Sweet Gwendoline Ch. 02


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As I stood there in the corner and remained still, the pain in my nipples decreased. Instead of a sharp, insistent throbbing pain, my nipples eventually suffered only a dull ache. I was grateful for the lessening in pain; however I wondered how long Christina intended to leave me here in this position. I couldn't stand like this forever.

Eventually as I grew accustomed to the things clamped onto my poor nipples, it occurred to me that I was being punished like a child, being made to stand in the corner like this. Was that deliberate on Christina's part? Did she want to strip me of my dignity by treating me like a child?
I had no clock and no wristwatch to keep track of the time, and my wrists were bound behind my back, so a wristwatch wouldn't have done me any good anyway. Anyway my point is I had no idea how long Christina made me stand there in the corner. I tried counting down the seconds, but I lost track after one-thousand.

Finally, after what seemed like hours standing there in the corner, staring down at my poor, abused captive nipples, I heard Christina's unhurried footsteps as she entered the room.

"How are we getting along, Darling?" I heard Christina ask from somewhere behind me.

Still staring down at my poor, clamped nipples I replied, "Oh Mistress, please let my loose! I promise I'll never say anything derogatory about lesbians ever again!"

"Well, it sounds like you've learned your lesson," Christina said, speaking very much in the way a mother would speak to a penitent child, "And since you're being a good girl, I suppose I can give you that orgasm that you were asking for earlier."

Suddenly Christina's hands were on my naked flesh. First they were on the tense muscles of my back, then they trailed down slowly to my naked buttocks, cupping and fondling them, then she reached in between my thighs and gently stroked my slick, swollen pubic lip, causing me to gasp. Without even thinking, my breathing quickened as Christina's hands freely roamed across my naked body and then finally she opened my vulva and her fingers entered me, questing, moving, clenching and exploring.

Suddenly the implication of what she was saying hit me. My nipples were still clamped in those unforgiving metal jaws! I had to keep very still in order to keep those clamps from pulling on my sensitive flesh and turning the dull ache in my nipples into a sharp, throbbing agony, and if Christina brought me to an orgasm now I'd be thrashing and writhing and panting! I knew my own body and I was incapable of remaining still during an orgasm!

I whimpered as Christina's skilled finger expertly probed my hungry sex. I tried to remain still, but my legs trembled and I shifted my weight from one foot to the other as Christina's strong fingers thrust deeply and I felt knuckles as her fingers clenched end extended and flexed and thrust again. She owned by pussy in a way that I never had. She knew exactly where to touch me and how much pressure to apply to drive my lust to feverish levels. Her fingers stroked me deep inside, in a bold, masterful way that was superior to the way that I normally stroked myself.

My nipples were in distress as I panted my way towards orgasm and my breasts heaved up and down, making the metal clamps wobble, however the throbbing pain in my poor nipples only seemed to heighten my lust.

I sucked air in through my teeth and tears welled up in my eyes as the nipple clamps seemed to bite my sore nipples even harder, and then Christina brought her other hand between my legs and used it to play with my pussy as well, eventually finding my swollen clit.

Without thinking I spread my legs wider and Christina began to rub my swollen clit with her thumb. I moaned and stamped my bare feet as Christina's cunning hands drove me closer and closer to orgasm. I had actually pinched my own nipple many times while fingering my own pussy, however I wasneverthis brutal to them, and I always let up when the pain got too intense. What Christina was forcing my nipples to endure wasfarmore painful and vicious than anything I'd ever inflicted on my poor nipples myself.

A powerful orgasmic wave ripped through me as Christina's fingers stabbed deep into my pink sex with one hand and mercilessly toyed with my clit with the other. I screamed, writhed, and shook my head from side to side and hot wet tears slid down face as the pain in my nipples seemed to triple. I instinctively struggled against the ropes on my wrists, desperate to protect my poor, abused nipples, but the ropes were much too strong for me to defeat.

Despite the pain to my already-sore nipples, I found myself thrusting my hips, meeting Christina's fingers as she thrust them into me. I was covered in sweat and suffering horrible pain, but my body seemed to have a mind of its own and my hips went into spasms, reveling in the orgasm that it had been denied all day.

I panted and gasped and savored the powerful orgasm, and as my thighs trembled and my knees started to buckle, I very nearly collapsed onto the floor, however Christina removed her hands from my throbbing sex and wrapped one strong arm around my waist and another strong arm around my torso, keeping me from falling and protecting my poor nipples from having those horrible metal jawsrippedfrom sensitive pink nubs.

Christina stood behind me and held my sweat-drenched nudity close; much like a protective mother would hold a child. It wasn't until Christina reached up to my nipples and released my poor tortured nipples from those tight metal jaws that I stopped thinking of her grasp as protective or maternal.

I didn't know a lot about nipple clamps, but apparently they hurt a lot worse when they come off, compared to how much they hurt when they're clamped on.

I whimpered and whined and panted as blood flowed back into my poor, abused nipples and many, many nerve endings in that intimate part of my anatomy suddenly came alive with intense pain. I desperately wanted to rub my poor, aching nipples, but my arms were bound behind my back, so that was impossible.

"Oh God, oh aaarrrggghhh oh gaaaaahhhhhg,"I screamed as liquid fire seemed to rush into my nipples consuming them with the most intense pain a girl has ever known.

At some point I ended up on the floor, staring up at the ceiling with my torso across Christina's lap. My poor abused nipples were still throbbing in agony, but a sense of euphoria had washed over me in the aftermath of the most delicious orgasm of my life. I'd fingered my own pussy thousands of times, but never had I managed an orgasm that intense all on my own. Christina had given me a mouth-watering sexual experience of a sort that I had never even thought possible.

"Oh, my poor nipples," I complained as I glanced down at my breasts and saw that my nipples were far redder than usual, unusually swollen, erect and enlarged. There were still indentations in them from where the clamps had bitten into them, "Did you have to be so cruel to them?"

"Of course," Christina said without the tiniest trace of sympathy in her voice. "The step mother wouldn't have shown any restraint when abusing Cinderella. Why should I show any restraint when abusing you? After years of fantasizing about being Cinderella and being abused by a wicked step mother, you deserve to find out exactly what it would really be like. I'm going to give you the full Cinderella experience."

I whimpered and trembled at Christina's words, but the way she spoke to me actually made me all hot and tingly inside.

I was naked and bound and Christina had every intention of taking advantage of my helpless, nude body. She was the wicked stepmother come to life.

"From now on," Christina informed me, "You can expect to earn all of your orgasms. They'll be hard won prizes, earned through obedience, pain and humiliation. You'll suffer, but your suffering will make the orgasms all the more intense and exquisite."

In response to her words, I spread my legs much wider, making my shaved sex much more vulnerable and prominent. Christina's words made me want to be as defenseless and vulnerable as possible. Cinderella would always be made helpless by her wicked stepmother, so I wanted to be helpless and exposed as possible for Christina. I wanted to be a naked, female victim at her mercy.

Christina seemed to take the hint and reached down between my legs and cruelly pinched my swollen labia, eliciting a surprised yelp from me. I reflexively closed my legs together, but Christina scolded me and said, "Open your legs again. You should always keep your sex as exposed and available as possible for your mistress."

With a sense of foreboding and trepidation I reluctantly spread my thighs apart for Christina. With my legs spread wide, I felt very defenseless and vulnerable. Christina could do any number of cruel, painful things to my poor, defenseless pubic lips.

Christina reached between my legs again, but this time she gently stroked and kneaded my moist, swollen labia, making me moan. I had just had a powerful orgasm, but her fingers were already making me hungry for another one.

"Oh, Mistress,"I moaned and obediently kept my legs spread obscenely far apart. Christina's masterful fingers took full advantage of my vulnerable position and I felt like a virgin sacrifice being raped. Soon I was panting deliciously and on the verge of another frenzied, delirious orgasm, but just a heartbeat or two before the powerful climax erupted, Christina removed her hand and wiped my juices off of her fingers with a hand towel.

I continued to lie there with my legs wantonly spread apart and waited for the continued attentions of Christina's competent fingers on my sex. My legs remained spread wide, but my back arched and my buttocks lifted up off the floor as if my pelvis were seeking Christina's fingers or begging them to come back.

My great disappointment and confusion I said, "Mistress?"

"I'm so sorry, Darling," Christina said, "But your appointment for today was for 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, and it's now 5:07. I've already kept you for seven minutes too long."

The throbbing in my sex was still insistent. I couldn't possibly be expected to just leave while my swollen, excited clit was begging for attention. I desperately needed Christina to finish the erotic task that she had started."Mistress,"I began, hoping that I could entice Christina to bring me to orgasm again and save me from my sexual distress.

"I suppose I'll just have to let you go home seven minutes early tomorrow," Christina said, ignoring my appeal and the pathetic look on my face.

"But, Mistress, please," I tried again, but she just rolled me over and began to untie my wrists. With my ropes gone, I was just a sexually frustrated, naked girl with rope burns on her skin.

"Schedules are terribly important," Christina explained to me. "They keep us organized. When you're older, you'll understand."

I felt bewildered and cheated as Christina walked me downstairs and into the kitchen. My legs were wobbly and I had trouble maintaining my balance, but Christina followed me closely and kept me from falling down.

"Time for you to get dressed now, Dear," Christina said when I was standing in front of the chair where I had piled all of my clothes. When I just stood there, staring at them Christina smacked me on my naked buttocks and said, "Come on now, we both have things to do. You can't just stand around in my kitchen all day."

I picked up my tiny panties and reluctantly stepped into them. My sex was still throbbing and in need of attention. I was aghast at being sent home before my sexual need had been satisfied.

I got dressed and Christina ushered me outside and closed the door behind me. I felt rejected and desperately wanted to knock on the door and beg for Christina to let me back in, but I knew that would be fruitless. She wasn't the sort of woman to be swayed by girlish pleading.

I made my way back to my apartment building and found that my roommate wasn't home. Technically I could have locked myself in my room and fingered myself to orgasm and this throbbing need in between my legs would be dealt with; however Christina had forbade me to masturbate even in the privacy of my own home. Of course there's no way Christina had no way ofknowingwhat I did in the privacy of my own room, however if I started lying to her and disrespecting her authority it would defile everything that was special and unique in my relationship with her.

I resolved to obey Christina's orders even if it meant that I would have to suffer and be denied the orgasm that my hungry sex so desperately needed.

When I got to the bathroom I took off my clothes and examined my nipples in the mirror. They were still swollen and sensitive, however their color had returned to normal. Apparently the nipple clamps hadn't done any long-term damage.

I turned on the water in the shower and washed up. I had sweated profusely while struggling against Christina's ropes and while I was made to stand in the corner. I washed the scent of my own sweat off my naked body and gently rubbed my poor, abused nipples. They were tender and sensitive to my touch at first, but I rubbed most of the pain out of them while I showered.

There was an urgent need in between my legs and it took every ounce of self-discipline that I hadnotto finger myself into a screaming orgasm. The aching desire in my pussy was intense, and Ireally, reallywanted to pleasure myself, but Christina had put that on the forbidden list, so I resolved to follow her dictates and ignore my urgent screaming libido.

After my shower I grabbed something to eat out of the fridge, poured myself a glass of wine, put on a robe and turned on the TV. I decided to find the most boring thing on TV that I could find in hopes that something mind-numbingly boring could kill my sex drive.

After flipping up and down the channels I eventually found live coverage of the California State Legislature debating a bill that would regulate California's groundwater supplies. The people debating the bill were all grey-haired, unattractive white men with droning voices and their arguments both for and against regulation were uninspired and boring.

I drank my wine, ate my egg rolls and watched those boring old men and I had very nearly been successful in killing the insistent throb between my legs, but then my roommate Julie came home.

"Gwen, you're home," Julie said by way of greeting.

"Hi, Julie," I said back and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was much more interesting than the officious old men in the California State Legislature. She took off her high-heeled shoes, poured herself a glass of wine and gracefully sauntered over where I was sitting.

I had never really thought of Julie as sexy before, but after the way Christina had inflamed my libido today, almost anybody could look sexy to me. Julie was very fit, with a flat stomach and legs like a dancer. Her breasts were rather small, but firm and she had good muscle-tone, high cheek bones and a pretty face. And as she walked past me and in front of the TV set I couldn't help but notice that her jeans were ridiculously tight and her jeans did absolutely nothing to conceal the shape of her very cute, very firm ass.

I had never had sexual thoughts about Julie before, but Christina had turned me into a libidinous wench. Because of what Christina had done to me, sex was never far from my mind.

"What are you watching?" Julie asked as she stood in front of the TV screen, giving me a perfect view of her high, firm buttocks and her incredible thighs. Suddenly I wanted to touch her. For the first time in my life I found myself desiring Julie's flesh. I wanted to press myself against her and feel her warm skin underneath my hands and against my face.

"Um, I dunno," I said. "I was just channel surfing and this is where I ended up when I stopped pressing buttons."

"Oh good," Julie replied, looking over her shoulder and smiling at me. "For a second there I was afraid you'd turned into a policy wonk."

Julie then proceeded to sit down next to me on the couch and took the remote from my hand. She sat close enough that her arm was pressed up against mine. I liked the feel of her pressed against me, but the problem was that I liked it too much. I really wanted her to touch me much more intently. My whole body was craving human contact.

Then, as if Julie were trying to stir up my libido, she flipped through the channels until she found a movie called "Gotcha!" This turned out to be a spy/comedy/thriller movie with Linda Fiorentino as a CIA covert agent. She had several nude scenes in this movie, including one where she's strip-searched by a stern East German woman.

The strip-search scene only lasted a few seconds, but just seeing Linda Fiorentino naked with that wounded and violated look on her face after an austere East German policewoman had stripped her naked (and no doubt performed a body cavity search on her), got me all hot and feverish and I ended up squirming on my seat and fighting not to whimper.

Julie noticed me squirming and asked me if I was okay. What could I tell her? Could I tell her that I got hot and bothered watching Linda Fiorentino being strip-searched by a cold, officious police woman? Could I tell her that I would really love it if Julie role-played a stern East German policewoman and ordered me to submit to a strip-search?

"My um doctor put me on a new medication," I told Julie, coming up with the best lie I could on short notice, "It sometimes has side-effects. I can make you jumpy, restless, sensitive...that sort of thing."

"Wow," Julie said, "Well I hope you don't have to stay on it for long. I think it's making you sweat too."

I wiped my brow and realized Julie was right. I was so feverish with lust that I was sweating. "I'll be okay," I assured Julie. "I probably just need something cold."

I got up off the couch and went to the kitchen with Julie watching me every step of the way. She seemed surprised when I opened up the freezer door, grabbed and ice cube and started rubbing it across my forehead, my throat, the back of my neck and across the skin just slightly above my breasts.

It helped to relieve the feelings of sexual feverishness, but I felt awkward and uncomfortable with Julie giving me that look like I'd just lost my mind.

"I'll be just fine," I said to Julie, and I tried to sound convincing, but I really don't think Julie accepted my claim as credible.

We drank more wine, finished watching the movie and Julie went to her room to work on a homework assignment, while I went to bed. I was still too worked up to fall asleep, so I took a Benadryl to help knock me out.

I had a big day tomorrow. I had to be at Christina's house by 8:00 am tomorrow and naked by 8:01 am. And she had promised to be cruel and abusive and basically be the wicked step-mother I had always dreamed of. If I was going to have a grueling, demanding day like that tomorrow, I was going to need to get plenty of sleep tonight.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Prof_MasterProf_Masterover 1 year ago

Love the homage to the great John Willie.

But on that note, one glaring omission in this story is the absence of the white cloth OTM- or cleave-gag. BUt I can live with that ...

So great, breathless, well written.

Thanks, Schlank


CodlingsbyCodlingsbyalmost 3 years ago

I do love your writing!

SchlankSchlankover 5 years agoAuthor

As Gwen narrates her own story, she makes it very clear that she has no idea how long her nipples were tormented by nipple clamps.

She tells us that she had no clock and no wristwatch to keep track of the time, and her wrists were bound behind her back, so a wristwatch wouldn't have done her any good anyway. She had no idea how long those clamps were on her nipples and neither do you.

Even I don't know how long the clamps were biting into her nipples AND I'M THE ONE WHO WROTE THIS STORY!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Fire the Domme!

The generally accepted time limit for continuous use of nipple clamps is 30 minutes...

So much for authenticity.

DreamsofFaeDreamsofFaeover 7 years ago
So sweet!

I'm loving this! Is Julie a wicked step sister?

I do realize "sweet" is probably not the word one would expect for a story like this, but I did find it sweet (I mean, hot too, obviously) but very sweet. Thank you for a wonderfully enticing and inviting story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Wow! Schlank,_"Sweet Gwendoline Ch. 2"_ Is Hot!

I love reading all of your stories. And being gay, I really enjoy stories where lesbians are forcing helpless women, to eat pussy.

Women that fantasize about being helpless and stripped naked, by an extremely cruel woman?

Wow! I'm the woman they're looking for!

"Sweet Gwendoline Ch. 2" Rats 10-Stars and 15 Very Hot Wet Orgasms.

Mistress Silva.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Wow, what a great start... More please.

spankfunforspankfunforover 9 years ago
Better and Better!

Sweet Gwendoline is going to be a Classic Pain to Pleasure for All Time!

fitntrimfitntrimover 9 years ago

Ohhh I love this one too....mmmm exquisite!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Very well written and very erotic. You described both the physical and the emotional stimulation and reaction

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