stood apart, three of them with their shoulder bags: Valentin and Alison in civilian clothes, Hylore in her exosuit minus her Starfleet insignia. Facing them, Malala, Kevin and Gyver regarded them, Malala taking the lead. "I can't believe this is it. We're never going to be together again."

Valentin looked as emotional as the rest, but tried to conceal it. "Come on, Mal, Never Say Never. Maybe we can have a reunion down the line?"

"Anything'ss posssible," Kevin hissed, the Gorn's reptoid eyes glistening. "You managed to ssstop being a bloody wanker, for one."

Alison chuckled. "When I write about our experiences together, Kev, I hope to capture your wit."

"I'll sssettle for you desscribing me ass a fantasstic lay."

Malala elbowed him playfully. "Behave, Kev!" She swallowed, looking to Hylore. "I hope being among air breathers hasn't been too difficult for you."

The helmet visor on the Argoan's water-filled exosuit was clear enough to show the melancholy in Hylore's limpid black eyes. "I know I have often complained about the inconvenience of it all... and yet, now that I am returning to my homeworld, I must admit... all the inconvenience was worth it, for what we did... and for getting to know all of you."

"We may never meet again," Gyver informed them. "But what we have shared will never be taken away from any of us. And I will keep you all in my prayers."

He drew in to hug each of them in turn, followed by Malala, and even Kevin, the Gorn lingering with Valentin. "You take care, you hear me?"

"Thanks, Pal," Val replied, adding, "Um... are you gonna let go of my ass anytime soon?"

"Don't ssspoil the moment, mate."


Weynik was sick of seeing these walls, that ceiling.

Weynik was sick of lying here, getting bedsores.

Weynik was sick of being a complete bastard to his family, to Esek and Sasha and Kami, of driving them all away so they didn't see how pathetic he was.

Weynik was sick of being angry.

Weynik was sick of being afraid.

Get up. You know you have to. Kami was right. Esek was right. Sasha was right. Mom was right. They're all right, and you're just being a nasty, stubborn, scared runt. Get up, and get busy living.

But then the door opened without a chime, and Sasha strode in... and all thoughts of rising and forcing himself to return to work and life fled like roaches in the light. "Get out, Lieutenant Commander."

She continued forward, standing at his side. "We have a briefing from Commodore Hrelle to attend. You have a crew waiting to see you up and about."

"Don't you have a bottle somewhere that needs emptying?"

Sasha didn't move. "Another time, maybe."

"I'm tired."

"What a coincidence. I'm tired of listening to you spout the same crap... Sir."

He glared at her, eyestalks dipping. "GET OUT! THAT'S AN ORDER!"

Sasha glared back...before reaching out, grabbing his arm and pulling him off the biobed.

Weynik fell to the floor, hard. He cursed, flinching, feeling the pain through his new leg as well as much of the rest of his body, not having moved around in days.

Almost immediately she picked him back up to his feet. "See? That wasn't too difficult-"

He swung out, trying to grab her by the wrist to put her in a restraining hold.

Sasha blocked him, countering with moves of her own -- moves I taught her, he realised -- that had him pinned against the nearest wall now. "That's it, get the circulation going-"

"I'll have you court martialed for this!" he threatened.

"You'll have to start acting like you're in Starfleet to do that-"

Just then the door opened again, and Admiral Tattok walked in, looking startled by the scene. "Lieutenant Commander Hrelle, just what in the blue blazes do you think you're doing to my son?"

Weynik waited for Sasha to immediately release him.

She didn't. Still keeping him pinned, she explained, "Sir, as Captain Weynik's First Officer, it's my duty to ensure he complies with the orders from his new superior officer Commodore Hrelle, and attend the briefing... whether he wants to go or not. And to make sure he lets his worried crew see that he is alive and well and prepared to lead us into whatever awaits us. And to start reading the reports on the ship that I've secured and that I've crewed and equipped for him, while he's laid in here feeling sorry for himself."

More softer now, and directed towards Weynik alone, she finished with, "And to remind him that he has family, and colleagues, and many other people who love him and need him. And once he's done all that, then I'll make sure he attends the group Counseling sessions, along with everyone else, including myself, who has suffered physically and mentally in the War."

Tattok regarded her response, before nodding. "Carry on, Lieutenant Commander."

Weynik looked to his father in disbelief, but then acknowledged to himself, You know your Dad was coming in here to more or less do the same to you. And he wouldn't have been as easy on him as Sasha has been. Bloody Hemra... "You can let go now, Sash."

She did, but stayed close, as he reached for his jacket, slipping into it. He was limping, but he could manage. He looked to Tattok. "Dinner tonight, Dad? With Mom and the kids?"

The Admiral nodded. "I look forward to it, Son."

"We're going to be late, Sir," Sasha reminded him. "And I have a lot for you to catch up on before the briefing."

Weynik nodded, summoning whatever dignity he could still muster as he moved with her to the door. "So, you've equipped the Katana, have you? You'll probably have stocked the galley with nothing but deep fried shuris pieces."

"Shut up, or I'll chop your other leg off..."


The Conference Hall was the largest room on deep Space Nine, containing the hundred-plus Starfleet and civilian personnel involved, while Commodore Hrelle stood on the raised dais, with Lt Dassene nearby, the Orion woman operating the PADD in her hands to produce the holographic screen behind the Caitian as he proceeded with his briefing. "...and until Captain Neheru arrives to assume command of the Tangshan, I've asked Captain Arrington and her crew on the al-Razi to assist with completing the refit of their warp core.

I realise that we'll be heading out to Salem Sector while still undergoing repairs and getting accustomed to our new ships and new roles and each other. And that even after arriving, our trials will continue. But then, when we signed up, none of us were promised an easy time of it... nor that the Universe would give us time for R&R before throwing crap at us again.

But if anything has taught me, it's that in Starfleet, we are greater than the sum of our parts.

The Surefoot, under Captain T'Varik, will be departing ahead of schedule of the rest of the Squadron, to escort me to Scesity, a mining colony at the edge of Salem Sector, as we've picked up some signals that need investigating, and I'm hoping to find some more key personnel for the Station there. But I expect the rest of you to follow as soon as possible.

Well, I think I've covered everything-"

"Excuse me, Commodore," Zir spoke up, catching his and everyone's attention, and wearing an enigmatic smile on her olive-skinned face. "There's one more item, Sir, added by Captain T'Varik." She indicated behind him.

He turned to see his former First Officer approach, carrying a polished black flat rectangular box, and addressing him and the crowd. "Commodore Hrelle, for 7.124 years you have commanded two starships named Surefoot, and commanded most of us present here.

But you have done more than that. You have guided us, taught us, protected and cherished us. You have saved our lives more times than it is practicable to calculate, and together we have helped save even more lives. And though most of us will continue to work with you, directly or otherwise, we could not in all decency allow your achievements to date to go unacknowledged or unappreciated.

And so the crew of the Surefoot, past and present, have fashioned this gift, to commemorate your inestimable service, the end of one era, and the beginning of another."

She opened the lid of the box, revealing what looked like a combadge, with the Starfleet arrowhead, but instead of the rectangular grid or oval backing, the arrowhead was mounted on a soft gold shape of a cat, one that seemed curled around the base of the silver arrowhead, its tail drawn up between the legs of the arrowhead.

"It is fully functional," T'Varik noted, as he accepted the box, and Zir took the opportunity to ensure the holoscreen displayed a closeup image of the gift. "And its internal memory contains the names of those who have served under you... along with personal messages for you read at your leisure. The accessory of course it is not standard Standard issue."

Moved to ineffable emotion by the gesture, he blindly reached up to his existing combadge, removed and pocketed it, and replaced it with the gift he had been given. His voice broke a little as he replied, "I will wear this with honour, and damn anyone who might question how standard it might be. Thank you. Thank you, all."

In the front of the crowd, Misha looked up, frowning, and loudly declared, "I want one too!"


Afterwards he moved through the crowd, shaking hands, accepting thanks and congratulations... and then ran into Weynik and Sasha, his daughter smiling at him. "I like the combadge, Dad. Maybe we can get it adopted for general use?"

"We'll see." He regarded her. "And how are you doing?"

She smiled back, with genuine confidence. "Ready for anything, Sir."

"I like that. I might use that for our motto."

"Lieutenant Commander," Weynik started gently. "Please have our crew assemble somewhere more quiet for our own briefing. I need to have a word alone with the Commodore."

Sasha nodded, stepping away.

Weynik looked up at Hrelle. "The flag officer uniform looks good on you."

The Caitian tugged at his waistline. "The belt buckle pinches."

Weynik nodded, and then declared, "Esek... I said some horrible, hurtful things to you. I did the same to Sasha, and Kami, and my mother, and probably a few hapless nurses. I'm sorry, so very sorry. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you..."

Hrelle considered it. "There is, actually."

"Name it."

"Well, there's some sort of awful fungal growth on the skin between the base of my tail and the top of my rectal cleft, I can't reach it to apply cream-"

"I'm not that sorry."



New Jericho Colony, Planet Scesity, Salem Sector:

The Alarm sounded, like a wailing wind over the community.

This time, however, Sternhagen was already outside on the field, along with the tribute she had prepared for the Wolf Pack's return.

When she had informed the Colony's Council of her plan, she had been met with vociferous protests -- though she noted wryly the protests had been less concern for her willingness to sacrifice herself, and more about the consequences to the rest of them should she fail. But as the deadline grew closer, and the prospect of handing over their young people to the Wolf Pack grew more real, the protests melted away.

Sternhagen stuck her hands in her cardigan pockets as she watched the ships descended, as usual, creating the same delta formation as always. Thank you for being predictable, you murdering, thieving bastards. You make this so much easier.

She was alone, having convinced the colony to stay at home, to avoid any collateral damage should something go wrong. That was the only thing that she feared. Not death for herself. She had been living on time she didn't deserve since Salem One, time she would have gladly given to others if she could.

She made a show of stepping forward as the grass whipped with the approach of the ships... hiding the line of explosive shape charges she had built and set, branching out from the main explosive she had placed in the crates that would have normally hid the food and other supplies they took away with them. She didn't have much in the way of the remaining ultritium, but she managed to cobble together some supplementary explosives, along with hundreds of tiny leftover scraps of metal that will blow outwards, catching the Wolf Pack and the front of their ships.

And herself, too; someone had to be here, to lure them into the right places and not cause suspicion. And the Wolf Pack will hardly expect she'd be willing to die.

Clearly they didn't know her.

The engines died on schedule, the doors and hatchways opened on schedule, the Wolf Pack emerged on schedule. And then, from the Galileo shuttle doors opened and the Ferengi Toady emerged, on schedule. "Greetings from the Invincible! The War Chief of the Wolf Pack! The..." His proclamation died away, as he noticed Sternhagen was on her own. He poked his head back into the shuttle.
