Taliban Concubine Ch. 02


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Startled, I pulled away from the man's cock feeling a mixture of fear, and hope. Did Sergeant Rick find me? Were he and his men killing the Taliban in the main chamber?

Suddenly, the man who I'd been pleasing brought his open hands swiftly down and crashed them on my ears. My head shook from the pain; stars danced before my eyes. He roughly pulled my head to his groin and I quickly resumed sucking his cock while bells were ringing in my ears.

I decided then and there, whenever I had a Taliban cock in my mouth, I would focus only on that cock. If World War III broke out around me, I would continue sucking until I was told to stop.

The fifth and final man discharged in my mouth, and I after I cleaned him, I heard Sparkle-Eyes yelling at me. I climbed out of the pond; he grabbed my arm and led me a short distance to another small pond.

On the ground I saw not only the garments I'd been wearing, but of all the men. They were heaped in a tall pile.

He pointed at what looked to be soap, and was speaking a mile-a-minute. I guessed he was giving me instructions. It took me a few seconds, but I finally realized he wanted me to wash the clothes.

He pointed to a wall, and incredibly, I saw a long rope hanging horizontally.

Good grief, I thought. That's a clothes-line. He wants me to scrub their clothes in the pond then hang them on the rope to dry. In the village where we were housed, I sometimes watched older Afghani women scrub their families' clothes in a similar fashion.

I'm not only their cock-slut, I thought, but their washer-woman, too. Is this my future?

If I'd learned anything at all, it was to do as they want, as quickly as humanly possible. I went at my appointed job with gusto.

I was actually glad to be doing it; the clothes, including my own, smelled awful, and I would be happy wearing clean garments the next day.

Sparkle-Eyes now wore a thin, colorful robe. It looked to be more ornamental than functional.

He grinned as he watched my fast and efficient movements. I was no longer self-conscious of my nudity. In a strange way, I enjoyed the lecherous glances he and his men gave me when I caught them staring at my body.

When I finished, and he marched me back into the main chamber, something smelled wonderful; it had the aroma of real food. I was starving after living on goat-jerky for a day.

I saw what appeared to be meat hanging above the fire; the flames leapt-up, licking at the small pieces, turning them to a golden brown.

Sparkle-Eyes pointed at a blanket on the ground and grunted; I sat down and waited.

One of the soldiers was using his knife on small branches from a tree or bush. I watched him whittle the small sticks until they were clean of bark, and each one had a fine point on one end.

Another soldier used one of those sticks and expertly stabbed it thru five small chunks of meat then handed it to me.

No one else was eating, and I didn't know if I should start eating or wait for them. The soldier said something and nodded his head; I took that as a sign to begin.

The meat was tender and delicious. I had no idea what it was, but at that moment, it was the best-tasting meat I'd had in a long time. It almost tasted like chicken.

When they were done eating, they all sat cross-legged on the ground, and smoked from a pipe. They'd each inhale a lungful then pass the pipe to the next man. The smoke had the same rich and pleasant aroma as the previous night. They did not pass the pipe to me.

My heart began to race; my blood pressure rose. I knew what would be coming next.

In fact, I surreptitiously snuck glances at the soldier's mid-sections. They wore robes similar to Sparkle-Eyes, and I was fascinated as I watched their hardening cocks slowly expanding outwards, forming tent-like bulges against the thin fabric of their robes.

I don't know why, but seeing their growing arousal before my very eyes caused my own prick to stiffen.

Someone stood and dragged an old, rickety-chair near the fire. Sparkle-Eyes rose then sat on the chair. He crooked a finger at me and beckoned me to join him. He raised his robe above his waist exposing himself for all to see. He patted one thigh and pulled me to him. I sat on his large, muscular leg.

The cave was silent except for the crackling of the fire. My heart was now pounding and I was sure the soldiers could hear it.

Sparkle-Eyes began talking to his men. Softly and slowly he spoke. His voice reminded me of a school teacher explaining something to his class. The men's eyes were fixed upon him. One of the soldiers stood and left my field of vision.

Sparkle-Eyes said something then massaged my breasts until my nipples burst into hard, steel points. The men murmured and nodded their heads. When his hand suddenly grasped my erection I gasped and heard soft and low laughter from the men. He stroked my shaft until pre-cum leaked from my slit. His finger scooped-up the fluid then he presented it to my mouth.

I knew I had to play along. I sucked the finger into my mouth and tasted my own juices for the first time in my life.

The man who'd walked away returned carrying a small bowl, and a tube-like object. I swore I read English writing on the tube that contained the word 'cigar.'

The man wore a thin, shiny leather glove on one hand. I wondered why?

I saw what was in the bowl. It was the green, paste-like substance from the night before; the paste that had transformed my friends from kicking and screaming into willing participants in their own debauchery.

The soldier coated the leather glove with paste. Sparkle-Eyes pushed my legs further apart until my balls were dangling free from his leg.

I felt the soft leather glove grasp my scrotum; the warm paste was smeared over my scrotum. He then coated the glove with more paste and took hold of my prick. He stroked my shaft until it too was covered with the slimy green substance.

Sparkle-Eyes assisted me to my feet and pushed my legs even further apart. Two men approached and held me.

I watched the man with the glove dip the tube into the bowl of paste. I was bent over, hands opened my buttocks. The small, round tip of the tube was pressing on my anus. I gave an audible gasp as the tube pushed thru my opening. The man insistently pushed the tube all the way inside me; he slowly fucked me with the tube for several seconds.

The man was finished; I was once again sitting on Sparkle-Eyes legs. He placed my hand on his hard cock and showed me what he wanted.

I caressed his balls and scrotum then moved my hand upwards to his cock and lightly stroked it. He wanted me to keep moving my hand up-and-down over his balls and cock.

We sat in silence. I was fully aware of all eyes on me. It seemed they were just watching and waiting.

Why? What were they waiting for? I wondered. I found out soon enough.

It was getting warm 'down there.' The warmth spread quickly. There was no pain---only a growing heat that seemed like it would never stop.

My scrotum and penis became warmer and warmer. The strange thing was the heat seemed to be deep inside, not just the surface flesh; my balls suddenly became burning hot; no pain, only deep, intense heat.

My cock was so hot I instinctively grasped it with my hand; it felt sooo-goood when I squeezed and stroked it.

Sparkle-Eyes slapped my hand away. I groaned in disappointment.

My asshole was on fire. I pressed my buttocks hard on his leg; I wanted to rub my anus against him. I was so grateful when his finger began stroking my entrance I may have said "Thank you."

I heard him say something but my whole focus was on the hot flesh between my open legs.

A man appeared before me. He raised his robe and inches from my face was his beautiful erection. I didn't wait---I sucked it deep into my mouth and furiously bobbed my head back-and-forth over that wonderful piece of hot flesh.

Sparkle-Eyes gripped my hair and slowed-down my movements. He set the pace for my sucking.

I whimpered---I wanted to suck all the cum out of this man's balls, but it would take forever going this slow. My tongue couldn't get enough of the man's hot, salty flavor.

"MMMmmmmm mmmmmmm..." I moaned into the man's hot flesh.

My moaning became non-stop. I ground my ass on Sparkle-Eyes finger; my hips jerked and wriggled, trying desperately to push his finger inside me. My rectum demanded to be filled, but he was cruelly taunting and teasing me. I wanted him to finger-fuck me.

He never let go of my hair. He began to brutally push my head forward as the man thrust his cock ever deeper in my mouth. I didn't care at all---I wanted to swallow his entire cock---maybe that would quench the burning fire and lust that was consuming my mind, as well as my body.

My left hand was still massaging Sparkle-Eyes cock and balls. My free hand was wrapped tightly around the shaft of the man I was sucking; frantically stroking him; urging him to climax.

The first salvo of sperm and semen surprised me. The man hadn't cried-out, or given me any indication he was about to climax. I quickly regained my composure and greedily swallowed every drop he gave me.

I felt an enormous thrill inside me; I was deeply moved and honored he deemed me worthy enough to cum in my mouth. I wanted to cry.

What the hell is wrong with me? I wondered. Snap out of it---that damned green paste is turning me into a whore---don't let them do this!

When his limp prick slid from my mouth he quickly moved to the side and the next soldier took his place. I took his cock into my mouth the second he raised his robe and revealed it to me.

I'd never felt such arousal; I tried touching my cock again only to have it cruelly yanked away. My entire groin was screaming for attention.

Maybe he'll allow me to cum once I'd sucked them all off, I said to myself.

My world was nothing but cock. The single thought in my head was to satisfy the cock in my mouth, and the burning lust I felt in my own.

Cock-after-cock was presented to my mouth, and I obsessively sucked them all. I had no idea how many loads of cum I swallowed, I didn't care---I wanted more.

When the last man pulled his cock from my mouth and there was no one in line behind him, I whimpered with frustration. The heat in my balls and cock was burning hotter than ever. I was crazy-dizzy with insatiable lust.

I suddenly became aware of Sparkle-Eyes hardness pressing against my anus. He hadn't climaxed yet, maybe I could get him to fuck me in the ass; I wanted him to be the first.

He was gripping my hips, positioning my asshole on his hardness. I wanted to push down and impale myself on his magnificent cock.

There was a discussion. One of his men was talking to Sparkle-Eyes. They began to argue. I knew Sparkle-Eyes wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted him to, but he hesitated.

The other man pleaded with him; vigorously shaking his head 'NO' over-and-over.

Sparkle-Eyes said something in a weary voice of disappointment and pulled his cock away from my entrance. I groaned with frustration.

Men grabbed me and stood me up; I was bent over. I felt Sparkle-Eyes cock on my asscheeks. My hands were pulled behind me and they showed me what they wanted.

They made me spread my buttocks far apart---that gave me hope that he'd still fuck me; but no, instead he insinuated his throbbing cock between my cheeks and began moving forward-and-back. I pressed my cheeks together and captured his prick between them.

The full length of his manly cock rubbing against my anus felt wonderful, natural, but it did precious little to quench my burning need and desire. I needed to feel his hard cock inside of me---I truly wanted him to fuck me in the ass.

He slid his cock back-and-forth with jackhammer-like thrusts. His urgency told me he was close.

Suddenly, he gripped my hips harder---he bellowed and shouted---his cock exploded and his hot jizz flooded the crack of my ass. Streams of warm semen ran down my inner thighs.

His orgasm inflamed me even more. I cried out in desperation:


The men howled in laughter. They didn't speak English but they damn sure knew what I was yelling.

They stood me upright; my legs still far apart. The cool air on my anus did nothing to relieve the burning need I felt.

One man took my hand and placed it on my cock. I immediately began to madly masturbate---no one stopped me. They pulled my free hand between my thighs; someone gingerly pressed my middle finger to my anus.

Tiny electrical-like sparks shot thru my body as I rubbed my anus. GOD THAT FEELS GOOD!!

The heat inside my asshole was unbearable; rubbing the entrance wasn't enough---I needed something inside me.

I pushed my finger thru the tight ring of my virgin anus. I expected pain but felt only wave-after-wave of indescribable pleasure. Without a thought in my head, I rammed my finger inside my asshole as far as it would go.

The paste had turned to liquid and my finger became wet and slick and easily slid back-and-forth inside my rectum.

I was vaguely aware of the men clapping and whistling, but my only thought was wishing my finger had been longer and thicker.

I thrust it in-and-out of my asshole and stroked my cock faster and harder. The semen in my balls was boiling and my climax was near.

I stood before strange men, unashamedly, and enthusiastically masturbating and finger-fucking myself. I didn't care. Whatever self-respect I had clung to, was now totally gone.

It suddenly occurred to me there was something very wrong. I was at the very pinnacle of excitement and arousal, my cock ultra-sensitive, but I couldn't cum. No matter how hard and fast I stroked it---I couldn't get myself to climax.

I whimpered and groaned and worked at it with increased vigor; my hand became a blur. I finger-fucked myself with wild abandon...still nothing.

I looked at the men thru glazed-over eyes and saw the derisive smirks on their faces. This was the cruelest torture of all: I guessed some ingredient in that green slime was preventing my orgasm; delaying my climax for their enjoyment.

So that was it. I was nothing more than their entertainment. Maybe I wouldn't be able to cum at all. Tears began to trickle from my eyes.

I couldn't stop, though. The searing heat and need in my cock and asshole screamed louder and louder. My lust begged me; cajoled me into humiliating myself further before the eyes of my Taliban captors.

I no longer cared I was weak; I willingly gave in to my all-consuming lust.

I taught myself how to close the walls of my asshole around my finger. I moaned loudly from the exquisite sensations.

The men sitting nearest me had raised their robes exposing their semi-hard cocks. I watched them fondle and caress their genitals; soon, they sported full-blown erections.

I focused on one in particular. It was long and slender with a prominent vein running its length. I fantasized it was inside me; fucking me with long, hard thrusts.

Animal-like noises escaped my throat--- I began growling like a mad dog--- I was close--- damn close!

My entire body was consumed by the heat. Sweat poured from my forehead; my hips pushed violently backwards against the imaginary cock pounding my ass.

Yes-yes- yes---fuck me with that wonderful cock! Fill me with your cum!

I closed my eyes---my neck snapped upwards. My head exploded and I screamed at the top of my lungs.


The men howled with laughter and heartily approved of my performance with applause and loud whistles.

I was gasping for air. The fog in my head was slowly lifting. I became acutely self-conscious of the limp dick in my hand, and the finger still buried deep in my ass. I pulled my hands away from my body.

My breathing hadn't quite yet returned to normal when Sparkle-Eyes pushed me to the blanket and forced me on all fours. He pointed at the hard cock of his point-man sitting four-feet from me; I scrambled on my hands and knees to him and immediately lowered my head and took his erection in my mouth.

I lovingly, and eagerly, sucked their cocks and brought them all to orgasm one more time.

Later, I dreamt of Rebecca; my sweet, and beautiful Rebecca; her pouting lips, the softness of her breasts; the tiny dimples on her cheeks when she smiled at me. Oh, Rebecca...my sweet, sweet darling Rebecca---suddenly she was gone, and all I could see were hard cocks.

My mind filled with images of cocks: long ones-short ones-fat ones-thin ones. I could even smell them; their different aroma's; taste the varying thickness and flavors of their cum. I loved the thought of spending eternity on my knees, pleasuring and servicing men's hard cocks.

I woke with a start. It was pitch-black and I was snuggling tightly against Sparkle-Eyes. My eyes filled with tears. I shivered, not from cold, but out of unbridled fear.

I remembered the lust and desire I felt earlier when I sucked their cocks. How excited I became when I was able to coax them into cumming in my mouth.

My God---what have I become? How could I possibly have these feelings?

Fear and self-loathing overwhelmed me. I quietly sobbed in the darkness.

My penis and scrotum were still tingling and ultra-sensitive. It had been far and away the most spectacular, mind-shattering climax of my life. I never knew sex could feel that good.

I was sick with worry; after just two days with these men I had accepted my role as their sex-boy.

I had learned how to kiss and lick their balls and cocks; how to suck their shafts deeply into my mouth and swirl my tongue on their flesh. I was now able to swallow their jizz without spilling a drop; but what scared me most of all was the pleasure I received when I heard their moans and groans, and their exclamations of joy when they discharged their loads down my throat.

In a brief flash of clarity, I saw exactly who and what I had become: Yes, I was now a full-fledged Taliban cocksucker, and YES---I was their prisoner of war, and would obey their commands without hesitation.

Hard cocks and large, hairy balls whirled about in my subconscious. I dreamt of making love with a faceless man who possessed a super-huge cock. I couldn't fit his cockhead in my mouth; his balls were too big to suck; I was whimpering and crying in frustration at my inability to satisfy him.

The man in my dream was consoling me; stroking my face and hair, and gently squeezing my cock: GOD, IT FELT GOOD!!

My eyes suddenly popped open---it wasn't a dream; Sparkle-Eyes hand was gripping my hardness and he smiled down into my face. I smiled back at him.

He released my cock and guided my own hand to it. He nodded his head and I masturbated in front of his steely-gaze. I felt neither shame nor embarrassment performing such a private act before his penetrating, watchful eyes.

On the contrary, the intensity of his stare emboldened and inflamed my passions. I stroked my cock with wild abandon.

It was another wonderful orgasm. My entire body shook and wriggled as cum shot straight in the air then landed on my belly making soft, splashing noises.

Sparkle-Eyes smiled, kissed my cheek, and patted my head; he then pointed to his long and thick erection.

I scrambled between his legs as quick as I could. I knew what he liked and set about pleasuring him.

When he finally discharged in my mouth, I couldn't swallow his cum fast enough; something had changed; instead of gagging and retching on his foul-tasting gruel, I actually enjoyed the flavor.

How can this be? I wondered. Hmmm...rich...creamy---almost sweet. I like it!

He patted my head again and said something I didn't understand. I took it to mean "Good boy!"