SWTOR: The Emperor's Wrath Ch. 04

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Aaric dominates a Sith Apprentice.
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Aaric walked down the corridor towards the Overseer's office. He managed to gain a few hours rest, but kept himself aware of his surroundings. His room was not much to look at; spartan and consisting of a bunk bed and study table. Showers in the academy were shared between both genders, so the female acolytes had to either live with having men leering at them as they bathed, or resort to quick showers to avoid their gazes.

Thankfully, assault of any kind, even sexual assault against members of the opposite sex were not tolerated on any level. Aaric took what he could get though, and leered extensively at any female who were in the showers as well. Additionally, each bunk was equipped with a programmable lock to avoid having all the students in the academy wiped out in one night by a stealthy acolyte, as it once happened a few years ago.

The doors slid open and Aaric happened upon another acolyte conversing with Tremel. "Is this everything?" He grunted.

"Everything Lord Renning was able to obtain, yes." Said acolyte replied.

"Then run back to your master in the beast pens, before I cut you in half." Tremel growled. Sensing obvious danger, the acolyte turned and hurried away, almost knocking into Aaric. The weathered overseer sighed exasperatedly and stood up to address his charge. "Sorry to make you wait, acolyte. These interruptions are incredibly annoying."

It was not exactly an apology per se. Simply Tremel expressing his frustrations. So Aaric kept quiet.

"On to the business at hand; your test in the jails." Tremel straightened. "First, the Nemoidian forger, Brehg. You assigned him to Imperial Intelligence to forge identities for us instead of the republic. I commend you, that was excellent thinking. Never waste a potential resource"

"Thank you, Overseer. I'm glad you approve." Aaric beamed with pride.

"What's more important is that Darth Baras would approve." Aaric now let a smirk light up his expression. Now, he was getting somewhere. "Now. Devotek. The former warrior. He wanted combat, but you struck him down. Perfect. The man was utterly useless."

"I like to do things efficiently, Overseer. I do not ever choose to waste my time." Aaric rolled his eyes at the recent event.

"Once something is used up, it should be eradicated." Tremel agreed. "However, it seems you made an unprecedented show of skill. One that may already be making waves across the academy. You used Force Drain; a powerful technique, to acquire Devotek's memories and knowledge. Tell me, did your order teach you this? Last I heard, this technique requires great power and skill to use. Too little focus, and you won't glean a thing. Stretch yourself too much and you can take in more than your mind can handle."

"You are correct in your theories, overseer." Aaric replied. "I've been trained extensively in interrogation techniques with a plethora of test subjects. Force Drain is one that I use only when necessary. I can sift and sieve through minds and only take what I need. Safe to say, I have learnt much during my rest."

Tremel narrowed his eyes a tad, but quickly returned to his stoic expression. If Aaric could use the technique with such efficacy, it would only be a matter of time before he became more powerful if he continued sucking his enemies dry of their knowledge. Such potential, such menace!

"I see." Tremel quipped. "Just be sure not to use this technique too much in front of others. Showing off can be a double-edged sword if not applied correctly. Already, I hear whispers in the halls of a powerful acolyte brimming with force power and skilled with a blade. You do not want to show your hand too quickly, acolyte."

"I understand overseer. I will be more careful"

"Good. Finally, the mercenary assassin, Solentz. She attempted to kill and Imperial spy but was unaware of her client's affiliation." Tremel continued. "Again, you were noted to have used Force Drain on her, but did not relate your findings; thus sending her to the slave pens to be used as entertainment. Tell me, what did you find out in the end?"

"That she was telling the truth. She was a mercenary assassin trying to follow in the steps of her father. She was foolish and made a mistake even a rookie mercenary wouldn't. She is irrelevant now however, given the state of mind she is in now."

"I see. No matter, she will be useful in entertaining the soldiers and staff here in her current state of mind." Tremel drifted, then went into a thinking pose. "Hmm. each time, each prisoner, you made the best possible decision. You may yet be able to challenge Vemrin for Darth Baras' attention. To celebrate: a small reward."

Pressing a button at the side of his table, a hidden wardrobe slid open; revealing a red suit within.

"It is the first armor that I wore when I completed my first task on my road to becoming Sith, long ago. It holds some sentimental value to me, and I still keep it in good condition."

It was not much, but it was better than what he was currently wearing. The fabric was thick and stretchy, yet still cooling. The duraplast lames adorned the suit from the abdomen up to the torso and wrapped around the shoulders and raised to protect the sides and back of the neck; a welcome boost in protection yet still leaving space for his arms to flex. Perfect for his smooth and agile style of fighting.

"Thank you very much overseer." Aaric bowed.

"Thank yourself, acolyte. It's performances like this that might just beat the extreme odds we're facing." Tremel acknowledged. He grew stern, however. "Because I forced you into the academy ahead of schedule, Darth Baras will be predisposed to judging you severely. And by severely, I mean fatally." He let the remark sink in before continuing. "Now, we must hurry to your next trial. Every moment that passes we risk discovery before we're ready. In the tomb of Marka Ragnos is the beast he left to guard his legacy. Go there, sit amongst the flames, and wait for the beast to come for you."

"Beast?" Aaric questioned, "And you think that's enough information? How about you tell me more about this beast?"

Tremel shook his head. "I wish I can give you more, acolyte. But I do not know any more than you do now. All you need to know is that it's ferocious and blood thirsty, and in no way is it a trial for a normal acolyte. It's not the first time someone sent a seemingly promising acolyte, never to be heard from again. Now, return to the Valley of the Dark Lords and find the tomb of Marka Ragnos. I'll see you when the beast is slain. Good luck."

The tone left no room for discussion. Though frustrated at the lack of information, there was nothing Aaric could do but soldier on. So he turned heel and strode out with his gift. Planning on how he was going to kill an unknown Sith beast belonging to none other than Marka Ragnos.


Aaric freshened himself up, changed into his new armored top and had some food and drink at the cantina before setting off. All the while he thought about how he was going to accomplish his task, but without knowing the name or species of creature he was going to face, he decided that he would have to improvise on the fly once he came face to face with it.

Making his way to the imperial taxi station, he hopped into an empty vehicle and punched in the coordinates of the station nearest to the tombs; the laboratory research station. As the speeder lifted off and began its journey, his holocommunicator bleeped. Accepting the call, he was slightly surprised when it produced a hologram of Overseer Tremel.

"Acolyte, I believe you're on your way to Marka Ragnos' tomb?"

"Yes, Overseer. I'm on a speeder and currently en route to the wilds laboratory station, nearest to the tombs."

"Good, good. Unfortunately, I have another task that I would like you to complete besides the one I gave you if you have the time. The laboratory research station is where Lord Renning currently conducts his experiments. One of his prized pets have gone loose and went into one of the tombs nearby. He requested that one of my stronger acolytes, in this case meaning you, be lent to him to retrieve it."

"And what if I choose not to follow up with the task?"

"Well, Lord Renning would definitely not be pleased. However, making an impression on those higher than your station would definitely help you on your road to power. With your strength, I'm positive you can accomplish both tasks without fail."

"I'll see if the mood strikes me, then."

"Do not dally too long, acolyte. Report to Lord Renning, then proceed at your disposition. Good luck, Acolyte."

The holographic projection blipped off and Aaric continued his journey, silently gazed at the magnificence of the Valley of the Dark Lords as the tombs and monuments erected in reverence to them flew past him. The speeder then turned sharply and gradually descended onto the platform of his destination. He could see the laboratory which was set up next to the landing pads.

And to his delight: black-haired and womanly figure approach him as he stepped out of the speeder. As the two Sith approached each other, both seemed to size each other up; scanning their counterpart's bodies as discreetly as possible. Aaric noted she was wore a Sith bodysuit without anything else other than gloves and belt around her waist of which a lightsaber was clipped on. Most notably, were her seductively voluptuous assets which seemed to be attempting to burst from her uniform.

"It seems like Lord Renning appreciates my assistance if he sends such a beautiful woman to escort me," Aaric purred with a grin. The Sith woman returned his grin with a smirk.

"I'm sure he appreciates more of your strength rather than your flattering, if what Overseer Tremel says is true." She said, taking a step closer and admiring his chiseled torso. "But I guess feeling appreciated as a woman instead of a mere tool is nice as well. My name is Malora, and I am Lord Renning's apprentice and lab assistant in this barren wasteland."

With the atmosphere between them softened, Aaric extended his arm in offer and Malora graciously hooked her arm in his as they made their way to the lab. "Sounds like you hate it here." Aaric said, "Then again, who wouldn't?"

"The beasts you see here are called Tuk'ata. Sith hounds that were transformed into their current state using Sith alchemy by long dead Sith Lords to guard their tombs. As you can see, they've since bred and run wild. My master has taken it upon himself to capture and dissect these monsters in his futile attempt to become one with the force." Malora explained, waving her hand frustratingly at the caged beasts. "Feh... Perfect unity he calls it. I've since done nothing but lab work and dissection!"

Aaric suddenly felt his arm being enveloped inbetween her bounteous breasts and her hand pushing his fingers to snake inbetween her thighs and brush against her crotch. Her breath hitched at the contact as she whispered into his ear, "Come to think of it, you're the only real man I've seen in quite a long time."

Just as quickly, she removed her body away from his and led him towards a nearby dissection table where a pudgy man in Sith gear and cape was working. "We'll get back to that later," she said, "let's get Lord Renning out of the way first."

"My lord, the acolyte Overseer Tremel's sent has arrived." She said. The seemingly obese Sith lord turned to face them. The dark veins across his visage and very gray hair and beard giving him an old and senile appearance.

"Ah yes, Tremel's acolyte. Aaric is it?" Renning exclaimed, "I sense great power within you and I'm sure you are more than suited for this task of mine. But before I let you go, I trust the sight of a messy operating table doesn't disturb you?"

"I have no fear of dead things." Aaric replied.

"All fine and good. But lack of fear and genuine interest are not the same." Renning nodded, pointing at the dead creature on the table, "This used to be a tuk'ata; hound-like creatures infesting Korriban's tombs. On the surface, nothing special. But I alone can see this creature is an expression of pure dark side energy. Aggression made manifest!"

The acolyte cocked a brow at his expression. It seemed as if this man was a tad queer, if not already on the verge of insanity. "If you're the only one who can see it, maybe it isn't there." He quipped offhandedly.

"The ignorant often question the perceptions of the wise. You require enlightenment." The pudgy Sith Lord scoffed. "The force is alive. It expresses its will in the physical world. This tuk'ata was one such form."

"Then I suppose we are another of these forms?" Aaric enquired.

"Sith are the highest manifestation of the force's will." Renning replied before continuing his monologue with zest. "I've dissected hundreds of tuk'ata, forging a direct connection to the dark side. Each beast I examine advances me toward perfect unity! I now stand at a new frontier but find myself thwarted. My most perfect specimen; a tuk'ata mutant, escaped to the tombs before I could analyze it."

"You work is... too important to fail my lord." Aaric said patronizingly, realizing he was now working for a lunatic.

"Indeed. Perhaps the force has brought you to me for a reason!" Renning exclaimed, further solidifying Aaric's thoughts of the man. "I need you to hunt that tuk'ata for me and retrieve its perfect brain. Malora knows which tomb the beast fled into. Assist me, and you will be rewarded; that which I leave it up to her to decide."

"I will do what is necessary my lord." Aaric bowed.

"You have found a great calling in my service. I trust you appreciate that." Renning said, before turning back to his work.

Malora gave Renning one last dirty look before pulling Aaric away and into one of the rooms nearby and locking it to ensure privacy. Before she could turn around Aaric leapt into action and grabbed her from behind, one hand massaging her glorious mounds and the other rubbing her pussy. Malora moaned at the sudden contact and was cut-off by strong lips latching onto hers.

Getting a hold of herself, she returned the favor; her left hand groping Aaric's stiffening cock through his pants while the other held onto his head for support. The foreplay continued for another minute before Malora broke off body contact. Her hand however, held very much firmly to his erection.

"I have a proposition for you acolyte." She said huskily while continuing to stroke him.

"You have my attention, Malora." Aaric replied as he gazed at her body hungrily, eager to get a first taste of Sith pussy and pump the force out of her.

"You obviously seen how hopelessly insane he is, and I want out!" She hissed, "Give me the brain and I will sabotage his work, revealing him as a fraud and allowing the dark council to get rid of him."

"I've yet to see where I benefit from this." Aaric growled, stepping closer and snaking a hand around her firm buttocks while another came up to peruse her soft pink lips. He thought about how we was going to enjoy releasing his seed with her gullet stuffed with every inch of his rock hard cock or reaming and unloading into her tight asshole.

Squashing her breasts on top of Aaric's chest, Malora whispered submissively. "Do this for me, and you can have my body to do anything you want with."

At the back of his mind, Aaric knew she was simply using him for her own ends and her submissiveness was merely an act to ensure his cooperation. However, he knew far better. At the end of it all, he was going to have his cake and eat it as well.

"You have a deal, then." Aaric replied, concentrating the force into his fingers and activating Malora's pleasure senses with his acute control, uttering a throaty moan and forming a stain on the crotch of her suit. "But I'm going to have to see the goods first... and let you sample what I have to offer."

"Wha..." The Sith apprentice didn't have time to react before he violently ripped open her top to reveal her luscious mounds, then was spun around and forced flat onto a table with her ass in the air. The cold metal surface chilled her exposed kin and caused her nipples to harden, increasing its sensitivity and sending electric shocks of pleasure through her spine.

Aaric got rid of her pants in a similar fashion, revealing her toned ass, pink pussy lips and the tight star of her asshole. With a hand on the back of her neck to keep her from getting up. He gave Malora a force-enhanced spank and ground his crotch against her ass, eliciting from her more sounds of pleasure.

"W-wait!" She panicked in her pleasure induced state, "Y-you can't- Ahn! You can't mount me yet! Not until You've given me the brain!"

"Oh you need not worry my dear Malora." Aaric smirked, "I won't mount you just yet... Let's just call this a taste of what will happen once our deal is complete."

Freeing his nine-inch cock from its confines, he slapped his dick repeatedly on her pussy then slid it in-between her thighs and rubbing his shaft along her clitoris, creating shockwaves of pleasure from her nether regions. As he started pumping, Malora's body acted on its own and her hips started to gyrate in rhythm, as if trying to increase the pleasure between both of them.

"Do you like that, Malora?" Aaric sneered, "This is what you wanted isn't it? Such a cocktease you are. Such a slut!"

"I-I'm no slut! I'm Sith" She growled, however her attempt to bite back was subdued and only seemed pitiful.

"Yes you are Malora. You like what I'm doing... more than you think you should." Aaric replied, giving her another spank and shoving his free hand between the table to grope her marvelous mounds. "That's what you are; A Sith slut. A Sith whore!"

He increased his pace, slamming his hips against hers and sending Malora into the first stages of sex-induced delirium. He could see her eyes rolling into the back of her head. But it seemed she still had a trickle of fight left in her. "F-f-f-fuck Y-y-you!"

Aaric grinned and prepared his finishing move. Releasing his hold on her funbags, he spit a large glob of saliva on his fingers and massaged it vigorously onto the star of her asshole. The unfamiliar sensation seemed to bring her consciousness back a little as she started to panic.

"W-wait! N-not there... AHHHHN!!" she yelled, as the Tremel's acolyte thrust his rather large thumb into her anal passage and started pumping her rectum as well. This cause her thighs to squeeze tighter around his shaft and subsequently press his manhood further onto her clit.

"You're a whore, aren't you Malora? Tell me, and I'll let you cum!" Aaric roared, increasing his pace to near unimaginable levels.

Malora, in her sex-crazed high reached her peak and wanted nothing more than to surpass the point of no return. "YES! YES, I'M A WHORE FOR YOUR SITH DICK! PLEASE LET ME CUM, MASTERRRRR!"

"WHORE!" Aaric screamed. With one last force-powered thrust, his left hand grabbed her throat and pulled her off the table; choking her slightly and bending her backwards. His other hand slapped over one of her mounds and pulled while his index finger and thumb twisted her nipple.

Malora tried to scream, but to no avail with Aaric's choking. Her eyes rolled upward until only the whites could be seen. Her mind went blank and she could see nothing but stars as Aaric's tight grip prevented blood flow to her brain. All she could feel at that moment was the overwhelming pleasure from between her thighs exploding within her. The Apprentice's pussy gushed as it came with hot juice, bathing Aaric's cock. Aaric himself could no longer withstand the tightness and pulled out, hosing seed across her ass and back until it was literally bathed in his cum.

Both having come down from their high, Aaric let her body go as it unceremoniously fell back down and slammed onto the cum-covered table.