Sybil of the Sands Ch. 03-04


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"Laurent?" purred a feminine voice from the opposite doorway. A woman stepped into view. "I thought I heard your voice." She was tall, and thin to the point of being angular. Her dress was even less modest than my own, her brown flat nipples prominently visible through the thin fabric. She looked at me, and a flash of annoyance crossed her face. "I thought she was supposed to be old." She looked at Laurent.

"Jaslyn, allow me to introduce Anissa, your fellow Vessel of sacred knowledge. Anissa's mother Leonore was tragically lost to us before we set out. Luckily she had a daughter with the gift."

"Luckily," snorted Jaslyn. "Well, Anissa, welcome and all that. I expect I'll be seeing plenty of you around." She seemed less than pleased by the prospect.

"I expect so," I agreed. She seemed to have taken a dislike to me already, though I couldn't imagine why. I had hoped we might be friends, confidants, perhaps even help each other escape, but now that I'd met her I had a hard time imagining such a thing.

"King Xentos holds a feast in her honor tonight. Her first prophecy for the court will be given after," said Laurent.

"Hmm," said Jaslyn, noncommittal. "I'm not sure I can be in attendance. I'm sure it will be very dull indeed, her first prophecy."

"I am certain you would be the expert on dull prophecies, Jaslyn," said Laurent, and her eyes flashed anger before she hid it.

"Take her to the bathing rooms, won't you Laurent? I can't have her country stink permeating our courtyard." She flounced off without a second look at me.

"Why does she hate me already?" I asked. I was so disappointed. The only other person who would feel exactly what I was feeling had decided to hate me moments after meeting me.

"Jealousy. She wants the king all to herself."

"She wants him?" I was incredulous. "She wants to be taken advantage of?"

"Most satiety prophets don't mind it," said Laurent. "Of course, most of them are brought up knowing it. Jaslyn thinks because the king, ah, uses her for prophecies that he will make her his queen, and now you're competition."

"I most certainly am not!" I objected. "She can have him."

"And yet, King Xentos will have you. I'll leave you to explore. I'm sure your servant will be along shortly." He turned without another word and left the courtyard, leaving me staring open-mouthed after him.

To think, I'd almost believed him when he said he was sorry about the way things had unfolded. I shook myself, and decided to explore my new rooms while I was still alone.

They were elegantly furnished and about as far from a prison as imaginable, and yet that's what they were, a prison. The windows were set high in the wall, all around, small slits that let in plenty of light but would not allow me to pass through. There were no doors in or out save the one in the courtyard. In short, there would be no escape from these rooms. Kirin returned as I was concluding my inspection.

"Is it to your liking, O Seer?"

"They're lovely rooms," I responded. Kirin was so eager to please, and it was not her fault I was here. I couldn't be rude to her. Kirin had me seated on a low stool and began to comb out my hair, which was mostly dry after the walk through the palace, Once combed, she began piling it high on my head in an intricate series of braids and twists, accented with golden beads. I felt ridiculous, like an exotic doll.

I sat and let her apply black kohl around my eyes, growing numb at the thought of dinner tonight, and what would happen after. What did it matter what I looked like? Hopelessness sank in. I was trapped with no escape in the near future, and soon the king would force himself on me. It was nearly time. When Kirin led me down the halls again to the dining hall, I followed mutely, denial of my circumstances setting in. Could this really be happening?

I was seated next to the king at the feast. It was a smaller crowd, perhaps twenty people. Laurent was seated across from me, but he made no move to look at me. King Xentos selected the choicest bits of food for my plate, trying to tempt me to eat with honeyed dates and stuffed fowl, marinated olives and other foods I didn't recognize. Guests tried to make conversation with me, but I only stared blankly. This must have been a long, horrible nightmare. Any minute I would wake up in the cottage again.

"My little egret is shy now," joked the king, "But you should have heard her fire this afternoon! I don't doubt she will display the same spiritedness once the prophecy starts to come upon her."

I felt the whisper of a stray hair across my bare back. How detailed this dream was. Servants appeared to clear the feast away, leaving only the cups of wine. Mine sat untouched, but I could smell its sweetness.

In a minute, I will wake up. Mother will be cooking our breakfast porridge over the fire.

When the table was cleared, the king stood.

"As you all know, we are here to celebrate the arrival of a new seer. I have no doubt that her presence here will ensure my long and healthy reign, and put a stop to any attempts by the vagabond tribes of the desert to take my rightful crown!" the crowd cheered. "Shall I put her to the test?" They cheered again.

I will wake up.

The feast guests drew back from the king's end of the table, giving him plenty of space. "Anissa, stand," ordered the king. I sat. Why should I obey the wishes of some dream king? "Stand," he ordered again. When I still refused to acknowledge him, he grabbed my arm and pulled me off the chair. I sagged, my legs limp. I would not listen to this dream.

He lifted me up and pushed me facedown onto the table. "Scribe," he ordered, and a man with a roll of the paper material stepped forward. "Let us see what prophecies my little egret has in store for us!" he roared, and the crowd cheered yet again. I felt the back of my dress being pulled up and cascading over my bare back.

I was not waking up. His hand caressed my buttock, his thighs pressing against me. This was not a dream.

"No!" I cried, springing to life. His unwelcome touch had stirred me to life. "No!" I tried to stand, but the king pushed down against my back, pinning me to the table. I swatted backward with my arm, trying to get him to release me.

Oh gods. This was worse than I had ever imagined. He was going to take me here, in front of everyone.

"No!" I screamed again, and kicked out, using my torso on the table for balance.

"There's the fire!" chuckled the king. He pinned my leg against the table with his leg, leaving only one free. He stepped in close, his body pressed against me, effectively eliminating the threat of the other kicking leg.

"No, no, no!" I wrestled against the hand holding me down. He caught one arm, and then the next, bending them and pressing them down into my back with one hand, trapping me. I screamed, wordless, and threw my head back, hoping to catch him unawares as I had Laurent before, but he was too far back.

"Now the prophecy of the seer!" cried the king, and then he was pressing in between my legs. I felt his fingers fumble for a moment before they were replaced by his manhood. He pressed it forward insistently, driving it deep into me in two thrusts. I cried in pain. I hadn't expected the pain. It felt like I was being torn in two! The pressure was overwhelming.

"No!" I cried, in vain. Nothing would ever put to rights now what had been done. The king began to rhythmically move in and out of me, little grunts of pleasure escaping him. My face was pressed against the table. I raised my eyes to meet Laurent's and saw the pity there. I closed my eyes again, willing myself to be strong and not give in.

The pressure inside me eased to a pleasantly full sensation. I moaned as I felt my body begin to succumb to the pleasure. Tingling warmth spread from my core outwards. My fingertips curled in. The crowd cheered at my sound, but I hardly noticed them. All my focus was directed much lower. I angled my hips up slightly, allowing the king better access. He chuckled and released my leg, though my arms were still pinned against my back.

"She certainly takes pleasure like a satiety prophet!" he exclaimed, and drove himself deep in me. I moaned again, my hips working to move backward and meet his forward thrusts. I'd never felt anything so good as this full sensation. He released my arms and I pressed my palms down into the table to brace myself for his thrusts. His hand slipped around my front, in between my dress and skin, and cupped my breast in his hand. His thumb strummed over my nipple and I arched back in pleasure. He pulled me up off the table so I was nearly standing.

The king grunted a little deeper and his other hand tugged up my skirts in front, his fingers questing again for the hot center of me. I gasped as his fingers began to work in small circles, my pleasure building again. Yes, I must get to the peak of this pleasure. I had to. My head lolled back against him and I saw the dinner guests all watching.

I didn't care. I needed this pleasure. His hands continued to work me towards the beautiful peak, insistently working at my core and nipple while he drove himself deep inside me again and again.


I shoved my hips backward, crying in delight as he moved deeper still. I could practically see the top, I was so close.


I met Laurent's eyes for a moment, then I crested. All went black for a moment and my world was filled with ultimate pleasure.

I saw a vision. A cloaked figure, moving stealthily through the night. He had a blade, and was moving toward another figure in bed. He raised the knife, brought it down. The vision pushed at me, at my mouth, seeking release.

"Under the full moon, the son from dark isles makes his move for revenge against the unshackled." I felt better once I got the words out, though I had no idea what they meant. I was lying across the table again, though no one was holding me down. I saw the scribe writing my words down, and felt the king still thrusting inside me. With a final grunt, he removed himself, and I felt something warm and wet spurt against my back. He took a cloth from a nearby attendant and wiped it across my back, cleaning up the mess. He cleaned up himself as well, then took his chair again. I stood, shakily. I felt something wet between my legs, and looked to see my white dress smeared with blood.

"Sit, Anissa," said the king. I sat. "Now then, tell me what you saw."

I shook my head. "Nothing clearly. Shapes and shadows only." My hands were trembling. I had no fight left in me; in the aftermath of the vision I was as malleable as smooth clay.

"The unshackled... Laurent?" he asked his companions.

"It could be. At least the full moon is easy enough to interpret," replied a guest.

"Aren't Baram and his brother from the Bloodstone oasis? That could be the dark isle, and they certainly have a grudge against Laurent," volunteered another guest.

"I think... I need to lie down," I felt so weak.

"Of course," replied the king. "You are not strong enough yet to not need rest after your prophecies. Kirin!" He summoned Kirin, who had apparently been waiting on the other side of the door.

"Come, O Seer," she said, helping me to my feet. My legs were still shaky. "I'll help you to your room." I leaned heavily on her, and she led the way back to my rooms. My dress, so pure and virginal white before, was rumpled and stained with blood. My blood.

"Oh Kirin," I sobbed, once we reached my rooms. "I can't believe this happened. I thought I would escape before - before... this." I collapsed onto my bed.

"Shh, shh," she soothed. "Escape was never an option. He will never let you go." There was a pitcher of cool water on a table by the bed, and gently began to wipe the blood away from my legs. "It will be all right," she promised. She cleaned between my legs, but even her tender touch made me hiss in discomfort. I would be sore for days. "You rest now, and you'll feel better in the morning."

"I'll never feel better," I moaned. "Not until I get out of here."

"Shh..." She set aside the pitcher of water and began to rub my back, soft strokes, like you would a crying child. I was so tired. The visions were exhausting.

My last thought as I drifted off was to wonder why they would refer to Laurent as "unshackled."

Chapter 4

When I woke it was light. The high window slits let light in, but it was impossible to guess what time of day it was. It might be sunrise, it might be midday.

I didn't care.

The misery of last night washed over me and I curled my legs into my chest, shutting my eyes as if that would block out the memory. At some point Kirin must have removed the blood-stained dress, for I was naked beneath the blanket now. At least I didn't have to see my maiden's blood. The ache between by legs was reminder enough.

Kirin must have been listening for sounds of my waking. She entered the bedroom. "Will you be wanting a bath this morning, O Vessel?" she inquired. "How did you sleep?"

"No," I said stubbornly, referring to the bath. "Just leave me here to die." I rolled over to face away from her. I didn't see any reason to ever leave this bed again.

Time passed. My stomach growled but I ignored it. How could I eat, how could I endeavor to keep my body alive just to have it used again and again? There was no point in living, if this was to be my existence. I cried again, for last night and for Mother. I was glad she'd been killed, glad she'd never have to endure this treatment again.

Why hadn't she told me what I was? She must have known there was a chance I'd inherit this curse from her. I suppose she thought she was keeping me safe, but what if I'd had a dalliance with one of the village boys? I could have found out on my own, and been totally unprepared for it. I didn't doubt it would have been a difficult topic for her to broach, given her past and my origins, but it was unfair of her to keep it from me.

Could I have done anything differently if I'd known, I wondered. Most likely not. I would have been better prepared for my present situation, but short of knowing that the soldiers were coming, what could I have done differently?

A thought struck me. Had Mother known? She'd been so insistent on that fateful day that I leave the cottage and stay out till sunset. But If she'd known, why wouldn't she have run away with me?

To protect me, I realized.

She knew they were coming and she knew they'd keep hunting her until they had her. She gave herself up to protect me, to hide me. They didn't know I existed at the time; they would have taken Mother and never guessed there was a second prisoner to capture. She'd have subjected herself willingly to this life, all to save me.

And I'd failed her. I'd disobeyed and now we were both lost. I could have cried again if I had any tears left, but I was spent. I mulled over our fates in misery until Kirin returned.

"Will you not get up today? There is much news in the courtroom, O Seer. Your prophecy has come to fruition."

I felt a momentary pique of curiosity, then remembered Mother's sacrifice. "I failed her, Kirin." I said.

"Failed who?"

"My mother. She sacrificed herself to save me, and I got myself captured anyway. I've utterly failed her."

Kirin knelt before me on the floor, and took my hand into hers. "If that is so, O Vessel, then surely she did not mean for you to give up and die in this bed."

Gods, she was right. I should have obeyed Mother, I should have stayed away, but I hadn't. I had to deal with the situation fate had dealt me now. The worst way to dishonor her memory would be to give up. Though it seemed impossible now, I had to find a way to escape. Perhaps not today, or tomorrow, but someday soon, I would escape, and her sacrifice would not be in vain.

Kirin must have seen the stronger set of my face. "Does that mean you'll get up?"

I nodded, sitting up. "Kirin, can you give me a tour of the palace?" I needed to learn my new home if I was ever to be free from it.

Her face brightened. "A fine idea, O Seer. Let us get you bathed and dressed."


The baths were just as wondrous the second time. The baths I'd taken in the cottage in our wash bucket seemed pitiful in comparison. As much hot water as you wanted, and you didn't even have to heat it in front of the fire first! Kirin insisted on helping me bathe. Now that the grime of travel had been cleaned from my skin, she diligently set to work brushing under my fingernails with a stiff bristle brush, clearing away the accumulated dirt. It still felt odd to have someone else doing such an intimate chore, but Kirin had been nothing but kind to me, and I was at ease in her presence. I felt an uncomfortable twinge between my legs whenever I moved and the hot water caressed my parts, a reminder of the night before.

"Kirin, what were you saying earlier about my prophecy?"

"It has come to pass exactly as you said, O Vessel." She inspected my thumb, then picked up her brush again. "I do not know the details, but the king intends to call his followers to the town square for a demonstration this afternoon to reveal the details."

"Who was it?" I asked. I winced a little as she brushed vigorously.

She shook her head. "I do not know. It must have been someone high up in the king's court for him to make a demonstration of it." She released my thumb and, satisfied, she exited the pool and held up the drying cloth, beckoning me to join her. Her own taut body dripped with water. I was reluctant to leave the bath, but I needed to get on with my day. I had a palace layout to learn.

Kirin dried me and garbed me in a dress nearly identical to the one I'd worn yesterday, but with a few more elaborately twisted gatherings of fabric, though this dress, of course, was still fresh and white, not soiled as the other had been. As I had been. My hair was pinned up halfway, with a few twists and braids for accents. I waved her away when she began to smooth it all down for the third time.

"It's fine, can we go?"

'Of course, Vessel, as you say." She dropped her eyes and bowed, and I hoped I hadn't offended her by cutting the hairstyle time short. "The king has asked to see you in his throne room before the demonstration this afternoon. Shall we go now?"

"Why should I go see him? No, we proceed with the plan." I took a step down the hall in the opposite direction of the throne room, but Kirin's hand shot out and touched my arm.

"Please, Vessel, it is not a request. If you do not go to see him soon, he will have you brought to him, dragged if need be." She looked rather frightened at the idea. I wondered what horrors she had seen in her time in the palace.

How could I come face to face with him again, after what he did to me last night? Was he calling me to him now for a repeat performance? I broke into a cold sweat at the thought. "I can't do it again, please tell him for me I can't do it again," I begged Kirin. She looked almost relieved at my plea.

"Oh! Do not let that trouble you. The king has made it known he wishes you to have time to heal fully. He knows his prowess would exhaust any new conquest, and his skills will leave you tender." My fear was touched by a tinge of annoyance. How like a man to assume his sexual skills were the pinnacle of all men's. Still, it was a relief to know I had a few days to recover. I didn't know how I could look this monster in the eye, but I would rather attempt it while standing on my own two feet than from the floor after being dragged in.

"Very well. Let's go to the king," I said, reluctantly. Kirin nodded, and we walked the way there in silence. I tried to take note of the corridors we walked, to learn the route, but the palace was too vast.

King Xentos and Laurent were deep in conversation with Alvidus when we entered the throne room. Was it just yesterday that I had been presented to the monster? "Ah, my little egret!" said the king, coming toward me. I involuntarily took a step backward. "I thought you might sleep all morning. I trust you are well?"