Swapping Bodies with a Centaur Pt. 02

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Paul wakes in the body of a centaur!
3.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/10/2022
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Paul grunted, waking slowly, yet something was wrong. He blinked slowly, the room coming into focus around him. At first glance, it could have been his room at the inn, yet there was no dresser, a tall, cracked mirror leaning against the wall behind the door, a wardrobe with a door that didn't quite close fully looking like it had seen better days.

"Oh, hell..."

He didn't want to face the embarrassment, not as he pulled at the covers on the bed that were suddenly no longer there, wriggling a bit, chilly for some reason. Why was he on top of the sheets, not covered up at all? Was he not wearing any clothes? Had he stumbled into the wrong room the night before? How embarrassing... He really wouldn't be able to show his face there ever again, but if he staggered up and managed to get himself back to his room...

"Whoa! ¡Oye!"

He shouted -- but that wasn't his voice! That wasn't him at all! He heaved, looking at his hands -- but even they were a different shade than they had been before! Then and only then, did Paul realise just how much things had changed, his body shifting without his consent, a touch of magical retribution that had worked without him even knowing or understanding what had come to pass.

For he was no longer a man at all but a centaur -- and judging from the rise on his chest, what could only be determined as breasts, he was no longer male either! His skin was dark, the same shade that Sofia's had been, though he couldn't get himself back to his feet, his hooves catching in the bedding, skidding over the floorboards. His bare breasts shifted with his weight and he gasped, struggling to balance himself, though scrabbling wasn't getting him anywhere as his heart hammered.

Just in time to stop another shout, because he didn't want to alert anyone else to what was going on in there, he clapped his hand over his mouth -- or was he to say... Was it "her mouth"?

Paul groaned, not knowing what to do, but it felt like she should use the different pronouns, even if that was not how she identified. That was right, in a way, for she knew that transformations could happen and they could be the most surprising things of all when they did come to pass. It was not anything terrifying and they would be able to find out something to stop it, to change the course of what had already happened.

Staggering, she worked hard to get her front hooves under her, standing with a lurch that didn't at all seem natural.

"Urgh, que está pasando?" she groaned, shaking her head, black hair brushing her cheeks. "¿Cómo hacen esto los caballos?"

She groaned, working her tongue, trying to get the Spanish out of her mouth -- where was her native tongue? She concentrated, though speaking the tongue that she had been born with seemed to come with great difficulty.

"English... Sí, I must...speak English."

Talking aloud, where she was familiar with the words, was good. That made it feel a little more like she was talking to someone else, as if it was not really her that had been turned into a centaur. And yet the voice...

"Hello?" She tried again. "Hola, I'm Sofia."

Ugh. She grimaced. She wanted to speak Spanish instinctively! How annoying... That wasn't her primary language. But it made sense, of course, it did...

Of course... It was not just any centaur that she had been transformed into, but Sofia. Cursing under her breath, the centaur's tail flicked without her actively thinking of it, shifting her weight awkwardly from one hoof to the other, trying to find a comfortable position to balance in. The trinket... There had been something about that, an inscription where she'd found it, but she had not uncovered anything about it. Planning to trade or sell it, it must have been a joke from other students at their adventuring training, yet she had been the unfortunate fool to pick it up.

And that most likely meant, if it had come from that little thing, for there could be barely any other reason for such a random transformation to take place in an inn of all places, that Sofia was in her body. His body? Her body? What? Paul groaned. Her head hurt.

Swallowing hard, though there was not enough moisture left in her dry mouth to do so, she took stock of her new body. Her trousers and pants were gone, as if she had slept naked, though she hadn't woken when the transformation had been taking place. Had it been that quick? She should have felt it... Yet there were four legs to take in, trying to bend over at the waist and thinking better of it when she wobbled, her legs splayed out just to try to balance.

But her hooves were clean and strong with healthy frogs, though it was hard for her to lift them, though standing on three legs could have been a cinch. Her front legs had white sock markings up over the fetlocks, just like Sofia, leaving those hooves white too, her shirt loose and baggy over her chest, not fitted at all. She muttered under her breath, leaning back to run her hands over her withers, her back, her hind end, though could not quite reach her swishing, black tail.

Her human half was more interesting still, though she gulped and tried not to think too hard about what she was doing. It was the body that she was in, after all, and she had to honestly see how far the transformation had gone, all to see what could be done to reverse it, though she had no idea, not yet. Her hands ran over her sides, her stomach with abdominals showing lightly through the smooth skin, hardly daring to take in her breasts, the most dominant feature that a man (in the wrong body) like her wanted desperately to touch.

"Sweet dragon fire... ¡Ayyyy!"

A pair of full breasts greeted her, though the lilt of Sofia's voice was increasingly annoying. It was a good thing that she was distracted by her chest, a blush darkening her cheeks only minimally. Maybe that was a good thing that such things would not show on her more exotic skin -- well, exotic to him -- but that was one of the very few benefits to such a sudden transformation.

"Ugh... So, where in the ten kingdoms is Sofia?"

She didn't want to linger on her breasts too much, grunting, looking away. They were hot, yes, but just another reminder that she was a man in someone else's body, forced against her will to transform into a centaur overnight while she slept. It was as if some god had taken a particular liking to her and wanted to make her as miserable as possible, body swapping her with the very one that had caused such strife the night before! It was impossible to consider it as anything else, growing and swiping at her bag -- Sofia's bag -- as if setting that back on her hip was going to rectify everything.

She couldn't stay naked forever though, even if she was in what had to be Sofia's room at another inn... She cast about. Maybe there were some of Sofia's clothes in a bag or the wardrobe? It was worth checking for something more comfortable.

But what was she going to do? She couldn't go out like that! She couldn't just pretend to be Sofia, not when the centaur was running around in the body of a man! Or had she planned it all and played a trick on her, all so she could humiliate her further? She skittered, struggling with his hooves, her body no longer obeying even the most basic of commands. Where walking had been as mundane to her as breathing before, as a centaur it was a whole new thing.

A knock on the door had her head jerking around, hair swinging in her face.

"Uh... Entrar!"

She drew herself up tall, trying to show herself as a force to be reckoned with, not that she was just bothered by her accent, the lilt of her voice. It was not her voice, not really. But she had to at the very least pretend that it was, all so that she could get through the day or the first interaction at the bare minimum with the least trouble possible.

Yet she had forgotten her lack of shirt and lunged for something to cover herself with, cursing in Spanish and flailing for a moment before skittering for the bed. That would have to do, for the door was already opening, Paul cursing herself for even taking the shirt off in the first place. She dragged the sheet up in time to cover her chest, heart hammering as if it was trying to break free from the cage of her ribs, just in time to see...

...Herself walking through the door.

Sofia and Paul, in the wrong bodies, blinked at each other. Sofia practically hopped into the room with too much energy, constrained into a tangled bundle of being in a male's body, yet he was too energetic for her. Paul grunted and tried to step back, putting space between them, though it was not as easy as all that, not as her heart pounded, Sofia laughing and spinning in her body, her human body, right there before her.

"Deja de tocarme?!" Paul snapped, stomping a hoof as she tried to calm herself, to get her language back in the one she wanted to speak. "What the hell has happened? You shouldn't be in my cuerpo... I mean, body! Fix this -- inmediatamente!"

"Oh, you even sound like me too!" He said, clapping his hands, though Paul was sure that he had never looked that joyous, that carefree and silly. "Look! I don't know how it happened, but...wow! And look at you, horse lady! That's what people called me, so that's what you should be too! Sofia, softie-Sofia... Not so soft when I was taking your coin purse though, was I?"

Paul growled and tried to lunge for him, but Sofia was too quick for her, better on human legs than she was on four horse legs.

"That's not funny!"

"Oh, but it is to me!"

Sofia laughed and shook his head, though he was not so secretly revelling in his new body, as if everything that he could ever have wanted was being handed to him on a silver platter. True, he had not thought that he would gain any of it by taking on a male body, but it was not as if it was something that he had gone after either.

"You sound good like that, it's so strange hearing your own voice back to you," Sofia said, leaning in, as if to peer at Paul. "And you're older... Oh, don't think I didn't know how young you were, hombre, you didn't hide it well. So young, so innocent... But that's not something that you should let go so easily, you know. With those curves though, you should be watching the weight of your mare half. You have no idea how easy it was for me to pack on the pounds, oof!"

Sofia shook his head, taking the chance to look at his body, or his old body, from a new angle. It was weird, yes, to hear her voice coming from a centaur's lips that was him and not him, as a male, at the same time. Truly, he wasn't even sure whether he was happy with the pronouns he was using for himself, but it was what it was and he kind of liked having a new body -- if only for the opportunities that had opened up to him. It was just like what Paul had said -- having the entire world at her fingertips!

Well, maybe not quite like what Paul had said, as a man and not as a centaur (centauress?), but it was what Sofia felt. He would have to use his name more, confusing himself a little with his self-identification as a male, temporarily, though he couldn't help but run his hands down over his body again, feeling the light muscling. It was not honestly as strong of a body as his centaur body, of course, but it was different, offering something else, something different, something that Sofia had never been able to achieve as a centaur.


Sofia stalked around his centaur form with a smirk on his lips, enjoying the pull of them. Even that felt different, even though he had, of course, had lips like that as a centaur. Even the smallest of transformations, keeping a human body, could have more potent effects than realised.

"Damn, I look good," he said with relish. "No wonder everyone fell for me, that body and buttocks, even if you do need to watch the weight... They're a right catch!"

Paul backed off, holding her hands over her chest, feeling like she needed to cover up. Yet Sofia's unconcerned tone had anger flaring inside her, flickering up bright and snarling, anxiety turning to fury.

"¡Dios mío... You can talk!" She shot back. "You're taking this far too well for it not being your fault, supposedly!"

Sofia shrugged.

"Hm... Well, it's not my fault if I got the better deal out of this. Gaining ten years of life expectancy, becoming a human male, getting chances that centaurs never get... You know, it's not easy for us."

Paul stepped back, still holding the sheets to her chest as if they were her only protection in a changing world, paler in the face than she should have been. Yet not even she could have expected what came from Sofia's mouth.

"You see," he said, glancing away and back again. "I didn't want to live life as I did. It's a living, yes, and there are many thieves in the world...but I only did it out of necessity. I don't want any pity, one way or another, but that doesn't mean that I didn't want a different life for myself, that I didn't want to be more."

Paul screwed up her face, still managing to, somehow, look pretty while doing so.

"What? Did you want to be a baker? A tailor? A smithy? A merchant? What could have been so far out of your reach that you couldn't get it for yourself?"

Sofia sighed and shook his head, though Paul tried not to take in too much how despondent he looked, something crossing Sofia's face. Was that how she had looked when something had struck her down, as a man? Oh, that was all still so confusing that she didn't want to even think about it...

"I wanted to adventure too," Sofia said simply, spreading his hands apart. "I want to do what humans get to do, what even dragonkin get to do. Those with status in the world... Oh, but you don't see it, do you? You don't see your privilege. But I, my kind, we are the lowest of the low, despite what others think of us. Yes, I saw how you looked at me, but that didn't mean that you saw me as an equal either."

"I... Uh... Well..."

Paul wanted to say that she didn't see species, but she knew that that was just as bad, so she chose to keep silent, eyes downcast. She didn't know enough about centaurs, but maybe they had been skirting her attention under society had told her already all that she needed to know.

Sofia nodded.

"There, you see a little more...but that is why my dream broke. I did what I had to do and I don't regret it. I provided for my family with theft, but I always wanted to be an adventurer. It does not matter that it never happened for me, but I still wanted it, still wanted to live that dream, don't you see? And you... You got to walk into it with more rights in the world than I will ever have."

Paul swallowed hard. Oh, there were things for her to face there, the clamping of her tail unconsciously giving her information, unrest stirring in her belly. It even gurgled as her nervous system responded, her body trying to make sense of everything that her mind was fed.

"I..." She sighed and shook her head. "Sofia, I'm sorry. I didn't consider that for centaurs and it's no excuse that I did not know. You should have had the same rights, even if I don't think that it's right that you stole from me either."

Sofia raised his eyebrows.

"Technically you got it back, with my body."

That had Paul chuckling and shaking her head, trying to step forward on her hooves while still holding the sheet up, though there was not any need for her to hide her body from the owner of said body.

"I was meant to go to the adventure team today, a beginner's challenge," she said, a hint of wistfulness in her tone. "But they'll leave without me if I'm not there within an hour, I'm sure."

She looked at Sofia, the centaur stuck in the body of a man, though not even Sofia knew what she was going to say next.

"You... You should go with my body. Then the adventure team will have a full team and you'll also get to live your dream. It's a one-time thing though! Or, at least, until we work out a way to swap things back, there's got to be a way..."

Sofia's jaw dropped in such a way that Paul both wanted to burst out laughing and vowed never to do that as himself again, as a man, for he looked so, so...hm. That one she didn't quite have the words for.

"What?" Sofia forced out, his eyes wide. "You'd do that, for me? Why?"

Paul shrugged. At least that was still an action his body remembered.

"Because it serves us both. You get to go, I get to keep my reputation, not as someone that skips out on adventures. It would be a vile way to start when I've never been either, but there'll be plenty more for me. I can go again and I will go again."

Sofia considered it, but there was only one answer that he could give, nodding eagerly.

"Oh! I will go right away! I must prepare! What do you have ready in your bag? I must make sure that I quite have everything, amigo!"

Paul cocked her head at being called that, for that was a word that even she knew, even though she didn't agree with it. Shifting her hooves uncomfortably, she held up her hand, stopping Sofia from rushing out again.

"Wait... Yes, you can go, but I need to...navigate this."

Paul shrugged helplessly, her legs still apart, showing how she could barely stand, though Sofia laughed lightly.

"Oh... Are four legs instead of two too much for you?"

Paul sighed.

"Just help me... Por favor. What do you need to do with your day?"

Sofia stood tall, showing Paul how to walk, how to take her weight back and flex her knees and her fetlocks, more limbs than Paul was used to all working together. The tail didn't have to be strictly controlled, which was one less thing for Paul to worry about, although the centaur struggled to lift her legs the correct amount, either lifting them too high or too low, tripping over her hooves.

Just keeping the human half of her balanced as a centaur was more challenging than Paul could have imagined, wobbling back and forth, not knowing what to do at any given time. It wasn't like with Sofia who had started his life as a centaur with such a body, twisting and changing the game of what she knew, though she tried not to curse too much. It almost didn't seem appropriate in front of a lady, even if it was Sofia in Paul's body standing before her.

"This is hopeless!" She cried as Sofia caught her, though Sofia was not in the best place or body to hold up and support a fully grown centaur either. "How do you do anything in a body like this?"

"Well, you grow up in it," Sofia said flatly, though his cheeks warmed a little at how his hand had dragged over Sofia's chest during the scuffle of trying to remain upright. "And there is nothing that you need to do today. You can walk, you can relax, you can enjoy my body. I would not try to pickpocket anyone as I doubt you would be anywhere near as skilled at it as me. Oh, nothing besides report to the thief's guild, but that is merely a quick meeting with my superior, hardly any time at all."

Sofia shuddered.

"That would get me caught though if you tried to pickpocket anyone, don't do that..."

Paul rolled her eyes.

"Sure, sure... A meeting. They don't want anything from me, just to turn up? I can do that, can't be that hard. And clothes, before you go? Where are they? You can take my clothes, I guess, from the bag at the foot of my bed in the inn. You seem to already have the key..."