Tara's Adventures - Continued

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Grandma and the Shady Corner Gang.
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Chapter 3 - The Day After

My head was spinning as four blond-haired children attacked me. I screamed and jumped out of bed. I thought it was being attacked by the child of Village of the Damned. "Giggle, giggle, giggle my nieces were jumping up and down on my bed as Grandma was just standing there staring at me. As the girls left my room and I snuggled back into bed, I asked, "Is anything wrong Grandma?"

"How come you get to have a gangbang, and I don't?"

"Grandma, it was not a gangbang, they were just some guys I met last night."

"Well too bad for you, but I still want my gangbang," Grandma said.

I think I need to step back and explain my grandma. You see, I have a few jobs, 1) chauffeur (spell check couldn't help me this time so I had to Google the word) Grandma around, 2) hold the Slow sign for Dad at his construction sites and 3) I write stories for a few online erotic sites. Writing for erotic sites helps me to develop my writing skills. When a story is ready, thanks to all the reader comments, I publish my stories on Amazon Kindle. It's fun and I make a few bucks at it too.

Since I'm dyslexic, Grandma proofreads my stories and catches most, but not all, of my misspellings.

Grandma says all the ladies at the senior center love it when Grandma reads my stories to them. Even the old men get excited Grandma says.

Grandma likes to tease one old man and stroke his crotch as she reads to him. She likes to get him excited. I tell Grandma she's gonna give him a heart attack, he's like 95 years old.

He tells everyone about the Civil War and how he saved General Custer at Little Big Horn. But the highlight of his day is when I show up with Grandma and I let him slap my ass.

He lives with his wife Marge who's 92. She's sharp as a tack; she just keeps an eye on her husband, so he doesn't get too out of hand. I told her it's okay if he slaps my ass.

Marge is nice and loves to tell jokes. These are a few of her favorites:

What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? Hold on to your nuts, this ain't no normal blowjob!

What's another name for a pussy? The box a penis comes in.

What's the difference between anal and oral? Oral sex makes your day, Anal makes your hole weak!

Marge loved to laugh at her own jokes too.

Anyway, back to Grandma and the gangbang.

When I write my stories, I use the names of people I know. For example, my brother-in-law, he's a wise ass and we always joke with each other. My Birthday is December 20th, so Billy would give me my birthday present that was part of my Christmas present. One year he gave me 10 D batteries.

For Christmas, he gave me a battery-operated Magic Wand. I had broken up with my boyfriend and he thought I could use one. My sisters both laughed, mom had to explain to Dad, who wasn't happy, and Grandma, well Grandma uses it more than I do. She says it feels great on her back, but she's not dumb, I'm sure she's using it as a sex toy.

So, I got back at Billy by writing about him and my sister Bree in my stories.

"Billy," Bree said, "we made a deal. Your fantasy was to see me having sex with another man and I did it. I did it because I love you and I would do anything to keep you happy. Now, it's time for my fantasy."

"Bree, do I have to?"

"Yes, Billy you do, now get on your stomach, ass up, and bite down hard because I'm gonna fuck the shit out of that ass of yours."

The girls at the senior center loved that story when Grandma read it to them. She even told them that Billy is her granddaughter's husband, and he really is into ass fucking. I may have encouraged her to tell that to her friends.

My other sister Beth begs me all the time not to make fun of her husband Bob. "He's very sensitive," she tells me. So, I ease up on Bob. In my stories, he's a Private Dick from back in the 40s solving cases and Beth is a hooker turning tricks.

Bob loves Beth and he tries to convince her that she doesn't have to turn tricks anymore, he'll take care of her.

"Bob, you're too good a man for a slut like me. Find someone that you can have a family with and grow old together with." I have my sister Beth deepthroating Johns and getting fucked up the ass in every story as Bob is out there solving mysteries thinking one day Beth will marry him.

Now, Grandma wants me to write a story about her having a gang bang with a bunch of Black guys.

Right, how does a 75-year-old woman come up with shit like this? Well, that's Grandma.

"Tara, I even came up with a name for the story, "Granny in the Ghetto!"

Now obviously me and Grandma have an age barrier, "what?" I asked.

"The Ghetto, you know Battle of the Bands the guy that sings Elvis Presley songs," Grandma said.

"You mean Bouke and the Elvis Tribute Band?"

"Yes, remember, they sang In the Ghetto. I loved Elvis' voice, and that Burke fella is good too, sounds just like Elvis.

"Okay so back to the Getto Grandma."

"The Ghetto, where Black Rappers like Eminem came from. Your mother used to listen to The Beastie Boys too. They were another Black band that had a few fun songs that your mother used to sing and dance stupidly to."

"Grandma, Eminem, and The Beastie Boys are white."

"White. White people don't live in the Ghetto. And I've already had sex with white men, I want a big black dick. I mean Grandma in the Ghetto, the story not me," Grandma made sure to clarify for me.

"Right," I said. Grandma might be like 75, but as I said, she uses my Magic Wand more than me. I think Grandma really wants a big black dick. I don't know if she really wants a gangbang, but one big dick, I think she does.

That's why she's asking me about my gangbang, which I didn't have, I just met a few guys last night that's all.

Go back and read Tara's Adventures - Introduction Tara's Adventures - Introduction - Non-Erotic - Literotica.com if you want to learn more about the big black friends, I just made last night.

So where were we? Grandma in the Ghetto.

"Grandma, what's the Ghetto?" I asked. You see, I was still a little confused.

"The Ghetto, sing it with me Elvis' song, In the Ghetto."

As the snow flies

On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'

A poor little baby child is born

To Granny in the ghetto

And Granny cries

'Cause if there's one thing that she don't need

It is another hungry mouth to feed

In the ghetto

People, don't you understand

The child needs a helping hand

Or he'll grow to be an angry young man someday

Take a look at you and me

Are we too blind to see?

I was once a wealthy Granny until I got fucked in the ghetto.

And now my family looks the other way.

"See," Grandma said, "you remember the words."

"Granny, I don't think those are the actual words to the song."

And Granny's hunger burns

So she starts to stare at all the BBC on the streets at night

In the ghetto

(In the ghetto)

"Or Grandma," now that I understood where she was going with this, "how about Granny in the Hood."

"Yes, the hood I like that too," Grandma said. "Also, I brought you three Excedrin with Caffeine and a glass of blue Gatorade. Your mom has fresh coffee and a BEC waiting for you in the kitchen."

"And you're just telling me this now!" I need my coffee and there's nothing like a BEC."

Okay, so yesterday I made a mistake, it was a fun mistake, but still a mistake. I transposed the numbers and went to the wrong address.

Recap do we need a recap?

Yes, okay.

Jack, Mom's lover, until I learn something different, sent Mom a dick pic. I got Mom's phone and copied down the address of where they were planning there rondaveiw, I mean their rendezvous. That's just a stupid word. Anyway, rendezvous, but I transposed the address. I wrote it down as 522 Maryville Lane; the correct address was 225 Maryville Lane.

I made new friends at "Shady Corner," when I went to the wrong address, hence, the Black gang bang because Grandma must have seen Tiny placing me in my bed last night. Tiny is a big Black man with a 12-inch dick.

So, today I am going to the right address, 225 Maryville Lane. But not until I've had my coffee, BEC, and a shower.

I left the house and hopped into my red convertible Mini Cooper S, that Grandma bought me for graduation, typed the address into the GPS, checked it twice, and as I was about to pull away, Grandma jumped in the car with me.

"Grandma, do you need a ride somewhere today?"

"Nope, but I ain't sitting home with your mother and those four little kids running around the house all day. Let's go find your Black friends and do some day drinking." I wasn't sure if I should tell Grandma what was going on or not.

Fuck it. "Grandma, we need to talk." As we pulled away, I told Grandma the whole story.

"So why didn't you just tell your mother to cut the shit out, give her a slap on the head and remind her she's married?" Grandma's words of wisdom.

"Grandma, cheating is an addiction, it's like being hooked on coke."

"Coca-Cola," Grandma said surprised.

"No Grandma Cocaine."

"Oh, that's bad," Grandma said.

"I thought about confronting Mom, but she could just tell me it was a random text that went to the wrong person, and she was just having fun and responded."

"Yeh, I could see that. I know that's what I would do. I would have also asked for a video of him jerking off." I just stared at Grandma.

"So, I plan to catch her in the act," I told Grandma.

"Good plan. We spy on her, maybe some video and pictures, and just as Jack starts fucking your mom, I mean my slut daughter, we surprise um. Then I slap on the head and remind her she's married."

"Well, we could do that, but another idea would be to surprise them before they start fucking, and then if you still want to slap Mom on the head and remind her, she's married, you go right ahead, and I'll video you teaching Mom a lesson."

"That sounds like a plan. Now let's check out this sleazy motel big dick Jack is taking your mom to fuck." I love Grandma, she has no filters and she's okay with me cursing right along with her.

Pulling up in the parking lot of The Cherryville Inn, we found it was a nice restaurant with a hotel. It was nothing like the "Shady Corner," but I bet it's not as much fun.

"Grandma you think this is a hotel or a motel?"

"Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn," Grandma said and we high-fived, my dad's songs from the 80s.

"At least big dick Jack isn't taking your slut mom to a cheap motel to screw her, and she might get a nice meal.

Well, as long as we're here, Grandma said, "we might as well get ourselves a drink. As the late Jimmy Buffett would say, "It's 12:00 somewhere."

"Well Grandma, it's only 11:30 here."

"Whatever," Grandma responded, "I'm Buying."

The place was nice, it was a pub and had a long bar, a few pool tables, dartboards, tables, and chairs. I kind of liked the place and wouldn't mind hanging out here on a Friday or Saturday night.

I walked up to the bar, Tammy, that's what her name tag said, told us that she couldn't serve alcohol until 12:00.

Grandma looked at Tommy with a smile, "Well then give me a Coke and I guess you better pour a shot or two of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum in it very slow."

Tammy laughed. "And what can I get you?"

"Just a Mic Ultra, thank you."

"Put your tongue back in your mouth and quit drooling or you'll scare that pretty girl away," Grandma said as Tammy walked away to fix our drinks.

No, I'm not a lesbian, just a little bicurious. Me and Grandma, as you can see, are very close. She loves all my stories. So of course, I told her that I may have been with a few girls at college.

"Grandma, can you talk any louder?"

"Oh, calm down, I'm just trying to help you. You know she's into you?"

"How do you know she's into me," I asked.

"Well, those perky nipples of hers aren't getting hard because she's checking me out."

Tammy came back with our drinks, "Your grandma's right," she said as she left to take a few orders from people who had just walked in.

"See I told you," Grandma said with a smile.

Tammy came back to the bar, and we talked for a while. Grandma took over the conversation, you know, phone number, days off, and of course, Grandma had to ask, "So are you like all-in lesbian or bi?"

"Grandma!" I wanted to know too but felt funny asking.

"What, it was just a question," Grandma said.

"It's fine, let's just say I'm bicurious."

"See," Grandma said, "just like you; you two were made for each other."

"This place is nice, I never knew it was here," I said to Tammy trying to change the subject.

Tammy went on to tell us that it was remodeled a few years ago.

"They advertise but most people think it's still just a hotel and don't realize there is also a nice bar. Once a month the bar is closed for a weekend for a private party."

"What kind of "Private Party" Grandma asked.

"Swingers party," Tammy responded.

"Do I need a man to come with me or can I come and just say I'm a unicorn? Isn't that what they call themselves?"

"What the hell Grandma?"

"What, I only know the term from reading your stories." She had me there. I have written a few alternative lifestyle stories.

"What was that one story, The Unicorn and Stallion and a Mare? Yes, that was it. That story was a hit at the senior center," Grandma said.

Tammy looked confused as I went on to explain that I write stories for a few online erotic sites. She can't wait to get home and read the stories I've written.

"We're not supposed to talk about it, but" as Tammy went on to tell us anyway, "by 9:00 the party is crazy and everyone in the bar is completely naked there's dancing on the tables, body shots, people having sex out by the pool and jacuzzi area. This place turns into a giant orgy. By the end of the night, all the rooms are full.

You didn't hear it from me, but there's a lot of drugs at these parties too. Some of the girls that come in look so innocent, but once they have a few drinks they start doing lines and they all turn into sluts."

"You think roofies too?" Grandma asked. Again, I looked at Grandma and just shook my head. 'How does she know about roofies?'

"Listen, I'm not judging the girls. They can do what they want. The guys that come into these parties are loaded and the girls love the attention. It's not just swingers, single rich guys are allowed in and the bouncers don't stop single girls from coming in.

The girls know why they're here. And I know that I get paid a lot of money to keep the alcohol flowing and keep my mouth shut."

"So, when's the next party and how do I get invited," Grandma asked with a giggle.

"You want to see a video of what one of these parties looks like?" Tara asked.

"Yes," Grandma and I both said in unison.

I couldn't believe they videotaped the parties. You would think people would want this to be something private, but who knows?

"I just videoed one party on my phone, no one knows," Tammy said.

Grandma and I looked at the video on Tammy's iPhone and she was right, girls were dancing on tables, and drugs were all over. I also noticed the chief of police was getting head from a pretty blond. There were also other public officials attending these parties.

Who says Democrats and Republicans can't get along?

"If you go down that hall, there's a few offices and VIP rooms," Tammy said, "and also a few rooms down in the dungeon."

"Dungeon," Grandma said with excitement, "can we take a peek?"

Tammy laughed, "No I don't have the keys and no videos are permitted in the private rooms or dungeons. If the participants are okay with it, spectators can watch, but no pictures or videos."

We had a nice time talking with Tammy and stayed for lunch too. The food was pretty good. But it was getting late, and I had to get Grandma home. She needs her nap. She calls it her "beauty rest."

I did make plans to hook up with Tammy sometime next week.

"Kiss her goodbye. Do I have to teach you everything," Grandma said.

Tammy took over kissing me to make Grandma happy. "Call me," Tammy said as Grandma, and I walked away from the bar.

"She seems nice," Grandma said. I just smiled.

"Okay Grandma, I need to get you home for your nap or mom's gonna start getting worried about where we are."

"I already texted your mother and told her we were out doing Grandma / Granddaughter stuff and we'll be home when we get home."

"Okay, but when we get home and she's mad, this one is all on you," Grandma just smiled at me.

"So where are we going now?" She asked.

"I should stop in and see my friends from last night and thank them for taking such good care of me and getting me home safe." So, we were off to Shady Corner.

Chapter 4 - Grandma and the Shady Corner Gang

"Now Grandma, please don't tell my new friends that you want to have a gangbang with them. I'm not 100% sure that they wouldn't take you up on it." Grandma laughed but it was a devilish laugh. Sometimes Grandma scares me.

We pulled up in front of Shady Corner and I looked at Grandma, "You ready?"

"Not the safest looking place, but fuck it, let's have some fun," she said.

We walked into the bar and Rose saw me, "White Girl, why are you back." The rest of the guys turned to see me and started chanting "White Girl, White Girl!"

Tiny walked up to me with open arms, "My bitch is back." And gave me a big hug.

"Grandma, this is Tiny."

"Oh, I've heard a lot about you," Grandma said as she reached her hand out to Tiny's crotch and started playing with his balls over his pants. Tiny's eyes opened wide, "I like Grandma," Tiny said.

"Oh my god Grandma!"

Next PD came to me grabbing me around the waist like I was his and escorted me to the bar. Grandma was all about Tiny and just ignored me.

"Tiny, "Grandma said, "would you mind if we took a selfie, and can you give me your cell number? The girls at the senior center will be so fucking jealous of me when I tell them I fucked a big Black man. I may even tell them that I'm your bitch."

"Really Grandma, I thought I was Tiny's bitch." We all took a bunch of pictures together. Grandma and Tiny exchanged numbers and PD and I did the same.

"White Girl I had a feeling you'd be back, just not this soon," Rose said, "so I bought a few bottles of this RumChata that you like." With that, she poured us all shots of Jack Daniels Cinnamon and RumChata.

"You gonna do a shot to Grandma," Rose asked.

"Hell, yes, and give me a Rum and Coke too. Captain Morgan Spiced Rum don't give me any of the cheap shit either," we all laughed.

Rose put a Watermelon Vodka and club in front of me.

"Grandma had already met Rose and was talking alcohol when I introduced her to PD, T, and Terance.

"Back already," T said.

"I just wanted to stop in and thank you guys for taking such good care of me."

"You're welcome here anytime White Girl, you one of us now," and we all did another shot.

"Okay Grandma, White Girl tells us you got a lot of jokes from the senior center, let's hear a few," T said.

Oh, here we go. Give Grandma the stage and she'll eat it up.

"Four people are standing together when the Titanic hits the iceberg. The first was a deckhand who said, "We need to get the lifeboats." The second was a schoolteacher who said, "What about the children?" The third was a lawyer who said, "fuck the children." The fourth was a priest who said, "Do you think we have time?"

"Grandma, that's terrible," I said.