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Jocelyn meets Tara at the Supermarket.
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I met her in the supermarket.

I was in the "ladies area" trying to decide what to get for myself- wings, no wings, regular, super so many choices and for my eighteen year old who had the pip with me and was having a quiet time sulking in the car with her i-pod while her horrible mother did the shopping. This lady was in her late twenties short and quite petite with brown eyes and auburn hair. She wore jeans and a lowish cut top. She was very pretty and I was captivated-I don't mind guys but I do prefer girls. I caught her as I was looking round- having thought we also needed talcum powder and trying to see where it was- and although my head moved round a little more my eyes zeroed in on her and stayed locked on-I tried to look away but I couldn't.

She became aware of me looking at her and briefly looked back. A confused look came over her face and she looked up at me again. Finally she said," Yes?"

"Oh God, sorry, I was, um, I was staring at you wasn't I?"

That broke the ice a little and she smiled and nodded.

"Oh sorry, that was so rude of me, its just, um, and I know you must hear this all the time, but you're just so incredibly pretty."

'Really? No I don't hear that all the time. I haven't heard it in a long time. Do you think so?"

" Oh God yes, ooh, where are my manners? Um Jocelyn," and I put my hand out to her. She took it and answered,


So there I was shaking hands with a lady I had just met. There was something about her. Oh pretty, no question but the expression on her face while I had been looking at her had captivated me. She had looked worried, anxious and I wondered what pretty girls ever got to make them unhappy - the same as everyone else I suppose but they should smile and brighten up our days while we go and sulk. Always seemed fair to me. There I go again off at a tangent. Where was I? Oh yes, her expression, as I said anxious and its effect on me was to make me feel very protective.

I went to let go but she held on. Just for a bit then, realizing what she was doing, she let go too - almost jerking her hand away. I reached for her hand again and having taken it in my right hand, moved into her space so we were barely a foot apart, brought our hands up so her hand was against my breast and put my other hand on her shoulder.

Looking into her eyes I asked, "Are you OK?"

I knew she wasn't but it was up to her to say. She waited before she answered and I could see her trying to think of something to say.

It wasn't my intention to torment her so I broke the silence.

"I get the feeling you're not. Am I right?"

That did it, tears formed in this pretty lady's eyes, she nodded and the pretty face disintegrated into a distraught one. I put her hand on my waist and then brought my hand round to her back and pulled her into me. She buried her face in my shoulder and I could feel her shuddering as she sobbed. We stood there as other shoppers steered their trolleys past us, had a discreet look and moved on. We just rocked back and forward as I hugged her and she gripped me and shook.

She was very nice to hug I must say but eventually she pulled her head back and gave the usually "sorry, don't know what came over me" apology that you offer in those situations.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked, "Something is wrong, perhaps lots of things. Perhaps I can help, and I will if I can I can promise you that and maybe I can't but it won't be for want of trying."

I'm good at these inspirational speeches- I practice on my daughter, with no success at all so far. Tara just had a shopping basket and I'd had enough shopping for the day- we'd get KFC tonight, that was a crucial part of my daughter's food pyramid- along with MacDonald's and Burger King.

"Much more to get?" I asked.

"No, I've just got ten dollars on me so this will have to do."

I I sneaked a look in her basket. She had bought the house brand tampons, budget spaghetti, budget bread, a small black teabags packet and a one liter budget milk.

We went to a checkout and she went through first. Eleven dollars twenty three. She looked panic stricken and was looking to put something back. I put the item she was returning back in the bag and handed the Checkout girl a twenty.

"Must have left your money in your other purse Tara," I said to her for the girl's benefit.

"Oh, oh um yes, must have." She came up with -completely undoing my face saving effort.

The girl smiled at me as she handed me my change and started on my purchases. Tara had moved a little way away and I motioned for her to stay there.

"That was a lovely thing you did there," the girl said quietly," she comes in a bit and she hardly has any money but she does her best and she's always so polite."

I nodded, smiled back at her and went over to Tara.

"Is your car here or are you on foot," I asked her.

"On foot. But it isn't far, honestly."

"It is to my place. Too far to walk that's for sure." I replied firmly.

She looked at me.

"You're coming to my place, OK? Wanna argue? Wanna fight?"

She smiled for me again and said, "no."

My daughter had finished sulking and was now impatient to get home so she could go on face book and tell the world what a hard life she was leading when her mother and a strange lady came walking towards the car hand in hand. She got out and went round to my side to pop the hatch and met us at the rear of the vehicle. I smiled at her and brought Tara forward.

"Tara this is my daughter, Bonnie. Bonnie, Tara"

They shook hands and moved on in for a hug- hey its the girlie way isn't it?

"Tara's coming home with us - would you mind hopping in the um, in the back sweetheart?"

"Sure Mom," she replied "Sorry Tara I'll just get my junk out of there."

She gathered her possessions, or "stuff" as she liked to call it and hopped in the back. She didn't put the ear phones back in her ears. I held the door for Tara and she got in looking very nervous.

We stopped off at KFC and I bought our dinners. Bonnie, being eighteen and perpetually hungry, hoed into her three piece quarter pack- with extra seasoning- while Tara held hers and mine on her lap. I could see she was ravenous and said, with an encouraging smile. "you can start on yours if you like."

She shook her head, "I can wait."

So she did. Bonnie had finished hers. She took her rubbish inside (another first) and put it in the trash can. She then waved bye and went off to her bedroom. She was giving us some space. I set to carrying the shopping bags to the kitchen. I took three bags and headed in through the door to the hallway. Tara had the drinks holder in one hand and the food in the other and followed me in.

I showed her where the plates and glasses were, appointed her KFC server upper and went out and got the last of the groceries, including hers.

She was already at the table and I joined her. We sat at one corner, both sitting sideways eating our KFC. After a time I reached over and took her hand in mine.

"You can tell me now, or later, or sometime or never," I said," its up to you."

She gave me a sad little smile and looked away.

"I can't fix what's broken but -and I was thinking about this on the way home - I can offer you a new start. If you like. Do you think you might?"

Can't get much vaguer than that but she understood perfectly. She was silent for a time and finally she spoke.

"I've been thinking too. I've had horrible things happen to me and you are the first neat one in I don't know how long. If you really mean it then, yes, I would love to take you up on your offer."

I got up, leaned over and hugged her.

"I have never meant anything more in my life," I told her and pressed my cheek against hers.

We finished our KFC and I took her over to the sofa where we sat down together. I sat on the end cushion and she curled up against me with her head on my shoulder. My arm went over her and I pulled her in tight to me.

"Funny old day huh?" I said softly to her, "I go out with Little Miss Sulky bottom and end up meeting this amazing lady."

"I was just thinking the same thing only you've got the exclusive on the Little Miss," she said with a happy grunt.

" She's normally a lot nicer than she has been today. Hey I'll get her out huh? She needs to know what's going on."

Tara nodded and I went to Bonnie's room and asked her to come out. She was off her bed before I had finished asking. No argument, no threats.

" Is this my daughter?" I wondered.

Bonnie strode down the hall, across the lounge and flopped on the sofa next to Tara.

'Bonnie honey? Tara is going to be staying with us."

(Get it out, that's what I say, duck for cover but get it out.)

" Ohh cool," Bonnie responded and she held her arms out to Tara for a hug. "This is going to be so neat, Mom you're the greatest."

(One tries, its all one can do- no, the medal is fine-I have a perfectly good chest to pin it on thanks.)

We sat together and chatted. Tara didn't want to reveal very much about herself but eventually we learned that while her former partner was a bit of a weasel- he convinced her she had lost her looks, that she wasn't liked and other things that eroded and finally destroyed her self-confidence pretty well completely. She eventually saw through him and asked him to leave. He did and as a parting shot trashed her flat and stole her credit cards and maxed them out.

"That was why I was so surprised when you said I was pretty, I thought I was just plain. Anyway I have no job, I can't pay for the repairs to my flat he maxed out all my credit cards and I can't pay those either. Oh and he ruined all my clothes too."

Bonnie beat me to it! She just grabbed Tara and hugged her tight. Bonnie had tears in her eyes.

"Fucking bastard," she spat out finally- speaking for us all.

Tara looked at me and then at Bonnie. She shrugged and said "Thank you" very humbly. She got another hug for that too.

"None of that is a problem sweetheart, OK?" I told her- she shrugged, "I can sort all that so don't you worry."

Bonnie stayed with us for a bit longer holding hands with Tara- before giving her a final hug and even giving me a kiss and going back to her bedroom.

"Honey," I called after her, she turned," we'll keep this our little secret for the moment, no Facebook yeah?"

"You mean he might?"

"Never know, better to be safe than you know."

She took that on board and nodded, looked fondly at Tara and nodded again. My daughter cared about her- what a sweetheart.

Alone together again we resumed our cuddle and did the silly little things you do with someone new: staring into their eyes, holding hands enjoying being with them and smiling for no apparent reason because of it. Finally she spoke.

"Do you fancy me?"

"Oh God yes," I replied, "Why?"

"Just wondering, I'd hate to just be a cause."

"Well you're not, but what I offer has no strings, we have a spare room if you'd like?"

She looked unhappy at that prospect.

'Or you could put up with me if you'd prefer?"

She kissed me. It had been building up for some time and the kiss was passionate from the moment our lips met. I can't remember being hugged so tightly as that before. I felt her hands on my blouse as she undid my buttons, her fingers were shaking as she undid them. She slid my unbuttoned blouse off my shoulders and reached round to unfasten my bra. It joined the blouse on the floor and she bent down to suck on my nipples. They went hard and I cradled her head to my bosom enjoying her wet mouth on my nipples.

She hadn't finished. Her top came off followed by her bra. Now it was my turn to play with her breasts and suck on her nipples. I did enjoying feeling them harden as I sucked on them. She reached under me and undid her jeans, raising her butt a little she pulled them down and then off all the while having my mouth glued to her left nipple and my hand fondling her right breast.

Her thong followed her jeans south and she took my other hand and pressed it down on her pussy. It was smooth and wet. I pushed my fingers into her slit and my thumb found her clit.

"You've done this before, haven't you?"

"Once or twice darling, once or twice." I replied.

I kept my hand down there and raised my butt so she could get my skirt and panties off for me. We changed over with her hand now on my pussy and me lying back so she could get a good long look at me. We had been making a bit of noise and I saw Bonnie at the doorway. It was obvious by the look on her face that she wanted to join in.

I smiled at her over Tara's shoulder. She moved forward and placed her hand on Tara's soft round tanned butt. Tara's response was to push her butt back against the hand. She pulled her mouth out of my pussy and said,

"Hi Bonnie, thought you might join us."

Bonnie replied "Hi Tara, hi Mom, you guys were driving me mad in there, is this OK?"

We straightened up and split to put Bonnie between us. I took her hands and placed them on my breasts and then took her right hand and placed it on my pussy.

"Its OK sweetheart, is this why you've been so grumpy lately? have you been wanting to have sex with me?"

"Yeah. You and now Tara. God you are both so hot!"

I put my hands on her cheeks and pulled her to me.

"Kiss your mother child." I told her. She kissed me. A steamy hot passionate kiss.

"Oh honey," I gasped when we broke for air, "you can kiss me like that any old time you like. Wow!"

"Haven't you guys done that before?" Tara asked us.

"No. Never," I replied and I looked at Bonnie and mouthed a kiss at her.

"Strip for us babe. Show us whatcha got."

She just had her nightie on and she peeled that off up over her head as slowly as she could. Her pussy was hairy and her breasts were grapefruit shaped. She turned round so we could study her cute teenaged ass. We did, stroking and smacking it as well.

Tara got up and went over to the mantelpiece. There were two silver candlestick holders there. She took the long candles out and lit them.

"Side by side you two. Legs out of the way please."

I spread mine wide and Bonnie brought hers straight over. Tara turned the candles down and the hot wax dripped onto our bodies. She got some on our breasts and then a lot on each nipple. Down to our pussies and she dribbled the hot wax all over them. Bonnie was gasping and trying to get her legs wider - I just had my eyes shut and enjoyed the sensation of the burn and the not knowing where I would be waxed next.

She put the candles out by ramming them in our wet pussies and pushing them in and out. Bonnie reached for my hand and we held hands as Tara fucked us with the candlesticks. My daughter came first; her body went rigid, her eyes opened wide and she gasped then a long exhale and the trickle from her pussy started. I had sat up to look down on this beautiful sight. Fuck what a turn on, I lay back and enjoyed more candle fucking until I too could feel my orgasm coming and I felt my body tense.

"Watch my cunt honey," I told Bonnie and she sat up and looked down on my pussy. I put on the best show I could for her. Once underway I didn't need to be fucked and she watched as my pussy opened and closed with the contractions. I lay afterwards completely limp- my legs back down but wide apart so that my two lovers could see everything I had.

"You have an amazing body Jocelyn," Tara said, "Just gorgeous".

Bonnie just hugged me and let her hand roam up and down my body.

We lay huddled together enjoying the feel of the other's naked body against our own- at least I did. After a time Tara turned to Bonnie and asked,

"Can I take you to bed darling?"

Bonnie looked at us and smiled.

"That was all I dreamed it might be, night mom," she said and kissed me full on the lips again. She held hands with Tara and they went to her bedroom.

Tara was gone a while so I filled in the time tidying up naked.

She came out half an hour later.

"She's fast asleep," she told me in a whisper. I gave her an inquiring look to which she continued, "she wanted to lie with me in the nude. It was very nice and she just drifted off in my arms."

Two hours before she normally went to sleep? I had to see this. So I crept down the hallway, avoiding the creaky floorboard,and peered through her open door.

Her open door??? It was always shut. She lay on her tummy, naked with her head on one side. She looked adorable and I wondered how much our relationship would have been changed by the events of tonight. Too late now for what ifs I thought- we'll find out in the morning.

I went into my bedroom took my strap on out of the drawer and put it on.

"Where is that going," Tara asked me in mock horror when I walked into the lounge.

"Your pussy young lady, that's where," I replied and headed towards her I turned her round.

"Doggy," I told her. She looked back over her shoulder and grinned, "my favorite."

She got down on her knees and bent over. I put the tip to her mouth and then returned to behind her and positioned it at her vagina. I pushed it in gently as her pussy opened and then rammed it up into her vagina the whole way. I rotated full length in her and stroked in and out of her while I manhandled her titties at the same time. I heard her gasp and took the strap on out of her pussy. I turned her over and lay her on the carpet with me sitting between her legs with mine over hers keeping her pussy open for me.

Her gorgeous pussy opened and shut before me and her face as she experienced her orgasm was a joy to behold. She lay with her head on the floor and her eyes closed. I lay beside her and held her.

"Love you," I whispered.

"Oh God I am so in love with you," she replied, her eyes still closed.

We lay like that for while and decided it was time for bed. we walked there with arms round each other and on the bed I lay on my back and she lay on her front with her head on my pillow her cheek against my hair.

'Happy?" I asked her.

"Very," she said into my hair. Then she raised her head and spoke to me, "I need you to hold me tight."

I got her in a hug and squeezed her.

"That do?"


We lay like that until I could feel her falling asleep. I too drifted off a little while later. I didn't want to - there was a faint light and she looked utterly gorgeous lying there.

I woke first and got her back in the hug. She woke, opened her eyes, looked at me and smiled.

"Oh God, I thought it was a dream," she said softly.

"No babe," you slept with me last night and you will again tonight. You had sex with me and Bonnie last night and now you can have sex with us whenever you want."

We kissed.

"Hey, lets have a shower."

We went into the bathroom. The toilet, shower, bath and vanity were all in the same room. I sat on the toilet and had a pee. I looked up and Tara was watching me.

"Watch me," she told me when I'd gotten off. She stood on the seat and went down into a crouch. I watched fascinated as her vulva opened and her piss stream came out. I put my hand in the stream and felt her hot piss on my hand.

"I love piss play," she told me, "I can teach you if you like."

"Yes please, that would be nice."

"No its nasty and an incredible turn on. You'll love it."

I turned the shower on and we got in together. The sound must have wakened Bonnie and she came in for a pee as well. She sat on the toilet with her legs apart and we watched her piss while she watched our naked bodies as we washed each other. I got out to dry myself and Bonnie took my place with Tara. Tara washed her taking a long time over her titties, cunt and asshole. Bonnie just stood there with her arms in the air and her eyes closed.

They finished and dried off too.

I came back in with some oil. I put some on my hands and started rubbing it on Bonnie, she rubbed it on Tara and Tara rubbed it on me. We looked fantastic- all shiny and sexy.