Tarnished Image


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They were all pretty drunk by the time Kyle led them to the tub set into the planks of the sun porch just off the recreation room. Even the porch was nicely decorated and had comfortable chairs and couches.

"We don't have suits." Jill cautioned, knowing it was a futile argument.

"Not allowed in the tub anyway." Bill said with a mischievous smile.

"Oh, come on... Jilly!" Lisa drawled. "Let's have some fun!" She held her liquor pretty well from long experience, but Jill knew Lisa had had enough. But then, she knew she herself was feeling no pain and everything seemed funny.

"Oh, OK. Let us get in first, though?"

"Sure... we won't look, will we Bill?" Kyle laughed wickedly.

"Oh... silly... let them see us... won't see anything new! " Lisa was being wild.

Bill led the way, one arm around Jill's waist, low on her buttock. Here it is!" He pulled the cover off and moved it to one side. The water was steaming and looked clean and inviting with lights under the water and bubbles swirling from the jets.

"OK... boys, turn around..." Lisa had begun to unzip her dress. She turned to Jill for help and Jill unclipped the top snap and it slid down Lisa's arms. Jill took it from her and laid it carefully over a chair. When she turned back, Lisa was struggling with her brassiere. The men had their backs turned but were cheating a little and joking about it. Kyle was naked. Bill was bare from the waist up and was unbuckling his belt.

Lisa handed Jill her bra to put with her dress and Jill noticed that Lisa's nipples were very hard. She was tempted to pinch, but refrained.

"Jesus, Lisa, you DO have a nice rack!" she giggled.

"Damned right! " Lisa laughed. "But look who's talking!}

Jill's dress buttoned all the way down the front and Bill offered to unbutton it for her. She decided to let him do it and stood still while he worked his way down and let it fall open to show her lacy black brassiere and the fact that she wore matching see-thru panties under the pantyhose.

"I'll do it, Bill." She said as he showed an interest in helping further. "Turn around! You've seen enough for now." She chided with a smile.

Jill dropped her Maidenform brassiere on top of the dress, the cups still retaining the shape of her ample breasts. Her nipples and areola were rather pointed in shape and it gave her breasts a briskly teardrop shape. They were maturing nicely in other words, rather than sagging onto her ribcage. Quickly she pushed the pantyhose down and left her panties on. They stepped into the tub, helping each other. The men turned and looked while they were still standing.

"Wow..." Kyle murmured. "Hey... no panties!"

"Yes..." Bill echoed.

Jill was blushing but complained. "Just at first, then? But she got out of the tub, stripped them off and tossed them toward her dress, then quickly stepped into the steaming hot tub. She stood for a minute, getting used to it, her back to the men.

The men approached the tub, both with raging erections.

Jill huddled chin deep with her knees clutched in her arms, while Lisa was bolder and let her nipples break the water.

"Wow this is hot!" Lisa complained.

"That's the idea. It gets cold out her in the middle of winter." They laughed knowingly. Even tonight if they stood up out of the steam it would feel cold. Kyle was still playing technical guide and he sat down close to Lisa and put his arm around her.

Bill got into the tub in a practiced step into the deep center and sat down next to Jill pressing close to her lush body. He draped his hand around behind her under the water. She felt his hand caress her hip and bottom. There were more drinks on a tray that Bill had brought with him.

'Oh my next one should be white wine, not a Manhattan." Jill's eyes pleaded over the lip of the dark drink as she sipped it. She loved the rich sweet taste, but too many of them would be a disaster.

Bill said, "Right... sure thing." His hand came up her side and he squeezed Jill's soft breast. The feel of it under water was like a wonderful soft toy. He stroked down to the pointed nipple.

"You are beautiful, Jill." He murmured into her ear. It tickled and she pushed her shoulder up toward the ear and he kissed the shoulder, licking drops of water from it. "Your skin is perfectly soft... I love touching it..." he went on. She put her hand on his knee and squeezed and turned to let him kiss her. His mouth felt soft in the steam from the water and once again she offered her tongue as she had been doing all evening. Her nipples firmed a little more and she felt the warmth of the liquor and the sexy kisses and more warmth between her legs.

"You can't do it in the water, you boob, all the lubricants are washed off and it hurts when you try to put it in." Lisa was preaching a learned lesson about sex in a swim pool.

"We could try. I'll be careful." He argued drunkenly.

"No." Lisa said firmly.

Jill couldn't see under the water what his hands were doing but they seemed to be between her friend's legs. Everyone's legs and feet were scrunched together in the middle where a game of footsie was inevitable. Lisa floated her legs toward them and Bill took her toe and towed her legs back and forth in an arc. Her mound with more than a tuft of auburn hair rose above the surface. Jill took Lisa's other foot and they turned her floating body until her pussy was facing Kyle and Bill held up her shoulders.

"You're beautiful, Lisa," he said.

"Isn't she? I tell her that all the time but she won't have it." He smoothed a few drops from one of her breasts.

"She's got a great set of tits," Kyle slurred and reached between her legs, then came off his seat and pressed his face to kiss her pussy under the water. His eyes were on Jill, gauging her reaction. Lisa didn't seem to mind.

You got any pot, Billy?" Kyle wanted to know.

Billy directed him to the table and he stood up, his prick bouncing nakedly in front of them. He came back with a fat, smoking, hand rolled cigarette clamped with something metal. He dragged on it and passed it to Lisa.

"I haven't done much of that in a long time." She said slowly.

"Here, I'll hold it for you." Kyle insisted.

He held it expertly avoiding getting it wet.

Jill took a medium drag, remembering what it had been like in college. She let the smoke linger in her mouth, then leaned back and let it slowly drift away from her. The smell of the weed was pungent around them. Everyone took a hit and then they began to pass it around for more. Jill felt the effects quickly in the hot water and with her steady drinking.

The party became friendly and they were soon kissing liberally and touching and fondling each other. Women's curves feel extra lush under these conditions of course, and everyone soon thought that everyone else was beautiful. Kyle pinched Jill's nipple when he came across for a wet kiss. With so many stimulants in her body, she thought it felt good, even though earlier she hadn't cared for dancing with Kyle.

"Jill... Jill... Did you feel the dick on my date? Sheeeee! Come on, just hold it a minute, see how nice." Lisa said drunkenly, then giggled as if it was very funny.

"Thanks hon, I'll stay over here." Bill took it as an invitation to bring Jill's hand down onto his cock. She looked into his eyes and squeezed it for a moment, then put her hand on his stomach feeling the hair above the base of his cock. She could see it clearly through the water.

Bill put his hand between Lisa's lags and she let him kiss her with his tongue while she opened her thighs and let him touch her. He didn't try to put anything inside her body and she was glad of that. Lisa was correct about rubbing down there with the lubricant washed off by the water. It could hurt.

His hands felt smooth now with the weed she had smoked, everything seemed smooth and she let him pull her up onto his lap. Half floating with his hands under her she felt his cock toy with her crack and momentarily touch her labia.

"Mmmm." She moaned a little into his ear because he was being gentle, as he played with her body. Their bodies slipped against each other voluptuously and she was feeling no pain at all, just pleasure. The passing time seemed irrelevant. Or at least she forgot about the passing time and just let the man she had met a few hours ago play with her body any way he wanted. He felt, touched, pinched, caressed freely, soothing her into a dream-like state.

Lisa was standing in front of Kyle and Kyle had his finger in her pussy. A light in the background glinted through Lisa?s legs and Jill stared at the finger playing in side her friend's pussy. She had never seen that sight in her life, she reflected. She stared transfixed. She could see that his fingers were being lubricated now that her bottom was not in the water. She watched as Lisa straightened her back and pushed down on the fingers, two, now. Jill shuddered with the sexuality of it as a tingle coursed through her body.

"Want to do that." Bill whispered in her ear.

She shook her head slowly negatively. "Married." She giggled, and then turned and kissed his open lips once again and fed her breast into his hands. She straddled him and pressed her mound against Billy's cock.

"Ohmigod!" she moaned.

But she didn't let him penetrate with anything. She just felt him. And thought about how very fat his prick seemed under the water brushing amongst her black hair.

"We probably have been in the water too long." Billy cautioned. They all stood up thoroughly hot-soaked now.

"I have to pee! " Lisa said.


The girls went to the bathroom together. Lisa hurriedly sat on the stool and the sound of her flood sounded heavy.

"You OK, honey?" Jill asked, putting her hand on her friend's cheek.

"Oh, yeah, Just a little water-logged, Jill. How about you? Are you doing OK with Bill?"

"He's being OK. We should be going soon. I don't know what time it is."

"Honey... I just want to... do him... OK.. Just a little while longer? He has me so hot... I want to get laid tonight. Do you mind?"

"Sure? I wasn?t thinking of that, you know."

"Won't take long." Lisa insisted.

"OK, I just want to know that you really want it."

"Yes. Need it. You should do it too. 'S good for ya!" She giggled, got up, and blotted between her legs.

"Hand me my clothes when you go out, will you?' Jill said, taking her place on the potty.

Lisa padded out and then brought Jill's clothes and left again.



Bill was disappointed to put his hand on her knee and find she had put her pantyhose on under the dress. He groaned quietly, but didn't say anything more, just pulled her down onto the couch and pulled her close. He had his trousers on but no shoes or sox. He had combed his hair and put on his cowboy hat.

"Let me try that on." She asked. She put it on and they laughed at how far down over her ears it came.

"Where are they?" she asked after a minute.

"They took the truck and went over to Kyle's."

"What?" He repeated it.

"Wanted to be alone, I guess." And then his voice turned a little cruel and he said, "I think he is going to fuck her over there."

Jill cringed inside, but she just nodded knowingly.

His big hands found her breasts and he squeezed.

"Well I hope they aren't gone long. Do you have another car you can take me home in?"

"No, I'm sorry. I don't think they'll be long, she seemed ready." Again the voice was meant to be cutting.

"Let's go listen to some music, maybe a dirty movie." He murmured, blowing into her ear, and she felt her hair swirl under his breath.

"Music would be nice."

He stood up and scooped her up in his arms.

"Whooooo!" she tried to be friendly.

He took her down the long hallway to the master bedroom. She was still floating a little from the smoke and the whiskey but she was worried about what he was expecting.

He dropped her in the middle of the bed and she scooted up to the pillows, here shoes still on. The lights went down low and the soft music came up and a dirty movie came onto the screen.

"Look what they are doing, looks like fun."

Jill glanced at two beautiful people having sex in a rather acrobatic position and then felt something on her wrist. She was reacting slowly and didn't bother with it, just swung her wrist and watched as the man on the screen pulled out and then shoved it back in very quickly. Bill went to the other side of the bed and she felt something on her wrist there too.

Suddenly she realized he had put leather shackles on her wrists and chained her to the head posts of the bed.

She tried to be calm. "Bill... Bill... what is this?"

"The little woman sometimes liked this feature, being restrained just a little while we did it. Not too tight, are they."

"Noooo, she said thoughtfully. You promised to help keep me from doing something a married woman shouldn't, Bill. We still have that agreement?"

" I would never make a married woman do something bad."

He reached for a third shackle for her leg. She kicked out at him, catching him in the chest.

"That's enough Bill."

"I like a little wildcat." He said, rubbing his chest.

"Now Bill, we've had a nice evening. A nice date. Haven't we?"

"Yes, I still like you, Jill. Bit honey, teasing isn't nice either, is it. Prick teasing, I mean?" He took her foot firmly this time and snapped the ankle to the chain. She tried to kick again, and then decided she had to use words. And persuasion, not force. He was much too big.

"Oh, Bill. Let me give you a hand job. I can make it feel just like my pussy. Come on, let me play with that big thing some more. I couldn't do it in the water, but I wanted to."

He was unbuttoning the dress now and she watched her breasts so nicely trussed in her brassiere appear, then her panties under the nylon of her stockings.

He didn't take it out from under her, just opened it and left her lying on to p of it.

"I could scream." She warned.

"I don't think they will hear, darlin'. It's a couple miles to Kyle's place.

"Won't they be coming right back? You said Lisa looked ready to be fucked."

"Maybe. But don't hold your breath. Old Kevin likes to go at it a lot once he gets it in some sweet poontang! She won?t be running any races when she comes back."

He sat on the bed beside her and put his hand on her pussy, gripping the mound under the tight pantyhose.

"Now why did you run in and put your pantyhose after it took me so long to get them off your sweet ass? I liked feeling you up all free and soft, don't you know."

"Oh, that feels good, Bill, rub me some more."

He put his other hand on her breast and squeezed too hard.

" That feels good too, hon, a little softer, though."

Panic was setting in, the panic of unpredictability and fear. In spite of herself, her pussy was starting to lubricate under the big hand exploring through the chastity belt of Hanes pantyhose.

"Bill wouldn't it be better without my arms and legs tied like this. I could put it in for you, and if my legs were free I could thrust against you when you shove it in?" She was desperate. It seemed inevitable she was going to be taken by this man. She didn't want to be hurt. This couldn't be a rape, could it? She had thought it would never happen to her. Now she was looking anxiously around for an escape, but could find none. Where the hell was her friend Lisa?

He was between her legs now, blowing his warm breath through the thickness of her pantyhose and her panties. The spot under his mouth got very hot concentrated as it was. She tried pulling on the cuffs but they were well designed. They wouldn't leave marks but she couldn't get them off either.

She felt the moisture from his tongue as she looked down into his eyes. He stood up and took off his pants. There were no undershorts.

"Bill..." she gasped. "It's so big! " Try flattery.

"So, my dear, you want to suck it for me, eh"

He kneed up the bed and straddled her chest letting the long length flop against her chin. Reluctantly, she opened her mouth and tried to look beguiling. He pushed the tip up to her bottom lip. Jill tilted her head and tried to lick him. She felt the slick precum on the gleaming head and leaned for more, but he didn't move any closer. She pursed her red lips prettily and looked beseechingly into his eyes.

He got off the bed and went rummaging though a drawer.

"Oh, my god! Bill, you don't want to hurt me, do you?" she beat back the tears and stared at him. He looked huge now and he had a large pair of dressmaker's scissors in his hands. They must have been a foot long or more.

"What are you going to do with those, Bill" Please. I have children to take care of."

"I'm not going to hurt you!'

"Oh, sweetie, good. Thank you. What are the scissors for?"

He grinned and came onto the bed again.

"I tried the subtle way, now the direct way." He was drunk and swaying as he talked. He pulled one strap of her brassiere and slipped the scissor under it and waited. She couldn't believe it and she flinched away, afraid of a careless jab with those points. Her scream would have woken the neighbors if there were any.



Both straps fell uselessly. "Oh, don't ruin my underwear. I'll take it off for you. I took it off for you already. Didn't you like seeing my breasts and nipples and my pussy? I took my underwear off for you once."

"And put it back on, bitch." He said meanly.

She moved her chin back as he tried to cut through the band of her brassiere. It was too tough and so he grabbed the straps and yanked the cups away from her tits. He straddled her again and laid his cock between her tits and moved it up and down between.

"Loosen my chains and I'll press them together around that big cock, honey. Please. I like the way that feels, too."

He said nothing, his eyes glazed and intent on her nipples and the way his white cock slipped between her soft tanned breasts.

"You can't do this, Billy." The tears were in her eyes now, there with the fear. Her traitor pussy was flooding, though. Something about the sexuality and the fear was making her moist. She remembered the council that the way to ward off rape is to pee on him. She knew she wouldn't be able to do that if she thought it would be a good idea. And she didn't.

He moved down and bit her nipples. That can feel good, but she was too frightened to feel a good tingle. He had the scissors again and her tears weren't swaying him. He held the scissors threateningly right at her pussy. She cringed and closed her eyes. She felt him pull the nylon crotch away from her body and then heard the zip of the scissors and the fresh air going into the slit he had made from her mound up a few inches in the pantyhose. He turned the scissors around and she felt the cold steel slide down between the cheeks of her ass near her anus.


That sound again and more cool air.

She felt the blade slide along her inner thigh and another.


The other leg followed .

His mouth was on the crotch of her soggy panties now, again blowing a hot spot right over her clitoris. His big hand curled under the sweet little panties and the scissor made short work of the crotch of her panties.


Her genitals were now:


And the cool air rushed in against the wet lips. Her eyes were wide as saucers, staring in disbelief at what had just been done to her. There she lay,

SPREAD-EAGLED, as wide as her legs could go.

She felt sullied and used as his tongue swept up her slit, spreading her lips. He touched her asshole with the wet tip of his tongue and licked her all the way to her clitoris and even up into the hair of her mound. His big hands scooped up her ass cheeks and he lifted her for another long slow lick touching all the surface between her lips and her cheeks. He was doing a thorough job. Every surface was tingling in spite of the fact that she thought she was being raped.