Talla's Temple Ch. 09


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Point turned and mounted her altar, leaving the skinny, topless Virgin girl on her own at the focus of the Chamber. When the Sorceress was seated, Nadine moved and took her place at the inclined altar.

"The Conduit," the Queen commanded.

There was a commotion as attendants snuffed out some of the wall torches. Talla took that moment to whisper to Tina.

"How many times has she tried, you think?" she asked.

Tina frowned.

"Dunno. I've never heard of using a Sorceress for a Virgin upgrade. Must be bad."

So what did it mean that Atreya, a Second, had done Talla's upgrade?

Talla's eyes were on the men's entrance now. The Officer had knocked on the door and was pushing it open. Right now, some girl was using her tongue to give Zhair'lo a last send off. Some other girl. Some girl who wasn't Talla. Talla grimaced. She tried to tell herself that there was no point being bitter.

She caught her first glimpse of a boy coming out of the door. Yes, that was him. A shiver went up her spine. She wished for some way to communicate with him, just to see him acknowledge her. But she couldn't speak and he couldn't see this far. She sighed in disappointment. Cloaked in darkness, she might as well not be here as far as he was concerned. She wondered if he missed her, too.

There was nothing to do but watch.


Zhair'lo, for his part, had been put off only slightly when he discovered two girls who weren't Talla in the Priming room. In Talla's absence, he had become much more concerned with his ability to perform his duty. Ella had been there, whether by accident or design he didn't know. That had helped a little. It was comforting to see a familiar face.

That part was done.

From the centre of the Chamber, he bowed lightly and turned to the left altar. A topless woman in a green skirt waited there for him. They'd told him what was at stake here. The girl on the right had rejected three previous attempts at an Upgrade. Consequently, they were bringing in a Sorceress to try to break through. It was like the popular peg-and-dice game. When a pawn didn't do the job, you brought in a higher value piece. But the most powerful pieces couldn't leave their Temples, so the pawns had to be drawn in.

He felt a bit like a pawn himself today.

So this was a Sorceress. It was a rank he was more familiar with from playing board games than from any knowledge of the Temple. If he understood things right, that put her one rank above the blue clad woman from the previous upgrade. She looked at him with a calm smile as she unlaced his robe. An attendant in white took the bottom part of the robe away and he climbed on top of the dark-skinned woman.

Her breasts seemed to be about the same size as those of the woman who had lain here on his last visit. Her nipples - they were bigger. As he knelt over her, his painfully throbbing erection hovering over her stomach, she began to twirl and pinch those nipples. He watched in rapt fascination as they began to lengthen and stiffen. Even the edges of her aureolae, where brown went to a shade of brown so dark as to be rendered cocoa in the firelight, began to sharpen.

So beautiful.

He had to restrain a primal urge. 'Deep breath' had been Ella's advice for such occasions. He took that advice now. Who would have thought that just watching a woman play with her nipples could evoke such a strong physical reaction?

No matter. She had stopped, perhaps satisfied with the state of her body, and reached for the chalice.

Here we go, he thought. He took hold of the chalice and watched as she dipped just two fingers in to the thick, clear syrup within.

This is brutal. Deep breath.

He watched as she touched the liquid to the very tip of her nipple. It slowly dripped down from there. Ever so delicately, she spread it around the areola.

I can't take this. Look away.

He hadn't thought it possible, but he could see her nipple actually perk up just a little more under the influence of the cool liquid.

She dipped the same two fingers in to the cup and repeated the mind numbing procedure on the other side.

Zhair'lo took a moment to close his eyes. Was there enough air in this chamber for all of the relaxing breaths he was going to have to take to get through this? Maybe Ella and her friend -- what was her name? D'yon? D'yan? Something like that -- maybe they'd done too good a job on him.

Think about her name, he told himself. Di'yan? Dyen? Think about anything but what's going on in front of you.

That cooled him somewhat.

The Sorceress was already reaching for the chalice. He relinquished it so she could lay it aside.

"Very carefully now," she reminded him, her voice soft and soothing. She turned her body to put one breast under his quite erect penis. "Just the tip."

Her tip or his tip? He supposed that she meant both. This was to be just like the last upgrade. Each Discipline had a specific spot on the body for the Conduit to use until he Seized. With Abundance, it was the outside of either breast. With Point, it would be the tip of the nipple. Until he was properly Seized, there was always a danger of picking up the wrong kind of magic if he fumbled around.

His foreskin had fully retracted due to the strength of his erection. He shifted his body to the left. That made it easy to let the underside of the head of his penis lightly brush up against her nipple, coating that sensitive, swollen flesh with clear syrup.

Fortunately, he was completely prepared for the sudden wave of dizziness that washed over him. If not for his experience, he might have wavered and touched some other part of her chest. But no. He would hold himself steady, in minimal contact with her nipple, and fight off the nauseated spin that meant his body was trying to Seize. At least it made ejaculating extraordinarily unlikely.

The Sorceress cupped her right breast with both of her hands -- it was just that big -- and slowly moved it around so that her nipple stroked the underside of his penis and that little stretch of sensitive skin ...

Zhair'lo was relieved when the feeling of being out of focus started to fade. That was a comfort. He was in a good place now. He told himself that it was just like learning any other duty, like any other apprenticeship he'd been on. It was just a matter of getting up to standard. He knew how this part of the upgrade was supposed to go. He knew the nausea was temporary.

As she tickled him, he began to feel better.

Finally, with a body wide muscle spasm that actually pulled him away from her, he Seized. His senses were heightened. His eyes were able to focus. He felt completely steady, even kneeling and leaning over this half naked woman.

She saw it, too.

"Good," she said as her eyes sharpened eagerly. "Now, here."

At which point she pushed her breasts together so the nipples nearly touched. There was a triangular slot there, meant just for him. The strength of his erection was such that he had to lean much farther over now, until his head was past hers, in to the silky black hair that she had laid out behind her.

There was nothing to do but thrust his hips, letting his body draw that all important magic from those chocolate, erect tips that rubbed against either side of his manhood. He could almost hear it humming to him, ringing off the two stiffest points of contact.

She would let him know, hopefully, when he was fully charged. This was the only part that really worried him. Well. The only part that worried him at this point. Ella and her friend had taken care of his other concern.

Now it was just a matter of not taking on too much;.

And not hurting anyone.

He looked down at his body. He didn't really want to. It vastly increased the danger of wasting this whole ceremony away by ejaculating in the dark-skinned woman's face. But he looked anyway. He couldn't help it.

What he saw were the sharp eyes of the Sorceress scrutinizing his face. There was no softness there; no sense of soothing. This was a woman diligently carrying out her duty. It reminded him very much of the doctor who had come to examine him after Talla's upgrade.

"Good," she announced quietly. "You're done."

That quickly? It was even faster than the last time. That was a good sign, really. It probably meant that he was carrying less. He lifted himself away from her and sighed contentedly.

Yes, he could feel a tingling in his body. His hearing was acute. His sense of smell was stronger. There was even a burning between his legs. But it was nowhere near what it had been the last time. That was a good sign.

What about his eyes? Last time he could see well in to the darkness. As he stood and faced the spectators, he looked up -


Talla watched, engrossed, her mouth hanging partially open. It wasn't just that it was the first upgrade she had ever watched. It was him. It was Zhair'lo. And not just Zhair'lo, but Zhair'lo with a powerful erection. Gods, how she'd wanted that a second time that night. Gods, how she wanted it now. She could weep if she could find the breath for it. She'd just had to get two boys who weren't Zhair'lo ready -- all with no relief in sight for herself.

And there he was, the boy she wanted, in the state she wanted him. She imagined herself running down to him, as she had run to him just two nights ago. Let them try to stop her.

Her heart was pounding.

He looked up in to the crowd, as if he could actually see in to the blackness. His eyes found hers, seized upon them. Could he really see this far up? Were they really looking at each other?

He turned away.

Gods, damn it. Had he seen her or not? Why did it matter?

It hurt. That's why it mattered. She wanted him. Him. Not some other. And she was powerfully aroused by the work she'd already done this evening.

He crossed the floor and mounted the second altar. She watched him, wishing it were her, wishing that proud rod and the magic within it were bound for her body.

Tina whispered something which Talla, in her distraction, missed.

"What?" she whispered back.

"Ren hana," Tina whispered, pointing at the Sorceress.

The Sorceress of Point, still topless, had propped herself up on her elbows, watching the proceedings with furrowed brow. Visible to everyone in the room besides Zhair'lo, who faced the wrong way, and Nadine, who was blocked by Zhair'lo, she held her hand on the side of her altar with two fingers extended.

It was a signal; a declaration to the onlookers that what was about to happen was happening on purpose.

Ren hana.

Two ranks.

Talla was outraged. Her jaw clamped shut and her eyes bulged. They were overloading Zhair'lo on purpose? Well, why in nine hells not? If four could almost kill him, why not try two just to see what happened? She could feel her blood rising. How dare they!

Her eyes flipped back to Zhair'lo, now straddling Nadine and holding the chalice for her. Nadine slathered the Synergist on to her body, generously covering the entirety of her flat chest. There was a desperation in her expression, even in her movements.

Just let Zhair'lo be okay, Talla thought.

He seemed okay. He didn't seem to be quivering as he had been for her upgrade. Maybe he would be fine. She bit both her lips and pleaded for him to be fine. It shouldn't take much longer.

Just give it to her, she begged him with her mind. Just get rid of it before it hurts you.


Nadine reached for his penis with her right hand. He was just a hand's breadth from the shiny targets for which he was aiming.

"Let's hope this works," she said. It was a plea. She was in as bad a way as poor Zo'kar had been in the waiting room.

"It will," he vowed, wondering why he thought that he had the right to make such a promise. The words had come involuntarily.

A faint wisp of a smile crossed her face as she began stroking him.

She had very nice eyes. He noticed that suddenly. The sharpness of her eyelashes leaped out at him. Those eyes were hopeful, almost speaking to him with their longing.

"Whenever you're ready," she said.

He could feel the same plaintive cry in her words.

"Oh, I'm ready," he assured her.

Nadine nodded anxiously and increased the vigour of her stroking, aiming him directly at her left nipple.

"Okay," she said. "Go ahead."

It was all the encouragement he needed. Between the two girls in the Priming room and the Sorceress behind him, he was well beyond aroused -- perhaps somewhere around the "kicking like a wild horse" mark.

He looked down at Nadine; her eyes pleading; her lips pursed; her right hand torquing away; her left hand ready underneath her breast -- one last squeeze -

He exploded in her hand, firing a volley of semen in to her nipple with such force that it made a crater in the syrup around her pale, pink aureola.

"Oh!" she shrieked as her eyes widened.

She didn't miss a beat, despite her surprise, and quickly jerked his twitching organ to point at her right side even as her left hand began massaging semen and syrup in to her right breast.

His second volley was only slightly less proud; the dispersal of syrup only mildly less violent. She wasn't shy. In fact, she was focused on her task with a determination Zhair'lo hadn't seen since the day the blacksmith had been asked to shape a piece of ceremonial garb for someone important in the Temple. She mixed his semen together with the syrup, rubbing it thoroughly in to her nipples even as she played more of his juice out onto her chest.

Zhair'lo watched, content both from having ejaculated and from having rid himself of the magic without any obvious disasters. He watched Nadine's facial expression carefully. She wasn't looking at him. Her head was turned down, her concentration focused on her body. He could barely see her eyes through her lashes. Was it going to hurt her? Was it going to be like it had been for Talla?

She twitched suddenly, the muscles in her chest and shoulders tensing up as she stared open mouthed over his shoulder.

Oh no, he thought. Not again.

"Burns," she said.

Zhair'lo started to panic. What were they waiting for? Shouldn't they be ready for this?

Then her eyes met his.

And she smiled.

"It's working," she said triumphantly. "It's working. You did it!"

It was a little too loud. Someone politely double-tapped a spear butt to the floor as a warning. Nadine didn't appear to care, but lowered her voice.

"Thank you," she said as she continued tweaking her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.

"My gods," she added in surprise.

Zhair'lo looked down. Even through the inseminated batter, he could see the change. The contrast between between the flesh tone of her chest and that of her aureolae was much more pronounced than it had been just a moment ago. The nipples themselves were wider and more erect.

He looked more closely. Though the torchlight nearly hid the effect, he could see a faint blue glow. It was nowhere near what it had been when he had upgraded Talla. Maybe that was to be expected. After all, this was a single upgrade, not a quadruple.

Nadine seemed so relieved. The tension and anxiety that had seemed to consume her whole personality were gone now. A giddy, almost childish look overcame her expression -- indeed the entire language of her body had shifted.

"Thank you so much," she said again.

Towels arrived. This, he recalled from both briefings, was the procedure when upgrades went as planned. A small wet towel for him. A larger one for her. Attendants whisked those away once they'd served their purpose.

Someone handed him his robe so he could cover himself again.

As he refastened the robe, he glanced up in to the audience. His crisp night vision was gone. He couldn't see in to the dark. It was pitch black past the very faint outlines of the thrones. He tried to peer past them, to the rearmost rows of benches, but he could make out nothing.

And so he was left guessing what Talla had thought of all that.


So that was it, then.

Zhair'lo was safe. Nadine was upgraded.

Talla breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't believe the risks they'd just taken with Zhair'lo's life. Sure, he looked okay, but what if the damage it was doing to him was cumulative? What if loading him up like that took its toll every time around?

Combining that anger with her disappointment at having missed him in the Priming room, she found her stomach quite unsettled. She told herself that she would sit for one more upgrade and head back to her room.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Dry opinion


xtorchxtorchover 13 years agoAuthor
Chapter 10 on its way

A little delay while I was on vacation. Ch. 10 should be through approval in a couple of days and 11 is in the works.

Glad you're enjoying it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Hi I have been waiting for a month for the next chapter please write more soon!!!

cryforhelpcryforhelpover 13 years ago
Still going strong

Nice installment of the series, you keep me interested. It could do with a bit more orgasms though, this is a bit of a tease.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Great series. Glad to see more.

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