Sweet Eternal Torment Ch. 05


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Catsy knew he had seen her. Her face grew hot. She pulled the blankets up around herself though she was still wearing most of her clothes. She was in the middle of deciding whether it was best to say something light-hearted about what he'd seen or to hide in the bathroom when he swung the door open and breezed in as if nothing had happened.

'I thought you might be sleeping. I was going to join you.' Scott faced her without the slightest sign he'd seen anything strange the moment before. He slowly, warily approached the bed and took his pillow from beside her. 'I can do it elsewhere.'

'You...' She was mortified. He was already backing away with the pillow between them like a shield. He looked ready to accept punishment and she was in a mind to oblige him.

The muscles in his jaw were flexing. 'I didn't mean to... interrupt you.' His face didn't change. Scott felt his mind fog with thoughts of her desire. She'd been enjoying her body without him.

'You're going to sleep in the other room?'

Scott cleared his throat, 'I could stay here to nap, certainly. But... do you need a moment?'

Catsy cracked. She charged at him, taking him unawares and pinning him to the wall. It stunned him. His lips parted but he made no move to push her away.

'I need a moment of you.' Even this statement summoned no reaction from Scott. She dropped to her knees before him and unbuckled his pants to pull it out. His breaths were loud to her ears.

It couldn't be that he wanted her after all this abstinence - surely. He'd been using every exit at his disposal.

She looked up to him for clarification but he wasn't looking at her. His eyes were unfocussed, his face; partially averted. When she grasped his cock through his underwear and made to pull it out, she found it swollen and steely-hard already. As she cradled his erection in her palm his right arm shot out to brace himself on the doorframe beside him. Though she expected a rebuke, he said nothing. All this time and all she'd needed to do was attack him head-on?

She turned her attention back to what was throbbing feverishly in her hand. Now that she noticed how engorged and unnaturally empurpled it was, she had to wonder how long he'd been suffering this way. Her brow furrowed even as she lost the ability to think of anything but the tower of a man in front of her. She felt small knelt in front of him as she was, but she was in charge - for now.

Catsy took it into her mouth and suckled. She sank so deeply into her task that she didn't hear the wood creaking until the doorframe splintered and came free. It made Catsy jump and pull away but Scott's hands were there in an instant. He took her face in his hands and came down to her level. Before he kissed her she saw his face and understood - he had the expression of a man that knew what he was doing but was powerless to stop.

His kiss was drugging and undeniable. If Catsy hadn't forcefully pushed him away so she could get up and go to the bed he would have taken her on the floor; she was sure. She removed her clothes as he looked on, slowly getting to his feet and prowling after her. She let out a small sound of surprise when he pushed her onto the bed and dipped his head between her thighs. He feasted on her. -His tongue, lips and teeth lightly exploring as if he really had been starving for her sweet womanhood. Again, she quickly lost the presence of mind to consider what reasons he could have had to neglect her all this time.

The taste of her seemed to fire him anew. He emitted something between a groan and a growl and readjusted her; shifting his arms beneath her hips and lifting her from the bed. Catsy reached down and rifled her hand through his midnight hair.

'Scott...' She felt a hard heaviness press on her pubic bone and then he was grinding against her softness. The velvet skin of his penis coaxing and caressing her delicate labia. Every time the blunt of his dick ran over her clit she arced beneath him in clutching desperation. It really had been too long. The breath hissed out of his clenched teeth. He sucked her full bottom lip into his mouth and kissed her deep as if he were drinking in the desire she showed for his body.

He straightened between her legs and used his hand to massage her with his cock. Catsy couldn't take her eyes from the broken doorframe, having only now risen above the sensual mist between them.

When two faces she didn't expect to see suddenly appeared in that same doorway they were so out of place that she didn't understand immediately. They took stock of the situation and quickly moved to remedy it.

Theo yelled Scott's name as he came around the bed and hooked his arms under Scott's to forcibly remove him. As Charlie wasn't able to touch Catsy she located clothes for her instead and laid them over Catsy for decency - late as it was.

'Why are you here? What is happening?'

'That was close,' this from Theo; barely managing to keep hold of Scott. Catsy sat up and started donning clothes but Scott hadn't been deterred. He was pulling with all his might to try and get back to her. -Oblivious to the two spectators. Is this what happens when we don't have sex?

Scott's behaviour was so unlike what she knew of him so far that she felt uneasy staying in the room. She had to wonder if he would have continued whether she was willing or not. It gave her a shiver.

Catsy got dressed in the lounge. Charlie just smiled at her when their eyes met. They left dealing with Scott to Theo.

'Will Theo hurt him...?' Catsy's red-stained cheeks hadn't lessened.

'Only if he needs to... Actually we were sent to fetch you.'

Catsy was confused, and she was sure it wasn't all to do with the disorientation that came with being torn away from satisfying her arousal.

Charlie led her to a surveillance room. Catsy thought that Charlie would follow her in, but she was shut inside before she'd had the time to turn her head and check.

'It wasn't a coincidence that I interrupted you. Sorry, Scott asked me to personally monitor your room after we discovered your air-conditioner had been tampered with. -But don't worry, no one else in TLT is aware of the camera I set up.'

There were so many questions filling her head after those loaded words that she wasn't sure where to start with it. Catsy opened her mouth - frowned.

'Horatio Irving,' the older man held out his hand to her before realising his mistake and withdrawing it with a cough. 'Sorry, I forget sometimes.' His face turned a little red beneath his grey stubble. Irving? The person Scott had met with today?

'Let's pretend I was able to shake your hand.' Catsy decided that Scott's association with Irving was not a bad thing. 'Nice to meet you.' She didn't know what to say after that. She hadn't gathered her thoughts. It had occurred to her that Irving may have information on Scott that she wanted. The business with Matthew had thoroughly diverted her attention.

Irving proved to be an awkward man. Rather than inserting an explanation into the silence, he nodded towards the bank of screens along the wall. 'I uh—'

'You work in here...?'

He coughed again. 'I do. I observe—make observations about all of you—I'm a behavioural psychologist.'

'Why did you have me brought here, Dr Irving?'

Irving pulled out a chair for her to sit at the desk and she obliged. 'Please—just Irving. I've decided I must step in where he can't...'

'Scott? What d...'

Irving sat down beside her and pressed a button on the keyboard in front of him. A screen that had been black lit up. She watched the footage of herself breaking into the records room quietly until Irving paused it. She looked at him blankly.

'Was it you who made the guard drop his keys?' Irving shook his head slowly. 'Then... am I in trouble?'

Irving laughed abruptly, 'no! Who do you think has been helping Scott get in and out of TLT for the past thirty years?'

Catsy reclassified the relationship between Irving and Scott; they weren't just confidants, they were obviously friends. It made her feel a little jealous. She'd never had a friend for that long. -Much less one who would stick their neck out for her as much as Irving had for Scott.

'I hadn't really thought of him as the type to need help,'

'True. I begged him to let me help. His way would have been... Well! That's another story. Someone let you into the records room - I think you should be cautious from here on in. Whoever it is; they had something to gain by allowing you to find the information you sought.'

Catsy debated brushing the topic aside. The matter of her suppressed memories was a private issue. She hadn't said a word to Scott about it and it wasn't part of her plans to either. Though, if Scott had been the one to find out about her foray into medical records she wouldn't have lied. She scrutinised Irving's face for sincerity before opting to place a tentative trust in the man who called Scott a friend. 'There are things I need to know about my childhood. I can't just stop.'

'Is it worth risking what you have now?' Irving picked up one of the coffee cups beside him and tipped it to his mouth. He grimaced at the smell and replaced it with the cup that had been beside it. '-Because I don't think that will be last of it, if you continue.'

Irving got up then to refresh his coffee. He shook the cup in question to Catsy but she declined. After the events of that morning she couldn't feel much less like having a coffee. -But that went double after seeing Irving turn his nose up at the smell of the only other mug in sight.

'How did you and Scott end up being friends?'

'He came rushing in here one day. I can only assume he intended to disable the Centre's surveillance because he was on his way out, that's for sure. -Or he was just giving some guards the slip; or both. I hadn't been working here very long. We got talking and he realised I was useful. Somewhere along the line I suppose it became friendship.' Catsy frowned at his assessment but Irving waved it off, continuing, 'we each understood the situation of the other. It was lucky that I had been here at the right time. Scott had only stayed put till then because TLT had kept waving the carrot of finding a mate in front of him. When I met him, he had lost hope. He was angry. My terms for helping him were that he had to come back periodically for testing whenever a group of girls had come of age. -Waiting for him to come back that first time... I was worried I would lose my job and possibly more.' Irving sat down again, 'and then, five years ago—' He clicked through the files on the screen in front of him and brought another video up on one of the screens.

It showed Scott being sat in a chair inside a viewing room with one-way glass. He was wired up to machines and doctors took readings of his brain activity while female clones were paraded in front of him. Catsy watched as she herself was marched into the room for him to see. She wanted to look to Irving and ask why he was showing her, but she couldn't bring herself to tear her eyes from the screen. Scott looked bored, agitated even. -She couldn't interpret the brain activity that had appeared on the monitor they had hooked up to him. The doctors in the video made no comment either. Catsy wasn't sure what she'd expected to see. -Perhaps a side of him that he wouldn't show her knowingly? It was novel to have a way of observing him before they had met.

'His brain showed signs of attraction only with you. We knew five years ago that you were matched but the higher-ups were still deciding what their next move was. You also hadn't gravitated to him yet. No one was sure when you would.'

Catsy wouldn't take her eyes from the screen. This was a Scott she didn't know. -Before she existed to him. 'He's known for five years...?'

'No. It was subconscious at that stage. -Watch; we tested the two of you further.' Irving located another file to show her.

In this one Scott was lead to a room with one-way glass on all sides. There was no furniture in the room, just white walls and tile. The camera was positioned in whichever viewing room Catsy was in. She was blindfolded so she couldn't see Scott in the middle and was just switched from room to room over a few hours. Although the video skipped sections with no activity, she still wasn't sure what the point of the test was. She didn't think anything of note was happening - it was just doctors moving her from room to room while Scott waited in the middle room. Eventually a pattern became more obvious; Scott would move around the room while he waited but once he got to the wall that was closest to Catsy, he was less likely to move away from it. -At least she assumed that was what the test showed. She wasn't sure if she was just being egotistical. However, time and again Scott seemed to drift to whatever side of the room was closest to her. They even had her taken to the floor above him and it stopped him from sitting down. -Or rather, he sat down but seemed uncomfortable and stood. A few times, he would glace at the ceiling. Catsy was sure then; she really was the reason he was drawn to a certain place in the room. He had felt that she was there and instinctively wanted to be nearer. Afterwards he was questioned but found the very idea that there was significance in where he waited, to be ludicrous. To him it had been a pointless test - a waste of time. He'd had no idea what he was doing.

'It's surprising that he didn't notice, given the mental abilities he has. It was probably because your bond was a one-way street at this stage - made it weaker.'

'Why are you telling me this? Does Scott know how long TLT has known...?'

Irving stopped the video and eased backwards into his chair. He slurped his coffee. 'No, I haven't shown him this footage. I'm sure he has suspicions though. His trust in the Centre has never been headed in a positive direction. -For good reason. What I've been trying to show you is that he has shared a connection with you longer than you know and it's taken a long time for the two of you to get where you are; he won't let anyone sabotage what you now have. I'm not able to tell you any details but it would do him a favour if you steered clear of him as much as possible for a while. The Centre has threatened to harm you if he tries to make you aware of the situation he finds himself in.'

Catsy opened her mouth to demand he tell her but knew he wouldn't. Then she couldn't help but smile to herself as the pieces fell into place. Scott was avoiding her, yes, but there was a purpose to it. For now, it didn't matter what the reason was; so long as there was one. 'Do you have any more videos you can show me of Scott?'

Irving grinned, relieved that she understood and wasn't going to ask questions he couldn't answer. 'I can set you up in a viewing room with hours upon hours of footage if you want. I could keep it free for you to use whenever you want.'

'Sounds great!'

Charlie sat, quietly introspective for more than an hour with scuffling and grunting going on, on the other side of the bedroom door. She was curious but knew better than to go in.

Theo escaped quicker than she expected. Charlie went to get up from the couch but stopped when she saw how swollen his left cheek was. Blood was pumping freely from his eyebrow on the same side. It stunned her for a moment until she saw him trying to swat the blood away. He didn't seem to realise how much he was bleeding. He'd already smeared it across his face. Theo tripped over nothing and caught the edge of the sofa. Charlie grabbed a bunch of tissues and pressed it to his head. She removed his glasses. One of the arms was bent but neither of the lenses were cracked.

He smiled, 'you know I can't see without those.'

'How is he?'

'He's fine. Irving gave me something to knock him out but I wasn't sure it would for a while there.' Theo makes to move but Charlie stills his head with both hands and shakes her head; he's still bleeding. He stands still for her. 'After walking in on what we did... -Are you okay?'

'I'm fine. I feel sorry for Cat. Dealing with him when she gets home is not going to be easy.'

'I don't think he'll still be uhh... "rape-y" when she gets back.' Briefly speechless at his wording, Charlie pushed the wad of tissues into his head a bit harder, making him wince. 'I'm sorry. I was trying to lessen the heavy atmosphere.'

'Sometimes it shouldn't be lessened - least of all like that. Have a bit more tact, she's our friend.'

Theo studied her face critically as she tried to stem the flow of blood from his head. 'We have things like that?'

Charlie never knew when he was testing her. He said awfully daft things when the whim took him. 'What are you talking about? -Of course we do! I suppose that includes Scott... somehow.' She couldn't tell what he was thinking but he looked happy about her answer. She really wished she was capable of reading minds like Theo and Scott. He had promised years ago that he would never invade her privacy like that again and to her knowledge; he hadn't. But it resulted in weird questions every now and again. She had known about his eccentric nature from the very start. -She couldn't very well complain.

Knowing there was likely a lot of adrenaline and testosterone thrumming in his body after fighting with Scott, Charlie reached up on her toes to Theo's height and licked his bottom lip. Anyone who didn't know him as well as she did would have thought he suddenly looked angry. Charlie knew better.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Anyone home?? Please finish this story!

Hi there, please update the next chapters soon! I hope you haven't just given up on this story and can't be bothered anymore. Some of us actually have invested in the characters so much that we would love to have closure and to know what happens to our fave main leads Catsy and Scott. I sincerely hope they stay in love together. Why have you not let them make love in so long? The thing that interest me the most about this story is how beautifully you write their sex scenes. It's soul-baring, emotional and incredibly hot!! Please write more and please make them kiss and make up soon. I need to know they stand together against the Centre and whatever force that tries to come between them.

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